This document contains a quiz on graph theory concepts for a discrete mathematics course. The quiz contains 8 questions covering topics like finding edges/vertices of a graph, determining degrees of vertices, identifying isolated/parallel vertices, drawing graphs, determining if graphs have Euler or Hamiltonian circuits, working with adjacency matrices of directed graphs, and determining if graphs are isomorphic. The instructor's name and date are listed but the student name is blank.
This document contains a quiz on graph theory concepts for a discrete mathematics course. The quiz contains 8 questions covering topics like finding edges/vertices of a graph, determining degrees of vertices, identifying isolated/parallel vertices, drawing graphs, determining if graphs have Euler or Hamiltonian circuits, working with adjacency matrices of directed graphs, and determining if graphs are isomorphic. The instructor's name and date are listed but the student name is blank.
This document contains a quiz on graph theory concepts for a discrete mathematics course. The quiz contains 8 questions covering topics like finding edges/vertices of a graph, determining degrees of vertices, identifying isolated/parallel vertices, drawing graphs, determining if graphs have Euler or Hamiltonian circuits, working with adjacency matrices of directed graphs, and determining if graphs are isomorphic. The instructor's name and date are listed but the student name is blank.
This document contains a quiz on graph theory concepts for a discrete mathematics course. The quiz contains 8 questions covering topics like finding edges/vertices of a graph, determining degrees of vertices, identifying isolated/parallel vertices, drawing graphs, determining if graphs have Euler or Hamiltonian circuits, working with adjacency matrices of directed graphs, and determining if graphs are isomorphic. The instructor's name and date are listed but the student name is blank.
Al-Sharq College for Science and Technology, Jeddah (K.S.A)
CMP-200: Discrete Mathematics Quiz No. 1
Name: Instructor: Engr. Javeria Farooq Dated: Qno.1: For the given graph: (i) Find all edges that are incident on v 1 . (ii) Find all vertices that are adjacent to v 3 . (iii) Find all edges that are adjacent to e 1 . (iv) Find all loops. (v) Find all parallel edges. (vi) Find all isolated vertices. (vii) Find the degree of v 3 (viii) Find the total degree of the graph.
Qno.2: Graph with ve vertices of degrees 1, 2, 3, 3, and 5. Qno.3: Draw K3, 4. Qno.4: Find the number of connected components for given graph. Qno.5: Determine which of the graph have Euler circuit. If the graph does not have an Euler circuit, explain why not. If it does have an Euler circuit, describe one. Qno.6: Find Hamiltonian circuits for the given graph. Qno.7: Find directed graph that have the following adjacency Matrix: 4 5 6 Graph Theory Qno8: For pair of simple graphs G and G
determine whether G and G
are isomorphic. If they are, give a function g: V(G) V(G
) that denes the isomorphism. If they are not, give
an invariant for graph isomorphism that they do not share.