Quiz No. "1": CMP-200: Discrete Mathematics

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Graph Theory

Al-Sharq College for Science and Technology, Jeddah (K.S.A)

CMP-200: Discrete Mathematics
Quiz No. 1

Name: Instructor: Engr. Javeria Farooq
Qno.1: For the given graph:
(i) Find all edges that are incident on v
(ii) Find all vertices that are adjacent to v
(iii) Find all edges that are adjacent to e
(iv) Find all loops.
(v) Find all parallel edges.
(vi) Find all isolated vertices.
(vii) Find the degree of v
(viii) Find the total degree of the graph.

Qno.2: Graph with ve vertices of degrees 1, 2, 3, 3, and 5.
Qno.3: Draw K3, 4.
Qno.4: Find the number of connected components for given graph.
Qno.5: Determine which of the graph have Euler circuit. If the graph
does not have an Euler circuit, explain why not. If it does have an
Euler circuit, describe one.
Qno.6: Find Hamiltonian circuits for the given graph.
Qno.7: Find directed graph that have the following adjacency

Q.no 4
Q.no 5
Q.no 6
Graph Theory
Qno8: For pair of simple graphs G and G

determine whether G and G

are isomorphic. If
they are, give a function g: V(G) V(G

) that denes the isomorphism. If they are not, give

an invariant for graph isomorphism that they do not share.

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