Intermediate September 16

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Write down the genitive singular and plural forms for
nauta, nautae; cibus, cibi; lux, lucis

Write down the 1st person plural present and

imperfect forms for habeo, habre and mitto, mittere

The Quiz/Proba

You will have to do the following for the

Look at 2 or 3 lines of Latin from Ecce
Romani, give the case, number, and gender
for all nouns and adjectives, give the person,
number, and tense for all verbs
Extra Credit: Decline a noun in the singular and
plural for a particular case across the first
three declensions

Whats on the Quiz?
Hows Homework going to help me study
for the quiz?
Mad Libs
The Roman Thing of the Day



Homework/Quiz Practice
On the handout:
Identify the parts of speech, identify the case, number,
and gender of nouns and adjectives, identify the
person, number, and tense of all the conjugated verbs
in the FIRST SIX LINES (Eucleides possunt)
NOTE: Eucleides is a Greek name and uses Greek case
endings.You dont have to worry about it.
See if you can do this without looking at the noun and
verb charts.
Homework due Tuesday (same day as the quiz)


Homework Practice

Practice on these lines:

Mad Libs

Still have your Mad Libs from earlier in

the week?

Raeda in foss harebat. Cornelii per viam

ibant ad cauponam quae non procul aberat.

The Roman Thing of the Day

The Roman Thing of the Day

The Alexander Mosaic

The Tomb of Gaius Cestius

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