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6 Weeks 20%

Start Day
Interim Review
Final Review
Portfolio Submission

A bridge: making place

Bridge definition



Monday 20th October 2014

Monday 3rd November 2014
[Briefing booklet, design sketches in context @1:100 + 2 test models]
Monday 24th November 2014
[Full submission see below]
Monday 1st December 2014

J. Kaminsky collection

The first bridges were made by nature itselfas simple as a log fallen across a stream or stones in the river. The first bridges
made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs or planks and eventually stones, using a simple support
and crossbeam arrangement. Some early Americans used trees or bamboo poles to cross small caverns or wells to get from
one place to another. A common form of lashing sticks, logs, and deciduous branches together involved the use of long reeds
or other harvested fibres woven together to form a connective rope capable of binding and holding together the materials used
in early bridges.

Following on from Project 1 [MAKING CONTACT], Project 2 now allows you to choose a site along
the canal from within the geographical zone on which to make a place by way of an inhabited
bridge across a waterway.

This small, elegant TIMBER STRUCTURE [approximate maximum enclosed area of 300-500 sqm.]
and generally 2 floors in height [some parts may be higher to denote an entrance portal/look out
for example] is to enable occupation and activity by the local population but not as a dwelling
space. It can be connected to wildlife, sport, community gathering, information, environmental,
play etc.
For this project you will select your own site and write your own brief [this is a key attribute that you
need to master by the time you reach Y3]. The site selection and brief will enable you to design the
inhabited bridge. You will select a site anywhere along the canal or waterway within the geographical
zone. In order to select the site you may use your observations and research from project one. Your
knowledge of the canal side, facilities, local community and surrounding environment should indicate
to you the best place for a crossing. You need to be able to justify why you are linking one side of
the canal to the other, why this particular place, what is significant about it or what does the link
allow to happen. What wider areas does your bridge allow to link up? Your bridge is a start of
something new, the start of a new place and of new opportunities. Think carefully about where the
bridge links to and from, do you anticipate what the future development of each side might be. The
bridge may act as a landmark, a place to meet, and will certainly link existing or proposed routes
paths or networks from one side to the other.
We will be judging how your bridge fits with its location how it uses the local phenomenal
characteristics to enhance a particular site quality. This project explores the connections between
the phenomenal aspects of space, lived experience and architecture. Students will develop multisensory approaches to architecture on a sensitive site, in order to develop a spatial understanding
of architecture as a lived experience. The project will focus on the perception of ambience and
atmosphere in the exploration of space, and sensory qualities, viz. the tactile, audible, haptic
qualities that constitute architectural experience.
Specific Project learning outcomes:


adequate analytical understanding of materiality and spatial characteristics

a successfully used creative ability to use haptic aspects of design and
a pertinent integrated approach to the materiality and structural choices
engagement with design explorations through making
adequate drafting, modelling and crafting levels for this stage
adequate engagement, development and progress

A reminder of the key core reading for the year and in particular for this project IS IN NOWs

Start with:
SITE VISIT After the project introduction on 20th October please visit the site with your tutor
group. This site visit is to learn a bit more about the general area and to look for potential sites
for your bridge. If you do go back to site in the coming weeks please DO NOT GO ON YOUR OWN,
go in daylight, wear suitable clothing, be careful with your technology and generally be sensible.

Part II Phenomenology Martin Heidegger: Building Dwelling Thinking P98
Rethinking architecture [electronic resource] : a reader in cultural theory
Neil Leach Neil Leach
New York: Routledge 1997
Online access
SKETCH BOOK ideas, paper tests, general design development
The sketch book is like a design diary; in here you will put all your, sketches, ideas from lectures,
short notes, tutorial comments, precedent studies, etc. You will constantly reflect and critique your
work by making notes alongside drawings or photographs. Make sure you date each page. The
sketch book is a view into how your mind works! Look after it, develop a style, and be proud to show
it off. Please ensure you put your name on all work.
RESEARCH BLOG Site Observations [site visits + documenting research]
Site observation is like feline hunting; work alone, carefully and watchfully, observe quietly and with
concentration and when you think you know it all, close your eyes and reimagine it. The key for this
project is to show the important moments in the sites history, its current use and users, its key
routes and pathways. You need to tell the story of the site and highlight through your illustrations,
maps collages and photographs what has affected you the most, what key factors or atmospheres or
history of the site is likely to affect any designs you make there. Keep a file of everything you find
out in your project blog, analyse and comment on information you have found. You will not use it all
in your book but the blog can act as a research base for the whole year.
BRIEFING BOOKLET 1 X A5 You will select your function and client and will describe these in
a handmade A5 book using visuals and text. Your briefing booklet [fully and clearly referenced] will
be a combination of text, photographs and drawings. The booklet needs to describe the following:

A general description of the geographical zone

A more detailed description [including analysis maps] of the canal area
Research that has helped you define the use of the bridge [local activity, local groups and
initiatives, events etc.]
Site selection criteria for the bridge [why does this site need a bridge and who is it for?]
Site options and appraisal
Site selected details [topographical, historical, current facilities, access type analysis,
photographs, existing drawings to scale and other observations personal to you this could
be directly related to your interests in Project 1]
Precedent studies on bridges/ buildings by water/ public landscape projects [you must
include plans, sections as well as photographs]
What your bridge is to be used for as a description and list of spaces with approximate
areas, including where appropriate facilities such as toilets, storage, bike parking, buggy
storage etc.]
You will of course already have a lot of the research material in your blog so you will need
to extract from your blog all the relevant sections for your briefing booklet.
Your booklet should be set out in InDesign and have a front cover, title page, quotes,
contents sheet and page numbers. All relevant information should be referenced.

Please AIM complete your Briefing Booklet by Week 2 of the project =27th October 2014


You will be exploring the positioning of your bridge on site through sketches and models always
remembering the local context. You will be required to submit the following:

Sketch book
Full Briefing Booklet [on cheap paper no cover held with bulldog clip]
Design sketches/drawings @100 in context [please produce so you can pin up your
5. 2 card test models [form and topography] in context [show canal and key features]

Sketch models exploring spatial configuration


J.Kaminsky collection

Pinterest/ Tamir Nagar

Sketch models form to structure Pinterest

Project Development Panel to date = 2 X A2 [use more sheets if you need to]
Sheets summarizing all the work on the project, starting with a paragraph from the brief, site visit,
bits of research, photographic evidence of making the book, a few photographs of your sketch book.
Each graphic needs a text title and short description. Please take time to reflect on the various
stages with a couple of sentences. What did you learn what worked what took a lot of time what you
are pleased about etc. Please do not crowd these sheets give each process its own space.


You will produce the following drawings + test models [photographed and annotated for the portfolio
submission] [You may need to span across 2 or more A2 sheets to include sufficient information
these can then be neatly folded in the portfolio]

Sketch Book [P2]

Revised Briefing Booklet Completed [on cheap paper no cover held with bulldog clip]
Development Panel to date
P2 PROJECT DRAWINGS A2 completed [no. of sheets decided by student]
4 x test models of the bridge on site @ 1:100

P2 Project Drawings as follows and all in black and white line + hatching and shadow are permitted
but no colour:
Site Plan 1:1:2500 [as existing]
Site location Plan 1:500 this should include the roof plan of your bridge
[Drawn to emphasise the key elements that you feel are important]
Site Plan 1:200 [as proposed]
Ground level Plan 1:100 [as proposed] please include context around your building paying attention
to any landscape, pathways, seats, buildings, boats existing or proposed.
First Floor Plan 1:100 [no context needed on this plan] + any other plans as necessary
1 x long section 1:100 this drawing must show the internal spatial character of the spaces. Please
include context around your building including any landscape, pathways, seats, buildings, people,
boats etc.
1 x short section 1:100 this drawing must show the internal spatial character of the spaces, please
include context around your building paying attention to any landscape, pathways, seats, buildings,
boats etc.
1 x long elevation 1:100 this drawing must show the external character of the spaces, emphasising
the composition, materiality and texture. Please include context around your building including any
landscape, pathways, seats, buildings, boats etc.
4 x test models of the bridge on site @ 1:100, this should be done in a way that shows the canal,
topography, building form initially [first 2 models], then the materiality + openings. Context [the
canal and important surrounding features] must be shown. Please use only one material for this
model. Balsa wood or grey/brown/white card are recommended please do not use the laser

Form studies in section Venice Biennale 2013


1. Sketch Book [P2]
2. Blog [P1 + P2]
3. Final Briefing Booklet Completed [good quality print and finished with hard cover] bound
[hand stitched, with key rings or formal binder]
4. Development Panel completed
5. REVISED P2 PROJECT DRAWINGS A2 [no. of sheets decided by student] ALL BLACK AND
6. Black and White photographs of test models arranged neatly and chronologically on A2
paper with brief critical analysis below.
7. 1x part/sample rendered image from your long section to be presented in colour either,
photo shopped [use real examples of materials from good quality photographs to the right
scale] or watercolour or hatched and pencil coloured. Choose and use a rendering technique
Keep the other bits of the drawing in black and white as in the example below. You need to
emphasize the materiality and light quality in the selected spaces.

Henry Svendsem 2014

Sample render at 1:20 or to fit onto an A2 / extended if necessary

For the interim and final reviews please submit on poor quality paper [because its cheaper] for the
panels and briefing booklet and for the portfolio submission please use good quality paper. The
review is the final dress rehersal and the portfolio hand in is the red carpet premier!

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