Turbine Varnish Formation - Whitepaper
Turbine Varnish Formation - Whitepaper
Turbine Varnish Formation - Whitepaper
Dr Felix Guerzoni, Shell Lubricants
Turbomachinery operators in the power generation, oil, gas and petrochemical industries
are seeking ways to reduce their total cost of ownership and maintenance costs by
maximising asset availability and reliability.
WHAT IS VARNISH? As turbine oils degrade in response to Temperature plays a significant role. As
the effects of high, and in many cases the operating temperature increases, it
All turbine oils, whether mineral or
variable, temperatures and/or loads, raises the rate of oxidation and thermal
synthetic based, are composed of
and external and internally generated degradation of the turbine oil, which
hydrocarbons that degrade over time.
contaminants and wear debris, a diverse means that sludge and varnish form more
Understanding and controlling the rate
range of organic hydrocarbon species rapidly at higher temperatures. As a
at which these oils degrade and dealing
may form. These hydrocarbon species general rule of thumb, the Arrhenius rate
with the by-products formed are vital for
originate from degraded base oil or law states that for every 10°C increase in
maximising turbomachinery availability.
additives such as antioxidants and will temperature, the oxidation rate doubles.
Shell scientists have this in mind when
initially be soluble in the oil, for example,
formulating turbine oils to provide Further, the solubility of the oxidation
they may contribute to an increase in
increased resistance to the formation and varnish precursors in the oil is
total acid number (TAN). Over time,
of varnish in service. Shell field-based also temperature dependent. Some oil
however, they develop into insoluble,
technical staff also understand these oil degradation species may be soluble in
polar compounds that then precipitate
degradation pathways when they work the oil at above 55°C, yet insoluble at
out on surfaces such as journal and thrust
with operators on product selection, lower temperatures and fall out of solution.
bearings, servo valves, filters and auxiliary
application and ongoing monitoring. Consider the analogy of dissolving sugar
gear sets, or in the lubricant oil reservoir as
in a hot cup of coffee: while the coffee
varnish or deposits (Figure 1). The resultant
is hot, you can dissolve more and more
varnish can disrupt heat transfer and thus
sugar until it reaches a certain point
lead to increased bearing temperatures,
(becomes saturated) and the temperature
less-responsive servo valves, for example,
falls, then the sugar drops to the bottom of
inlet guide vane valves, and plugged
the cup.
filters, which can cause unplanned
downtime and lower productivity.
VARNISH FORMATION n Siemens: Proactive turbine oil condition Test procedures such as the turbine oil
DRIVING MORE-DEMANDING monitoring and varnish prevention oxidation stability test (TOST) life test
SPECIFICATIONS (E50001-D510-A209-X-7600, 2011) (ASTM D943) and rotating pressure vessel
n MAN Diesel & Turbo: Turbine oxidation test (RPVOT, ASTM D 2272)
The topic of varnish and deposit formation
oils: Tendencies to form deposits provide an indication of a turbine oil’s
in turbine oils, and indeed other lubricants,
and varnishing as well as resulting oxidation resistance. However, they do
is not new and, as the design and ways
recommendations and measures (TMC not address the oil’s propensity to form
of operating turbomachinery change,
15-4338). varnish. As a result, more demanding tests
these oils face increasing levels of stress
such as the dry TOST test (ASTM D7873),
that can lead to the earlier-than-expected GE Power stated in TIL 1528-3 that as many the MAN Turbo & Diesel lubricant
onset of varnish formation. In response, as 33% of the (then installed) F-class turbine temperature ageing test and the Engie
equipment manufacturers have developed fleet show some signs of oil varnishing. (Laborelec) cyclic turbine oil oxidation
more-stringent lubricant specifications and
Table 1 provides a summary of test are now being used to validate and
monitoring practices.
some recent advances in turbine oil approve lubricants, and to differentiate
The industry continues to develop test specifications from industry bodies and turbine oil performance.
procedures that simulate better the leading equipment manufacturers in
propensity of an oil to form varnish in response to issues with varnish formation
service. Several service bulletins on this and reduced oil service life.
topic have been released, including
n GE Power: Lube oil varnishing (Technical
Information Letter TIL 1528-3, November
Siemens TLV 901304 – Turbine oils with normal TLV 901305 – Turbine oils with higher thermal stability
thermal stability RPVOT added
GE Power GEK 28143A – Recommendations for gas GEK 32568K – Gas turbines with high bearing ambient
turbines Increased RPVOT; TOST life increased
Mitsubishi Hitachi MS04-MA-CL002 – Lubricating oil MS04-MA-CL005 – Lubricating oil recommendations for high temperature
Power Systems recommendations for high temperature turbine application with bearing ambients above 250°C (long life type)
turbine application with bearing ambients Increased RPVOT and TOST life; stricter dry TOST requirements
above 250°C
MAN Turbo & Diesel TED 10000494596 – Quality TED 10000494596 – Quality requirements for lubricants
requirements for lubricants Increased RPVOT and TOST life; MAN LTAT stability test
DIN DIN 51515-1 – Lubricants and governor DIN 51515-2 – Lubricants and governor fluids for turbines – Part 2: L-TG for
fluids for turbines – Part 1: L-TD for normal higher temperature service
service Increased TOST Life; RPVOT
Table 1: Recent advances in turbine oil specifications from industry bodies and leading equipment manufacturers.
Sludge, mg
Shell Oil A Oil B Oil C Oil D Oil E
Turbo S4
Figure 2: The varnish formation potential of commercially available turbine oils of similar equipment manufacturers’ specification levels.
BIBLIOGRAPHY (6) GE Power: Lubricating oil (10) Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems:
recommendations for gas turbines Lubricating oil recommendations for
(1) GE Power: Lube oil varnishing
with bearing ambients above 500°F high temperature turbine application
(Technical Information Letter TIL 1528-
(260°C) (GEK 32568K) with bearing ambients above
3, November 2005)
250°C (MS04-MA-CL002)
(7) GE Power: Hydrocarbon base
(2) Siemens: Proactive turbine oil
lubricating oil recommendations for (11) ASTM D2272 − 14a Standard
condition monitoring and varnish
gas turbines (GEK28143b) test method for oxidation stability
prevention (E50001-D510-
of steam turbine oils by rotating
A209-X-7600, 2011) (8) MAN Diesel & Turbo: Quality
pressure vessel
requirements for lubricants (TED
(3) MAN Diesel & Turbo: Turbine
10000494596) (12) ASTM D7843 – 12 Standard test
oils: Tendencies to form deposits
method for measurement of lubricant
and varnishing as well as resulting (9) Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems:
generated insoluble color bodies
recommendations and measures Lubricating oil recommendations for
in in-service turbine oils using
(TMC 15-4338) high temperature turbine application
membrane patch colorimetry
with bearing ambients above 250°C
(4) Siemens: Turbine oils with normal
(long life type) (MS04-MA-CL005)
thermal stability (TLV 9013 04)
(5) Siemens: Turbine oils with higher
thermal stability (TLV 9013 05)
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