Dewa Roman Experience

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Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Christopher Shields
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jeff Sherwin

Severn Drive
T: 01772 335065
F: 01772 626707

22nd March, 2016.

Dear Parents,
A Year 3 trip to Dewa Roman Experience will take place on Monday 16th of May. The children will be taken by coach
from and back to school, leaving school at 9.15 a.m. and returning to school at approximately 3:30pm where they can
be collected from outside the classroom, as usual.
The trip will give the children as close to real life experiences of Roman life as possible. It will also help develop their
understanding of chronology and archaeology. These all link with our theme Hail Caesar! Any money brought for the
shop should be in a sealed envelope with the childs name on. Children will need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable
bag with the childs name and class displayed.
The overall cost of the trip, which includes transport costs, Dewa Roman Experience entrance fee and a Roman Patrol
around Chester, will be 12.50.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Richardson, Mrs Wade and Mrs Ormerod
Year 3 Teachers
Name of Child ..Class .
I give permission for my child to go to Dewa Roman Experience on Monday 16th May.
I confirm that there have been no changes to the Medical/Consent Form completed earlier in the year.
I enclose 12.50 cash/chq (payable to Walton le Dale Primary School)
I have paid 12.50 on Parentpay

If you have not yet logged on to Parentpay and would like your login details please email:
Signed ...Parent/Guardian
For OFFICE USE ONLY Childs Name .Class...
Received the sum of 12.50

with thanks for the Year 3 Trip.

Working together, the best is yet to come

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