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The Preamble: (Philippine 1987 Constitution)

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(Philippine 1987 Constitution)

University of San Carlos
Department of Political Science
POSC _____

Philippine Government & Constitution


Learning Objectives
To serve as a formal introduction to the
study of the 1987 Constitution;
To understand the importance and
function of the Preamble; and
To provide a comparative approach of
appreciating the Preamble of the present
and past constitutions.

What is a Preamble?
Etymology: Latin term Preambulare which
means to walk before.
It is a prologue or an introduction of the
Nota Bene! (Take Note)
It is not an essential part of the Constitution
(Notice that it is not one of the Essential
Requisites of a Good Written Constitution.)
BUT it is an important part because it serves a
very vital function.

How important is it?

Object & Value
Sets down the origin & purposes of the
It provides for the outline of and the spirit behind
the Constitution.
It tells who are the authors and for whom it is
States the general purpose which are intended to be

Serves as an aid in its interpretation

For purposes of construction

The 1987 Constitution

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring
the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just
and humane society and establish a Government
that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good, conserve and
develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves
and our posterity the blessings of independence
and democracy under the rule of law and a
regime of truth, justice, freedom, love,
equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate
this Constitution.

Comparative Approach of the study

the Phil. Constitutions Preamble
Number of Words: 75 (1987)

one of the worlds longest

An indication of a very TALKATIVE Constitution!

60 (1973)
Divine Intervention:
Almighty God (1987)
Divine Providence (1935 & 1973)

The use of 1st person approach vs. 3rd person

Insertion of the phrases:
To build a just and humane society
The Rule of Law

Pls. check

The 1899 Constitution

We, the Representatives of the
Filipino people, lawfully convened, in
order to establish justice, provide for
common defense, promote the general
welfare, and insure the benefits of
liberty, imploring the aid
of the Sovereign Legislator of the
Universe for the attainment of these
ends, have voted, decreed, and
sanctioned the following:

The 1935 Constitution

The Filipino people, imploring the aid of
Divine Providence, in order to establish a
government that shall embody their ideals,
conserve and develop the patrimony of the
nation, promote the general welfare, and
secure to themselves and their posterity the
blessings of independence under a regime of
justice, liberty, and democracy, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.

The 1973 Constitution

We, the sovereign Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in
order to establish a government that shall
embody our ideals, promote the general
welfare, conserve and develop the patrimony
of our Nation, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of democracy under a
regime of justice, peace, liberty, and equality,
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

Draft Constitution of the Federal Republic

of the Phil. with a Parliamentary Government
(By the Citizens Movement for a Federal Philippines)
Edited by Jose V. Abueva

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring

the aid of the Almighty God, in order to build a
peaceful, just and humane society and
establish a Government of integrity and
competence that shall embody our patrimony,
and secure to ourselves and our posterity the
blessings of independence, democracy, and a
thriving national economy (From Rodolfo
Vicerra) under the rule of law and a regime of
truth, justice, freedom, love equality and
peace, do ordain and promulgate this
constitution of the Federal republic of the
Philippines. (Present preamble as amended)

De Leon, Hector (2005). Textbook on the
Philippine Constitution. Philippines: Rex
Bookstore. Pp. 32-37.
Toward a Federal Republic of the
Philippines with a Parliamentary
Government (2002). Jose V. Abueva. Pp.

Art. I

National Territory
(Philippine 1987 Constitution)

Art I. Sec. 1. National Territory

(1987 Constitution)
The National Territory comprises:
1.) The Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters
embraced therein;
2.) All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
jurisdiction, consisting of its
Fluvial, and
Aerial domains;
3.) Including its:
Territorial sea
Insular shelves, and
Other submarine areas;
4.) The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the
archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of
the internal waters of the Philippines.

Basic Concepts

Domains of the Territory

Other Concepts
territorial sea, (part of the sea
extending 12NM from the low water
seabed, (landholding the sea, lying
beyond the seashore, incldn min. &
nat res)
subsoil, (everything beneath the
surface soil & seabed incldng min. &
nat res.)
insular shelves, (submerged portion
of an offshore island)
other submarine areas (all other
areas under the territorial sea);

Fold Division of Waters

Inland or internal waters
Territorial Sea
High or Open Seas (not subject to the
sovereignty of any state)
Territorial Waters of a State
navigable waters

A state exercises sovereignty to this to

the same extent as its land territory
but foreign vessels have the Right of
Innocent Passage (same concept of
the Right of Way) through territorial

Inland + Territorial Sea

Territorial Sea
It is the part of the sea extending 12nm from the
low water mark.
No problem with Compact State.
How about for archipelagic states?

Philippines CANNOT adhere to this 12Mile Rule!

It will not adequately protect our interest!
It will have fatal effect upon the territorial
integrity of the Phil because it will create
POCKETS of open or high seas!

The Philippines is an ARCHIPELAGO!

What is an Archipelago?
Greek word pelagos which means sea or
part of sea studded with islands or islands
studded with water.

It therefore includes BOTH sea and islands

(which geographically is considered as an
independent whole)
Problem: How will archipelagic states
measure their territorial sea?

Convention on the Law of the Sea
(Geneva Convention in 1958)

Gen Rule: 12M Rule (formerly the 3Mile

Rule before the Jamaica Convention on the
Law of the Sea)
Exception: Archipelagic Theory for
Archipelagic States
Methods to be used:
Archipelagic Doctrine
Straight Baseline Method

Archipelagic Doctrine
Integration of a group of islands to the sea
and their ONENESS so that together they
constitute ONE UNIT, ONE COUNTRY and
The entire archipelago is regarded as one
unit instead of being fragmented into so
many thousand islands and this ONE unit is
subject to the exclusive sovereignty of
the state.

Straight Baseline Methods

An imaginary single baseline is drawn
around the islands by joining appropriate
points of the outermost islands of the
archipelago with straight line and all
waters and islands enclosed within the
baseline form part of the territory of the
archipelagic state (2nd sentence of Sec. 1
of Art I)

Other territories over which the

Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction.
Kalayaan Group of Islands or Spratley
Marianas Islands
Scarborough Shoal


Scarborough Shoal

Spratley Islands


Identify and locate the ff:

a.) Philippine archipelago
b.) Internal Waters
c.) Three Major Islands: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
d.) Territorial Sea
e.) Contiguous Zone
f.) Exclusive Economic Zone
g.) International Waters
h.) Spratley Islands
i.) Sabah
j.) Imaginary Straight Baseline
k.) Scarborough Shoal

De Leon, Hector (2005). Textbook on the
Philippine Constitution. Philippines: Rex
Bookstore. Pp. 32-37
For You to DO!
Make a research about the Philippines claim
over Spratlys or Kalayaan Group of Islands
and Scarborough Shoal

USS Guardian on the Tubbataha


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