Technology Assignment-Final
Technology Assignment-Final
Technology Assignment-Final
Description: This app is allows students to perform a virtual frog dissection. The
program includes a visual representation of the internal anatomy of the frog. As well,
the app includes quizzes for the students to test their knowledge, and shows a
comparison of the frog anatomy to that of humans. All parts of the frog are easily
visible and labeled, and the steps of the dissection are clearly outlined (Apple Inc.,
Why it is useful:
- Less expensive than an actual dissection.
- Organs and internal structures are clearly visible and labeled.
- Can be used for students who have ethical reasons for why they would not
feel comfortable performing an actual dissection.
- Can be used for students who have physical limitations affecting their ability
to perform an actual dissection.
- Could be used as a preparation activity before performing the actual
- Could be used as a study aid after the dissection has been complete.
Relation to curriculum:
Biology 11- Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium I
Students are required to learn a minimum of 2 of the systems: Circulatory,
Respiratory, Digestive, Excretory, And Immune
Example of an outcome: Analyse natural and technological systems related to the
circulatory system, to interpret and explain their structure and dynamics (116-7)
(Nova Scotia Department of Education, 2000).
- Requires iPads
- Students miss out on the experience of dissecting a real organism, and using
the actual tools
- Students dont have to actually locate the organs themselves
Description: DinoXcope is a computer program that allows you to take digital pictures
and videos of images viewed under a microscope. A USB digital microscope links to a
computer to capture images. Can also be used with a regular microscope, and a
microscope camera that fits into the eyepiece with USB output. The pictures or
videos can be saved in a variety of formats. You can also add annotations or labels to
the pictures.
Why is it useful:
- Students can take pictures of the specimens they see under the microscope,
add annotations to them and save them for future studying.
- Students can upload them to a website for sharing with peers (such as a
moodle site)
- Faster than drawing
- Students can take videos of the activity of the organisms they are looking at
through the microscope
Relation to curriculum:
Biology 11- Matter and Energy for life
Students are expected to explain cell theory and gain knowledge of the microscope
Example of an outcome: Describe cell organelles visible with the light and electron
microscopes (314-6) (Nova Scotia Department of Education, 2000).
- Equipment is expensive
- Requires laptop
Description: By using the Poll Everywhere site or app, teachers can quickly ask an
audience question. The audience will answer in real time using their cell phones. It
can also be done through twitter or web browsers for those students who do not what
a cell phone to text. The program generates a graph or display of the answers live on
the site or in a PowerPoint presentation. Teachers can set keywords or students can
choose their own and they text their answer to the specific number assigned. Ie.
What is the finale stage of mitosis? Text interphase, prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, or telophase to 37606 now.
Why is it useful:
- Teacher can quickly gage how students are progressing as a whole with
- Its anonymous so less outspoken students may feel more comfortable to
- You can ask open-ended questions where students can text in their thoughts.
- Could use it as a survey tool for test/assignment deadlines or how pace of
class is going
Relation to curriculum:
This could be connected to any science curriculum or outcome for students at the
high school level. Since this program is so customizable, teachers can adapt or
incorporate it in any science subject matter.
Example of an outcome: See relation to curriculum.
- Some students may not have a phone or laptop/ipad/tablet that they can
bring to class.
Description: In this online simulation game, students have the opportunity to learn
how viruses and bacteria transmit disease. Students design their own pathogens and
then use these pathogens to infect human hosts. As the game progresses, students
must adapt their infectious properties to infect hosts with stronger defences. The
level of the game can be adjusted so the game is adaptable to a variety of age levels.
Why is it useful:
- The simulation provides students with a true to life representation of how this
process occurs.
- The full game only takes approximately 30 minutes and is very interactive so
it will hold the interest of the students.
- Can be played online using a code, so students could easily be taken to a
computer lab as a class or could use their personal
ipads/tablets/laptops/smart phones.
- Makes students think about the health hazards that exist and ways in which
this process occurs in their own body.
Relation to curriculum:
Biology 12 Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium II
Students are expected to examine the impact of disease on homeostasis and
maintain internal balance.
Example of an outcome: Evaluate the impact of viral, bacterial, genetic, and
environmental diseases on an organisms homeostasis. (317-4). (Nova Scotia
Department of Education 2001).
Description: The app for iphone or ipad allows users to perform on the go analysis of
a huge variety of motion. It allows students to measure the velocity of stuff going on
around them. By taking a video of an object in motion, marking its position, and
setting a scale using a known distance, this app can draw trajectory potions and
velocity graphs for the object. Students can then share and export their graphs.
Why is it useful:
- Allows students to graph a life interaction rather than theoretical data.
- Gives students a basis for understanding velocity and how it surrounds us in
our daily life.
- This is a very, quick, easy, and accessible app.
- Could be used in groups, therefore not all students require to have either an
ipad or iphone.
Relation to curriculum:
Science 10 Motion
Students are expected to grasp and understand the concept of velocity, both uniform
and non uniform, relating it to the world around us.
Example of an outcome: Devise a method of representing the uniformly accelerated
linear motion of two moving people or objects. (215-2). (Nova Scotia Department of
Education, 2000).
- This app costs $4.99.
- Students would require either an ipad with video or an iphone for this
Apple Inc., (2013). Frog Dissection from Emantras Inc. Retrieved from:
Apple Inc., (2013). Vernier Video Physics. Retrieved from:
Onion Peel