Ipp Template

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IPP Template

Individualized Program Planning

Individualized Program Plan

Student Information
Student: Megan Sawler

Date of Birth: May 28 , 1991

Age as of Sept. 1/0X: 23

Date I.P.P. Created: November 4, 2014

Parents: Wendy and Stephen Sawler Phone #: 902-521-1186

Address: 1093 Hwy 331, Pleasantville Eligibility Code (exceptionality/disability):
Grade: Second Year BEd Student
Background information (Current Program): Megan is currently in her second
year of St Francis Xavier Universitys Bachelor of Education program. She
graduated from St Francis Xaviers Bachelor of Science program in 2013,
majoring in Human Nutrition. Prior to this, Megan graduated the International
Baccalaureate Diploma program in 2009.
School/Program: St Francis Xavier University/Bachelor of Education
Teacher delivering programming: Chris Gilham
I.P.P. Coordinator (Certificated Teacher): Chris Gilham
Program Administrator: Chris Gilham
Additional IPP Team Members: Mike Mawhinney, Samara Gosling, Martha
Background Information: Parental input and involvement
Megan deeply values hard work and dedication, and feels satisfaction through the desire and process of
bettering herself in the workplace. Megan thrives on positivity and personality. She excels at diffusing
conflict and assisting others. Megan is a natural leader in the workplace and enjoys roles of
responsibility. Megan has grown up in a family who owns and operates several businesses. This has
made a big impact on Megans outlook toward the world of customer service, and has shown her the
value that customers recognize in hard work, personality, and kindness. Megan began serving in a
busy, seasonal, casual-fine dining restaurant 5 years ago and excelled immediately due to her
background and understanding of business operation. Megan believes that serving is a good addition to
teaching as she will have her summers off and will be available to work. Megan is also interested in
using her skills acquired in the food service industry along with her BEd specializing in Family Studies
to teach Food and Hospitality at the college level. Megan also wants to own several restaurants later in
her career and feels that her achievements in the food service industry would help to achieve better
success, and would contribute more experience and understanding to the ownership.

Appendix 10-A

Sample IPP Template (continued) page 2/5

Medical Conditions that Impact Schooling

Megan does not currently have any medical conditions which impact her schooling.

Assessment Data (Specialized Assessment Results)



None Completed.

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)


Individualized Program Planning

Working as a server and bartender in the food and hospitality industry plays on Megans
strengths. Megan is good at working with little to no given direction and is able to make
decisions quickly and confidently. Megan has leadership abilities and is able to be responsible
for a large team of front of house staff as she is one of two servers who double as team leaders
at the establishment where she works. Megan is very organized and truly enjoys helping other
staff on duty. Megan is able to give directions or instructions to the team and can also provide
constructive feedback in a personable and respectful way. Megan understands the critical
nature of sense of urgency in the hospitality industry. Megan always displays a positive
attitude which resonates and translates to both her customers and her staff. Megan is
extremely dedicated and enjoys working long hours, overtime, and late shifts. Megan is
outgoing and personable which inspires the front of house and kitchen staff to stay motivated
and work through difficult situations. Megan strives to be well informed on all the products,
promotions, and procedures which occur in the establishment so that she can be a resource to
her guests and to her staff members. Megan takes pride in her job and truly enjoys working
with others and meeting new people and sharing experiences with people she meets from all
over the world.
Areas of Need
Megan has not had formal technical training in fine dining service, so on the rare occasion she
has to serve in an off location function put on by the restaurant, she requires briefing from the
manager in order to effectively complete the service herself and instruct her team how to
complete the service. The restaurant almost always focuses on a casual-fine dining style of
service so Megan lacks exposure to this type of setting. When the rare occasion arises, Megan
meets with Samara Gosling, a manger who has completed and instructs for the school of food
and hospitality at a college. Megan has Samara assist her to set up the service location and
then asks Samara to critique her service so that she learns how to improve in this area.

Individualized Program Planning

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Appendix 10-A

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Individualized Program Planning

Current Level of Performance and Achievement

Megan is currently enrolled in four courses in the Bachelor of Education program at StFX.
Megan is currently in C&I for Family Studies at the High School Level. She is doing very
well in this class, as she taught several Family Studies courses to her high school students last
practicum, and is able to share her experiences with the other students in class who have not
yet had this opportunity. This class is very hands-on and Megan is very comfortable with the
skills taught in this class. Megan is also taking Middle School Learner with Deb Graham.
Megan is also doing very well in this class, as she and Deb share many of the same
philosophies on teaching and learning. Megan is really interested in this class, and is inspired
to be a better teacher by Deb. Megan is also in Middle School Assessment where she is
learning a great deal with Jen Mitton. Jen has challenged Megans thinking and because of
this, Megan is doing exceptionally well in this class. Finally, Megan is in Inclusion II, which
she feels is the class where she is performing weaker in comparison to her other 3 classes, as
she lacks experience in learning differences. Overall, Megan has been very successful in the
Bachelor of Education program and is on track to graduate this spring near the top of the class
in accordance to numerical grades.
Coordinated Support Services
Not applicable at this time.

Instructional Accommodations and Strategies

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Individualized Program Planning

Megan finds it helpful to have tasks described to her individually or in a small group with her team
leading partner (Martha Demone) by management, and then needs an opportunity to ask questions for
clarification. Megan feels that the individual instruction process really helps set up a solid
understanding of the task. She appreciates the opportunity to ask as many questions as she needs,
because as a team leader along with Martha, she is responsible for teaching and describing the tasks
to a large group of front of house staff. She asks questions because she wants to have a very clear
understanding of the task so that she can also translate that to her team members. Megan wants to be
confident in what she is teaching to others. Megan works well with lists of tasks as well, so she can
visibly see what needs to be accomplished. Lists can be provided to Megan either orally or on paper.
Lists help Megan because she does her best work when she is organized. With lists, she is able to
more easily manage tasks in terms of time management and delegation to her team members. Megan
also benefits from reflection time. Megan and Martha spend a great deal of time reflecting together on
how a shift went, a particular task, or table, and by helping each other pinpoint areas for improvement.
Megan and Martha work extremely well together as they have worked together for 5 years, and as
team leaders together for 4 years. Megan thrives on this partnership and respects and values the
support and ability to discuss comfortably any topic with Martha. Megan and Martha then are able to
meet together with management to provide solid reports and suggestions for improvements for
upcoming tasks.

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Appendix 10-A

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Long-term Goal: By the end of August, I will have received a nomination for Taste of Nova
Scotias Server of the Year.
Short-term Objectives

Assessment Procedures

1. By the end of February, I

will have re-obtained my
position as server and
team lead for Summer
2015 at the restaurant/bar.

If successful in re-obtaining
this position, I will be able to
produce signed summer
contract papers proving my

2. By May 22nd (Victoria

Day Weekend), the
restaurant will be reopened for the season and
I will have returned home
and will be working at
least 7 shifts per week
totaling at least 55 hours
or more.

I will have moved back home,

and will have completed all
of my preseason training
successfully, and will have
run the new staff orientations.
I will be able to produce slips
of hours worked to verify my
weekly hours.

3. By July 15th, I will have

received at least 5
positive server reviews on
Trip Advisor in relation to
my positive service to
guests at the

If successful, management
and I will be aware of these
positive experiences through
reading each review online.

Progress Review

Accommodations and strategies to support this goal

In order to achieve my goal, I will need to complete the above steps in addition to the following:

Show positivity and personality creating a memorable experience for my guests so that they will be apt
to leave a positive review.

Work closely with Samara to improve my technical skills to become more experienced in fine dining.

Demonstrate leadership and show excellent customer service to management so that they have the
confidence to sign off on my nomination for this summer.

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Individualized Program Planning

Goal # 1

Appendix 10-A

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Individualized Program Planning

Planning for Transition

After completing this long term goal, Megan will apply for available teaching jobs in
the public education system for the fall. If Megan is not successful in obtaining a full
time job for the year, she will have the option to remain serving until the end of
October when the restaurant closes. She will have to make a decision as to whether
she will substitute full time and work some evenings and weekends at the restaurant,
or if she will finish out the season at the restaurant working full time, and occasionally
subbing until the end of October. At this time, she hopes to have a teaching position
for the fall, but if not, she feels she will finish out the season at the restaurant working
full time and subbing occasionally, as she is looking to save money and feels that it
could be somewhat of a risk to opt for fully time subbing in September, as realistically,
there is not much available at that time of the school year. Following successful
achievement of her goal, this added credential in the form of nomination, could assist
Megan to obtain another serving job at a high end restaurant after her seasonal
restaurant closes, which should could work at on evenings and weekends while
substituting for the rest of the school year.
Year-end Summary
Not able to complete at this time.

I understand and agree with the information contained in this Individualized Program Plan.
Wendy and Stephen Sawler

November 4, 2014

Chris Gilham
IPP Coordinator (Certificated Teacher)

November 4, 2014

Teacher (if different from IPP Coordinator)

November 4, 2014

Program Administrator

November 4, 2014

Individualized Program Planning

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