Brukner Nature Carvers Newsletter April 2015

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April 2015

Troy, Ohio

From the President

April is my last month as the club President and I would
like to first thank all of you for being patient while I was
getting comfortable in that roll. I'm sure that the club
will offer the same support to Carolyn when she takes
the reigns in May, and that she will do a great job for us.
April means carving show for the club and I wanted
to recognize those members who worked behind the
scene to make this show a success. From selling show
ads, finding vendors and artists, at this time 50 spaces
sold. Working with the media to promote the show, to
set up and tear down. The list goes on and on and it's
important to understand that this event requires hard
work to successfully pull this off. Thank you for your
As always, be safe and happy carving.
New Officers
We will need to determine the vice-president for the
coming year at the April meeting. As always, we will be
looking for volunteers/nominations. We will also be
confirming secretary and treasurer for next year
(volunteers always welcome there too!). New officers
are due to take over at the May meeting.
Show News
As Mark mentioned, the Brukner Show is rapidly
approaching (11-12 April). Hope everyone is planning
on attending and have been inviting friends and family
to visit us too. The next big thing we need for the show
is lots of hands to help set up on Friday (10th). Ill stop
by the fair office at 0900 to get the keys and we should
have the building opened by 0915. Although we have a
lot to do, it really doesnt take that long. With the good
crowd that we have had in the past, we are usually done
before noon. So, please come on out and help.
Cookie volunteers for Feb are Charlie Cooke and Bruce
Club Competition

Vol. XL Issue 4

April will be a competition meeting, so bring those

finished carvings with you.
As always, we will have a Show-an-Tell. Remember,
your show and tell can be anything that you think the
other club members would be interested in. And I am
always looking for pictures, etc. of your work, work
area, tools, anything that would be interesting for both
the newsletter and the webpage.
Coming attractions
11-12 Apr Brukner Nature Carvers Show, Troy OH,
25 April - Good time Carving Show, Plymouth Ind.
15-17 May Carving in the Mountains 2015, Argillite
Ky. Visit the Brukner webpage for more details. Contact
Roy Prince (606) 836-2094,

Thats all for this month, see you, Tuesday, April 14th
at 7:00 PM
The Officers
President: Mark Johnson,, 937-7730154
Vice-President: Carolyn Armstrong, (937) 526-4192,,
Treasurer: John Guillozet,, 937-2148853
Secretary: Rich Richmond, 937-322-7650,

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