Brukner Registration 2014

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2014 BRUKNER WOODCARVING & ART SHOW Show application information

********New Web Site and Facebook Page********

For the latest news and show updates please see our Facebook page and check out our website

******** New Show Dates********

SHOW DATES: SET UP TIMES: Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday April 12, 2014 - 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. April 13, 2014 - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. April 11, 2014 - 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. April 12, 2014- 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.


********Same Great Location********

Davis Building Miami County Fairgrounds 650 N. Elm St. (Also known as County Road 25A) Troy, Ohio 45373

At this time we are working with some of the area hotels to provide special show rates for those participants who need overnight lodging. Please check our Facebook page and website for the latest information prior to booking a room.


Please send this page with your check
CLASSIFICATIONS: Artisan ($40.00 per space) Commercial ($75.00 per space)


NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE______ ZIP _

EVENING PHONE:______________________ CELL PHONE: ________________ E-MAIL:___________________________________________________________________ WEB SITE:_________________________________________________________

I plan to participate in the carving contest.

No. ARTISAN SPACE COMMERCIAL SPACE *TABLE (8 X 30) CHAIRS ELECTRICITY Cost $40.00 $75.00 $10.00 No charge No charge TOTAL ENCLOSED Total $ $ $


*Limit two spaces per artisan. Tables are not included in the cost of the space.

2. What type of carvings or artwork will you display? ________________________________________ If you have any special requests in regard to the location of your space, please note them on the back of this sheet. Every effort will be made to satisfy your request on a first come, first served basis. Make check payable to: Brukner Nature Carvers and send check and this form to: Brukner Nature Carvers, 11336 Christiansburg-Jackson Rd, St. Paris, OH 43072-9667. Phone: (937)214-0775. E-mail:


BEST OF SHOW $100.00

2nd BEST OF SHOW $65.00



CARVING CONTEST Three winners of $25.00 each


All tables must present a pleasing appearance and be covered on top and draped to the floor on front and sides. This cover must be supplied by the exhibitor and suitable for the purpose. (Please, no wrinkled sheets!) Security will be provided. Having taken all possible precautions, the Brukner Nature Carvers will not be responsible for any loss or damage due to conditions beyond their control. You must be a registered exhibitor in the Brukner Woodcarving Show to enter competition. All entries in competition must have been completed within the last 2 years. Any entry that has won a 1st in Category or greater in a previous Brukner Woodcarving Show will not be eligible for competition. Ribbons won at other shows or competitions or previous Brukner Woodcarving Shows may not be displayed. Woodcarving judging entries will be accepted on Friday from 4:00 p.m. until 6:30p.m. and Saturday until 8:30 a.m. Carvings from machine-duplicated rough-outs or kits and those carvings made in a class can only be entered in Category J. Carvings in Category J are not eligible for Best of Show or Second Best of Show. Except for miniatures, there are no size restrictions for carvings in any category. Limited use of non-wood materials such as glass eyes and cast feet will be allowed. Unlimited entries may be entered at $5.00 for the first entry and $3.00 for each entry thereafter, but no more than two (2) entries may be entered in any one class. If a Category or Class has less than three (3) entries, ribbons only will be awarded; however, this will not prevent a piece in a Category from being considered for Best of Show.

1. Relief - The art of raising modeled shapes from a surface to create the illusion of depth .The surface from which the relief was carved must be part of the total carving. Appliqus, masks, bark carvings and similar configurations will not be considered relief carvings. 2. In the round or Sculpture - Shaping a freestanding three-dimensional form. 3. Realistic - A carving detailed to the extent closely resembling a real subject. 4. Stylized - A creation of form usually without detail. Caricature - A carving, which distorts or exaggerates distinguishing features. Natural finish - Both the texture and grain of the wood must show through the finish. Staining and/or limited wood burning is permissible. Staining is defined as a single wood color applied to the entire piece. Painted finish - A finish, other than a one- color stain, that adds color to the piece and which may or may not obliterate the grain of the wood. 8. Group - In-the-round carving containing three (3) or more dominant subjects. 10. Abstract - A carving whose subject is not readily identifiable

There will be a special fun carving contest this year. Each contestant will receive a blank. Contestants must provide their own carving tools. You will have a total of 3 hrs. to complete your piece, 1-1/2 hours on Saturday and 1-1/2 hours on Sunday. You will all be carving at the same location in front of the public. After the time limit on Sunday, the pieces will be judged. This is meant to be a fun event, so after the 1st, 2 nd, & 3 rd place ribbons are awarded. The names of all those who participate will be put into a hat and the first three names drawn will each receive $25.00. All pieces will become the property of Brukner Nature Carvers and sold through the Brukner Nature Center. Plan to participate and help make this a big event.


A. RELIEF CARVINGS 101. People Involvement/Human figures & faces 102. All others B. ANIMAL/AQUATIC CREATURES 103. Realistic (natural wood finish) 104. Realistic (painted) C. BIRDS (SONG, WATER, SHORE, PREY) 105. Realistic (natural wood finish) 106. Realistic (painted) D. WATERFOWL (DUCKS, GEESE, SWAN) 107. Realistic (natural wood finish) 108. Realistic (painted) E. HUMAN FIGURE & BUSTS 109. Realistic (natural wood finish) 110. Realistic (painted) F. ORNAMENTAL CARVINGS 111. Ornamental (jewelry, signs, gunstocks, furniture, musical instruments, molding, crests, relief lettering, emblems, etc.) 112. Chip Carvings (including incised lettering) G. CARICATURE ANY FINISH 113. Animal, wildfowl, bird (including heads) 114. Aquatic Creatures 115. Human Figure (any size) 116. Human Busts H. STYLIZED-ANY FINISH 117. Animals/Aquatic/Birds/Waterfowl 118. Human Figure & Busts 119. Abstract I. MISCELLANEOUS 120. Mythical Figures (Santas, elves, trolls, dragons, etc.) Any finish 121. Whittled pieces made with a knife of a single piece of wood (ball in cage, chain, fan scissors, etc.) 122. Miniature (entire carving, including fixed bases, must fit into a 2 cube) 123. Canes, staffs, & walking sticks 124. Carvings not covered by the above classes/categories MISCELLANEOUS - Note: If a carving fits into any of the above classes/categories, it cannot be entered into the Miscellaneous Category. . J. ROUGH-OUTS, CLASS PROJECTS, KITS 125. Painted 126. Natural finish

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