Periodontal Research Paper
Periodontal Research Paper
Periodontal Research Paper
Andrea Schubert
Kirkwood Community College
October 13, 2014
Andrea Schubert
Perio Research Paper
Periodontology Research Paper
the oral cavity. These bacteria are formed in several different shapes such as
cocci, rods/bacilli, filaments, fusiforms, or spirochetes. Bacteria in the oral
cavity start out as gram positive which causes bacterial adherence and
aggression. Around day seven a shift occurs, bacteria which are not
removed from their surfaces in the oral cavity shift into gram negative
bacteria. Lipopolysaccharides are in gram negative bacteria and these are
known endotoxins, these toxins are not good as they are used to kill tissue.
Several different treatment options are around which be used in
helping out a patient with Periodontal Disease. Surgery is a more invasive
procedure to help with the disease process, while the majority of treatment
can be handled with non-surgical techniques. These non-surgical treatments
are; systemic antibiotics, gingival curettage, scaling and root planing are the
different options of choice. Periodontal surgery is used on patients when nonsurgical treatments are found to not be sufficient. The advantage the surgical
procedure gives us is that they are able to access the root surface. This
allows one to be better able to access furcations, infrabony pockets and
other areas which would be more difficult to access during scaling and root
planing. Periodontal flap surgery is the most common surgical procedure
available to use today.
Non-surgical treatments include antibiotics are a systemic method of
treatment, examples of what these are and the bacteria which they work
against are; tetracycline, which can be used against aggressive perio, it
mixed with good home care. This high number should be an incentive to
patients to do well. Even though scaling and root planing is seen as the most
successful non-surgical treatment method, it may have adverse reactions
which may require some caution. Potentially harmful bacteria may be
released into your bloodstream. Gum tissue also has the possibility of
becoming swollen and infected. Antibiotics can be given for these situations
to help eliminate any risks possible.
Patient compliance is key in success of the treatment of periodontal
disease. In order to keep the patients state of periodontal disease from
becoming refractory proper oral hygiene instruction and at home care is
needed. A patient needs to be responsible themselves for showing up to
recall appointment on a 3-4 month basis which all periodontal disease
patients are scheduled based off of. This recall basis is to ensure proper
health of the oral cavity and allow for progress and make sure everything is
moving in a positive direction. During recall appointments it is vital for us as
hygienists to go over oral hygiene instruction and make the patient
demonstrate to us how they are currently flossing and brushing. During
recall appointments it is beneficial to be positive towards the patient; you
want help keep the patient motivated. We expect for our patient to being
doing their home care properly and if they arent catching on we need to
figure out how we can adapt their home care routine. If they need auxiliary
aids to help them better brush or floss we will dispense whats necessary.
Works Cited
ADAM. (2014, October 12). Periodontitis Treatment. Retrieved October 12,
2014, from