Our Schedule: Students attend school from 8:35a.m. - 3:20 p.m. on MondayThursday, and 8:35 a.m. - 1:05 p.m. on Friday. As part of the Spanish Immersion
program, our students will switch classes throughout the day, in order to have equal
learning time between each class. We are available anytime before or after school,
but please make an appointment to ensure that we are not already scheduled with
another parent.
Sending Money to School: Please make sure to put ALL money (lunch
money, book order money, etc.) in an envelope labeled with your childs name,
teachers name, amount, and
The Giving Tree Outside of our classrooms we have a tree with apples on it
which have items listed for classroom donations. All donations are completely
optional, and very much appreciated!
Birthdays: Birthdays are important in first grade. You may send a treat for your
students class if you wish, but it is not expected. All treats must be commercially
wrapped. We currently have 32 students.
Math: All math instruction will be conducted in Spanish. We use the math
program Everyday Math and GO MOTH for 1st grade. We will also use a variety of
manipulatives with each math unit. This entails using manipulatives such as
counters, games, matching, and group hands-on activities, as well as verbal and
visual communications.
Spelling: We will start spelling in first grade. The first list will have all the
Kindergarten sight words that your children should know. The formal spelling list
will not begin until the third unit of our Reading program in October. We will
inform you when the students are ready to begin a weekly spelling list. The spelling
list and test will consist of six to ten words. The words will be presented on Monday,
practiced throughout the week, and tested on Friday.
Homework: Math homework will be completed at school the first few months of
school. By December you will get the 1st monthly packet of math and reading.
Please send all homework on the due day. English: English homework will be
sent home every day in the BLUE folder and should be returned the next day.
Reading homework may be sent home daily or every other day (depending which
reading group they are in) PLEASE return the BLUE folder to school every day.