Deconstructing The Deco Diet
Deconstructing The Deco Diet
Deconstructing The Deco Diet
at least one.
The sparkling Deco Kitchen has become a design icon, with were real. They had budgets to work with and mouths to feed.
its cheerful colors and streamlined chrome appliances. But They had to squeeze every ounce of nutrition out of the food
a kitchen is about more than its design. Put a glass of sunny, they served. Furthermore, they had to satisfy their inner
fresh-squeezed orange juice on a floral-patterned tablecloth, creative urges while stuck in the kitchen all day. They knew
and imagine the smells of percolated coffee, fragrant fruit the value of pot-liquor a and weren’t afraid to pour it over ice
pies and sizzling onions to evoke the aproned person who and call it a cocktail.
made it her domain: the homemaker. In today’s busy world
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t h e S o p h i s t i c at e An n ua l 2005
r a n k f u r te rs
creamed f
crab meat in cucumber jelly
gr a p e ta p io ca
eventually vanquished its competitor.) For years I have tried mention a Thanksgiving spread), but for a true Deco dinner,
in vain to convince him not to inscribe each one in pene…but try serving something that’s fallen out of our culinary lexicon
he at least has his heart in the right place in preserving the – like Hash, Rarebit, or Beef Heart.
many stories of the past – including his own.
Sifting flour always seemed As a side dish, creatively disguise leftovers as Timbales (any
Where The American Woman’s Cook Book aims to educate starch or vegetable pre-baked in the shape of a cup to hold
to my feminist mind to be an oppressive time sink, the reader on everything it can about food itself, from Meat creamed or mashed anything), Croquettes (deep-fried creamed
Carving to Canning and Garnishes, and everything surrounding or mashed anything), or Bouchés (pastry shells filled with
food from How to Measure for the Placement of a Monogram creamed or mashed anything). And as for the salad, don’t feel
but I can’t help but admire the handsome cakes to Packing a School Lunch, Meta Givens created a lovely, you must start with lettuce. Any fruit or vegetable will do, and
of domestic science, practiced by career no-nonsense guide to daily menu planning and stretching feel free to mold it in flavored or unflavored gelatin.g Don’t
wives and mothers, who dedicated
and cookies made from scratch, and the multitude the food dollar in The Modern Family Cookbook. This book, be afraid to add a touch of sugar, mayonnaise and pimiento
themselves to understanding what they with its handsome gray cover, streamlined title and attractive (unless, of course, you’re making Stuffed Prune Saladh). You
did. Nearly every cookbook of the era of eye-catching, appetizing, and labor-intensive illustration of vintage dishes on the cover, offers a smart treat can even freeze it if you like. What about Dessert? Get fancy
has a section on diet, vitamins and food for the eyes as well as the stomach, as all of the ingredients are with a Fig Loaf with Plum Sauce or a 1-2-3-4 Cake i. Get
groups, promoting emerging standards ways in which one can cook sugar to make candy. printed in red lettering. Along with menus for a full week of romantic with Snow Pudding or Spanish Cream. Or keep it
on balanced dieting. We should not seasonal food for each month of the year, she includes creeds simple with oranges cooked in sugar on a mound of boiled
tease yesterday’s celebrity chefs for for the Meal Planner, the Food Shopper, and the Cook that rice with whipped or plain cream on the top.
calling for lard in their recipes; as we spread our omega-3- themes, and some collectors define their collections by region. pledge to care for to the family’s health and enjoyment of food
If Pork Scrapple j, Panfried Tripe k or Peanut Chops l don’t
enhanced vegetable spread on toast we should appreciate how Pamphlets and leaflets are also delightful to collect (my prize as well as its budget. f
sound appetizing to you, try something ethnic cooking comfort
much they knew about the proper digestion of starches! The is called “Meat and Romance”), but I am a great advocate of
Of course, no vintage cookbook review could be without foods like Chicken á la King, Carrot and Raisin Salad,
science of efficiency was also the homemaker’s top concern. the highly useful general cookbooks, the all-purpose artifacts
an homage to Fanny Farmer and Betty Crocker, but we Popovers and Rice Pudding. And remember, neither Waldorf
Many books provided a floor plan for an efficient kitchen of American appetites that I am lucky enough to have on my
cannot strictly consider them Deco epicures. Fanny Farmer Salad nor Pot Roast have changed a bit since the days of
layout, including a pass-through to the dining room and a kitchen bookshelf.
was already old-fashioned name by the time our modern Deco, so you can’t go wrong. But no matter what you choose
cabinet for deliveries that could be opened both from the porch
Perhaps my most collectible (but alas, my most tattered) is The homemaker set her Deco kitchen up, but surely her mother to serve, make your food cute! After all, Deco is about design.
and from the kitchen – but hopefully not at the same time.
Modern Priscilla Cookbook, which was a gift for subscribers still used her cookbook. First published in 1896, it laid Try to be inspired by the creativity of the happy homemaker,
Just as the roots of our norms for nutrition are recognizable in to Modern Priscilla, a popular magazine from the late 1800s the groundwork for domestic science with specific, not not oppressed by the work it takes to slice a carrot, pop out
these charming books, so too are indications of our nation’s to the 1930s. Society ladies (yes, the Art Deco Society) have approximate, measurements. Miss Farmer died in 1925 and the center, and push a few matchsticks of celery though. And
galloping romance with sweets. Nearly half the recipes in each been known to feud over the 1929 edition of this darling her School of Cookery closed in 1944, but you can still buy when you take in the breadth of possibilities like Crab Meat
book are for dessert, which no meal could be served without. cookbook.d Read this edition, if you can ever get your claws her cookbooks today. Betty Crocker, on the other hand, was in Cucumber Jelly, Grape Tapioca, Creamed Frankfurters or
Sifting flour always seemed to my feminist mind to be an on it, to solve the question once and for all whether Shrimp born in 1921 as a fictional food expert who signed all the Baked Eggs in Tomato Cups, try not to feel too impoverished
oppressive time sink, but I can’t help but admire the handsome Wiggle is a gelatin mold made with shrimp and avocados or a letters written by the General Mills flour company. She was by today’s short list of “normal” foods.
cakes and cookies made from scratch, and the multitude of tomato sauce made with bacon. so popular they created a face for her in 1936, but her first
eye-catching, appetizing, and labor-intensive ways in which
Another popular magazine, Delineator, was surely connected
cookbook was not published until 1950. A Mockery of Good Food
one can cook sugar to make candy.
to the Delineator Institute, which created the Delineator Cook No vintage cookbook is complete without a recipe for
Book, from which The American Woman’s Cook Book was Time Travel with your Tongue Mock something, be it Lobster, Cherry Syrup, Chicken or
Artifacts of American Appetites originally adapted in 1939, and with which the Culinary Arts Underneath our modern multicultural influences (the only Apple Pie. One wonders at the need for faking such things
Cookbooks then, as now, were either written by a single chef Institute of Chicago was established. My father buys every “ethnic” recipe you’ll ever see in these cookbooks is Chop when other foods are perfectly delicious (Would you believe
with good enough credentials to put their names on the covers copy he can find of this three-inch thick book with the dark Suey, a bland mix of overcooked vegetables having little to do Modern Priscilla’s Mock Duck is made of flank steak?), but
(like Amy Vanderbilt or Prudence Penny), or sponsored by green cover, as it makes such a down-to-earth counterpart to with Chinese cooking), the basics of the American Diet have I imagine these must either be recipes rescued from disaster
an organization (such as Piggly Wiggly grocery or the Good any modern version of the gender-neutral Joy of Cooking. not changed much since the 1930s. You can always rely on a by the inspiration for a good name, or the Deco-era drive for
Housekeeping Institute). Many are available on specialized (Originally published in 1931 by Irma Rombauer, this one vintage cookbook for a good biscuit or brisket recipe (not to embellishment expressed through dinner design. Call a cut
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t h e S o p h i s t i c at e
Vintage Cookbooks
and Advertising Leaflets
by Sandra J. Norman, Karrie
piece of toasted bread a “Mock Almond” and the cook reading “Design for K. Andes
the recipe will get an immediate understanding of its shape. sprouts in chicken ring mold
1900 to 1980
“Modern Milk Products add greatly to the success of making
it’s just as easy to cook oat-
creamy thick soups” – Irradiated Evaporated Milk Institute
meal from scratch as from a
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