Forests, Trees and Landscapes For Food Security and Nutrition
Forests, Trees and Landscapes For Food Security and Nutrition
Forests, Trees and Landscapes For Food Security and Nutrition
IUFRO World Series Volume 33 Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition
Funding support for this publication was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the United States Forest
Service, and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. The views expressed
within this publication do not necessarily reflect official policy of the governments represented by these institutions.
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Available from:
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Connecting the dots
ith the establishment of the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative in the year 2007, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) created an international mechanism which effectively links scientific
knowledge with political decision-making on forests. The GFEP responds directly to key forest-related policy
questions by consolidating available scientific knowledge and expertise on these questions at a global level. It provides
decision-makers with the most relevant, objective and accurate information, and thus makes an essential contribution to
international forest governance.
This report entitled Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition presents the results of the fourth
global scientific assessment undertaken so far in the framework of GFEP. Previous assessments addressed the adaptation
of forests and people to climate change; international forest governance; and the relationship between biodiversity,
carbon, forests and people. All assessment reports were prepared by internationally recognised scientists from a variety
of biophysical and social science disciplines. They have all been presented to decision-makers across relevant international policy fora. In this way, GFEP supports a more coherent policy dialogue about the role of forests in addressing
broader environmental, social and economic challenges.
The current report reflects the importance of policy coherence and integration more than any previous GFEP assessment. It
comes at a time when the United Nations General Assembly seeks to adopt a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
which build upon the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and converge with the post-2015 development agenda.
In this context, the eradication of hunger, realisation of food security and the improvement of nutrition are of particular
relevance. By 2050, the international community will face the challenge of providing 9 billion people with food, shelter
and energy. Despite impressive productivity increases, there is growing evidence that conventional agricultural strategies
will fall short of eliminating global hunger and malnutrition. The assessment report in hand provides comprehensive
scientific evidence on how forests, trees and landscapes can be and must be - an integral part of the solution to this
global problem. In other words, we must connect the dots and see the bigger picture.
The review of the International Arrangement on Forests by the member states of the United Nations Forum on Forests
provides a unique opportunity to integrate forests into the SDGs in a holistic manner and to promote synergies in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda across multiple levels of governance. It is my hope that those with a
responsibility for forests, food security and nutrition at all levels will find this report, and its accompanying policy brief,
a useful source of information and inspiration.
Alexander Buck
IUFRO Executive Director
This publication is the product of the collaborative work of scientific experts in the framework of the Global Forest
Expert Panel on Forests and Food Security, who served in different capacities as panel members and authors. We express
our sincere gratitude to all of them:
Bina Agarwal, Sarah Ayeri Ogalleh, Frdric Baudron, Sammy Carsan, Paolo Cerutti, Josephine Chambers, Ian K.
Dawson, Neil M. Dawson, Beatrice Darko Obiri, Elizabeth Deakin, Ann Degrande, Jason Donovan, Jennie Dey de
Pryck, Samson Foli, Lisa Fuchs, Amos Gyau, Gordon Hickey, Amy Ickowitz, Miyuki Iiyama, Ramni Jamnadass, Katy
Jeary, Gudrun Keding, Katja Kehlenbeck, Daniela Kleinschmit, Christophe Kouame, Godwin Kowero, Patti Kristjanson, Adrian Martin, Stepha McMullin, Henry Neufeldt, Mary Njenga, Vincent O. Oeba, Daniel Ofori, Hemant R.
Ohja, Pablo Pacheco, Christine Padoch, John A. Parrotta, Bronwen Powell, Nitin D. Rai, Patrick Ranjatson, James
Reed, Mirjam Ros-Tonen, Chris Sandbrook, Jolien Schure, Anca Serban, Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, Carsten SmithHall, Barbara Stadlmayr, Terry Sunderland, Celine Termote, Tran Nam Tu, Patrick Van Damme, Nathalie van Vliet,
Barbara Vinceti and Solomon Zena Walelign.
Without their voluntary efforts and commitment the preparation of this publication would not have been possible.
We acknowledge and sincerely thank the reviewers of the full report and the various chapters whose comments have
greatly improved the quality of this publication: Eduardo Brondizio, Carol Colfer, Martina Kress, Eric Lambin, Kae
Mihara, Sarah Milne, Ellen Muehlhoff, Ben Phalan, Dominique Reeb, Patricia Shanley and Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers.
We also gratefully acknowledge the generous financial and in-kind support provided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
of Finland, the United States Forest Service, and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment
and Water Management.
Our special thanks go to the IUFRO Secretariat for providing indispensable administrative and technical support to
the work of the Panel. Furthermore, we would like to thank the member organisations of the Collaborative Partnership
on Forests for providing overall guidance to the Panel. We are particularly grateful also to the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO, Rome, Italy), to the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR,
Bogor, Indonesia), the University of Cambridge (UK) and to the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF, Delhi, India) for
hosting expert meetings.
Bhaskar Vira
Panel Chair
Christoph Wildburger
GFEP Coordinator
Stephanie Mansourian
Content Editor
1 Introduction
Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition
4 Drivers of Forests and Tree-based Systems for Food Security and Nutrition
7 Conclusions
Coordinating lead author: Bhaskar Vira
Government of Indonesia
Government of Nepal
Global Social Compliance Programme
High Carbon Stock
International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for
International Cacao Organization
International Coffee Organization
World Agroforestry Centre
International Energy Agency
International Fund for Agricultural
International Finance Corporation
International Forum on Forests
International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements
International Food Policy Research Institute
International Labour Organization
Indigenous People
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil
International Tropical Timber Organization
International Union of Forest Research
International Work Group for Indigenous
International Water Management Institute
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce
Livelihood Support Programme
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(also MEA)
Millennium Development Goal
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(also MA)
Non-governmental Organisation
Non-Timber Forest Product
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development
Poverty Environment Network
Payment for Ecosystem Service
Participatory Forest Management
Purchasing Power Parity
Responsible Agricultural Investment
The Center for People and Forests
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
Forest Degradation
Chapter 1
Forests, Trees and Landscapes for
Food Security and Nutrition
Coordinating lead author: Bhaskar Vira
Lead authors: Bina Agarwal, Ramni Jamnadass, Daniela Kleinschmit,
Stepha McMullin, Stephanie Mansourian, Henry Neufeldt, John A. Parrotta,
Terry Sunderland and Christoph Wildburger
Despite these figures, much of these forests remain under government control (even if the trend suggests a slight
increase in community control of forests; see Figure 1.1).
Ultimately, who controls forests has important implications for the role of forests in food security and nutrition.
The loss and degradation of forests exacerbate the
problem of food insecurity both directly and indirectly: directly, by affecting the availability of fruits and other forest- and tree-based food products, and indirectly by modifying ecological factors relevant for crop and livestock and
thereby affecting the availability of food (van Noordwijk
et al., 2014). As of 1990, an estimated nearly 2 billion ha
of the worlds land surface could be classified as degraded,
the legacy of extended periods of mismanagement in some
long-settled areas (Oldeman et al., 1991). Models of current global trends in land (soil) degradation indicate that
between 1981 and 2003, approximately 24 percent of the
global land area (in which 1.5 billion people live) could
be classified as degrading (Bai et al., 2008). Evidence
suggests that cropland and forests are disproportionately
represented in these areas undergoing degradation, with
consequent implications for net primary productivity, and
associated impacts on populations that depend on these
landscapes for food and nutrient provisioning.
While there is growing recognition that forests and
tree-based systems complement farmland agriculture
in providing food security and nutrition, responsibility
for managing these diverse elements of the productive
landscape is typically fragmented across different government departments and administrative jurisdictions in
most countries. The complex, overlapping and interconnecting processes which link tree products and services
to food security and nutrition are currently not adequately
represented in forestry, agriculture, food or nutrition-related strategies at global and national levels, though their
importance is often well known at more local scales by
consumers, forest producers and farmers.
All terms that are defined in the glossary (Appendix 1), appear for the first time in italics in a chapter.
Changes in statutory forest land tenure in low and middle income countries,
2002-2013, by percent
by Government
Designated for
IPs & Communities
Owned by
IPs & Communities
Owned by
Firms & Individuals
While the evidence base for the role of forests and treebased systems for food security and nutrition is growing
(see for example, Johnston et al., 2013; Ickowitz et al.,
2014) there remain many gaps in our understanding of
this relationship and its potential contribution to reducing
global hunger and malnutrition. There is a need to explore
the forest-food nexus in much more detail, particularly in
relation to the integrated management of multi-functional
landscapes, and the multi-scalar and cross-sectoral governance approaches that are required for the equitable
delivery of these benefits.
In 2012, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development: Rio+20, the UN Secretary General proposed an
ambitious goal to eliminate global hunger by 2025 the
so-called Zero Hunger Challenge. Fulfilling this challenge requires not just providing universal and year-round
access to food for the worlds growing population, but doing so in a nutritionally-balanced way, while enhancing
livelihood security for smallholders, reducing waste from
consumption and production systems and also ensuring
that these systems are sustainable. Evolving strategies to
respond to this challenge primarily focus on achieving
sustainable intensification, by improving the productivity of agricultural systems, without causing ecological harm or compromising biodiversity and ecosystem
services (FAO, 2011b; Garnett et al., 2013). Plant biologists, crop scientists and agronomists are working hard to
find solutions both on-farm and in the laboratory, which
may be able to achieve this desired increase in productivity without the sorts of ecological side-effects that were
This report documents evidence of the relationships between forests and tree-based systems and food security
and nutrition from different agro-ecological zones in all
continents. However, a particular concern is those parts
of the world that are characterised by deep-rooted hunger and malnutrition, where food security is a particular
challenge, primarily in poorer nations and in the tropics (see Figure 1.2). Our discussion includes not only
management of forests, woodlands, agroforests, and tree
crops for direct food provisioning, but also the management of forested landscapes for the conditions they create that in turn affect all agricultural systems. The systems included in our analysis range from management
of forests to optimise yields of wild foods and fodder,
to shifting cultivation, through the broad spectrum of
agroforestry practices, to single-species tree crop management (these systems are discussed in detail in Chapter
3 of this report). We consider the variability and applicability of these management systems within and across
geographical regions, agro-ecological zones and biomes,
highlighting the traditional and modern science and technology that underpin them.
Russian Federation
United Neth.
Kingdom Bel. Germany
Lux. Czech Rep.
France Switz. Slov. Hungary
Bos. & Serb.
Italy Mont. Mace.
United States
of America
Western Sahara
Saudi Arabia
Dominican Rep.
El Salvador
Costa Rica
French Guiana
The Gambia
Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso
d'Ivoire Ghana
S. Korea
Sri Lanka
Equatorial Guinea
N. Korea
Kyrgyz Rep.
Dem. Rwanda
Rep. Burundi
Solomon Islands
Zimbabwe Mozambique
New Zealand
Moderate 5.09.9
Low < 4.9
No data
Industrialized country
No data available
0 ~ < 5
5 ~ < 15
15 ~ < 25
25 ~ < 35
35 ~ 100
Conceptual structure
of the report
D apt
er )
riv er 4
direct/indirect links
production factors
(chapters 2 and 3)
es )
ns nd 6
sp 5 a
Re ters
1.5 Forests and Tree-Based Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition a brief preview
1.5.1 Direct and indirect Contributions of
Forests and Tree-based Systems to Food
Security and Nutrition
As this report explores in some detail, forests and treebased systems provide a steady supply of wild and cultivated fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, oils, roots, fungi, herbs
and animal protein, which complement more conventional
staple diets derived from agricultural production systems
(and, in some cases, provide dependable staple sources
for food security and nutrition). Evidence reviewed in the
report (especially in Chapters 2 and 3) suggests that some
50 percent of the fruit consumed globally comes from
The direct and indirect roles of forests and tree-based systems for
food security and nutrition
Managed forests
Shifting cultivation
Dietary diversity,
quality & quantity
Food provisioning:
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms,
fodder and forage, animal source
foods (bushmeat, fish, insects)
Ecosystem services
Health &
Stability &
Security &
choice & Use
Agarwal, B., 1986. Cold Hearths and Barren Slopes: The Woodfuel
Crisis in the Third World. London: Zed Books.
Agrawal, A., Cashore, B., Hardin, R., Shepherd, G., Benson, C.
and Miller, D., 2013. Economic Contributions of Forests.
Background Paper to UNFF tenth Session, Istanbul, 8-19 April
Akter, S., and Basher, S.A., 2014. The impacts of food price and
income shocks on household food security and economic wellbeing: Evidence from rural Bangladesh. Global Environmental
Change 25: 150162.
Bai, Z. G., Dent, D. L., Olsson, L. and Schaepman, M. E., 2008.
Proxy global assessment of land degradation. Soil Use and
Management 24(3):223234.
Berazneva, J. and Lee, D.R., 2013. Explaining the African food
riots of 2007-2008: an empirical analysis. Food Policy 39:
Brondizio, E.S., 2008. Amazonian Caboclo and the Acai Palm:
Forest Farmers in the Global Market, New York: New York
Botanical Gardens Press.
Delang, C.O., 2006. The role of wild food plants in poverty
alleviation and biodiversity conservation in tropical countries.
Progress in Development Studies 6 (4): 275-286.
Edelman, M., Weis, T., Bavsikar, A., Borras Jr, S. M., HoltGimenez, E., Kandiyoti, D. and Wolford, W., 2014.
Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Food Sovereignty. Journal
of Peasant Studies, 41(6): 911-931.
Fairhead, J., Leach, M. and Scoones, I., 2012. Green Grabbing: a
new appropriation of nature? Journal of Peasant Studies 39(2):
FAO, 1997. Agriculture Food and Nutrition for Africa- a resource
book for teachers of agriculture. Food and Nutrition Division.
Rome: FAO.
FAO, 2010. Global Forest Resources Assessment. Rome: FAO. [Accessed on 15
February 2015]
FAO, 2011a. Forests for Improved Food Security and Nutrition
report. Rome: FAO. Available at:
docrep/014/i2011e/i2011e00.pdf [Accessed on 15 February
FAO, 2011b. Save and grow: a policy makers guide to the
sustainable intensification of crop production. Rome: FAO.
Available at:
[Accessed on 15 February 2015].
FAO, 2013. The State of Food and Agriculture. Better food systems
for better nutrition. Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.
org/docrep/018/i3300e/i3300e00.htm [Accessed on 15 February
FAO, 2014a. Towards Stronger Family Farms. Rome: FAO.
Available at: [Accessed on
15 February 2015].
FAO, 2014b. Food and Nutrition in Numbers. Rome: FAO. http:// [Accessed on 15 February 2015]
FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2013. The State of Food Insecurity in the
World 2013. Themultiple dimensions of food security. Rome:
FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2014. The State of Food Insecurity in the
World 2014. Strengthening the enabling environment for food
security and nutrition. Rome: FAO.
Foli, S., Reed, J., Clendenning, J., Petrokofsky, G., Padoch, C. and
Sunderland, T., 2014. Exploring the dynamics between forests,
ecosystem services and food production: A systematic review
protocol. Environmental Evidence. Available at: http://www. [Accessed on
15 February 2015].
Chapter 2
Understanding the Roles of Forests and
Tree-based Systems in Food Provision
Coordinating lead authors: Ramni Jamnadass and Stepha McMullin
Lead authors: Miyuki Iiyama and Ian K. Dawson
Contributing authors: Bronwen Powell, Celine Termote, Amy Ickowitz, Katja Kehlenbeck,
Barbara Vinceti, Nathalie van Vliet, Gudrun Keding, Barbara Stadlmayr, Patrick Van
Damme, Sammy Carsan, Terry Sunderland, Mary Njenga, Amos Gyau, Paolo Cerutti,
Jolien Schure, Christophe Kouame, Beatrice Darko Obiri, Daniel Ofori,
Bina Agarwal, Henry Neufeldt, Ann Degrande and Anca Serban
2.1 Introduction
2.5 Conclusions
Abstract: Forests and other tree-based systems such as agroforestry contribute to food and nutritional
security in myriad ways. Directly, trees provide a variety of healthy foods including fruits, leafy vegetables,
nuts, seeds and edible oils that can diversify diets and address seasonal food and nutritional gaps. Forests
are also sources of a wider range of edible plants and fungi, as well as bushmeat, fish and insects. Treebased systems also support the provision of fodder for meat and dairy animals, of green fertiliser to
support crop production and of woodfuel, crucial in many communities for cooking food. Indirectly, forests and tree-based systems are a source of income to support communities to purchase foods and they
also provide environmental services that support crop production. There are, however, complexities
in quantifying the relative benefits and costs of tree-based systems in food provision. These complexities mean that the roles of tree-based systems are often not well understood. A greater understanding
focuses on systematic methods for characterising effects across different landscapes and on key indicators, such as dietary diversity measures. This chapter provides a number of case studies to highlight the
relevance of forests and tree-based systems for food security and nutrition, and indicates where there is
a need to further quantify the roles of these systems, allowing proper integration of their contribution
into national and international developmental policies.
2.1 Introduction
The role played by forests1 and trees in the lives of
many people appears obvious through the many uses
made of tree products, including foods, medicines,
fodder, fibres and fuels, and for construction, fencing
and furniture (FAO, 2010). Indeed, forests and other
tree-based production systems such as agroforests have
been estimated to contribute to the livelihoods of more
than 1.6 billion people worldwide (World Bank, 2008),
but just how they contribute and the varying levels of
dependency of different communities on tree products
and services and how these change over time has often not been well defined (Byron and Arnold, 1997).
Complications arise for reasons that include the vast
diversity and ubiquity of products and services these
systems can supply, complexities of tenure, land-usechange dynamics, and the different routes by which
products reach subsistence users and other consumers (FAO, 2010). At least until recently, this has been
compounded by the inadequate attention that has been
given to the characterisation of these systems, and the
benefits and costs that are associated with them among
different portions of the community (Dawson et al.,
2014b; Turner et al., 2012).
Complexities in quantification and a general lack
of proper appreciation of relative benefits help explain
why the positive roles and limitations of tree-based
production systems in supporting local peoples livelihoods have frequently been neglected by policymakers,
and why rural development interventions concerned
with managing forests and tree-based systems have
sometimes been poorly targeted (Belcher et al., 2005;
Belcher and Schreckenberg, 2007; World Bank, 2008).
The vast diversity of forest products available includes
not only those derived from trees, but a wide range of
(often) less visible products from other plants, fungi,
animals and insects. Natural forests, agroforests and
other tree-based production systems not only provide
All terms that are defined in the glossary (Appendix 1), appear for the first time in italics in a chapter.
A framework depicting the direct and indirect roles of forests and tree-based
production systems in food provision. Components indicated in this framework are
addressed in this chapter
Managed forests
Shifting cultivation
Dietary diversity,
quality & quantity
Food provisioning:
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms,
fodder and forage, animal source
foods (bushmeat, fish, insects)
Ecosystem services
Health &
Stability &
Security &
choice & Use
100 %
80 %
60 %
40 %
20 %
English name
Species name
Vit C
Vit A
Carica papaya
Mangifera indica
Musa x paradisiaca
Eriobotrya japonica
Morus alba
Tamarindus indica
Syzygium spp.
Custard apple
Annona reticulata
Psidium guajava
White sapote
Casimiroa edulis
Wild medlar
Vangueria madagascariensis
Citrus limon
Citrus sinensis
Chocolate berry
Vitex payos
Persea americana
Passiflora edulis
Jacket plum
Pappea capensis
Desert date
Balanites aegyptiaca
Bush plum
Carissa edulis
Harvest time of vitamin C- and provitamin A-rich fruits (species given in red type)
Harvest time of vitamin C- and provitamin A-poor fruits (species given in black type)
+ = intermediate
= moderate
Food security levels of smallholders households and the harvest periods for the most important exotic and indigenous (in italics) fruits, for 300 households in Machakos County, Eastern Kenya. Fruit harvest periods are according
to household respondents and the given ratings of vitamin C and provitamin A (a precursor of vitamin A) content
are according to chemical analysis (several sources, including Tanzania Food Composition Tables and the USDA
National Nutrient Database) Source: Katja Kehlenbeck (personal, previously unpublished observations).
Examples of tree-species-rich agroforests in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with information on
tree uses and with particular reference to possible human food use. These case studies indicate that dozens
and sometimes hundreds of tree species can be found in agroforestry landscapes in the tropics, with a wide
range of species contributing directly to food production (adapted from Dawson et al., 2014b)
Tree diversity
Tree uses
Barak Valley,
Assam, India
Garen et al.
Lengkeek et al.
East of Mount
Kenya, Kenya
Marjokorpi and
Two areas of
West Kalimantan,
Philpott et al.
Bukit Barisan
Selatan Park,
Lampung province, Sumatra,
and Haridasan
Southern Bahia,
Sonwa et al.
and Ebolowa
hectares (Sendzimir et al., 2011). Improvements in sorghum and millet yields, and higher dietary diversity and
household incomes, have resulted in some Sahelian locations (Place and Binam, 2013).
Traditional energy sources have received little attention in current energy debates, but firewood and charcoal are crucial for the survival and well-being of as
many as two billion people, enabling them to cook food
to make it safe for consumption and palatable, and to
release the energy within it (Owen et al., 2013; Wrangham, 2009). In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, where
perhaps 90 percent of the population relies on woodfuels
for cooking (GEF 2013; IEA, 2006), the use of charcoal as a cooking fuel is still increasing rapidly, with the
value of the charcoal industry there estimated at USD
8 billion in 2007 (World Bank, 2011). In Asia, even
better-off rural households have often been observed to
be highly dependent on woodfuels, as found by Narain
et al. (2005) for India, the Government of Nepal (GN,
2004) for Nepal, and Chaudhuri and Pfaff (2002) for Pakistan. With the volatile and often high price of modern energy sources, this situation is unlikely to change
for some time, a fact often neglected in policy discussions on energy futures in low-income nations, which
place unrealistic emphasis on more modern energy
sources, rather than attempting to make woodfuel production and use more efficient and sustainable (Iiyama
et al., 2014a; Schure et al., 2013). Access to cooking fuel
provides people with more flexibility in what they can
eat, including foods with better nutritional profiles that
require more energy to cook (Njenga et al., 2013). The
cultivation of woodlots allows the production of wood
that is less harmful when burnt (Tabuti et al., 2003),
has higher energy content and requires less time for
collection (freeing time for other activities; Thorlakson
and Neufeldt, 2012). This is particularly beneficial for
women, who do most of the woodfuel collection and the
cooking, and whose health suffers most from cookingsmoke-related diseases (Bailis et al., 2005). Previously
collected sources of fuel can then be used for other more
beneficial purposes that support food production (e.g.,
not cutting fruit trees for fuel; Brouwer et al., 1997;
Khlin et al., 2011; Wan et al., 2011).
and largely informal domestic timber sector that supports the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of local
forest users (Cerutti and Lescuyer, 2011; Lescuyer et al.,
2011). In many countries, however, laws for timber extraction were designed largely around large-scale exportoriented forestry operations rather than to sustain healthy
small-scale domestic markets, which can be criminalised,
generating large revenues in bribes for unscrupulous state
officials (Cerutti et al., 2013). There are in turn, some encouraging efforts to change forest and resource governance rules to favour strengthened local rights (Campese
et al., 2009).
In addition to providing food directly, a multitude of
NTFPs harvested from natural, incipiently- and/or semidomesticated forests and woodlands provide a range of
resources that are used by harvesters directly for other
purposes, or are sold for income that can be used to
purchase a variety of products, including food. The increased demand for forest products in low-income nations, prompted by population growth and urbanisation,
provides particular opportunities to enhance rural livelihoods (Arnold et al., 2006). Difficulties in adequately
quantifying NTFP value, however, include the multiplicity of products, informal trade and bartering that occur in
unmonitored local markets, direct household provisioning
without products entering markets at all, and the fact that
wild-harvested resources have been excluded from many
large-scale rural household surveys (Angelsen et al.,
2011; Shackleton et al., 2007; Shackleton et al., 2011).
The heterogeneity of challenges to harness the incomeand livelihood-generating opportunities from these tree
products include the diversity of markets and of market
structures of which they are part (Jamnadass et al., 2014).
Despite difficulties in quantification, some overall
estimates of value have been attempted. Pimentel et al.
(1997), for example, estimated very approximately that
USD 90 billion worth of food and other NTFPs were
harvested annually from forests and trees in developing
countries. FAOs latest (2010) Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) provided more recent estimates
(based on 2005 figures), with worldwide values given
of USD 19 billion and 17 billion annually for non-wood
forest product- and woodfuel-removals, respectively. The
data compiled for the FRA were, however, acknowledged
to be far from complete (one problem is that, when they
do report value for NTFPs, many countries only do so for
the top few species of commercial importance; FAO,
2010). A good illustration of the discrepancy between
current estimates of importance comes from comparing
the value of woodfuel reported for Africa (most woodfuel is harvested from naturally-regenerating rather than
planted sources in the continent) in the 2010 FRA (USD
1.4 billion annually) with the World Banks (2011) much
higher estimate of the value of the charcoal industry in
the sub-Saharan region (USD 8 billion annually; quoted
in Section 2.3; see also FAO, 2014). There is also some
confusion regarding the meaning of the term income
in estimates: some studies use it to mean the cash made
from selling products; perhaps more commonly, however, the term is used in the sense of the environmental
women, who have limited access to land and capital resources, in NTFP trade can have positive effects on intrahousehold equity (e.g., Kusters et al., 2006; Marshall et
al., 2006). However, connecting such data with food consumption through direct provisioning or through sales
that are used to support food purchase and dietary diversity is a different matter, and much less information is
available (Ahmed, 2013). Given that much of the collection of NTFPs is done by women and children, they suffer
more when access to resources is restricted or if resources
are depleted (Agarwal, 2013).
As noted above and as is evident from Table 2.2, woodfuel is an important NTFP in many locations, which allows the preparation of food (Section 2.3). In contrast to
subsistence firewood collection, traditionally handled by
women and children, charcoal production is mainly an activity undertaken by men (Ingram et al., 2014), although
the growing participation of women has been reported in
some locations, such as in Zambia and northern Tanzania (Butz, 2013; Gumbo et al., 2013). Who benefits most
from production depends on the specific context (Butz,
2013; Khundi et al., 2011; Schure et al., 2014; Zulu and
Richardson, 2013). Charcoal production provides a good
illustration of some of the dilemmas for intervention in
NTFP harvest and trade since it is often based on unsustainable practices that are sometimes illegal (Mwampamba et al., 2013). Its value chain is generally affected by a
complex and multi-layered regulatory context that is unclear for stakeholders (Iiyama et al., 2014b; Sepp, 2008).
Interventions have rarely been effective, with economic
rents accruing to the transport/wholesale stages of the
value chain, as well as in bribes to those engaged in the
illicit licence trade (Naughton-Treves et al., 2007). Partly
as a result, producer margins are often low (Mwampamba
et al., 2013).
Commercialising the wild harvest of NTFPs has been
widely promoted as a conservation measure, based on the
assumption that an increase in resource value is an incentive for collectors to manage forests and woodlands
more sustainably (FAO, 2010). Experience shows, however, that the concept of commercialisation and conservation proceeding in tandem is often illusory (Belcher and
Schreckenberg, 2007), as more beneficial livelihood outcomes are generally associated with more detrimental environmental outcomes (Kusters et al., 2006). The harvest
of fruit from the argan tree (Argania spinosa), endemic to
Morocco, is a good illustration of the dilemmas involved.
The oil extracted from the kernels of argan fruit is one of
the most expensive edible oils (as well as being used for
cosmetic purposes) in the world and development agencies have widely promoted a win-win scenario for rural
livelihoods and argan forest health based on further commercialisation (Lybbert et al., 2011). As Lybbert et al.,
showed, however, while the booming oil export market
has benefited the local economy, it has also contributed to
forest degradation. Thus, although the commercialisation
of NTFP harvesting can contribute to livelihoods, not too
much should be expected from it in terms of supporting
sustainability, even if measures to engage in cultivation
are taken (see Section 2.3; Dawson et al., 2013).
Case studies indicating the proportional contribution of non-timber forest products to household budgets. The examples given show that the scale of the contribution varies widely, depending on
context and wealth group, with often higher proportional contributions to poorer households
% household
Further information
Shackleton et
al. (2007)
South Africa
Natural forest
Appiah et al.
Natural forest
Kamanga et al.
Forest, farmland
15 (17 P, 7 W)
Babulo et al.
Northern Ethiopia
Natural forest
Yemiru et al.
Southern Ethiopia
FAO (2011)
Natural forest
FAO (2011)
Parkland, savannah
Shea nut
Mulenga et al.
Natural forest
Heubach et al.
Northern Benin
Natural forest
Adam and
Savannah woodland
Ingram et al.
Congo Basin
Natural forest
Pouliot (2012)
Burkina Faso
Parkland, forest
(43 P, 18 W)
Pouliot and
Treue (2013)*
Grassland, bushland,
farmland, forest
(45 P, 20 W);
Burkina Faso
(42 P, 17 W)
Bwalya (2013)
Natural forest,
Kar and
Forest-adjacent hilly
(16 P, 9 W)
Vedeld et al.
Review of 54 studies
in 17 countries
20, ~ half as
cash income
Ziziphus fruits
Data were extracted from FAO (2015) and are combined figures for all nations providing information. Data for mangoes,
mangosteens and guava are reported together. Given values include re-exports (i.e., import into one nation followed by
export to another). Some commodities, such as coffee, cocoa and coconut, are exported in more than one form and
total export values are therefore higher than those shown here (for each of these crops only the most important form
by export value is given). The graph shows that there was a significant increase in export value for crops during the decade leading up to 2010, but that value was volatile. The most notable feature over the period was a sharp rise in palm oil
export value. Note that local trade can also be significant for many of these products
ecosystem services (PES), but more important in determining their behaviour is the direct products and services
they receive from trees (Roshetko et al., 2007). Neglect of
this fact by PES schemes has led to sub-optimal results
(Roshetko et al., 2015). Opportunities for ecological intensification (see Chapter 5) and for the better provision of environmental services to support food security vary by stage
of the forest-tree landscape continuum (van Noordwijk et
al., 2014 and see Chapter 3).
Forests, woodlands and trees elsewhere in landscapes
play a vital role in controlling water flows, and preventing soil erosion and nutrient leaching, all of which are
critical functions for food production systems (Bruinsma,
2003). At the same time, green manures in agroforestry
systems maintain and enhance soil fertility, supporting
crop yields when external fertiliser inputs are not available or are unaffordable (see Section 2.3; Garrity et al.,
2010; Sanchez, 2002). Nitrogen-fixing trees have in particular received considerable attention for their ability to
cycle atmospheric nitrogen in cropping systems (Sileshi
et al., 2008; Sileshi et al., 2011; Sileshi et al., 2012). Microclimate regulation by trees in agroforestry systems,
such as through the provision of a canopy that protects
crops from direct exposure to the sun (reducing evapotranspiration), from extreme rainfall events and from high
temperatures, can also promote more resilient and productive food-cropping systems (Pramova et al., 2012). In
Sahelian zones with long dry seasons, for example, trees
provide an environment for the cultivation of nutritious
leafy vegetables and pulses (Sendzimir et al., 2011).
Effects of distance-from-forest
on pair-wise Spearman rank
relationships between ecosystem
service indicators
Near Far Near Far Near Far Near Far Near Far Near Far Near Far
Soybean yield
Aphid regulation
Insect herbivory regulation
Soil carbon
Negative relationship
Soil nitrogen
Positive relationship
2.5 Conclusions
Foods provided by forests and
tree-based systems
There is increasing evidence of the importance of forests and tree-based systems for supporting food production and contributing to dietary diversity and quality,
addressing nutritional shortfalls. By targeting particular species for improved harvest and/or cultivation,
more optimal portfolios of species could be devised
that best support communities nutrition year-round.
An overall increase in the production through cultivation of a wide range of foods, including tree fruits and
vegetables, is required to bridge consumption shortfalls.
There is much further potential for the domestication
of currently little-researched indigenous fruit trees to
bring about large production gains, although more information is needed on the nutritional value of many of
these species. Trees also provide other important products (e.g., fodder, green fertiliser, fuel) that support food
production and use.
Outstanding gaps
The value of the hidden harvest of edible forest foods,
and the cultivation of trees by smallholders, is evident
from this chapter. To maximise future potential, greater
attention from both the scientific and the development
communities is required. In particular, the development of a supportive policy framework requires proper
attention to both the forestry and agriculture sectors in
tandem. For this to take place, a better quantification
of the relative benefits received by rural communities
from different tree production categories is required,
supported by an appropriate typology for characterisation (de Foresta et al., 2013). Despite recent advances
such as PEN (2015), data are still required to quantify
roles in supporting food and nutritional security that
include dietary diversity measurements.
Policies that support communities access to forest
and that encourage the cultivation of tree products are
required. Required reforms include more favourable
land tenure arrangements for smallholders, in how farmers obtain tree planting material, and in the recognition
of agroforestry as a viable investment option for food
production (Jamnadass et al., 2013). Research should
support food tree domestication options appropriate
for meeting smallholders needs. Emphasis should be
placed on mixed agroforestry production regimes that
can help to avoid many of the negative effects described
in Section 2.4, by combining tree commodities in diverse production systems with locally-important food
trees, staple crops, vegetables and edible fungi. Such
regimes include shade coffee and shade cocoa systems
(Jagoret et al., 2011; Jagoret et al., 2012; SCI, 2015),
which increase or at least do not decrease commodity yields and profitability (Clough et al., 2011). Such
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Chapter 3
The Historical, Environmental and
Socio-Economic Context of Forests
and Tree-Based Systems for Food
Security and Nutrition
Coordinating lead author: John A. Parrotta
Lead authors: Jennie Dey de Pryck, Beatrice Darko Obiri, Christine
Padoch, Bronwen Powell and Chris Sandbrook
Contributing authors: Bina Agarwal, Amy Ickowitz, Katy Jeary, Anca
Serban, Terry Sunderland and Tran Nam Tu
3.1 Introduction
3.3 The Influence of Forest Landscape Configuration Management and Use on Food Security and Nutrition
3.3.2 The Influence of Landscape Use and Management of Forests and Tree-Based Systems on Nutrition
3.4.1 Introduction
3.4.4 Human Capital, Control and Decision-making in Forests and Tree-Based Systems
3.4.5 Financial Capital and Credit: Using and Investing in Forests and Trees
3.5 Conclusions
Abstract: Forests and tree-based systems are an important component of rural landscapes, sustaining
livelihoods and contributing to the food security and nutritional needs of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Historically, these systems developed under a wide variety of ecological conditions, and
cultural and socio-economic contexts, as integrated approaches that combined management of forest
and agricultural areas to provide primarily for the needs of producers and their local communities. Today
they serve food and nutrition demands of growing global populations, both urban and rural. Population increase, globalisation, deforestation, land degradation, and ever-increasing demand and associated
conflict for land (including forest) resources are placing pressure on these lands. Farmers have been
encouraged to intensify food production on existing agricultural lands, by modifying some traditional
practices (such as agroforestry) or abandoning others (such as shifting cultivation) that evolved over
centuries to cope with biophysical constraints (e.g. limited soil fertility, climate variability) and changing
socio-economic conditions. This chapter provides an overview of forests and tree-based systems and
their role in enhancing food security and nutrition for rural communities and those served through
the marketplace. The variability and viability of these management systems are considered within and
across geographical regions and agro-ecological zones. Also discussed is the role of the social, cultural
and economic contexts in which these systems exist, with a focus on three factors that affect the socioeconomic organisation of forests and tree-based systems, namely: land and tree tenure and governance, human capital (including knowledge and labour) and financial capital (including credit). How these
biophysical and socio-economic conditions and their complex interactions influence food security and
nutrition outcomes, particularly for vulnerable segments of the population (i.e., the poor, women and
children), are of particular concern.
3.1 Introduction
Forests1 and trees outside of forests have ensured the food
security and nutrition of human populations since time immemorial. Throughout the world, forests and associated
ecosystems have been managed to enhance their production
of a vast array of wild, semi-domesticated and domesticated foods, including fruits, nuts, tubers, leafy vegetables,
mushrooms, honey, insects, game animals, fish and other
wildlife (discussed in detail in Chapter 2). The development and spread of crop agriculture and animal husbandry
over the past few centuries, and particularly since the early
20th century, has diminished dependence on forests for
food security and nutrition in many societies, particularly
those relying primarily on staple crops. Nonetheless forests
and tree-based systems which generally co-exist in the
landscape with other land management practices - continue to play a very important role for food security and nutrition, often complementing other food production systems,
particularly on lands unsuited to other forms of agriculture
due to soil productivity constraints.
The earths diverse forest ecosystems and the human
cultures associated with them through the course of history have produced a vast array of food systems connected
to forests and trees. These forests and tree-based systems
are based on the traditional wisdom, knowledge, practices and technologies of societies, developed and enriched
through experimentation and adaptation to changing environmental conditions and societal needs over countless
generations (Altieri, 2002; Berkes et al., 2000; Colfer et
al., 2005; Galloway-McLean, 2010; Parrotta and Trosper,
2012). Traditional forest-related knowledge and farmer
innovation have played a critical role in the development
of highly diverse, productive and sustainable food production systems within and outside of forests (Anderson,
2006; Kuhnlein et al., 2009; Posey, 1999; Turner et al.,
2011). Starting early in the 20th century, when anthropologists began documenting the ethnobotany and food
production systems of indigenous and local communities
worldwide, these forests and tree-based systems and the
traditional knowledge upon which they are based have
been rediscovered by a broader audience within the
(formal) scientific community, principally among agricultural scientists and ecologists.
A number of inter-related factors continue to drive the
general shift from forests and tree-based systems towards intensive agriculture (discussed in detail in Chapter 4). These
include, among others, population growth, urbanisation,
and the progressive movement from subsistence to marketdriven economies and food production systems required to
serve growing numbers of consumers globally. The resultant
increased demand for staples and other food crops has led to
expansion of mechanised agriculture and livestock production into forests and woodlands. This has frequently included
introduction of crop and livestock species and production
technologies developed under very different environmental
and socio-cultural conditions. It should be noted, however
that in some regions such as Amazonia, urbanisation has increased the demand for, and production of, foods from forests and tree-based systems (Padoch et al., 2008).
Deforestation continues unabated in many parts of the
world, in large part the result of agricultural expansion
and cattle ranching (particularly in Latin America) (FAO,
2010), driven notably by urbanisation and globalisation
of agricultural trade (c.f. De Fries et al., 2010; Rudel et
al., 2009). Further, an increasing proportion of the worlds
All terms that are defined in the glossary (Appendix 1), appear for the first time in italics in a chapter.
and across geographical regions and biomes (agro-ecological zones). The social, cultural and economic contexts
in which these systems exist and how they determine food
security and nutrition outcomes are of particular concern.
We therefore focus (in Section 3.4) on four factors that affect the socio-economic organisation of forests and treebased systems, namely: land and tree tenure and governance; gender relations; human capital (including labour);
and financial capital (including credit).
Managed forests
Shifting cultivation
Photo PJ Stephenson
* Photos 2 and 3 originally published as Figs. 4.6 and 10.2 in Parrotta and Trosper (2012) reprinted with kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
homogenisation, and dramatic changes in governance arrangements related to forest lands and trees outside of forests in favour of state (or colonial) ownership and control
(Garcia Latorre and Garcia Latorre, 2012; Jarosz, 1993;
United Nations, 2009). Development and conservation
policies that discourage the traditional forest management
practices that have historically ensured food security within indigenous and local communities have inevitably led to
the loss of the traditional knowledge underpinning these
practices (Collings, 2009; Parrotta and Trosper, 2012).
There is, however, a growing recognition of the value of
traditional knowledge and innovation underpinning the management of forests and tree-based systems by indigenous
and local communities worldwide. Beyond its importance
for food security and nutrition, the forested landscapes that
traditional management practices have produced can be appreciated for their provision of ecosystem services (including
carbon sequestration), as well as conservation of biological
and cultural diversity (Cairns, 2015; De Foresta and Michon,
1997; Fox et al., 2000; Palm et al., 2005; Swift et al., 1996).
(soil, vegetation, insects)
Knowledge about
adaptation of
Folk taxonomies
(soils, plants,
(slope, pests, marginal soils, etc.)
Multiple land use
Knowledge about
potential uses
of plants, soils,
resource management techniques
Local cropping
system design and
Uses of local
resources, for
pest control
Peservation of culture
and ethnoscience
Improvement of local
agroecosystems and development
of appropriate technologies
Enhanced food
and sustainability
dependence on
external inputs
to environmental
and contraints
Survival under
conditions of
(Mertz, 2009). It remains the dominant form of agriculture in many rural upland areas where it contributes to the
creation of complex landscapes and livelihoods (Mertz et
al., 2008; Raintree and Warner, 1986; Spencer, 1966).
While the importance of shifting cultivation for food
security and nutrition in many tropical regions is indisputable, the numbers of people who depend on shifting
cultivation and the land areas involved remain unclear.
This is due to a general lack of useful demographic data,
ethnographic studies, and explicit knowledge about the
location and intensity of these practices, a failure of land
cover/land use maps to identify these practices from the
global to the sub-national scale (Mertz et al., 2009a;
Padoch et al., 2007; Schmidt-Vogt et al., 2009). Earlier
empirically-based assessments have yielded estimates
of the numbers of people dependent on shifting cultivation ranging from 40 to more than 500 million worldwide
(Russell, 1988; Goldammer, 1988; Kleinman et al., 1996;
Sanchez et al., 2005). A more systematic study by Mertz
et al. (2009a) provided conservative estimates of between
14 and 34 million people engaged in shifting cultivation
in nine countries in Southeast Asia alone. Similarly, accurate estimates of land areas involved in shifting cultivation
are also lacking, although it can be assumed that they include a significant proportion of the 850 million hectares
of tropical secondary forests in Africa, Latin America and
Asia (Mertz et al., 2008). There is a clear need for further
research to provide more accurate estimates of shifting
cultivator populations and land areas involved using a
combination of remote sensing data, ethnographic studies
purposes are again spared while those that are not valued are cut and removed. Especially in the later stages
of the fallow phase, spontaneous or forest vegetation
tends to predominate in shifting cultivators fields, the
boundaries between forests and fields disappear, although
the food value of these plots is often far higher than that
of less disturbed forests (Rerkasem et al., 2009). Many
areas of regrowth in these systems continue to be heavily managed for economic and other products, including
such nutritionally valuable resources as bushmeat (Wadley and Colfer, 2004). Garden hunting is often carried
out in shifting cultivation fields and fallows that can be
rich in animals (Linares, 1976; Hiraoka, 1995) as they
are attracted by the fruits that are frequently planted or
spared. In summary, many shifting cultivation landscapes
are largely forests that have been enriched with crops and
a broad array of species by diverse management practices
that are often applied iteratively and are difficult to classify or even see.
The dynamics of shifting cultivation have changed
over time, and in some regions these changes have been
rapid particularly since the mid-20th century. Many
shifting cultivators have intensified their land use practices over time, including through the introduction of
new crops and technologies that are not always wellsuited to local agroecological conditions. While such
changes can sometimes increase the cultivators immediate incomes, the agricultural results have often been
adverse or unsustainable, especially if unsuitable land
is overused or inappropriate inputs or crops are used.
These changes have often resulted in instabilities in previously well-adapted shifting cultivation and resource
use, jeopardising their ecological and in some cases
economic sustainability (Raintree and Warner, 1986;
Warner, 1991). For example, shortened cropping cycles
or other management practices have in many situations
contributed to soil fertility and productivity declines
(Borggaard et al., 2003; Cairns and Garrity, 1999; Ramakrishnan, 1992). Destabilisation of traditional shifting
cultivation systems is usually the result of a combination
of socioeconomic and political changes, demographic
pressures, and biophysical factors that force cultivators to change their practices (Table 3.1). Factors that
commonly contribute to these changes include government restrictions of forest use, changes in land tenure
systems, demographic pressures including large-scale
migration and resettlements, and policies that promote
cash crop production (Nair and Fernandes, 1984).
While such unstable conditions are not found in all
shifting cultivation systems, they have reinforced negative perceptions of shifting cultivators and their practices
(Fox et al., 2009; Mertz et al., 2009b). Arguments typically used to condemn shifting cultivation have included
its low productivity, negative impacts on soils, hydrology
and biodiversity conservation. However, broad generalisations regarding shifting cultivation are not helpful and
obscure the fact that environmental impacts of shifting
cultivation are diverse, and depend not only on farmers
management practices, but the environmental, social,
economic and political contexts in which they occur (c.f.,
Proximate Causes
Underlying Causes
Inequitable political-economic
structures affecting use of
International/national economic
policies, especially trade liberalisation, structural adjustment
Disrespect for, or neglect of, the
rights of shifting cultivators
Lack of knowledge of
environmental factors in agriculture
Lack of sustained economic development and employment for poor
Lack of political commitment for
poverty alleviation
Inadequate attention to social needs
in environmental policies
Thrupp et al., 1997; Lambin et al., 2001). Efforts to ameliorate the perceived shortcomings or negative impacts of
shifting cultivation can be counter-productive, particularly in relation to food security and nutrition. For example, recent studies on land use change in the Lao Peoples
Democratic Republic (also see Chapter 5), found that policies aimed at increasing forest cover, protecting wildlife,
and promoting more intensive, commercial farming have
had significant negative impacts on the well-being of rural community members and especially on their ability to
adapt to change and respond to a variety of shocks that
economic and environmental change may bring (Hurni et
al., 2013; Castella et al., 2013).
A growing body of research indicates that in many areas where shifting cultivation is still practised, particularly
where traditional knowledge regarding fallow management
is well-developed and applied, these systems can be managed sustainably without undermining soil fertility and
jeopardising productivity - while conserving biodiversity
and maintaining provision of an array of forest ecosystem services (c.f. Cairns, 2007; Cairns, 2015; Colfer et
al., 2015; Cramb, 1993; Finegan and Nasi, 2004; Kleinman et al., 1996; Mertz et al., 2008; Palm et al., 2005; Parrotta and Trosper, 2012; Ramakrishnan, 1992; Swift et al.,
1996). With respect to efforts to mitigate climate change
through REDD+ programmes, it is important to note that
while the secondary forest-dominated landscapes created
through shifting cultivation do not store as much carbon as
primary forests, their carbon sequestration potential is far
greater than those dominated by alternative agricultural or
single species tree crop management systems (c.f. Bruun et
al., 2009; Chazdon, 2014; Martin et al., 2013). Such findings have important implications for REDD+ policies and
programmes, particularly where they may exclude shifting
constrained by soil erosion, shortening of fallows in shifting cultivation, overgrazing, deforestation and forest degradation, and fodder and fuelwood shortages (Nair, 1993).
Semiarid and arid regions where agroforestry systems
are common include the cerrado of South America, savannah and sub-Saharan zones of Africa, drier regions of the
Mediterranean, North Africa and the Near East, and parts
of South Asia (Nair, 1993).
Parklands, one of the most extensive farming systems
in the tropics and the dominant farming systems in semiarid West Africa, cover the vast majority of cultivated area
in Sahelian countries. This includes an estimated 90 percent (5.1 million ha) of all agricultural lands in Mali (Ciss 1995; Boffa, 1999) where scattered multipurpose trees
such as baobab (Adansonia digitata L.), detar (Detarium
microcarpum), nr (Parkia biglobosa), tamarind (Tamarindus indica), shea tree or karit (Vitellaria paradoxa)
and ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) are managed on farmlands.
A recent geospatial analysis by Zomer et al. (2014) estimated the extent and recent changes in agroforestry practices at a global scale, based on remote sensing-derived global
datasets on land use, tree cover and population. Agroforestry systems (defined in their study as agricultural lands
with greater than 10 percent tree cover) were found to comprise 43 percent (over 1 billion ha) of all agricultural land
globally (Figure 3.3). These lands include 320 million ha in
South America, 190 million ha in sub-Saharan Africa, and
130 million ha in Southeast Asia. In Central America, 96
percent of agricultural lands were classified as agroforestry,
as were over 80 percent of agricultural lands in Southeast
Asia and South America. Globally, the amount of tree cover
on agricultural land increased substantially between 2000
and 2010, with the area of >10 percent tree cover increasing
from 40 to 43 percent (+82.8 million ha). The proportion
of agricultural lands with varying levels of tree cover and
proportions of people living in these landscapes in different
regions of the world are presented in Table 3.2.
Zomer et al. (2009) found a strong relationship between aridity and tree cover in Southeast Asia, Central
America and South America, although there are many
exceptions to this rule (i.e., high tree cover found in
more arid zones and low tree cover found in more humid
zones) that must be explained by other factors, such as
tenure, markets or other policies and institutions that affect incentives for tree planting and management, as well
as context-specific historical trends (Zomer et al., 2014;
Zomer et al., 2007; Zomer et al., 2009). Further, although
patterns in the relationship between tree cover and human population densities in agricultural landscapes exist
within aridity classes and continents, these correlations
are neither consistently positive nor negative except in the
very low or high range of tree cover, and there appears to
be no general trade-off between human population density and tree cover in these landscapes. Additional work is
needed to refine estimates of land cover (versus land use)
in agricultural landscapes and the extent of agroforestry
practice in its varied forms, both at the global level and at
finer spatial scales, as well as their relationship with factors other than climate and population density.
Percentage of land area and population living in agricultural areas with greater than
10%, 20% and 30% tree cover in 2008-2010 (adapted from Zomer et al., 2014)
(% of all land area/persons
in agricultural area)
% land area
% population
% land area
% population
% land area
% population
North America
Central America
South America
sub-Saharan Africa
South Asia
Southeast Asia
East Asia
Global average
(Theobroma cacao)
Common fig
(Ficus carica)
(Persia americana)
(Mangifera indica)
(Malus domestica)
Sweet orange
(Citrus x sinensis)
Common (and
scientific) name &
centre of origin
Cultivated in humid tropics. Top 10 producing countries (in 2005): Cote dIvoire,
Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon,
Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Papua New
Cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics. Largest producer is India, followed
by China, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan,
Mexico, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt, Kenya.
Propagated from seeds, but more commonly by vegetative methods, i.e., cuttings, air-layering or grafting.
Grown in orchards and agroforestry systems. Generally propagated by grafting, although wild apples grow
readily from seed. Apple trees highly susceptible
to fungal and bacterial diseases and insect pests.
Intensive programme of chemical sprays important to
maintain high fruit quality, tree health, and high yields
in commercial plantations.
Establishment and
Seeds or beans contain 40-50% fat as cocoa butter used for chocolate, cocoa
mass and powder; pulp used for juice, smoothies, jelly and nata; fermented pulp
distilled into alcoholic beverages.
Figs are consumed fresh or dried and are often processed as a paste for
pastries or canned. The fruit can be fermented and distilled into alcohol. Dried
figs are a rich source (> 20% of the daily value) of dietary fibre and the essential mineral, manganese, while vitamin K and numerous other minerals are in
moderate content. Figs contain diverse phytochemicals, including polyphenols
such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, syringic acid, (+)-catechin, ()-epicatechin
and rutin.
The fruit is eaten fresh and for preparation of various recipes; it is a major
ingredient in vegetarian diets. A typical serving of avocado (100 g) is a very
good source of several B vitamins and vitamin K, and a good source of vitamin
C, vitamin E and potassium. Avocados also contain phytosterols and carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, and diverse fats, mostly oleic acid but also
palmitic acid and linoleic acid, among others.
Fruits are eaten fresh or used to prepare juices, smoothies, sherbets or other
desserts. Also used (dried or fresh) in cooking, preparation of chutneys and
preserves. Both green and ripe mango fruits are rich in carbohydrates, minerals
and vitamin C. Fruits and sometimes leaves used as livestock fodder.
Fruit often eaten fresh but also cooked in prepared foods (especially desserts)
and drinks. Used for juice, vinegar and other beverages and confectionery. Fruit
contains significant dietary fibre and modest vitamin C content, with otherwise
a generally low content of essential nutrients compared to other fruits. Apple
peels contain various phytochemicals with unknown nutritional value, including
quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2.
Fruit is eaten fresh, or processed for its juice or fragrant peel for marmalade.
Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C; the edible peel has significant contents of vitamin C, dietary fibre, total polyphenols, carotenoids, limonene and
dietary minerals, such as potassium and magnesium.
Southeastern Mexico to
Amazon Basin
(Theobroma cacao)
Common fig
(Ficus carica)
Oil palm
(Elaeis guineensis)
Cultivated in humid tropics. Top 10 producing countries (in 2005): Cote dIvoire,
Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon,
Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Papua New
Figs are consumed fresh or dried and are often processed as a paste for pastries
or canned. The fruit can be fermented and distilled into alcohol. Dried figs are a
rich source (> 20% of the Daily Value) of dietary fibre and the essential mineral,
manganese, while vitamin K and numerous other minerals are in moderate
content. Figs contain diverse phytochemicals, including polyphenols such as gallic
acid, chlorogenic acid, syringic acid, (+)-catechin, ()-epicatechin and rutin.
An edible oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit kernels is used
for household cooking (especially in tropical Africa and Southeast Asia) and industrial
food and non-food applications worldwide (e.g. margarine, cosmetics, soaps, toothpaste, waxes, lubricants and ink).
From a nutritional and health perspective, palm oil has an especially high concentration of saturated fat, specifically of palmitic acid, as well as the monounsaturated
oleic acid. While palm oil is an important source of calories and a food staple in
poor communities, its overall health impacts, particularly in relation to cardiovascular
disease, are controversial. Much of the palm oil that is consumed as food is to some
degree oxidised rather than in the fresh state, and this oxidation appears to be
responsible for the health risk associated with consuming palm oil.
Walnuts are eaten raw, toasted, pickled or cooked in various recipes; also
processed for oil. 100 grams of walnuts contain 15.2 grams of protein, 65.2
grams of fat, and 6.7 grams of dietary fibre. They are rich in vitamins, particularly
thiamine (B1), B6, folate (B9), and in trace metals, particularly manganese, but
also magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Unlike most nuts that are high in
monounsaturated fatty acids.
Nut (kernel) eaten as a snack food or used in cooking.They are a rich source of pro- FAOSTAT Statistical Database: faostat.; Johnson (1973); Ohler (1979);
tein, carbohydrate and fat and contains minerals such as Ca, P, Na, K, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn
Saroj and Rupa (2014)
and Mn. Cashew kernel lipids are rich in unsaturated fats, mainly oleic acid. It is also
a good source of antioxidants.The spongy, juicy, pear shaped stalk (cashew apple)
contains sugars, tannins, phenols, amino acids, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, minerals and
fibre. It is used to prepare juices or distilled into a liqueur (feni);also used to prepare
pickle and other food products.
Shea butter extracted from the seeds widely used in cosmetics as a moisturiser,
salve or lotion. It is one of the most important sources of vegetable oil in rural
areas of the savannah zone of West Africa, used in food preparation in many
African countries, and occasionally (mixed with other oils) in the chocolate
industry as a substitute for cocoa butter. Shea butter is composed of five principal fats mostly stearic, oleic but also palmitic, linoleic, and arachidic; it is a rich
source of vitamins A and E, and contains phenolic compounds known to have
antioxidant properties.
Fruit (nut) contains water suspended in the endosperm with an outer hard shell
(mesocarp) and fibrous husk(exocarp).Water from immature fruits consumed as
a refreshing beverage rich in vitamins and trace minerals; Endosperm when mature
contains 35-40% oil, 10% carbohydrate and 3% protein; oil extracted from dried
endosperm (copra) used as a cooking oil, in margarine, cocoa butter, beverages and
numerous non-food products; dried endosperm used in confectionery, cooking, and
may be ground into flour for baking.
Cultivated in many temperate and subtropical Propagated from seeds, but more commonly by vegcountries worldwide, particularly in the Middle etative methods, i.e., cuttings, air-layering or grafting.
East and areas with a Mediterranean climate.
Major producers include:Turkey, Egypt, Iran,
Morocco, Algeria, Syria, USA, Greece, Spain,
Afghanistan, Brazil,Tunisia and Italy.
Northeastern Brazil
Cultivated in many tropical countries worldwide. Major producers include: India, Cte
dIvoire, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nigeria,
Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique
and Philippines.
(Anacardium occidentale)
(Vitellaria paradoxa)
(Cocos nucifera)
Shade-grown cocoa
Although it has been argued that the perennial nature of tree crop systems makes them inherently
more sustainable and less environmentally damaging in
comparison with annual food crop systems (Watson,
1990), their biodiversity impacts, particularly for the
production of cocoa and coffee, have increased with the
expansion of plantations in many producing countries.
In the case of cocoa, the total area under cultivation
worldwide increased by 3 million ha (4.4 million to 7.4
ha) in the last 50 years (Clough et al., 2010), contributing
to the ongoing transformation of many lowland tropical
forest landscapes in Latin America, Africa and Southeast
Asia that began centuries ago (Schroth and Harvey, 2007).
Expansion of cocoa farms accounts for much of the
deforestation in lowland West Africa (Gockowski and
Sonwa, 2011) where intact tropical forests have been
converted for this purpose. This transformation has been
expedited by the development and introduction of highly
productive cocoa hybrid varieties that require little or
no forest tree shade. However, since open-grown cocoa
requires increased investments in agro-chemical inputs to
support optimum productivity, it has a shorter productive
period with deleterious effects on soil fertility and plantation health (Ruf and Schroth, 2004). In contrast, cocoa
traditionally grown under filtered shade of forest trees
often results in a multi-strata agroforestry system that is
considered to be one of the best examples of permanent
agriculture that preserves a forest environment and
biodiversity (Ruf and Schroth, 2004; Rice and Greenberg,
2000). Under optimal soil conditions and rainfall regimes,
shade grown cocoa may produce good yields for 60-100
years whereas optimum production may last for 20 or
less years without shade (Ruf and Schroth, 2004; Obiri
et al., 2007; Obiri et al., 2011).
Schlegel and
Guthrie (1973)
The traditional communities had lower average intake of energy, protein, fat,
calcium, iron, vitamin A and higher average intake of thiamine and riboflavin (B
vitamins) compared to those in sedentary agriculture.
Comparison of diets
of tribes with settled/
paddy-based agriculture,
to those with shifting
cultivation and those
with hunting and
gathering, in India
Gupta (1980)
A comparison of tribes from northeast India shows that those that engaged in
the most hunting (Padams) had highest percent energy from protein, highest
iron, calcium and vitamin A intake. The tribe with least animal source foods
(Noktoe) had second highest vitamin A intake, likely due to greater dependence on wild and cultivated vegetables. The tribes practising mixed shifting and
paddy cultivation (Padam, Minyong and Galongs) had better diets than those
without paddy cultivation (Nokte). In central and western India, a hunter-gatherer forest dwelling tribe (Marias) had lowest calcium, iron and vitamin A intake.
Forest dwelling subsistence agriculture tribe (Baiga) had highest iron, vitamin A,
compared to settled rice-based agricultural tribe (Gonds), despite much higher
energy intake by Gonds.
Hunter-gatherers in
transition to settled
San of /ai/ai, in Botswana
and Wilmsen
Yassa: Agriculture and fish-based subsistence. Average daily per capita intake:
34g of vegetables; 199g fish; 24g meat.
Koppert et al.
Mvae: Subsistence based on agriculture and hunting (in forest and on coast).
Average daily per capita intake: 100g vegetables; 62g fish; 129g meat.
Bakola: hunter-gatherer based subsistence. Average daily per capita intake:
54g vegetables; 22g fish; 216g meat.
Much higher intake of meat and high animal source food intake in hunter-gatherer group, higher vegetable consumption in agricultural community.
Hunter-gatherer to
sedentary urban/
agriculture in Borneo
Dounias et al.
Hunter-gatherer to
market-oriented rice
cultivation in Borneo
People in resettled area with better access to markets, where peoples livelihood strategies focus on market-oriented rice production had poorer diets
compared to those in a remote area (possibly due to lower use of wild foods
and less time for production of non-staples)
Colfer (2008a)
Agricultural community
in forested landscape
mosaic, transition after
introduction of payments
for ecosystem services
(PES ) in Mexico
Ibarra et al.
Shifting cultivation
Open Access
Managed forest
Open Access
SB / CG (CO)
Open Access
Shifting cultivation
Source: Adapted by authors from FAO, 2002b and Schlager and Ostrom, 1992
* The tenure categories are taken from FAO, 2002b, given in Box 3.3, and also used in Table 3.5
according to their location in homesteads, croplands, common lands or state forests. While only men owned trees on
private land, womens customary rights to plant resources
in gendered spaces on common or state land were as strong
as mens. Rocheleau and Edmunds (1997) review of studies in Africa also found that womens rights are substantial,
particularly in customary systems where they have rights
to fuelwood, medicinal plants and wild foods in the bush
or forests, in in-between spaces not valued by men, such
as bush along roadsides, fences, and boundaries between
mens trees and crops, as well as home gardens near their
houses, and also to certain tree products (e.g. fruit, fuelwood, leaves, fodder) growing on mens land. Agarwal
(1994b) found that in Sri Lanka women sometimes received coconut trees as dowry and their brothers would
periodically send them a share of the harvest.
However, these cases cannot be generalised, even in
customary systems. For example, in Ghana, women have
been able to acquire their own trees, through acquisition of
private land through the market and sale of cash crops such
as cocoa (Berry, 1989, 1993 cited in Rocheleau and Edmond, 1997; Lastarria-Cornhiel, 1997) or as gifts of cocoa
trees from their husbands in compensation for their labour
on the mens cocoa trees (Quisumbing et al., 2003). In the
Colombian Pacific region, Afro-Colombians have highly
complex tenure systems that permit both men and women
to own trees that they have planted or inherited, and their
products such as fruit and tree snails (Asher, 2009).
The nature and security of womens rights to land,
trees and their products are of central importance to ensuring household food security. Gender differences in the
types and relative sizes of productive assets and control
of income are critical for food security as a large body of
evidence shows that women are more likely to spend their
income (from their own production or wage labour) on
3.4.4 Human Capital, Control and Decisionmaking in Forests and Tree-based Systems
Rights to forests and trees and their products are embedded in the broader social systems that also determine access to human and financial capital, decision-making processes and control of the products or income from their
sale, thus affecting the way in which these property rights
are used. Since social systems are not static, these rights
can be negotiated or changed over time (Meinzen-Dick et
al., 1997; Rocheleau and Edmunds, 1997).
3.5 Conclusions
Forests and tree-based systems have historically played
a major role in supporting livelihoods as well as meeting the food security and nutritional needs of people
worldwide. These systems, including natural forests that
are managed to optimise yields of wild foods and fodder, shifting cultivation, a wide variety of agroforestry
systems and single-species tree crops, are still dominant
components of rural landscapes in many parts of the
world, and remain critical to food security and nutrition
of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
and single-species tree crop systems) are not widely documented. Studies comparing hunter-gatherers and lowpopulation-density forest communities to more sedentary and urbanised groups have generally shown that the
former consumed more meat but their diets were not necessarily better. The few existing studies suggest that the
impact of transitions from one form of subsistence and
land use to another is context-specific and influenced by
social, cultural and economic factors.
A number of studies have shown a link between tree
cover and dietary diversity and consumption of nutritious
foods. Although we do not yet understand the pathways
of this relationship, it suggests that maintenance of tree
cover around rural homes and communities may lead to
more nutritious diets.
Forests and tree-based systems are part of broader economic, political, cultural and ecological landscapes that
typically include a mosaic of different food production
systems and other land uses. How these different land use
patches interact with each other in space and time can
profoundly influence the productivity and sustainability
of forests and tree-based systems as well as their food
security and nutrition outcomes.
Tenure regimes in all four forest and tree-based systems are highly complex, and rights to trees may be different from rights to the land on which they are grown.
Different bundles of rights are nested and overlap in
these different systems, varying by geographical, social,
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Chapter 4
Drivers of Forests and Tree-based
Systems for Food Security
and Nutrition
Coordinating lead author: Daniela Kleinschmit
Lead authors: Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, Adrian Martin, Nitin D. Rai and Carsten Smith-Hall
Contributing authors: Neil M. Dawson, Gordon Hickey, Henry Neufeldt,
Hemant R. Ojha and Solomon Zena Walelign
4.1 Introduction
4.5 Governance
4.6 Conclusions
Abstract: In the context of this chapter, drivers are considered to be natural or anthropogenic developments affecting forests and tree-based systems for food security and nutrition. They can improve and
contribute to food security and nutrition, but they can also lead to food insecurity and malnutrition.
For analytical purposes, drivers are separated here into the following four interconnected categories: (i)
environmental, (ii) social, (iii) economic and (iv) governance. When reviewing scientific findings twelve
major drivers (i.e. population growth, urbanisation, governance shifts, climate change, commercialisation
of agriculture, industrialisation of forest resources, gender imbalances, conflicts, formalisation of tenure
rights, rising food prices and increasing per capita income) were identified within these four categories.
They affect food security and nutrition through land use and management; through consumption, income
and livelihood; or through both. These drivers are interrelated and can have different consequences
depending on the social structure; for example, they can support food security for elite groups but can
increase the vulnerability of other groups.
4.1 Introduction
Drivers of change are the subject of a vast scholarly literature. In the context of this report, drivers are understood as
natural or anthropogenic developments affecting forests
and tree-based systems1 for food security and nutrition.
This chapter aims to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of major findings from this literature
in an effort to better understand the interrelations among
these drivers and how they impact on food security and
nutrition. It covers drivers that improve and contribute
to food security and nutrition as well as those leading to
increased food insecurity and poor nutrition. Changes to
improve food security and nutrition result for example in
an increased availability of food and better nutrition. In
contrast, changes that lead to food insecurity increase the
vulnerability of both ecosystems and humanity. Identifying drivers and understanding their impact pathways is
essential to determine options for effective interventions
by enhancing positive and minimising negative effects
(see Chapter 6).
Driving forces can originate at different spatial scales
and can be distant or proximate. In this chapter, attention
is paid in particular to those drivers constraining forests
and tree-based systems for food security and nutrition in
vulnerable regions, i.e. the tropics, neo-tropics and subSaharan Africa. Both the environmental and the human
components of forests and tree-based systems for food
security and nutrition are subject to changing dynamics
presenting a different picture over time. These dynamics
also imply that drivers and effects are strongly interrelated and can mutually affect each other. Consequently
a simplified classification as driver or effect sometimes
falls short in addressing this complex relationship.
The chapter builds on a framework (see Figure 4.1)
to categorise drivers and trace their impact pathways.
According to their content, drivers can be separated for
analytical reasons into the following four interconnected
categories: (i) environmental, (ii) social, (iii) economic,
and (iv) governance. Environmental drivers refer to developments in nature (many of which have themselves
anthropogenic causes) that change food security. Social
drivers include the role of patterns of social differentiation, inequalities and changes in influencing forests and
tree- based systems for food security and nutrition. Economic drivers relate to direct and indirect impacts from
economic activities that are both economy-wide and site
specific. Governance refers to those institutions setting
the rules of the game, differentiating between state and
non-state governance. The drivers identified in these four
groups mainly impact food security and nutrition through
two major pathways: changes in land use and (forest)
management or changes in consumption, incomes and
livelihoods (see Figure 4.1). Both pathways determine
food availability, access and stability that ensure food
security and nutrition.
This chapter presents findings from available scholarly
literature for each category of driver and ends with a summary of major results. Literature about drivers referring to
the interrelation between forests and tree-based systems
on the one hand, and food security and nutrition on the
other, is rare. For this reason, the authors of this chapter
reviewed literature on the subject of change from both scientific areas - forests and food security - and linked them
to present a comprehensive overview of relevant drivers.
All terms that are defined in the glossary (Appendix 1), appear for the first time in italics in a chapter.
Climate change
Climate change is affecting global and local ecological processes in many ways. Though the consequences
are complex, there is enough evidence that ongoing and
future changes are going to be drastic. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that by the
end of this century rates of climate change as a result of
medium to high emission levels pose high risk of abrupt
and irreversible regional-scale change in the composition,
structure, and function of terrestrial ecosystems. There is
widespread evidence that the poorest regions in the world,
such as sub-Saharan Africa, will be affected the hardest
by climate change. The IPCC report notes that increased
Consumption, Incomes
and Livelihoods
Invasive species
Another ecological driver of local forest change is invasive species which are often a result of altered management. Plants and animals have been constantly moved to
new areas for a range of purposes and have been agents
of positive as well as adverse change (Kull and Rangan,
2008; Robbins, 2004). Managing landscapes for the control of invasive species has implications for food security
through the increase in resources such as fodder, game
2001; Lujala, 2003; Rod and Rustad, 2006). Nevertheless, different studies identified that forests can facilitate
or prolong conflicts, for example through flows of finances to competing parties, use of forests for patronage,
transport of weapons by loggers, agriculture and hunting
pressures, and social and economic buffers. For instance,
forests and forest products have been exploited by armed
groups, (e.g. military and rebels) to strengthen their fighting capacities (see for example, Baral and Heinmen, 2006,
for Nepal; Dudley et al., 2002; de Merode et al., 2007, for
the Democratic Republic of the Congo). General implications of such conflict on food security of forest dependent communities are difficult to predict. Armed conflict
can weaken pre-existing institutions governing access to
forest food but it can also offer new and extra-legal channels. Effects on food security and nutrition depend on the
larger political economy in which the conflict is situated
and the interaction with the formal and informal institutions that govern the forests. For instance, de Merode et
al. (2007) note that there was a fivefold increase in illegal trade of bushmeat for local consumption and sale
during the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo. In contrast Baral and Heinmen (2006) highlight
that the Maoist movement and ensuing civil conflict in
Nepal between 1996 and 2006 largely undermined both
conservation efforts and the livelihoods of local people by
hampering their ability to derive income from forests and
limiting households access to food and nutrition.
Conflicts can also be more endemic to forested landscapes (de Jong et al., 2007). These tend to be localised
and non-violent, though some may escalate to violent
armed conflicts. Through an analysis of forest-related
conflicts in five Asian countries, De Koning et al. (2008)
classify such conflicts as emerging from the following,
interrelated factors: (a) contested statutory and customary tenure, (b) exclusionary conservation and economic
development policies, and (c) poor coordination between
land use planning agencies. For example, conflict between local communities and oil palm plantation corporations in Indonesia due to overlapping claims over land
and weak protection for customary land rights, illustrates
the first type of conflict (Colchester and Chao, 2013; Li,
2014; Sheil et al., 2009). The implications of such conflicts over oil palm expansion (as is the case of large-scale
land acquisition for other agricultural commodities such
as soy) are ambiguous from a food security perspective.
On the one hand, the rapid expansion of oil palm is driven, to a large part, by demand for cooking oil among poor
and middle class households in Indonesia domestically
(26 percent) and internationally (73 percent) (Obidzinski et al., 2012). On the other hand, such expansion is
displacing local people and undermining their source of
food and income through loss of direct access to landscapes that were previously used for food provisioning
and thus changing incomes and livelihoods. Similar conflicts can be observed in other countries where industrial
use of forestry and weak forest tenure interplay, affecting in particular indigenous peoples. These issues are not
only prevalent in the tropics, such as in South America
where forests have been replaced with forest plantations
fodder from forests are acknowledged as highly feminised tasks across the world (UN Women, 2014). Research
findings show that womens participation in forest governance is lagging behind in many different contexts from
South and East Asia to Latin America and sub-Saharan
Africa (Agarwal, 1997; Agarwal, 2001; Mai et al., 2011;
Mairena et al., 2012; Mukasa et al., 2012; Nightingale, 2002; and Sarin, 2001). Agarwal (2001) attributes
womens limited voice and influence in forest governance regimes to gender inequalities in men and womens
personal and household endowments. These inequalities
manifest themselves in terms of womens low bargaining power vis--vis men in negotiating for their interests
in forests at the household and community levels. Coleman and Mwangis (2013) cross-country study in Bolivia,
Mexico, Kenya and Nicaragua has identified two main
determinants affecting womens participation in forest
governance: education of household heads and institutional exclusion, which in turn supports Agarwals analysis from South Asia (for more information about governance and gender inequalities see Chapter 3 and Section
4.5 in this chapter).
considerable effects on land use and management. In subSaharan Africa, for instance, the rate of urbanisation is
level with rising demand for fuelwood consumption. In
other words, urbanisation has not accompanied a decline
in fuelwood consumption patterns as previously expected
(e.g. Zulu, 2010 for Malawi). These findings are also supported by research in Amazonia showing that rural-urban
migrants keep their forest product consumption patterns
in cities and continue to play a role in rural land use decisions (Padoch et al., 2008 for the Amazon; Tritsch et al.,
2014 for French Guiana). Arnold et al. (2006) undertook
a global analysis of woodfuel demand and supply which
showed that there is no need for large-scale forestry interventions devoted to the provision of fuelwood for urban
consumers as was hypothesised in the 1970s due to steady
supplies from rural areas. But the growing urban demand
for charcoal is likely to impact on tropical forests and
poor, rural users in Africa in particular as they compete
with urban consumers.
Migration and urbanisation have led to profound
changes in socio-economic systems and have contributed
to the feminisation of rural landscapes in many contexts
(Deere, 2005; DeSchutter, 2013). Agarwal (2012) is careful not to insinuate that migration is causing feminisation,
rather that the agrarian transition or the shift of workers
to industry and services, and from rural to urban areas in
developing countries, has been gendered. The proportion
of women workers in agriculture increased across developing countries, in particular in South America and Oceania. According to Agarwal (2012), women farmers lack
access and command over credit, land, production inputs,
technology and markets. Hence, she argues that effects
of volatile food prices and projected effects of climate
change will very likely have a disproportionate impact
on women as farmers and providers of household food.
Scholarly literature focusing on the nexus of gender, migration and forest governance yields contradictory results
in terms of whether male out-migration can empower
women to play a bigger role in forest decision-making
and enjoy greater access to forest products for themselves
and their families. In Nepal, for example, transnational
migration and remittances are emerging as major sources
of employment. Migrants in Nepal are exclusively men
due to a combination of intra-household constraints and
governmental restrictions on women migrating. Giri and
Darnhofer (2010) understand male out-migration as an
opportunity for increasing womens access to forest resources and power over forest governance. An ethnographic study by Basnett (2013) indicates that this opportunity very much depends on interlocking gender and
social differentiation.
While many countries are experiencing a disappearing of peasantries with declining contribution of agriculture to national economies and labour allocation to
agriculture, others are witnessing a repeasantrisation
as is evident in tropical forested landscapes (Rigg and
Vandergeest, 2012). The latter trends are particularly
evident in Southeast Asia and the Amazon in the face
of commodity booms and large-scale, agro-industrial
plantations of oil palm, rubber, pulp etc. (Kaimowitz and
Isolated hunter-gatherer
Small-scale farmers
engaged in cash cropping
No reliance
Full reliance
Global per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is steadily increasing, except for a short downturn in 2008-09 due
to the global financial crisis, and has been termed a global
mega-trend driving per capita demand for food (Cassman, 2012). As income increases, households demand
for food increases less than proportionally (Engels Law,
see Cirera and Masset, 2010) and there is generally a dietary shift with decreasing importance of starchy staples
product collection, processing and marketing in different forest food product value chains making monitoring
and regulation difficult. According to the FAO (1997),
the non-timber forest product (NTFP) sector is generally
dominated by the rural poor and labour-intensive smallscale industries, making it important for policy mechanisms to carefully differentiate between subsistence
and commercial forest food activities. Here, equitably
managing resource access becomes a key challenge for
policy due to the generally low barriers to market entry
and broad participation by both women and men in forest
food collection (Arnold, 2008). While the subsistencebased forest food sector tends to have less impact on forest resources than the commercial sector (Neumann and
Hirsch, 2000), it is often difficult for policy frameworks
to effectively separate these activities due to the dynamic
nature of forest food markets, which are often highly seasonal, and where products classified as traditionalcan
quickly become commercial and where commercial
products can be replaced by substitutes (FAO, 1997).
When considering the ongoing structural transformations that have been occurring in the agricultural sector
(in a wide sense), other important policy issues affecting
commercial forest food production and trade include the
urban demand for safe, responsibly-produced and high
quality foods that is driving processes of certification and
labelling (Grote, 2014) and the need to simplify regulatory regimes to reduce transaction costs for producers and
develop a framework supporting producer organisations
(Dewees, 2013).
International bodies of particular importance to forest food markets include the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) which limits and regulates the trans-border trade
of many wild food species also in relation to forest foods
such as bushmeat (e.g. Bennett, 2011); the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) which seek to reduce hunger
and poverty while maintaining ecosystem services, inter
alia leading to more focus on the green economy including
the importance of forest food products to livelihoods (e.g.
Rasul et al., 2012); the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which assures the protection of genetic, species
and ecosystem diversity and the World Trade Organization
(WTO) which regulates the trade policies of nations and
products, requiring clear and agreed standards and definitions to enable commercialisation (Precillia Ijang et al.,
2011). The impacts of these global institutions are contested in scholarly literature as they might lead to perverse
effects. For example, critics of the WTO argue that the liberalisation of commodity trade and reduction of farm protection resulted in food dependency of substantial areas in
the global South (Lawrence and McMichael, 2012).
Recognising that forest ecosystems are likely to play
their most important role in household food security
through diversifying diets and providing essential sources
of nutrients, a number of observers have called for greater
policy integration focused around meeting the nutritional
and health needs of local resource users (Arnold, 2008;
Bharucha and Pretty, 2010; Johns and Eyzaguirre, 2006).
Improving the sustainable utilisation of diverse forest
foods to support food security and nutrition likely will involve engaging local users in research and decision-making processes, facilitating information flows, enabling access to credit and markets, developing community-based
education programmes, supporting the development of
user/producer organisations and improving efficiency
by reducing transaction costs or encouraging technology
adoption and innovation (King, 2008; Shumsky et al.,
2014; Tontisirin et al., 2002).
4.5 Governance
Governance includes traditional state-centric decisionmaking as well as broader-based processes at a range of
different scales. These broader systems of governance
are not just driven by states and their domestic ambitions,
but also by global markets and by a range of non-state actors that include civil society, businesses and international non-governmental and governmental organisations.
This section explores the role of governance as a driver
of forest-related goals and policies, and the implications
for food security and nutrition of different stakeholders.
In recent years, three main drivers can be identified in
the shift from state to more broad-based decision-making
regimes in the forest sector: globalisation, ecosystem
service thinking and economic valuation. Firstly, regarding globalisation, forest governance has historically been
driven by social, economic and environmental imperatives of states (Sikor et al., 2013; Vandergeest and Peluso,
1995), but the interests and influence of global and nonstate actors have progressively widened and deepened
due to both expanding and new frontiers of financial investments (Muradian et al., 2013; Murray Li, 2007; Sullivan, 2013). These local to global stakeholders are connected across scales by value chains and their incipient
public and private producer and trade standards regimes
(McDermott et al., 2012), by civil society mobilisations
for forest and food justice (Martinez-Alier, 2014; Schlosberg, 2013; Sikor and Newell, 2014), and by emerging
global socio-ecological narratives such as that on planetary boundaries (Rockstrm et al., 2009).
Secondly, regarding ecosystem services thinking, this
framework has gained enormous buy-in as a means of (re)
conceiving the relationship between humans and ecosystems, including the view of humans as separate to nature,
and nature as a provider of services to humans. The ecosystem services framing has influenced thinking about
the relationship between forests and food security (Poppy
et al., 2014a; Poppy et al., 2014b) and has been successfully promoted by important science-policy platforms,
including the recently formed Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES),
and major conservation non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) (Turnhout et al., 2013).
Thirdly, regarding valuation, there has been a revalorisation of rural landscapes, in terms of financial, political
and cultural values attached to particular goals and practices (Sikor et al., 2013). For example, in the wake of food
price inflation in the late 2000s, crop yield narratives received a boost and there was a re-emphasis on highlighting lands that were considered underutilised or producing
only a fraction of their yield potential (e.g. in statistical
databases, maps, World Bank reports). It has been argued
that this shift in how lands were valued globally has contributed to governments supporting policies that facilitated the global land rush (Li, 2014). Similarly, use of the
ecosystem services framework has generated financial
valuation of forest hydrological and carbon storage services. Such new forms of valuation provide legitimacy to
particular forms of governance such as state regulation to
protect downstream and global citizens, or public-private
partnerships to market forest carbon offsets. However, the
incorporation of new, global values as drivers of forest
governance also pose risks, with some stakeholders under
threat of losing control over previous ways of valuing and
governing forests (Hunsberger et al., 2014; Martin et al.,
2013b; Pascual et al., 2014).
State-focused governance
Although the rising influence of global discourses, institutions and markets has created significant shifts in governance regimes over tropical forest-agrarian landscapes,
there are numerous instances in which the influence of
national states and sub-national actors has been retained
and even reinforced. Some states still exercise considerable control over the way land is allocated to different uses
(Sunderlin et al., 2008; White and Martin, 2002), and the
way in which property rights and tenure are regulated,
including public versus private and commercial use, the
establishment of protected areas and the exploitation of
land for agriculture (Sikor et al., 2013).
There is considerable variation amongst countries
which continue to adopt a state-centric approach to
governance. The dominant discourse and scope of state
interests differs dramatically. Instruments may range
from top-down implementation of policies to delineate the landscape into categories with associated rules,
Multiple Effects
Land use
and Management
food prices
capita income
of forest
Consumption, Incomes
and Livelihoods
of agriculture
tenure rights
4.6 Conclusions
This chapter aimed to provide an overview of natural
and anthropogenic drivers affecting forests and treebased systems, to understand how they affect food
security and nutrition and to identify interrelations
among them. For analytical reasons, these drivers were
categorised as environmental, social, economic and
Following our framework introduced at the beginning of this chapter forest- and tree-based drivers can
affect food security and nutrition through changes in
land use and management or through changes in consumption, income and livelihood. Some drivers affect
food security in both ways (Figure 4.3).
Urbanisation leads to changes in forest food consumption patterns, with more emphasis on processed
products and food safety issues. These changes in demand also lead to changes in land use management,
e.g. commercialisation of agriculture. When combined
with male migration, urbanisation can lead as well to a
change of gender balance in rural areas.
Governance shifts from state-focused government
to multi-sectoral and cross-scale governance present
better prospects for integration of different interests
and goals related to forest and food systems. The
resulting (global) emphasis on ecosystem services
can also bring opportunities for improved synergies
between forest and food systems, changing management forms and changes of income and livelihood
structures. However, when governed by market logics, such valuation poses risks to local control and
access over resources.
Climate change can directly affect the availability and
quality of food and nutrition by the appearance of new
species. It furthermore impacts forests and tree-based
systems for food security and nutrition through forcing changes in land-use and adoption of management
forms, and through changes in income from forest
products. Climate change consequences are considered not to be gender-balanced and affect vulnerable
groups the most.
The range and diversity of drivers demonstrate the interconnectedness between drivers and effects; for example,
networked governance leading to gender imbalance can
lead to the prioritisation of timber over food. Responding
to these messy, interrelated sets of drivers with effective
options is a major challenge of our time. This challenge is
further exacerbated as the drivers of forests and tree-based
systems for food security and nutrition do not allow for
a generalisation of causal effects. Social structure influences whether the consequences lead to improvements for
food security and nutrition or lead instead to increasing
vulnerability. Determining factors are, for example, localities, with urban and rural situations gaining and suffering
differently from changes; drivers of change might strive
for and achieve positive effects for food security for some
groups but result in contradictory effects for the poorest.
Hence, responses to drivers need to ensure that they do
not only address a relatively small number of elite, but
also to find ways to incorporate the aggregated impacts
of local, informal responses to drivers. Local stakeholders are in fact not only the most vulnerable, but it can be
assumed that they are also the most sensitive to new and
innovative response options. The challenge is to maintain
the balance to ensure food security and nutrition, and at
the same time ensure the sustainability of forests and treebased systems.
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Chapter 5
Response Options Across
the Landscape
Coordinating lead author: Terry Sunderland
Lead authors: Frdric Baudron, Amy Ickowitz, Christine Padoch,
Mirjam Ros-Tonen, Chris Sandbrook and Bhaskar Vira
Contributing authors: Josephine Chambers, Elizabeth Deakin, Samson
Foli, Katy Jeary, John A. Parrotta, Bronwen Powell, James Reed, Sarah
Ayeri Ogalleh, Henry Neufeldt and Anca Serban
5.1 Introduction
5.7 Conclusions
Abstract: This chapter presents potential landscape-scale responses that attempt to reconcile the oftcompeting demands for agriculture, forestry and other land uses. While there is no single configuration
of land-uses in any landscape that can optimise the different outcomes that may be prevalent within a
particular landscape, there are options for understanding and negotiation for the inherent trade-offs that
characterise such outcomes. With increasing pressure on biodiversity and ecosystem services across
many landscapes from the growing impact of human activities, hard choices have to be made about how
landscapes could and should be managed to optimise outcomes. In a context where views on landscapescale management options are often deeply entrenched and conflicts of interest are difficult to reconcile, consensus on what constitutes success may be difficult to achieve. Political economy and wider
governance issues have often meant that a theoretically optimal landscape is unrealistic or unachievable
on the ground. However, in this chapter we attempt to provide an over-arching framework for landscape
approaches and how such approaches can contribute to both conservation and the achievement of food
security and nutrition goals.
5.1 Introduction
Habitat loss, largely driven by agricultural expansion, has
been identified as the single largest threat to biodiversity1
(Newbold et al., 2014) worldwide. Agricultural activities
are intensifying, and particularly in the tropics (Laurance,
et al., 2014; Shackelford et al., 2015) due to increasing
global demands for food, fibre and biofuels (OECD/FAO,
2011). As such, global food security is increasingly trading off food for nature Lambin (2012). This habitat loss
is further compounded by land degradation and competition from other land uses such as urbanisation (Ellis et al.,
2010). Between 2000 and 2010, in the developing world
alone, it is estimated that land degradation and urbanisation consumed between 2.6 and 6.2 million hectares of
arable land (Lambin and Meyfroidt, 2011).
The tropics host the majority of biodiversity-rich areas on the planet (Myers et al., 2000), and the realisation
that we may be witnessing a sixth mass extinction (Barnosky et al., 2011) has been answered by a call to expand
the extent of protected areas, particularly in tropical regions. Consequently tropical land is increasingly subject
to competing claims (Giller et al., 2008) and reconciling
these claims presents what are sometimes referred to as
wicked problems (Rittel and Webber, 1973). A range
of concepts and frameworks for implementation are now
being discussed which aim to consider land-use change
in forested landscapes in such a way that competing demands for food, commodities and forest services may
be, hopefully, reconciled (e.g. Pirard and Treyer, 2010).
There is abundant theory to underpin the desirability of
establishing landscape mosaics (Naveh, 2001; Sunderland et al., 2008), where such competing demands are addressed in a more holistic, integrated manner.
Landscape approaches to achieving food production, natural resource conservation and livelihood security goals seek to better understand and recognise interconnections between different land uses and the stakeholders
that derive benefits from them (Milder et al., 2012). Such
approaches also aim to reconcile competing land uses and
to achieve conservation, production and socio-economic
outcomes (Sayer et al., 2013) and as such are now ubiquitous paradigms in the natural resource management discourse (DeFries and Rosenzweig, 2010). Furthermore, the
environmental services that support the sustainability of
agriculture are also sought through landscape approaches
(Scherr and McNeely, 2008; Brussaard et al., 2010; Foli
et al., 2014). However, the very complexity of landscape
approaches defies definition (Reed et al., 2015), despite
the clarion calls for such clarification.
In parallel, both in the North and in the South, industrial agriculture, the ultimate legacy of the Green Revolution, is being questioned as a model to achieve global
food security sustainably (McLaughlin, 2011). This model
may have been appropriate to the context of the 1960s and
1970s, when reducing hunger was the main goal, when
water and nutrients were abundant, energy was cheap, and
when ecosystems were able to detoxify agricultural pollutants. The global context today is very different with the
growing scarcity of cheap energy (Day et al., 2009), water
(Wallace, 2000) and nutrients (e.g. phosphorus, Cordell
et al., 2009). The adoption of large-scale industrial agriculture has resulted in negative impacts on the environment (Conway, 1997; Cassman et al., 2003), public health
(Fewtrell, 2004; Bandara et al., 2010) and even nutrition
(Ellis et al., 2015), suggesting the paradigm itself needs to
be challenged (Tilman and Clark, 2014).
In addition, industrial agriculture, with its narrow focus
on a few crops (Sunderland, 2013; Khoury et al., 2014), has
proven to be highly susceptible to shocks such as drought,
flooding, pests and disease outbreaks, and market vagaries (Holling and Meffe, 1996; Swinnen and Squicciarini,
2012). In response to these challenges, various approaches
have emerged using ecological concepts and principles
to design sustainable agricultural systems (Gliessman,
1997). These approaches are based on the assumption
that chemical and mechanical inputs can be replaced (at
least partially) by biological functions (Dor et al., 2011;
Cumming et al., 2014). Such functions are performed by
the planned biodiversity (e.g. managed diversity of crop
and livestock species), but also by the unplanned biodiversity (e.g. pollination or biological pest control), which
All terms that are defined in the glossary (Appendix 1), appear for the first time in italics in a chapter.
Much of the theory and practice of landscape approaches is underpinned by the assumption that facilitation and
negotiation will eventually allow for a consensus on a
desired outcome. However, in reality there are often entrenched views, conflicts of interest and power plays as a
result of which, true consensus is rarely achievable (Colfer
and Pfund, 2010). Conflict between agriculture, at both
industrial and small scales, conservation and other competing land uses (e.g. industry, urbanisation, tourism, recreation, dams, reservoirs) is often the subject of strongly
contested activism with highly polarised positions (Sunderland et al., 2008). Landscape approaches sometimes appear
to be advocated on the assumption that they can resolve
these fundamental differences in a way that will avoid conflict, particularly with regard to achieving both food and
nutritional security. In reality, any intervention will bring
winners and losers as any rural community including traditional societies living in or on the edge of forest
habitats is heterogeneous and characterised by various
internal conflicts. Ignoring this heterogeneity and these internal conflicts may weaken local communities against the
influence of new powerful stakeholders, for example logging and mining concessions (Giller et al., 2008).
In some cases, particular configurations of the landscape level social-ecological system, containing multiple different patches of land uses, may be more or less
sustainable in the long term. For example, the best configuration to maximise production of a particular commodity (such as a tree crop like oil palm) in the short
term may be a large monoculture, but this might degrade
the productivity of the land and other ecosystem services in the long term. Similarly, the best configuration to
maximise the abundance of a given species of interest
today may be very different from the best configuration
to maximise the abundance of the same species in a couple of decades, as climate change is driving shifts in species ranges (Parmesan and Yohe, 2003). The optimum
configuration to produce the same desired outcome in
the longer term might look very different. The fact that
multifunctional landscapes are moving targets with
multiple futures calls for adaptive management approaches (Holling and Meffe, 1996).
Novel technologies
New applications of technologies such as remote sensing and mobile phones, also contribute
to improving the integration of agriculture and forest conservation within landscapes.
A few examples have been collected:
The recently launched Soil Moisture Active Passive Observatory (SMAP) will be used in designing global early-warning
systems and improving the precision of crop suitability maps (NASA website). This technology can improve climate
and weather forecasts, allowing scientists to monitor floods and droughts and therefore better predict crop yields.
In Kenya, through the Kilimo Salama initiative of Syngenta Foundation, farmers are able to purchase insurance via their
mobile phone messaging service, which lowers the cost of insurance provision. With their crops insured, farmers can
more readily experiment with higher-risk, higher-yield crops and stay assured that regardless of the weather, they will
be able to feed their families (Rojas-Ruiz and Diofasi, 2014).
In India, studies revealed that the introduction of mobile technology enhanced farmers awareness of markets and
prices and improved decision-making with regard to technology adoption. Challenges to further increase the adoption and utility of mobile technology include availability of content in local languages, compatibility of these languages
with the handsets, overall literacy, retrieval costs of voice messages and the lack of transmission masts in remote areas
(Mittal et al., 2010; Mittal, 2012).
In East Africa, researchers linked scientists with a private sector communications firm that produces Shamba Shape-Up
(SSU), a farm reality TV show broadcast in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The show seeks and presents climate-smart
agriculture (CSA) information, reaching an average monthly viewership of 9 million people across East Africa. Research
shows a trend of increasing uptake of CSA practices, with an average of 42 percent of SSU viewers changing their
practices, as well as benefitting Kenyas GDP through net soil fertility and net dairy production increase. In a further
development, the company is expanding CSA platforms by linking SSU to a mobile/SMS/internet service allowing farmers to ask questions and receive technical advice from experts. (
Results may be affected by the spatial scale of analysis. The best landscape configuration at one scale
may be different at a larger scale. Additionally, landscape analyses often fail to incorporate flows of people and materials between landscapes (Phalan et al.,
2011; Seto et al., 2012; Grau et al., 2013).
The concept of idealised landscape design ignores the
social and political realities on the ground (Fischer
et al., 2014). Who owns what within the landscape,
and who gets to decide what happens? Who benefits
or loses from particular choices? What is the history
and current status of the landscape? These political
economy issues may mean that a theoretically optimal
landscape configuration is unrealistic or unachievable
on the ground.
The research reviewed in this section demonstrates the importance of thinking beyond the site scale by taking into account broader interactions between land-uses within landscapes. However, it also highlights the inherent complexity
in any such analysis, and the trade-offs that are likely to
exist between the desired outcomes of different stakeholders. Research at this scale is in its infancy, and faces daunting data and analytical deficiencies. Addressing these challenges will be a priority for the coming years.
A broader question is how far research can go in providing useful information about relationships between forest
food systems and other land-uses at the landscape scale.
livelihood needs. Forests, woodlots, parklands, swidden-fallows and other tree-dominated areas are integral
parts of many smallholder landscapes and household
economies (Agrawal et al., 2013).
The greatest obstacle to including shifting cultivation
in the new landscape paradigm, in the eyes of both development professionals and conservationists, is not necessarily the illegibility of its patchy landscapes or the complexity of its management, but its inherent dynamism.
Change is what defines a system as shifting cultivation:
annual crops are moved from plot to plot every year or
two; as forests regenerate in one area, they are felled in
another. Can so much dynamic change be tolerated in
a sustainable landscape? (Scott, 1999). Can shifting
cultivation be considered sustainable if it includes slashing and burning woody vegetation? These questions are
inherent in complex socio-ecological systems and landscape dynamics and can only be addressed at a landscape
level through an adaptive approach that is based on continual learning two essential features of a landscape approach (Sayer et al., 2014; Holling and Meffe, 1996).
Many shifting cultivation systems worldwide have
adapted successfully to larger human populations, new
economic demands and the directives of anti-slashand-burn policies and conservation prohibitions. Such
adaptation has taken a large number of pathways, of
which the more active management of fallows has perhaps been the most important. Examples include the
management of rich mixtures of marketable fruits and
fast-growing timbers in Amazonia and the production
of rubber and rattans in Southeast Asia (Sears and
Pinedo-Vasquez, 2004; Cairns, 2007). These adaptations suggest that the sustainability of shifting cultivation systems emerges when it is seen at broader spatial and longer temporal scales: shifting cultivation,
in common with many smallholder-influenced landscapes, is constantly mutable.
As exemplified in the case study in Box 5.2, productive, complex and dynamic landscapes in the Lao
Peoples Democratic Republic and elsewhere, lend flexibility to household economies and contribute to appropriate responses to climatic and economic perturbations.
Programmes of directed change, such as the one promoted by the Lao government, attempt to create distinct
zones for agricultural intensification and forest conservation, but until now have failed to enhance sustainable
resource management or local livelihoods.
An important study (Castella et al., 2013) analysed changes in the patterns of field-forest landscapes that occurred
as environmental and socio-economic change transformed the territories of seven villages in the northern
uplands of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic over
a period of 40 years. In this region, where a tradition of
shifting cultivation had created intricately-patterned landscapes of forest, fallows and farms, such landscapes are
now being radically altered by policies aimed at increasing forest cover and promoting intensive commercial
farming. Shifting cultivation, with its complex landscapes, is
deliberately being replaced with a land sparing model of
agriculture. This is because the segregation of land uses is
perceived as most efficient for achieving multiple objectives in the context of a growing population, and shifting
cultivation is widely viewed as primitive by government
and other institutions.
Based on extensive field research, however, Castella et al.
(2013) found that by imposing strict boundaries between
agricultural and forest areas, interventions in the name
of land-use planning have had significant negative impacts
on the well-being of rural communities and especially on
their ability to adapt to change. Farm and forest products
that previously were intricately linked at both landscape
and livelihood levels, are now found in specialized places,
managed by specialized households (i.e. the domestication of non-wood forest products) and collected by
specialised traders. The authors argued that this trend
may have negative consequences for the resilience of the
overall landscape as it reduces its biological and socioeconomic diversity and therefore increases vulnerability
to external shocks (Castella et al., 2013).
education, equity and other factors that can have sustained and longer-term impacts.
The best way to address the challenge of under-nutrition and malnutrition is to coordinate activities across different sectors and different levels of scale: a more holistic
systems approach (Frison et al., 2011; Powell et al., in
press). There is a bidirectional link: while landscapes have
an influence on the nutrition and health of the communities that depend on them (Golden et al., 2011; Ickowitz et
al., 2014), the behaviour of people can also have an influence on the very well-being and long-term sustainability
of integrated landscape systems themselves.
A number of landscape level factors lead to insufficient production, sale and use of nutritious food. These
include internal factors such as poor productivity of the
agricultural, aquatic and forestry systems; loss of agricultural biodiversity of the systems; access to markets and
lack of knowledge and awareness on healthy diets (e.g.
Powell et al., 2014); but also external drivers of land use
and landscape change including environmental, institutional, social and political factors. A better understanding
of these factors would help to reduce their impact on food
security and nutrition.
While there is evidence that increased income and improved food security are correlated at the national scale,
evidence is beginning to emerge showing that incomes
from diverse landscapes may be used in a nutritionallysensitive manner (Ickowitz et al., 2014). The interactions
between urban and rural populations have profound implications on livelihoods, markets and wellbeing. The
layers of these relationships need to be understood and
supported when positive, and mitigated when shown to
reduce resilience.
There are diverse uses and understandings across disciplines of the term governance (Kozar et al., 2014). At its
core, the term denotes the inclusion of multiple non-state
actors in deliberating and deciding societys most pressing issues and their solutions, and refers to new spaces
where increasingly complex problems can be solved by
multiple types of actors (Kozar et al., 2014). Landscape
governance is thereby concerned with the institutional
arrangements, decision-making processes, policy instruments and underlying values in the system by which
multiple actors pursue their interests in sustainable food
production, biodiversity and ecosystem service provision
and livelihood security in multifunctional landscapes.
As people living in and around a particular landscape
seek from it a wide range of qualities and benefits, the
divergent values and interests of multiple types of actors
at different levels create new challenges for landscape
governance. Throughout the world, innovative efforts are
being pursued to couple the sustainable governance of
ecological resources and human activity within a common framework. These efforts seek to realise multiple
ecosystem services and livelihood benefits for diverse
stakeholders within the same geographic location. At
the same time, advances in the study of socio-ecological
systems (Liu et al., 2007) and the corresponding practice of integrated landscape governance (FAO, 2005;
Scherr et al., 2013) is rooted in the growing recognition that nature conservation need not necessarily pose a
trade-off with development.
Rather, investments in conservation, restoration and
sustainable ecosystem use are increasingly viewed as potentially synergistic in generating ecological, social and
economic benefits and therefore providing solutions to
the wicked problems identified earlier in this chapter
(de Groot et al., 2010; see also discussion in Chapter 6).
As inhabitants of landscapes and other practitioners
continue to experiment and innovate with the scaling-up
of landscape approaches from their diverse entry points,
emerging institutional issues of multi-level and multiactor governance and their incongruity within administrative and jurisdictional boundaries pose an imminent
challenge to successfully realising multiple outcomes
from multi-functional landscapes.
Consensus across multiple fields, spanning ecological, political and geographical disciplines, concludes that
a core challenge for addressing complex problems bridging social and ecological systems is effective governance
at multiple levels. Yet the inhabitants of landscapes and
other practitioners struggling to implement landscape approaches often focus on one level, whether international,
national, regional or local (Nagendra and Ostrom, 2012).
Multilevel decision-making for the governance of landscapes helps to link actors and address the complex issues
that arise in governing social-ecological systems (Grg,
2007). However, the way in which the issues of scale and
multi-actor governance are conceptualised and the manner in which solutions for viable governance systems are
designed are both emergent and variant.
Based on a comparative study of pantropical landscapes, Colfer and Pfund (2010) conclude that there are
six key issues that represent governance constraints at
the landscape scale: 1. the powerful duo of government
and industry (for example, oil palm expansion); 2. risks
linked to national policies (for example, the focus on
men and timber in forest management, without complimentary income-generating and gender-balanced activities); 3. complexities of pluralistic governance (such
as differing relations between hinterland groups and
5.7 Conclusions
The ability to create change in policy and practice in the
context of landscape approaches to land management
is currently impaired by a dearth of scientific evidence.
While there is a growing body of evidence, our understanding of how forests and landscapes with tree cover
contribute to food security and nutrition and the provisioning of healthy and nutritious foods to local and global
food systems remains limited. Greater attention to the
production of and access to nutrient-dense foods is needed in the debate on the respective benefits of land sharing
versus land sparing which has focused to date on the impacts of staple crop yields (one important aspect of food
security) on biodiversity and forest conservation.
Future work on forests, and food security and nutrition should also focus on linking the health of forests and
landscapes to food sovereignty (which encompasses food
security, the right to food and healthy diets, as well as
the right to control over ones own food system (Pimbert,
2009) to help mitigate nutrition transitions while contributing to sustainable management of wildlands. The
concept of food sovereignty has been widely accepted
by many indigenous groups (e.g., and it is seen as a potential mechanism and argument to enhance greater autonomy of indigenous communities over their local food
and agricultural systems as well as their wider landscapes
and bio-cultural environments.
The need for local food systems is clearly demonstrated by the fact that current global food production is
more than adequate to feed the entire global population,
at least in terms of calories (Stringer, 2000; Chappell and
LaValle, 2011), while more than 800 million people are
undernourished (FAO, 2009). Clearly, producing large
amounts of food in the North is not enough to guarantee
food security in the South. A main reason for this is that
the agricultural production from the North is subject to
multiple demands, not only from the food sector, but also
from the livestock (Goodland, 1997) and energy sectors
(OECD-FAO, 2011).
Enhanced food sovereignty will help ensure local people have control over their own diets and are engaged in
efforts to improve the nutritional quality of their diets.
Such community level engagement will be particularly
important for those people facing a nutrition transition
and the burden of malnutrition. Community level engagement with local food and agricultural systems additionally
creates a setting ideal for engaging communities for more
sustainable management of these food and agricultural
systems and the wider landscapes in which they reside.
Although food security is dependent on issues of sustainability, availability, access and utilisation, and not production alone, it is evident that a new agriculture (Steiner,
2011) needs to be found to feed the worlds population both
efficiently and equitably. It needs to produce food where it
is needed i.e. in areas where agriculture is dominated by
small farms (e.g. two thirds of African farms are smaller
than two hectares (Altieri, 2009)) and where negligible
quantities of external inputs are used (agriculture organic
by default, Bennett and Franzel, 2013). Thus, agroecology
(i.e. the application of ecological concepts and principles in
the design of sustainable agricultural systems, Gliessman,
1997) appears well suited to these geographies. As such,
the United Nations (2011) vision of an agro-ecological
approach that combines biodiversity concerns, along with
food production demands, provides a more compelling vision of future food production.
The integration of biodiversity conservation and agricultural production goals must be a first step, whether
through land sharing or land sparing, or a more nuanced,
yet complex, multi-functional integrated landscape
approach. However, conservation and restoration in human dominated ecosystems must strengthen connections
between agriculture and biodiversity (Novacek and Cleland, 2001). In such landscapes, characterised by impoverished biodiversity and in particular defaunated,
depopulated of their medium and large size vertebrates
(Galetti and Dirzo, 2013), agriculture may represent an
opportunity, and not necessarily a threat, for conservation
and ecosystem restoration. When native large vertebrates
are lost, several ecological functions such as the maintenance of habitat heterogeneity, nutrient cycling and seed
dispersion are impaired (Owen-Smith, 1988; Hansen and
Galetti, 2009). Domestic livestock may mimic ecosystem
functions once provided by wild herbivores (Wright et al.,
2012), and restore the ecological integrity of landscape
mosaics. In extreme cases, domestic livestock has been
used to restore biodiversity and ecosystem functions of
landscapes that previously lost large native vertebrates,
most famously in the Oostvaardersplassen in the Netherlands (Vera, 2009).
Managing landscapes on a multi-functional basis that
combines food production, biodiversity conservation
and the maintenance of ecosystem services should be at
the forefront of efforts to achieve food security (Godfray, 2011). In order for this to happen, knowledge from
biodiversity science and agricultural research and development need to be integrated through a systems approach at
a landscape scale. This provides a unique opportunity for
forestry and agricultural research organisations to coordinate efforts at the conceptual and implementation levels
to achieve more sustainable agricultural systems. As such,
a clear programme of work on managing landscapes and
ecosystems for biodiversity conservation, agriculture, food
security and nutrition should be central to development aid.
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Chapter 6
Public Sector, Private Sector and
Socio-Cultural Response Options
Coordinating lead author: Henry Neufeldt
Lead authors: Pablo Pacheco, Hemant R. Ojha,
Sarah Ayeri Ogalleh, Jason Donovan and Lisa Fuchs
Contributing authors: Daniela Kleinschmit, Patti Kristjanson,
Godwin Kowero, Vincent O. Oeba and Bronwen Powell
6.1 Introduction
6.2.1 Introduction
6.3.1 Introduction
6.4.1 Introduction
6.5 Conclusions
Abstract: This chapter focuses on political, economic and social response options at national to supranational scales to drivers of unsustainable management of forests and tree-based landscapes and their effects
on food security and nutrition. Three different angles are considered: a) policy responses to enhance linkages between food security and forests with a focus on setting up the right institutional and governance
structures and addressing the important issue of forest tenure reform; b) market-based response options
that focus on global processes for supporting sustainable supply, and innovative corporate and multi-actor
initiatives to support inclusive value chains of forest and tree products; and c) socio-cultural response
options to enhance food security where the focus is on: changing urban demand; education to change behaviour and improve dietary choices; reducing inequalities and promoting gender-responsive interventions;
and social mobilisation for food security.
For the public sector, a central governance issue is how and to what extent policy and regulatory frameworks help ensure that the most vulnerable groups, in particular the poorest members of society and
women, have equitable access and rights to food security and nutrition from forests and tree-based systems. To this end, it is important to include relevant actors, from local communities to government departments, and initiate tenurial reform, devolution of decision-making to sub-national levels and a strengthening
of institutional capacity at local levels.
For the private sector, sustainability standards supported by multi-stakeholder processes, complement
policy frameworks and offer opportunities for change on the ground, particularly if these can include smallholders. In addition, pledges by corporate actors to zero deforestation and sustainable supply will likely
have significant influence in shaping future production practices and business models if they include benefits
for smallholder rural populations. Co-regulatory approaches that involve both public and private sector
actors to achieve more inclusive food systems through innovations and greater valuation of local practices,
management systems and knowledge, may in the future further enhance the governance of food systems.
At the level of social responses, education plays a pivotal role in empowering rural populations and has
the potential to generate tangible benefits for households and communities in achieving food security and
nutrition, sustainable forest and landscape management, and improved health. Targeting women and other
vulnerable groups is particularly important to enable greater inclusiveness in decision-making and benefit
sharing in forests and tree-based systems. Behavioural change that is often driven by social movements
toward the consumption of food with lower environmental impact, particularly in growing urban areas, can
have significant positive impacts on rural populations if the value chains necessary to meet the demand are
set up to include smallholders and marginalised groups.
6.1 Introduction
Food security1 has become a matter of global concern,
in particular since the last food price spikes in 2008 and
2010 (Beddington et al., 2012). FAO projections suggest
that food production must rise by 60 percent by 2050 if
a growing and increasingly more affluent population of
over 9 billion is to be fed (Alexandratos and Bruinsma,
2012). At the same time, our environmental footprint
which is leading to large scale soil degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, crop varieties and ecosystem services, must be reduced as our current mode of
operation is inconsistent with the planets long-term provisioning capacity (IAASTD, 2009). All current trajectories imply that humanity is moving farther away from
safe spaces (Rockstrm et al., 2009). Climate change is
further compounding the challenge, for instance by undermining gains in crop productivity through increased
floods and droughts, but also through longer-term shifts
in temperature and rainfall distribution (IPCC, 2014;
Nelson et al., 2010). This highlights the need for more
sustainable agricultural methods for food production
All terms that are defined in the glossary (Appendix 1), appear for the first time in italics in a chapter.
must rise while enhancing climate resilience and lowering agricultures greenhouse gas emissions intensity
(FAO, 2013a). To provide national and international support to this idea the global Alliance for Climate-Smart
Agriculture, a voluntary association of national governments, intergovernmental organisations, development
banks, private sector, civil society and research organisations, was launched at the United Nations Climate
Summit in September 2014 (GACSA, 2014). It remains
to be seen if climate-smart agriculture can deliver on
the triple win, and this platform for action can indeed
mobilise the financial, political, social and research resources necessary to significantly influence our current
trajectories (Neufeldt et al., 2013).
The growing demand for food, fibre, energy and other
products from the land often leads to market pressures
for exploitation that can lead to forest destruction. Perverse incentives, for instance subsidies that have been
set up to address the demand for cheap food without
considering environmental externalities, may aggravate
these pressures. These and other drivers affect the contribution of forests and tree-based systems to food security and nutrition as many drivers of deforestation and
forest degradation lie outside the landscapes in which
they manifest themselves. For example, agriculture is
believed to be the driver of up to 80 percent of current
deforestation, which often is resulting from national
agricultural development policies intended to boost oil
palm, cattle or soybean production (Kissinger et al.,
2012). While an increase in agricultural productivity
can potentially reduce the pressure on forests and other
natural ecosystems, focusing on one outcome at the expense of others will often lead to sub-optimal results for
overall sustainability (Sayer et al., 2013). Taking a landscape perspective that integrates across agriculture, forests and other land uses rather than considering different
land use sectors in isolation is increasingly understood
as crucial to long-term sustainability and food security
and nutrition (Padoch and Sunderland, 2013; Scherr et
al., 2012; and see Chapter 5).
This chapter focuses on political, economic and social response options to drivers at national to supranational scales that lead to food insecurity and negative
nutrition outcomes due to the degradation of forests and
tree-based systems. While they often support the sustainable management of land-based natural resources at
landscape scales, many of these responses lie outside the
land sectors altogether. The chapter addresses the topic
from three different angles: a) policy responses to enhance linkages between food security and forests with
a focus on setting up the right institutional and governance structures and addressing the important issue of
forest tenure reform; b) market-based response options
that focus on global processes for supporting sustainable supply, and innovative corporate and multi-actor
initiatives to support inclusive value chains of forest
and tree products; and c) socio-cultural response options to enhance food security where the focus is on:
changing urban demand; education to change behaviour
and improve dietary choices; reducing inequalities and
Catalysing reform
and innovation pathways
participatory resource
to knowledge
Food security
and nutrition
can be optimised at the level of land use. Such land ownership issues have gained prominence in the past two
decades, resonating Sens argument that entitlement is
more critical than production in reducing hunger at the
global scale (Sen, 1999). Over the past three decades,
forest tenure reforms have seen major strides globally, as
manifested in increased recognition of the rights of local communities and/or local governments. Such reforms
range from the titling of land parcels to indigenous communities to sharing timber revenues (Larson et al., 2010).
At least five forms of tenurial reform can be identified:
a) state-community collaborative or joint management,
empowering communities to secure their livelihood interests, including meeting their food and nutrition needs, in
forest management plans (Sundar, 2000; Bampton et al.,
2007); b) formal community rights supported by concurrent reforms in state institutions (Bray and Merino-Prez,
2002); c) national laws granting rights to communities for
forest management, but still focusing narrowly on subsistence use, as in the case of Nepal (Sunam et al., 2013);
d) pro-poor forest tenure reforms (leasehold forestry)
allowing poor households to grow annual and perennial
crops (Thoms et al., 2006); and e) institutional arrangements for enhancing the access of indigenous people to
land resources (e.g. indigenous forest rights in Mexico
(Toledo et al., 2003)).
However, tenure reforms are frequently insufficient
to secure livelihood benefits, including food security.
As Larson et al. (2010) argue, new statutory rights do
not automatically result in rights in practice, however,
nor do local rights necessarily lead to improvements in
livelihoods or forest condition. This can be seen for example in Nepal despite the country having granted clear
legislative rights to communities (Ojha et al., 2014; Sunam et al., 2013). A wave of recentralisation is reported
from cases elsewhere in the world (Ribot et al., 2006).
Even in areas with significant formal devolution of forest
authority, many communities have limited rights in practice (Larson et al., 2010).
Recognising the issue of intra-community equity, propoor tenure reforms have been initiated within community-based forest management, with explicit rights to grow
food and cash crops in forest areas granted to the poorest
members of society (Bhattarai et al., 2007). Nevertheless, even in countries promoting participatory or community-based forest management, many policy responses
and forest laws intended to support smallholders and the
poorest of society still contain restrictive provisions. As
such they fail to authorise food cultivation or other means
of enhancing food benefits from forests by smallholders,
as is the case for example with Indias Forest Right Act.
Equally, in Nepal, where community forestry has come
of age, with the establishment of successful local institutions, several forest ecosystem services are not yet defined in the tenure policy, thus creating a sense of tenurial
insecurity (Sharma and Ojha, 2013).
Overall, forest tenure reform has emerged as an important governance response in relation to linking forest management with food security, despite varied and
diverse experiences across the globe. The challenge is
often that, even when tenure is redefined, a supportive
institutional system including capacity and political
will to translate the reform into practice remains absent.
More attention is thus needed to how local innovations in
resource access and control are linked effectively to an
enabling policy and institutional environment.
Regulatory constraints to
community benefits from
marketing of forest products
Innovation system approach (Hall, 2002) emphasises linking research, practice, policy together as
essential for improving systems and practices. The approach emerged with industrial innovations in the West,
followed by agricultural extension in the developing world, such as in India.
Social learning approaches (Schusler et al., 2003) emphasise open communication, engagement and co-learning
as necessary for changing systems. Examples can be found across both Western and developing countries.
Participatory research (Pretty, 1995) holds that research can make a difference when conducted in close
engagement with the subjects or local communities. This is applied widely in agriculture and natural resource
management in the developing world.
Critical action research (Ojha, 2013) emphasises the role of locally-engaged researchers in catalysing change
by acting at different levels to generate alternative and critical knowledge. Examples can be found in developing
countries mainly in South America and South Asia.
Knowledge brokering (Meyer, 2010) and using research as capacity building (Hall et al., 2003) are also emerging
tools of innovation. Here, the role of new and hybrid actors as knowledge brokers is important in linking policy,
practice and research groups. This idea has emerged in both the West and in the South.
Transformative innovation needs to give far greater recognition and power to grassroots innovation actors
and processes, involving them within an inclusive, multi-scale innovation politics (Leach et al., 2012).
Participatory technology development (Schot, 2001) emphasises that technology and institutions co-evolve over time.
Adaptive collaborative approaches (Colfer, 2005; Ojha and Hall, 2012) emphasise that management actions are
experiments for learning and conflict management, as problem systems are always emergent and dynamic. Evidence
is generated from across Asia, Africa and South America.
and require building coalitions that go beyond technological innovations (Biggs and Smith, 2003). Such
cross-scale forums can be harnessed for their potential
to generate innovation, enable negotiations, manage
conflicts etc. This means for example, inviting forest
and food actors together along with farmers and public
officials to open up informal spaces to explore and negotiate opportunities to enhance forest-food linkages.
The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), a researchpolicy group working on forest rights globally, also
promotes such policy fora at national, regional and
global levels (RRI, 2014).
c) Adopting multiple planning horizons. Conceiving,
facilitating and supporting multiple and overlapping
planning processes, including forests, landscapes, and
subnational and national levels, can help to facilitate
change simultaneously at different temporal and spatial scales (Biggs and Smith, 2003). For example, a
community forest user group can focus on a 3-5 year
planning cycle, while district or landscape level plans
traditionally require more time. Similarly, monitoring
systems can also be tailored to the needs of decisionmakers at different scales of governance, without overburdening local households and communities to gather
information that is not immediately relevant to them.
d) Cultivating local champions of change. Many success
stories in forest governance and more generally in
environment and development around the world
are linked to the strong role of a few passionately
engaged agents of change. Identifying and nurturing
such champions can be part of the broader strategy of
reaching transformative change in forest governance
for food security (World Bank, 2003).
With growing foreign investment not only in processing but in upstream production, global value chains are
speeding up concentration and technological change. This
is stimulated by global traders and transnational companies that are seeking to enhance their economies of scale
in both supply and marketing, which ultimately tends to
displace local farmers who are integrated into more traditional food production systems (Page, 2013). Retailers and supermarkets also tend to impose higher quality
standards to suppliers in order to meet more demanding
consumption patterns, mainly in urban markets (Reardon
et al., 2003). Nonetheless, in spite of growing interconnections between rural economies and urban markets,
several market failures and asymmetries persist. These
failures often lead to undesired environmental and social
outcomes. Main environmental impacts relate to deforestation, soil erosion and water pollution, while social ones
are the exclusion of traditional farmers from the value
chains due to their more limited capacities to compete
in terms of costs and quality in more demanding markets leading to unequal distribution of economic benefits
from food markets (United Nations, 2014).
This section examines the main institutional initiatives aimed at building a more sustainable and inclusive
Code of conduct
Company association
Equator principles
Multilateral organisations
IFC Performance standards
Commitments and pledges
Transnational regulations
Public procurement
Labelling and certification
National regulations
Sustainability standards
Sectoral regulations
Environmental regulations
Legal and policy frameworks
Corporate commitments
Codes of conduct
Zero deforestation
Multi-stakeholder platforms
Production standards
Third-party certification
instruments provide little scope for public actors participation in their design, the implementation phase provides
more opportunities for achieving synergies and complementarities among different actors (Pacheco et al., 2011).
Fairtrade coffee
certification in Nicaragua
In Nicaragua, researchers have focused considerable energy on the issue of access to certified coffee
markets and related implications for coffee supplies
and rural development. In the late 1990s, governments
and donors supported certification in Nicaragua in
response to the dramatic and sustained reduction in
price for coffee, with the expectation that access to
markets for certified coffee would offer economic
benefits over the short and long term (USAID, 2003;
Varangis et al., 2003). Considerable investments were
made by NGOs and donors to build local capacities
for increasing coffee quality, obtaining certification
and enhancing smallholder supply capacity. In many
cases, cooperatives played a critical role in upgrading
production capacities and in building relations with
buyers and credit providers. However, in practice the
results have been mixed. Arguments explaining these
outcomes have centred on the persistence of low
yields and relatively high labour requirements (Valkila,
2009; Barham et al., 2011; Beuchelt and Zeller, 2011),
declining prices relative to conventional coffee (Weber,
2011) and the inability of smallholders to intensify
coffee systems given their livelihood insecurities and
rising production and household consumption costs
(Mendez et al. 2010; Wilson, 2010; Donovan and Poole,
2014). There appears to be a growing consensus that
smallholders in Nicaragua were probably too poor
to be able to respond to the demands of buyers and
certification systems.
In Indonesia, a mandatory government-led standard, labelled Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) has been
issued for the production of palm oil in addition to the
RSPO, a relatively consolidated voluntary, market-based
certification system (described above). The main rationale
for setting up the ISPO is that only large-scale palm oil
companies are members of RSPO, whereas medium-scale
companies account for a large share of the palm oil sector
(Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture, 2012). Furthermore,
only a small portion of certified palm oil suppliers have
established markets in developed countries, which tend to
demand sustainably-produced palm oil, while a significant
portion of demand lies in less demanding markets, such
as China and India that received 38 percent of total crude
palm oil exports in 2013. When including other developing
countries this segment of the market makes up 70 percent
of the total (COMTRADE, 2014). The Indonesian government has acted carefully with regard to the RSPO (Rayda,
2012), and after initially joining the organisation, the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) withdrew its membership in 2011, stating its intention to fully support the recently announced ISPO. The latter is conceived as a way to
improve the adoption of standards in palm oil in Indonesia
by complying with existing regulations, which have been
hard to enforce. This may lead to reducing existing gaps
in the adoption of good practices in palm oil production.
Role of actors in
instrument design and/or
Criteria selfdeveloped by
/ codes of
and labelling
- Financiers
(design and
application of
- None
Finance and
benefits asinvestments
sociated with a
good corporate
image encourages financiers
to invest only in
those corporate actors
whose practices
are considered
sustainable or
- Reduced
civil society
benefits associated with a processing
good corporate
image encourages practices
deemed to be
and/or socially
beneficial or
benign by key
- Improved
with local
- Marketing
- Shareholders
benefits associated with a
good corporate
image encourages portfolio
of land uses to
shift to align
with standards
- Access to
niche markets
- Reduced risk
to operations
- Implementation of actions
to meet
- None
- Civil society
in developed
and developing
- Establishing
- Voluntary
reporting to
- Government
in developing
- Optimisation
of production
- Price
- Establishing
- Verification
of compliance
- Civil society
(lobbying for
- Reduced
civil society
- Application
of instrument
- Reduced risk
of investments - Corporate
actors (comply- Improved
ing with criteria
public image
so as to access
- Affected
- Negotiating
- Sometimes
driven by
actors further
- Independent
- Setting targets
Cities are centres of creativity, power and wealth. Understanding the dynamics, growth and organisation of
cities, using a sustainability lens, is important for food
security and environmental sustainability (Bettencourt,
2013; Bettencourt et al., 2007). With more than half of the
worlds population currently living in cities with a continued rise predicted, securing adequate food supply for city
dwellers will be even more crucial than it is today. Growing urbanisation often calls for increased food production
in surrounding rural areas, but also raises pressures to
convert agricultural land in the wake of urban development. In order to address the complexity of divergent priorities, there is a need for planning alternatives, policies
and incentives that aim to reconcile growth, management,
food security and sustainable diets, and the enhancement
of agriculture (Forster and Escudero, 2014).
Urban consumers are increasingly aware of the fact that
modern agriculture can have negative environmental externalities, for example through the use of agricultural biocides and synthetic fertilisers and the concentration on few
interesting due to the fact that subsistence crops are often women crops, under the primary responsibility of
women (Das and Laub, 2005). Taking climate change
into account, the frequent exclusion of women from
technology and adaptive innovation is particularly counter-productive (Terry, 2009). Access and better use of
land are particularly important in light of study results
that show that food security might still be compromised
even in food secure households, often to the disadvantage of women and children (Hughes, 2010). Women
are often more inclined to reduce the number of meals
they take in a day or the quantity and/or quality of food
per meal for the benefit of other household members,
thereby exposing themselves to enormous health risk
(Nelson and Stathers, 2009). Altogether, if women had
the same access to productive resources as men, the FAO
estimates that women could increase the yields on their
farms by 20-30 percent, leading to a total increase of
agricultural output of 2.5 percent in developing countries and thus reducing the number of hungry people by
12-17 percent (FAO, 2011).
While this outlook is promising, increasing womens
contribution to enhanced food security and nutrition at
large scale will require a clear commitment for further
inclusion of women in decision-making processes concerning land use and land use planning. Although national legislation granting equal access to productive
resources is essential for social equity, socio-cultural
attitudes and practices that have evolved over decades
and centuries are not easily changed and often resist adaptation to new laws and transformation altogether. This
is particularly true in rural areas where local norms are
often enforced by older and respected, and thus more
powerful, (frequently male) community members (FAO,
2002). Because saliency, legitimacy and relevance of
more equitable laws and resource management rules
are critical for community buy-in and effective implementation, some organisations implement participatory
awareness campaigns, characterised by local community involvement in design and implementation (Clark
et al., 2011). Communication approaches that widely
disseminate information and education campaigns can
also help. At the same time, an in-depth understanding
is needed of the complex relationships between on the
one hand, land tenure, use and control and on the other,
their influence on food security, forests and tree-based
systems, in order to promote gender inclusiveness in decision-making and sustainable benefit sharing. Such an
understanding is also a prerequisite to external contribution to more inclusive land tenure policy frameworks
(see Section 6.2).
situation, organise themselves and initiate action. Traditionally, social mobilisation is an endogenous process
through which like-minded persons attempt to exchange
ideas, define common purpose and strengthen their voices in order to be heard by their fellow citizens and authorities alike. In addition, social mobilisation has also been
used as a tool to increase legitimacy and sustainability
of externally encouraged activities in the context of community development.
In the USA and Western Europe popular interest in
food and agriculture has skyrocketed in recent years and
with it a multiplicity of social food movements. Some
even speak of a food revolution (Nestle, 2009). Most of
these movements critically assess modern food production technology and the entire heavily subsidised, chemically intensive and cheap labour dependent, industrial,
corporate food system. Many movements advocate for
and promote more humane and environmentally friendly
ways of producing, selling and consuming. The massive
disposing of unwanted or wasted food is yet another facet
of the same problem (Zerbe, 2010). The FAOs 2013 Food
Wastage Footprint report for instance specifies that 1.3
billion tonnes of edible food parts from 1.4 billion hectares of land (28 percent of the worlds agricultural area)
are wasted, leading to a direct economic loss of an estimated USD 750 billion per year (FAO, 2013b). In the same
vein, since the inclusion of almost all agricultural products
in trade liberalisation in 1994, under the auspices of the
World Trade Organization (WTO), developing countries
have been further encouraged to reorient their economies
towards export to the North and to neglect the production
of food for the domestic market. Also, a lack of democracy
in basic political institutions has favoured corporate interests of the food industry (Marshall, 2013). This critique has
largely informed the Right to Food, food justice and food
sovereignty movements (Hughes 2010), which have their
root in the fair trade movement (Zerbe, 2010). Globally, the
perhaps largest social mobilisation concerning food security and environmental sustainability concerns the regulation and restriction of genetically modified foods. While a
majority of the main food crops in the US continue to be
genetically modified, activists mobilisation has been very
successful in Europe (Alkon, 2014).
Due to its decentralised, often community-centred and
sometimes sporadic nature, a characterisation of contemporary food movements is difficult. For the United
States, Nestle suggests a separation between movements
that address the production side (such as the Slow Food,
the farm-animal welfare, the organic foods, or the locally grown food movements) and those that address the
consumption side (anti-marketing-foods-to-kids, school
food, anti-trans-fat, or the calorie labelling movement),
while others unite both purposes (community food security, better farm bill movement) (Nestle, 2009).
Social mobilisation for environmental sustainability and food security is also witnessed in the developing world. For example, the tree planting programmes
of the Green Belt Movement (GBM) provide incentives
for Kenyans to successfully improve their environments,
doubling as a sustainable land management approach
Social mobilisation is also a common tool in rural development and poverty alleviation programmes to strengthen
participation of the rural poor in local decision-making.
According to UN-HABITAT, communities and stakeholders that take ownership of their own problems, such as conflicts and environmental degradation, take better informed
decisions, are able to reach more sustainable solutions
and achieve results faster, while fostering their solidarity
and capacity to undertake development initiatives (UNHABITAT, 2014). Collective action has been successful
in many regards, for example improved access to social
and production services, greater efficiency in the use of
locally-available resources, and enhanced asset building by
the poorest of the poor (FAO, 2003; NRSP, 2005).
There are various examples in the world where social mobilisation has worked in favour of food security
and forest conservation. For example, through a UNDP
initiative in Tajikistan on agroforestry, communities
around the Gissar Mountains were mobilised to plant
salt-tolerant trees and other grafted new tree species to
alleviate the impacts of overutilisation and degradation
of natural resources, civil war and consequent socioeconomic hardships. As a result, pressure on forest resources was reduced and household incomes increased,
from the trees themselves, as well as from the establishment of tree nurseries. Local farmers also experimented
further, using grafting technology to cultivate fruit trees
(UNDP, 2015).
Urban dynamics, behavioural change, tackling inequalities and social mobilisation all represent different
options to address the drivers that affect forests and treebased systems, and thus their impacts on food security
and nutrition.
6.5 Conclusions
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Chapter 7
Coordinating lead author: Bhaskar Vira
Lead authors: Ramni Jamnadass, Daniela Kleinschmit, Stepha McMullin, Stephanie Mansourian,
Henry Neufeldt, John A. Parrotta, Terry Sunderland and Christoph Wildburger
Forests and tree-based systems also provide valuable ecosystem services that are essential for staple
crop production and that of a wider range of edible
plants. For instance, many globally important crops require pollinators that are supported by forests and diverse
tree-based cropping systems within landscape mosaics.
These systems offer a number of advantages over permanent (crop) agriculture given the diversity of food
products derived from them and their adaptability
to a broader range of environmental conditions (e.g.,
soils, topography and climate) and changing socioeconomic conditions.
land use and management or through changes in consumption, income and livelihood opportunities. These
drivers are often interrelated. Thus, designing appropriate and integrated responses to these complex influences
that are effective across multiple, nested scales is a major challenge. Managing resilient and climate-smart
landscapes on a multi-functional basis that combines
food production, biodiversity conservation, other
land uses and the maintenance of ecosystem services
should be at the forefront of efforts to achieve global
food security. In order for this to happen, knowledge
from biodiversity science and agricultural research and
development needs to be integrated through a systems
approach at the landscape scale.
Governance shifts from state-focused government
to multi-sectoral and cross-scale governance present
better prospects for integration of different interests
and goals related to forest and food systems. The resulting global emphasis on ecosystem services can also
bring opportunities for improved synergies between
forest and food systems, changing management forms
and changes in income and livelihood structures. To
maximise future potential, greater attention from the
scientific and development communities is required,
particularly to develop a supportive policy framework
that considers both the forestry and agriculture sectors in tandem.
Current governance arrangements are imperfect and
ambiguous. Complexity surrounding the forest-food
landscape interface dictates the need for different solutions on a case-by-case basis. Structural reforms involving greater intervention from the state to harmonise
regulatory regimes, may be required in some instances
to achieve more inclusive food systems that not only foster innovation but also value local practices, systems and
knowledge. Co-regulatory approaches that involve
both public and private actors also have the potential to enhance the effective governance of forest and
tree-based food systems. Initiatives aimed at enhancing the governance of large-scale investors supporting
sustainable practices in the commodity value chain, improved benefit sharing and protection of local peoples
rights complement state-led regulatory approaches and
policy frameworks.
A central governance issue is how and to what extent policy and regulatory frameworks help ensure
equitable access of the poor, women and disadvantaged groups to forests and tree-based systems, and
to what extent do these regulatory arrangements recognise the rights to direct and indirect benefits for
food and nutritional security. Richer households with
more assets (including livestock) are able to claim or
make greater use of forest common property resources;
yet, poorer households often have a higher dependence,
as a proportion of their total income, on forest resources
for food security and livelihoods.
The impacts of interventions are also felt differently, depending on social structures and local contexts, and could improve food security and nutrition for
some groups while increasing vulnerability for others.
Subsidies and incentives (for tree planting and management) are often captured by larger farmers who are,
usually, not food insecure in relative terms. Responses
must be sensitive to these differences, and ensure that
they meet the needs of the most vulnerable groups.
Appendix 1
Agricultural biodiversity: A broad term that includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and
agriculture, and all components of biological diversity that constitute the agricultural ecosystems, also named agroecosystems: the variety and variability of animals, plants and micro-organisms, at the genetic, species and ecosystem
levels, which are necessary to sustain key functions of the agro-ecosystem, its structure and processes (CBD, 2000).
Agrobiodiversity: see Agricultural biodiversity
Agroecology: The integrative study of the ecology of the entire food systems, encompassing ecological, economic and
social dimensions (Francis et al., 2003).
Agroforestry: A collective name for land use systems and practices in which woody perennials are deliberately integrated
with crops and/or animals on the same land management unit. The integration can be either in a spatial mixture or in a
temporal sequence. There are normally both ecological and economic interactions between woody and non-woody components in agroforestry (Leakey, 1996; Leakey and Simons, 1998).
Agroforestry tree products (AFTP): refers to timber and non-timber forest products that are sourced from trees
cultivated outside of forests. This distinction from the term non- timber forest products (NTFPs) for non-timber extractive resources from natural systems is to distinguish between extractive resources from forests and cultivated trees in
farming systems. (Nevertheless, some products will be marketed as both NTFPs and AFTPs (depending on their origin)
during the period of transition from wild resources to newly domesticated crops.) (Leakey et al., 2005; Simons and
Leakey, 2004).
Biodiversity [Biological Diversity]: The variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia,
terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes
diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems (CBD, 1992).
Climate change: Refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human
activity. This usage differs from that in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
which defines climate change as: a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that
alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over
comparable time periods (IPCC, 2007).
Deforestation: The conversion of forest to another land use or the long-term reduction of the tree canopy cover below
the minimum 10 percent threshold (FAO, 2010). Deforestation implies the long-term or permanent loss of forest cover
and implies transformation into another land use. Such a loss can only be caused and maintained by a continued humaninduced or natural perturbation. Deforestation includes areas of forest converted to agriculture, pasture, water reservoirs
and urban areas. The term specifically excludes areas where the trees have been removed as a result of harvesting or
logging, and where the forest is expected to regenerate naturally or with the aid of silvicultural measures. Deforestation
also includes areas where, for example, the impact of disturbance, over-utilisation or changing environmental conditions
affects the forest to an extent that it cannot sustain a tree cover above the 10 percent threshold (FAO, 2001).
Governance: refers to the formation and stewardship of the formal and informal rules that regulate the public realm, the
arena in which state as well as economic and societal actors interact to make decisions (Hydn and Mease, 2004).
Greenhouse gas: Gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the Earths surface, the atmosphere, and
clouds. This property causes the greenhouse effect. Water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O),
methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) are the primary greenhouse gases in the Earths atmosphere. As well as CO2, N2O, and
CH4, the Kyoto Protocol deals with the greenhouse gases sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and
perfluorocarbons (PFCs) (IPCC, 2007).
Hidden hunger: refers to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or micronutrient deficiencies. Micronutrient deficiencies
can compromise growth, immune function, cognitive development, and reproductive and work capacity (FAO, 2012c).
Invasive species: Any species that are non-native to a particular ecosystem and whose introduction and spread causes,
or are likely to cause socio-cultural, economic or environmental harm or harm to human health (FAO website:
Land degradation: Reduction or loss in arid, semiarid and dry sub-humid areas of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rainfed cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest and woodlands resulting from land
uses or from a process or combination of processes, including processes arising from human activities and habitation
patterns, such as: (i) soil erosion caused by wind and/or water; (ii) deterioration of the physical, chemical and biological
or economic properties of soil; and (iii) long-term loss of natural vegetation (UNCCD, 1994).
Landscape: Drawing on ecosystem definitions, we define a landscape as an area delineated by an actor for a specific
set of objectives (Gignoux et al., 2011). It constitutes an arena in which entities, including humans, interact according to
rules (physical, biological, and social) that determine their relationships (Sayer et al., 2013).
Landscape approach: Aims to reconcile competing land uses and to achieve both conservation and production outcomes, while recognizing and negotiating for inherent trade-offs (Milder et al., 2012; Sayer et al., 2013).
Land-sparing: For the purposes of this report, defined as The promotion of agricultural techniques that encourage
the highest possible yields in a given area (even if it involves reduced in-farm biodiversity) with the goal of meeting
agricultural needs in the minimum possible area, so as to reduce the pressure over wild areas.
Land-sharing: For the purposes of this report, defined as The promotion of agricultural techniques, mainly
agroforestry, that are friendly to wild species, aimed at fostering the co-existence of managed (crops or livestock) and
wild species in the same area.
Livelihoods: The capabilities, assets both material and social resources and activities required for a means of living.
A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets, and provide net benefits to other livelihoods locally and more widely, both now and in the future, while
not undermining the natural resource base (Chambers and Conway, 1991).
Malnutrition. An abnormal physiological condition caused by inadequate, unbalanced or excessive consumption of
macronutrients and/or micronutrients. Malnutrition includes undernutrition and overnutrition as well as micronutrient
deficiencies (FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2014).
Managed forests: For the purposes of this report, managed forests are those whose structure, and the diversity and
density of edible plant and animal species, have been modified by various management practices to improve their
nutritional, economic and biodiversity values for people.
Non-timber forest products (NTFP): All biological materials other than timber, which are extracted from forests for
human use. Forest refers to a natural ecosystem in which trees are a significant component. In addition to trees, forest
products are derived from all plants, fungi and animals (including fish) for which the forest ecosystem provides habitat
(IUFRO, 2005).
Nutrition: the consequence of the intake of food and the utilization of nutrients by the body (CFS, 2012).
Nutrition security: A situation that exists when secure access to an appropriately nutritious diet is coupled with a sanitary
environment, adequate health services and care, in order to ensure a healthy and active life for all household members.
Nutrition security differs from food security in that it also considers the aspects of adequate caring practices, health and
hygiene in addition to dietary adequacy (FAO, IFAD and WFP, 2014).
Primary forest: Naturally regenerated forest of native species, where there are no clearly visible indications of human
activities [including commercial logging] and the ecological processes are not significantly disturbed (FAO, 2010b).
Resilience: Capacity of the system to cope with all kind of shocks and disturbances, and so be able to avoid crossing all
thresholds, known or unknown, to alternate regimes sometimes referred to as coping capacity and synonymous with
adaptive capacity (OConnell et al, 2015).
Secondary forest: forests regenerating largely through natural processes after significant removal or disturbance of
the original forest vegetation by human or natural causes at a single point in time or over an extended period, and
displaying a major difference in forest structure and/or canopy species composition with respect to pristine primary
forests (FAO, 2003).
Shifting cultivation: Also referred to as slash-and-burn cultivation or swidden agriculture. A land use system that
employs a natural or improved fallow phase, which is longer than the cultivation phase of annual crops, sufficiently long
to be dominated by woody vegetation, and cleared by means of fire (Mertz et al., 2009)
Slash-and-burn cultivation: see Shifting cultivation
Sustainable intensification: where the yields of global agriculture are increased without adverse environmental impact
and without the cultivation of more land (The Royal Society, 2009).
Swidden agriculture: see Shifting cultivation
Tenure: Systems of tenure define and regulate how people, communities and others gain access to land, fisheries and
forests. These tenure systems determine who can use which resources, for how long, and under what conditions. The
systems may be based on written policies and laws, as well as on unwritten customs and practices (FAO, 2012a).
Traditional (ecological) knowledge: A cumulative body of knowledge, practice and belief, handed down through generations by cultural transmission and evolving by adaptive processes, about the relationship between living beings (including humans) with one another and with their forest environment (Berkes, 1999).
Tree crops: (also Tree commodity crops) Generally defined as food products from trees that are exported and
traded widely in international commodity markets. These crops may be produced by smallholder- and/or in plantationproduction systems. Examples include coffee, cocoa, tea and oil palm (Jain and Priyadarshan, 2004).
Berkes, F., 1999. Sacred Ecology. Traditional Ecological
Knowledge and Resource Management. Philadelphia and
London: Taylor and Francis.
CBD, 1992. Convention on Biological Diversity, Art. 2. Montreal:
CBD, 2000. Convention on Biological Diversity, Decision V/5,
Annex. Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Nairobi, Kenya,
15 - 26 May 2000.
Mertz, O., Padoch, C., Fox, J., Cramb, R.A., Leisz, S.J., Lam, N.T.
and Vien, T.D., 2009.
OConnell, D., Walker B., Abel N., Grigg N., Cowie A., Durn,
G., 2015. An introduction to the Resilience Adaptation
Transformation Assessment (RATA) Framework. Working Paper
for the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global
Environment Facility. February 2015.
Gignoux, J., Davies, I., Flint, S., Zucker, J.-D., 2011. The ecosystem
in practice: Interest and problems of an old definition for
constructing ecological models. Ecosystems 14(7):10391054.
Hydn, G., and Mease, K., 2004. Making sense of governance:
empirical evidence from sixteen developing countries. Boulder
and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
IPCC, 2007. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and
Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. Appendix 1: Glossary. Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F.,
Palutikof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E. (eds.).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 976 p.
IUFRO 2005. Multilingual Pocket Glossary of Forest Terms and
Definitions, Compiled on the occasion of the XXII IUFRO.
World Congress August 2005, Brisbane, Australia. Vienna:
Appendix 2
List of Panel Members,
Authors and Reviewers
Bina Agarwal
University of Manchester, UK
and Institute of Economic Growth,
Delhi, India
Sarah Ayeri Ogalleh
Centre for Training & Integrated Research
in ASAL Development (CETRAD)
Nanyuki, Kenya
Frdric Baudron
International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Centre (CIMMYT)
Hawassa, Ethiopia
Sammy Carsan
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Paolo Cerutti
Center for International Forestry Research
Nairobi, Kenya
Josephine Chambers
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Beatrice Darko Obiri
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
Kumasi, Ghana
Ian K. Dawson
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Neil M. Dawson
University of East Anglia
Bunachton, Inverness, Scotland
Elizabeth Deakin
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Bogor, Indonesia
Ann Degrande
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Yaound, Cameroon
Jennie Dey de Pryck
Senior Gender Adviser and Consultant
Brussels, Belgium
Jason Donovan
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Lima, Peru
Samson Foli
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
Lisa Fuchs
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Amos Gyau
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Stephanie Mansourian
Consultant, Environment and Development
Gingins, Switzerland
Gordon Hickey
McGill University
Quebec, Canada
Adrian Martin
University of East Anglia
Norwich, UK
Amy Ickowitz
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
Stepha McMullin
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Miyuki Iiyama
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Ramni Jamnadass
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Katy Jeary
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Gudrun Keding
Bioversity International, Rome, Italy and
GeorgAugust-University, Goettingen, Germany
Katja Kehlenbeck
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Daniela Kleinschmit
University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
Christophe Kouame
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Abidjan, Cte dIvoire
Godwin Kowero
African Forest Forum (AFF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Patti Kristjanson
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Washington, DC, USA
Henry Neufeldt
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Mary Njenga
World Agroforesty Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Vincent O. Oeba
Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
Nairobi, Kenya
Daniel Ofori
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Hemant R. Ojha
School of Social Sciences
University of New South Wales,
Syndey, Australia
Pablo Pacheco
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
Christine Padoch
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
John A. Parrotta
U.S. Forest Service, Research & Development
Washington DC, USA
Bronwen Powell
Research Consultant, Forests and Food Security
Marrakesh, Medina, Morocco
Nitin D. Rai
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology
and the Environment
Bangalore, India
Patrick Ranjatson
University of Antananarivo
Antananarivo, Madagascar
James Reed
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Bogor, Indonesia
Mirjam Ros-Tonen
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chris Sandbrook
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Jolien Schure
Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Anca Serban
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Bimbika Sijapati Basnett
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
Carsten Smith-Hall
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Barbara Stadlmayr
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
Terry Sunderland
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
Cline Termote
Bioversity International
Nairobi, Kenya
Tran Nam Tu
Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
Hue City, Vietnam
Patrick Van Damme
Plant Production Department
Ghent University
Ghent, Belgium
Nathalie van Vliet
Wildlife and livelihoods expert, CIFOR
Bogota, Colombia
Barbara Vinceti
Bioversity International
Rome, Italy
Bhaskar Vira
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Solomon Zena Walelign
University of Copenhagen
Section for Global Development
Copenhagen, Denmark
Christoph Wildburger
Consultant, Environmental Policy and
Natural Resource Management
Vienna, Austria
List of reviewers
Eduardo Brondizio
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN, USA
Carol Colfer
Visiting scholar, Cornell University
Ithaca, USA
Martina Kress
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Rome, Italy
Eric Lambin
Stanford University
University of Louvain
Stanford, USA
Kae Mihara
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Rome, Italy
Sarah Milne
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
Ellen Muehlhoff
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Rome, Italy
Ben Phalan
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Dominique Reeb
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Rome, Italy
Patricia Shanley
People and Plants International
Bristol, VT, USA
Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers
Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR)
Wageningen, the Netherlands
GFEP donors:
CPF members:
United Nations
Forum on Forests
IUFRO Headquarters
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1030 Vienna, Austria
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