Zero Budget Natural Farming in India: Aiming Back To The Basics

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International Journal of Environment and Climate Change

10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

ISSN: 2581-8627
(Past name: British Journal of Environment & Climate Change, Past ISSN: 2231–4784)

Zero Budget Natural Farming in India: Aiming Back

to the Basics
Saikat Biswas1*
Department of Agronomy, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia,
West Bengal-741252, India.

Author’s contribution

The sole author designed, analysed, interpreted and prepared the manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/IJECC/2020/v10i930228
(1) Dr. Anthony R. Lupo, University of Missouri, United States of America.
(1) Benazir Rahman, Northern University, Bangladesh.
(2) Caba Ioan Ladislau, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania.
(3) Sami Ali Metwally, National Research Centre, Egypt.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 15 May 2020

Review Article Accepted 20 July 2020
Published 28 July 2020


Crisis of Indian agriculture is very pertinent at this moment as green revolution is gradually
losing its hope. Excessive, pointless exploitation of broods of green revolution has left bad
footprints on country’s food security and environmental safety. With the motto to ensure food
security by reviving Indian agriculture in environmentally safe way as well as to release
farmers from debt cycle and suicides, zero budget natural farming (ZBNF) has come in
the picture, which discards uses of all the chemical farming inputs and relies on natural way of
farming i.e. rejuvenating soil and crop health through its own practices (Jivamrita, Bijamrita,
mulching, soil aeration, intercropping, crop diversification, bunds, bio-pesticides etc.). ZBNF
movement right now is the most popular agrarian movement which begun in 2002 in
Karnataka and later successfully spread in many states (specially, of South India) of the nation
through numbers of trainings, demonstrations and various promotional activities. Successful
outcomes from farmers’ fields of south Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka etc.
are encouraging and grabbing attention of farmers, public and private organisations
towards ZBNF in recent times. Yet, various controversies regarding its transparency,
inadequate information, efficacy, practices, idealisms, even the term ‘zero budget’ etc. have
agglutinated around ZBNF over the years since it debuted. Critics in fact have cited
several references of drastic yield reductions with ZBNF practices in many places.

*Corresponding author: E-mail:;

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

Adequate scientific evaluation or monitoring of ZBNF’s successes or failures through multi-

locational trials is now therefore the needful before allowing or restraining its run in Indian

Keywords: Environmental safety; food security; green revolution; Indian agriculture; zero budget
natural farming.

1. INTRODUCTION fulsome ascent of both use and price of external

inputs and jeoparded market system of
India is known worldwide for its agrarian agricultural produce go hand in hand together to
economy. History speaks that agriculture in India throttle the farmers especially of small and
has progressed much from when it debuted. marginal categories. What green revolution had
Being a country with second largest population done in the name of metamorphosing India from
globally, India is always under immense pressure hungry one to food exporter, was temporarily a
to feed its ever increasing countrymen. Currently, bliss and in long term, a conspiracy to slaughter
the fiery examples of malnutrition, poverty and the nation. For maintenance of agriculture with
hunger etc. portray that in spite of being sharp rise of heavily relied inputs, capital less
backboned by agriculture, India still fails to farmers are forced to take debt from private
address its complete food security. One obvious money lenders and not only in years of crop
reason behind it is the consistent reduction of failure due to vagaries of weather, but also in
agricultural land with population and urbanisation usual days, due to production plateau imprecated
rises. Another lesser highlighted issue comprises from poor mother soil through spread of chemical
farmers’ reluctance to farming. Relevant question and mechanised form of package of farming
arises here, “Why is so grimier situation when practice, return they get is far below the
India is blessed with environment and resources expenditure. Further, euphoria of middlemen in
for agricultural practice?” Among few answers, agricultural market makes a clear disparity
the most shocking one is unfortunately the green between consumers’ buying and farmers’ selling
revolution. For sprinkling further light in this prices. In order to get extrication from the
context, there is a need to emphasise on pre and clutches of money lenders, farmers have no
post periods of that historic revolution. In ancient option but to suicide. Since 2002, on an average,
Indian times, natural resource based agriculture one farmer commits suicide every 30 minutes in
was solely practiced in collaboration with India and 3/4th of the suicides have the coverage
indigenous knowledge and experience of the from small and medium farming communities [1].
farmers, which was not only able to safeguard Voices have been raised and deputation, strikes
the nation of less population with food assurance have been imposed many times. Still government
successfully but also its environment from getting has no lingering solution to this major issue. In
polluted. Green revolution in India came into the consequence, new generation of farming
picture in mid-60s in urge of foods from post- community gets demotivated under such
independence rapidly increasing population distressed paradigm.
which ancient agriculture was suffering to
sustain. Over uses of chemical fertilizers, Movements for sustainable alternatives of
pesticides, synthetic substances etc. with the chemical based agriculture have substantiated
motto to produce more and more food from that India can overcome and improve the present
limited land coverage, have consciously led India emaciated scenario. Although it is sceptical as
to sacrifice its environmental safety. Further with most of the searched alternatives instead of
the introduction of hybrids and GM crops, many spreading to grass root level, remain at the place
indigenous traditional landraces have been of origin as topical wave of change [2] and do not
forced to extinct. Green revolution although has connect the peasants in true sense [3], still some
incurred a marked influence on agricultural of them enlighten the hope of recuperation of
sector by initial boosting up of crop productivity, moribund agriculture. A recent addition to the list
from late-90s onwards it has begun to lose its of curers is zero budget natural farming (ZBNF).
hope. Extensive and unscientific propulsion of This chemical free farming practice which was
chemical based agriculture has led to stagnation first formulated during mid-90s by Maharashtrian
in production rate as a consequence of long term agriculturist, Padma Shri, Subhashh Palekar to
soil health deterioration and exposed the inner get rid of green revolution’s curse, is now getting
beast of green revolution. In recent years, the spotlight as this ‘back to basics’ approach

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

has reportedly increased the crop productivity in chemicals (viz. fertilizers, pesticides) from
several parts of South India [4]. In the following farming activities, ZBNF can check further
sections, this article will impartially highlight the deterioration and effectively revive the
term, benefits, practices, movement, success environmental and soil health. It also helps in
and controversies of zero budget natural farming sovereignty of traditional land races, encourages
with the aim to introduce it in front of the world. soil aeration, bunds and top soil mulching,
intercropping and less water application which
2. ZERO BUDGET NATURAL FARMING although do not bring sudden increase in
(ZBNF) productivity but can uplift farmers’ income by
developing self-sustaining system after at least 3
As the name speaks, ZBNF is a natural way of years of conversion period. Ecological benefits of
farming without any capital investment. It ZBNF have been also reported [9,10]. Besides,
basically goes back to sole use of rich natural in present context of labour crisis (due to
resources which ancient agriculture fully relied reluctance to take farming as occupation and
on. Expenditure on purchased inputs is therefore, migration towards urban areas for
completely excluded in this system. If some cost other jobs), ZBNF can be a suitable option as it
is incurred by any chance, it is compensated by does not promote various intercultural operations
the profitable production. In the present context and consequently the involvement of hired
of sharp increase of production cost and manual labours. As there is no peak season in
stagnation in production rate coupled with ZBNF models (such as 5 years model, [11]) due
environmental footprints associated with to diversified culture, need to hire labour in a
chemical fertilizers/pesticides, ZBNF is gaining particular time (specially, in labour crisis) can be
momentum as it rejuvenates soil health for minimised. In consequence, ZBNF can be able to
sustainable crop production through reduce energy intensity per unit of gross
diversification, microbial activities, nutrient domestic product [12]. Moreover, ZBNF can
recycling, beneficial biological interactions [5]. reduce material footprint per unit capita and per
Besides, in rain fed areas where green revolution unit value added in agriculture by reducing
holds less significance, ZBNF can be a promising external inputs and encourage waste recycling
option under uncertainty of weather. It is an instead of dumping or burning.
extreme form of low external input sustainable
agriculture (LEISA), where all the inputs are 4. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ZBNF AND
locally (on farm) available and output of one ORGANIC FARMING
farming system is mostly used as input in other
farming system. Difference between ZBNF and organic farming is
mainly based on cost of farming as latter is an
3. BENEFITS OF ZBNF expensive approach. Further, release of
greenhouse gases from organic farming is also a
New York Times headlined on June 26, 2018,
major factor which makes ZBNF different one.
‘Bringing farming back to nature’ and critically
Another difference is that ZBNF requires lesser
pointed out the catastrophe in farming if nature is
effort and time to practice than organic farming
ignored [6]. True example covers green
activities. For instance, preparation of organic
revolution which has now become obsolete one
manures takes weeks to months while in ZBNF,
as its artificial techniques fail to boost up the
within 2-3 days, organic formulations
yield and leave environmental consequences. In
(Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha and
the context of food crisis, global warming, climate
Bijamrita/Beejamrutha) can be prepared [13].
change, destruction of natural resources,
migration and suicides of farmers [7], ZBNF is 5. FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICES OF ZBNF
possibly the most successful agrarian movement
in the world in terms of its reach [8]. There are Mr. Palekar, himself the victim of chemical aided
several benefits of shifting modern day agriculture in his own land back in early 90s, is
agriculture to ‘back to the basics’ approach known among the ZBNF farmers as ‘Guru’
through zero budget natural farming. ZBNF (master) as he suggested 4 fundamental
curtails down the need of taking loans for farming practices of ZBNF [8] which are described below.
activities as it completely relies on use of internal
inputs. Therefore, it can be a measure to 5.1 Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha
minimise indebtedness and suicide in farming
community (particularly of the small and marginal It is basically a kind of bio-fertilizer which adds
categories). Further, through exclusion of nutrients to the soil for plants’ uptake. Further,

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

this fermented microbial culture when applied to 5.4 Whapasa/moisture

the soil, catalyses soil microbial and earth
worms activities to make them do all the Whapasa/moisture focuses on improving water
benefits. Bacterial inoculums present in cow use efficiency by reducing the quantity and
faeces as well as in fist of native soil frequency of irrigation water applied as only a
during fermentation process obtain nourishment limited amount of water is needed (in form of
from organic sources of nutrients and vapour) for the crop growth. Therefore, it
multiply. Even, the applied fermented culture provides resilience from drought. Ideal
attracts and enhances the activities of other situation to mix up of air and water molecules
beneficial micro-organisms already present in renders suitable soil aeration and reduces 90%
the soil [14]. On application, these microbes water use which is helpful in rain fed agriculture
start to act and improve nutrient availability [5].
for the crop. Palekar [15] stated that there is
actually no need for external application of The preparations/ types and applications of these
fertilizers as the soil is a treasure box of all 4 practices are listed in Table 1.
nutrients which is unlocked by micro-organisms
when their activities get improved by application 6. OTHER PRACTICES OF ZBNF
of Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha (or ‘nectar of life’). It is
6.1 Intercropping and Crop Rotation
known to check various soil borne diseases
also. In situation of labour and water crisis, dry Intercropping is cultivation of two or more
form of Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha called different crops together on a land at a time.
Ghanajivamrita is prepared which can be stored Better harvesting of solar radiation, utilization of
for one year [13]. land and other resources and checking
evaporation and erosion etc. are some major
5.2 Bijamrita/Beejamrutha objectives of intercropping. Besides, it helps to
enhance farmers’ income or provide subsistence
Bijamrita/Beejamrutha is used as a treatment in case of main crop failure. Leguminous
option of seed/seedling/planting material to crops, millets, cereals, vegetables, fruit trees,
reduce mortality rate and ensure good or medicinal plants etc. form the component crops
vigorous crop stand on the field by checking of intercropping system. Diversification of
various seed and soil borne diseases of younger cropping system is another important practice of
seedlings. Like Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha, ZBNF as it breaks the habitat and consequently
Bijamrita/Beejamrutha also contains beneficial the build-up of pests and diseases.
bacteria which are not only helpful in plant
protection but also in stimulation of plant growth 6.2 Plant Protection
Bio-pesticides (Neemastra, Agniastra,
5.3 Acchadana/mulching Bramhastra etc.) made through natural or
organic or bio-products (Fig. 1 and Table 2)
There are several benefits of covering the soil are only permitted to use in ZBNF during the
with dust or plant materials times of pest and disease outbreaks to
(Acchadana/mulching). It protects the top soil protect the plants to reach economic injury
from erosion. Besides, it improves soil aeration levels. They are effective in controlling various
and conserves soil moisture by checking seed, soil and air borne diseases as well as
evaporation water loss. Weed emergence is to insects like aphids, jassids, mealy bugs, white
some extent checked through mulching. Further, flies etc.
Organic type of mulches such as dried plants
6.3 Bunds and Contours
additionally produces humus on decomposition,
which supplies nutrients to the crop. As mulching Bunds and contours are constructed with the aim
reduces the requirement of tillage (Deep to reduce water borne erosion of land and
ploughing is strongly avoided in ZBNF.), labour conserve rain water for crop production.
shortages (in present days) can be
compensated. Live mulch (using different plants) 6.4 Indigenous Earth Worm Species
is helpful as different nutrients can be added in
the soil (Monocots supply potassium, In ZBNF, addition of vermicompost in to the
phosphorus etc. while dicots or legumes fix soil is not promoted. According to Palekar,
atmospheric nitrogen.) [5]. deeper soil has its own indigenous earth

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

worm species which can efficiently enhance soil exotic earth worm species specially, Eisenia
fertility when any organic matter is added to foetida is dangerous as it absorbs toxic
the soil and there is no particular need of use metals and contaminates ground water and soil
of external vermicompost. He stated that [20].
Table 1. Name, preparation and application of 4 major practices of ZBNF [17]

Name Preparations/ types Applications

Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha 200 litres of water is poured in a Soil application of 200 litres of
barrel/container. 10 kg fresh local Indian Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha in
bred cow dung and 5-10 litres of aged irrigation water on 1 acre of
cow urine are put inside it. Then, 2 kg land twice a month or foliar
each of jaggery (brown sugar) and pulse application of 10% solution
flour and a fist of soil from chemical less
area are added in to it and mixed
thoroughly. Mixture
(Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha) is kept further in
shade for 48 hours for fermentation.
Bijamrita/Beejamrutha It is prepared similarly as Coating and mixing the seeds
Jivamrita/Jeevamrutha (local Indian bred by hand or leguminous seed
cow dung and urine, lime, water and soil). dipping in
Specifically, 5 litres of urine and 5 kg of Bijamrita/Beejamrutha solution
dung of local Indian bred cow are put followed by drying in shade and
inside a container containing 20 litres of sowing
water. 50 g of lime and a fist of native soil
are then added into it and thoroughly
Acchadana/mulching Three types of mulching are used viz. soil Application of soil or straw
mulch (friable soil/dust coverage on top mulch before sowing the seeds
soil), straw mulch (dried resides of or sowing (cultivation) of crops
previous crops, dead materials of plants to cover land spaces (live
and/or animals) and live mulch (symbiotic mulch)
mixed or intercrops preferably with
monocot and dicot such as cereal-legume
Whapasa/moisture It is making soil to provide water vapour to Irrigation during noon in
plant roots by reducing irrigation quantity alternate furrows to make air
and frequency. and water molecules to remain
in soil

Table 2. Ingredients with their quantities used for preparation of some other bio-pesticides [19]

Fungicide/Insecticide Ingredients Quantity used in

Fungicide-I Butter milk fermented for 5 days 5 litres
Water 50 litres
Fungicide-II Indian bred cow milk 5 litres
Black Pepper Powder 200 g
Water 200 litres
Insecticide-I Neem seed or leaf powder 20 kg
Water 200 litres
Insecticide-II Indian bred cow urine 5 kg
Indian bred cow dung 10 litres
Neem leaves 10 kg
Water 200 litres
Insecticide-III Neem leaves soaked in cow urine for 10 days 10 kg
Tobacco powder soaked in cow urine for 10 days 3 kg
Garlic paste soaked in cow urine for 10 days 3 kg
Green chilli paste soaked in cow urine for 10 days 4 kg

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020;; Article no.IJECC.59278

Fig. 1. Compositions of Agniastra, Bramhastra and Neemastra [18]

6.5 Cow Dung 7. ZBNF MOVEMENT

Faeces of local Indian cows (Bos Bos indicus)

indicus are ZBNF is a sustainable agricultural
icultural movement
only recommended in ZBNF activities as Indian which mainly composed of and run
species contain more beneficial micro-organisms
micro autonomously by small and marginal farmers of
(around 3-5 5 crores) than foreign breeds. rural India [8]. Although, it was started back in
According to Palekar, lots of harmful bacteria, 2002 in Karnataka and subsequently in other
fungus and other pathogens are present in dung states (particularly of South India) as a collective
of foreign breeds and Indian breed is found to be or social movement
ovement made by rural farming
solely efficient for crop cultivation. One Local community, it did not grab any attention of public
enous cattle breed can cultivate 30 acres of and private organisations, policy makers and
land. ZBNF promoters therefore suggest not to scientists until recent times [13]. ZBNF
mingle the faeces between Indian and foreign movement since its debut has critically raised
cattle breeds and ask farmers to use dung and questions on significance of modern day, sso
urine of local Indian cow in ZBNF and those of called ‘techno-scientific’
scientific’ or mainstream
foreign breeds in biogas or fuel generation [14]. agriculture. La Via Campesina [17] reported that
Most of the ZBNF followers quit consumption of ZBNF movement has improved not only crop
milk and its products as they avoid dairyfication yield but also socio-economic
economic status of adopters
of local cow to let these precious species shower as it reduces farm expenses to a minimum and
benefits in crop production purpose only. makes the farmers self-sufficient.
ient. At local level,

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

ZBNF movement spreads through informal and Rosset [13] recognised Palekar’s way of
connection between farmers. Community communication to the farmers in their own
resource person or master farmer from group farming language during training programmes
trains the other farmers. At state level, ZBNF and consideration of simple practices rather than
movement has networks of volunteers (leaders, sophisticated ones to explain at initial stage for
political party representatives, independents, better understanding as some key factors behind
Palekar and his devotees) which organise the popularity of ZBNF among the farming
training camps. Training covers ecology, community. Later, with the joining of IT
principles, philosophy, success stories etc [17]. professionals, ZBNF movement has got much
Initially, in obvious case, Palekar did not have bigger dimension as it has not only remained
mass base and got mixed response as farmers confined to physical workshops or training
were unsure about the efficacy of his technology. programmes but also got disseminated through
Only few farmers got inspired by him and various social media platforms (Facebook,
adopted ZBNF. The successful outcomes from Whatsapp, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin etc.),
their ZBNF fields convinced others and as a mobile phones to farming community of entire
result, more and more farmers started to adopt India and even to international farmers (such as
this technology. From 2006 onwards, ZBNF got Sri Lanka, Nepal etc.) [24]. It is noted that apart
momentum as many new allies, volunteers were from Palekar’s workshops, practical trainings at
coming to be a part of this movement and they grass root level through local master farmers for
started to organise many training camps in order others (farmer to farmer communications) have
to spread ZBNF among farming community [13]. also resulted in massive spread of knowledge
For instance, Palekar and his followers organised about ZBNF [8]. Participation of farmers is
a successful training programme in Wayanad, therefore not only limited in Palekar’s training or
Kerala back in 2008. Farmers of many parts of demonstration camps but also gets extended in
Kerala and even from other states, who were their own field and successful responses in many
losing faith in chemical based agriculture, cases have grabbed the attention of government
participated in that programme with the hope of and private organisations in recent times as they
alternative solution of green revolution (rather, are joining hands with ZBNF approach and
suicide revolution). It is worthy to mention that various initiatives are therefore now coming up.
many alternative forms of agriculture were However, there is further need of suitable policy
already developed by many historic names. But for ZBNF to take off properly. Nevertheless,
according to Palekar, all of those were Palekar’s movement (ZBNF) is arguably the most
unscientific and part of foreign exploiter system popular and widespread movement so far in the
[21]. He calls himself as a prime critic of context of Indian agro-ecological system [23].
certification of organic farm and its produce and
states that natural farming or its produce can be 8. SUCCESS STORIES OF ZBNF
certified by nature only, not by any third party
[22]. He has cited the instance of forest as The long journey of ZBNF has just only begun.
natural system where fruits are produced without Still, it has been able to show its merit. Farmers
any interference of organic or chemical farming tired of chemical farming are already showing
and mentioned that likewise the natural system, interests on this alternative form of agriculture.
ZBNF is self-developing, self-nourishing and self- Six states of India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
sustaining [22]. With the success of the training Kerala, Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand and
programme in Wayanad, ZBNF movement has Chhattishgarh) have started to give major thrusts
been spread to grass-root level of farmers on ZBNF. Bihar and Punjab have expressed their
through collective approach between successful keen interests on it. Rajasthan, Meghalaya and
farmers and ZBNF promoters. Training camps in Gujarat are also keeping eye on it [25].
presence of Subhash Palekar as chief speaker Successful outcomes in states specially,
have been organised in many states (specially, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are inspiring the
of South India) and are still going on to spread whole nation to give it a try at least once.
this ‘back to the basics’ approach to the farming
community. In all the training programmes, 8.1 Karnataka Story
Palekar and other ZBNF activists have severely
criticised green revolution and its devotees In 2002, in order to promote ZBNF in Karnataka,
(agricultural universities, Govt. policies, state farmers association named Karnataka
researchers etc.) [23] and promoted ZBNF Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) collaborated with
through ‘seeing is believing’ approach. Khadse Subhash Palekar. KRRS was the main among

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

many allies, which played significant role to end of 2026 [26]. ZBNF farmers in Andhra
mobilise farmers towards ZBNF through various Pradesh have observed decline in input costs,
training camps [17]. Khadse et al. [8] reported increment of yields, fair trade in domestic and
several reasons for which farmers were international markets, improved food and
interested in adoption of ZBNF: family health nutritional securities and reduction in inequality of
(54%), food security (46%), environmental safety economic position by improving net income of
(42%), reduction of cultivation costs (38%), tribal farmers, landless farmers, tenant farmers,
reduction of reliance on various corporate single woman farmers etc. In 2017, cultivations
sectors (33%), reduction of debt (30%), and of rice, rain fed groundnut and cotton through
spiritual purpose (30%). Rough estimate states ZBNF practices ensured the farmers to achieve
that around 1 lakh farm families (mostly of middle 51%, 135% and 87% increase in net incomes
class categories) in Karnataka have already respectively. There were 9% and 36%
shifted from conventional agriculture to ZBNF increments of rice and groundnut yields
and all of them have their own lands, irrigation respectively in ZBNF farmers’ fields of
facilities and majority have at least one cow [17]. Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh [12]. Government of
Khadse et al. [8] found that adoption of ZBNF Andhra Pradesh in 2017 from its various crop
has positively met all those purpose of Karnataka cutting experiments in the state observed higher
farmers (100% health improvement, income yields of rice (6416 kg/ha), irrigated groundnut
improvement for 85.7% households, quality of (2868 kg/ha), black gram (1300 kg/ha), chilli
produce improvement for 91.1% households, (10240 kg/ha) and maize (12844 kg/ha) from
yield improvement for 78.7% households, selling ZBNF fields over non-ZBNF fields (5816 kg/ha,
price improvement for 57.9% households, pest 2233 kg/ha, 1027 kg/ha, 7740 kg/ha 11856 kg/ha
problem mitigation for 84.1% households, respectively for rice, irrigated groundnut, black
reduction of debt for 92.5% households, gram, chilli and maize) [20]. Besides, reduction of
declination of cultivation cost for 90.9% cost of cultivation and increment of net income in
households, increased soil conservation for rice, black gram and various other crops by
93.6% households, increased seed autonomy for adopting ZBNF have been also reported in this
92.7% households, improved food autonomy for state [27,28]. Comparative performance of ZBNF
87.8% households, improvement of seed and non-ZBNF during monsoon season for
diversity for 76.9% households) and thereby various rain fed crops are shown in Table 3 [25].
successfully addressed the risks of farming. Moreover, by replacing the harmful pesticides
and chemical fertilizers, ZBNF was able to
8.2 Andhra Pradesh Story improve health condition of farming community.
From 2018, ZBNF rolled out integrated health
ZBNF movement in Andhra Pradesh was first and nutrition plans in 35 villages of Andhra
started in 2015. Before division, Andhra Pradesh Pradesh [12]. ZBNF programme further extended
was the highest pesticide consuming state of its target to ensure capacity building, knowledge,
India. Suffering from chemical based agriculture skill development and dissemination of
and simultaneously the preliminary successes of sustainable production technologies to grass root
ZBNF in this state have grabbed the attention of levels of farming community through community
state government towards this movement. In resource persons or master farmers (farmer to
2018, Andhra Pradesh government announced farmer dissemination) and thus helped in rural
to shift state’s agriculture system to ZBNF by employment generation in agriculture and its
2022 (i.e. shift from India’s first green revolution related sectors. In Andhra Pradesh, ZBNF was
state to first ZBNF state) [26]. Government also successful in achieving equality of gender in
installed one non-profit organisation Rythu cluster leadership level by providing direct
Sadhikara Samstha to spread ZBNF to farming participation of women and their self-help groups
community of Andhra Pradesh. Further, the in trainings, agricultural works, direction and
state government collaborated with various monitoring of community or group based farming
national and international organisations to raise and even in entrepreneurship [12]. ZBNF was
funding to make successful ZBNF model. In further able to build resilience against climatic
2017-18, 16300 farmers from 972 villages of 13 anomalies by improving strength of soil and crop.
districts have adopted ZBNF and in 2018-19, For instances, In Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh,
action plan was created to cover 5,00,000 pre monsoon sowing of combination of 9 cereals
farmers [26]. Government also expressed its aim and millets (Navdhanya) was able to harness
to cover 6 million farmers in 2024 and entire water vapour in air and application of Jivamrita
cultivable area (8 million hectare) by ZBNF at the improved soil health which altogether improved

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

crops’ robustness to fight against drought promoting ZBNF as a model in this country and
condition. In 2017, when Vishakhapatnam, UNEP on global basis [26]. ZBNF has been
Andhra Pradesh experienced devastating recently included in revised norms of schemes
cyclone, rice grown by ZBNF better withstood like Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and
wind blow and water logging than conventional Paramaparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) by
rice fields as ZBNF approach produced porous government of India.
soil, deep roots and robust stem [12]. Several
initiatives like installing custom hiring centres for 9. CONTROVERSIES AND CRITICISMS
group based rent of small machineries, non- ON ZBNF
pesticides shops for selling bio-pesticides and
cow based formulations, village seed banks etc. Although ZBNF has already brought a
have been taken by the state government remarkable revolution in agrarian society, reports
recently to make ZBNF to run at accelerated are also available regarding its missing magic as
pace [26]. it fails to return after few years, what it has
claimed earlier in many parts of India including
8.3 Maharashtra Story Palekar’s native Maharashtra, where it was
spontaneously adopted as an alternative of
Wardha district of vidarbha region of chemical based agriculture. Many ZBNF critics
Maharashtra is mostly agriculture oriented. have already warned not to go for complete
Farmers of the district were facing problems of conversion of conventional farming to ZBNF
chemical based agriculture (high input costs, low without visualizing sufficient proof of its success.
productivity, decline in market price of the Also, some are in views that chemical based
produce, pest and disease problems, agriculture cannot be completely ignored and
degradation of soil, environment and health of replaced by ZBNF considering the business point
producers and consumers etc.) as well as of view. The success of ZBNF in limited crops
climatic anomalies since long time. Through and in certain locations further raises questions
ZBNF trainings and demonstrations, almost 10 on its uniformity in nation-wide agriculture. In
thousand farmers have been encouraged for a fact, some already available mixed bag results of
transition to natural way of farming. Following the ZBNF project it as an overhyped agrarian
ZBNF practices, farmers have been able to cut movement. Critics have pointed out several
down the expenditure by 40-45% and improve questions as follows, which remain unanswered
soil health and consequently the productivity. till date.
They have got high profit by selling their produce
directly in the market without allowing  Why is ZBNF to be given prime importance
interference of middlemen. as an agro-ecological technique by
rejecting others, since rests are also the
Some key ZBNF farmers’ feedback and case part of regenerative agriculture like it [26]?
studies are shown in Table 4.
 Why is not the authority totally transparent
As these initial results regarding feasibility of in sharing information about ZBNF
ZBNF are very much promising, in order to activities, performance, reach etc. on
double the farmers’ income and to address the public domain? Why is there so much
major challenges of current agricultural system in secrecy to share information with public
the context of food security, finance minister of about agreements between organisations,
government of India in the Union budget of 2019- studies on its feasibility? Why is there only
20 in parliament has therefore given a major the anecdotal success reports presented in
thrust on ZBNF and advised the states to adopt it websites of its promoters? Is ZBNF
[31]. Niti Aayog, government of India is now promoters biased on their technique [26]?

Table 3. Comparative performance of ZBNF and non-ZBNF practices during monsoon season
of 2017 for various rain fed crops [25]**

Particular(s) ZBNF Non-ZBNF ZBNF compared to non-ZBNF

Yield (t/ha) 4.80 4.12 +16.5%
Cost of cultivation (000 INR.) 22.9 30.0 −23.7%
Gross return (000 INR.) 80.6 70.6 +14.2%
Net return (000 INR.) 54.0 36.0 +14.2%
**Total plots: 1531 for each of the farming; Crops grown: rice, maize, groundnut, finger millet, cotton

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

Table 4. Farmers’ feedbacks after shifting to ZBNF and some individual case studies

Particular(s) Observation(s) Reference(s)

Farmers’ feedback
Crop performance under changing climate Crops of ZBNF fields in Andhra Pradesh were healthy, robust and [25]
resilient to climatic anomalies.
Biodiversity There were some practical observations on improvement of biodiversity [29]
with ZBNF practices. For instances, in 480 samples collected from 13
districts of Andhra Pradesh, numbers of earthworms from ZBNF and
non- ZBNF plots were 232/m2 and 32/m2 respectively. Population of
pollinators and pest antagonists were also improved in vicinity of ZBNF
Income and Household transition There was significant increase of farm income that thereby reflected on [25]
socio-economic status, life style and household transition (for instance,
from mud houses to concrete ones) of farmers.
Individual Case study (**Farmers’ names changed)
Arjun, a farmer of Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, was cultivating papaya Within 7 months, Arjun found remarkable yield and quality [25]
in most of his 2 ha land for last 5 years. In 2017, he got to know ZBNF improvements of papaya and got higher market value than previous
and inspired by self-help groups through loan facilities. He then tried years. His story was inspiring to other farmers as many of them shifted
ZBNF practices for his papaya cultivation. to ZBNF subsequently.
Raju, a farmer of Vandanmedu, Kerala, was cultivating cardamom in Raju successfully controlled the pests through botanicals and achieved [30]
his 14 acre land following chemical based farming methods. He was sustainable production of cardamom.
suffering from high input cost of synthetic pesticide. He then shifted
towards ZBNF.
Nakul, a farmer of Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, tried ZBNF for papaya Nakul got 16t/acre more yield and INR. 1,28,000 more net return [12]
cultivation in 13 acre land. through practicing ZBNF rather than non-ZBNF.
Laxman, a farmer of Andhra Pradesh, got pissed off from harmful Laxman observed significant improvement of soil health as well as high [25]
effects of toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers on soil and therefore, production and income round the year.
shifted to ZBNF after participation in one week training programme.
Mahasin, a farmer of Muttukad, Kerala, started ZBNF in his 7 acre land Mahasin found significant yield increments of these crops with ZBNF [30]
for multiple crops, specially pepper, nutmeg, clove and vegetables. practices. He also achieved pest free cultivation of crops.
Sachin, a farmer of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, was previously practicing Sachin noticed high yield of the crops and betterment of soil health He [12]
chemical farming in his 1 acre land for 5 years. His production return made a profit of INR. 1,55,000 through practicing ZBNF.
was offset by input costs. In 2016, he shifted to ZBNF. He started
cultivating banana and yam in half an acre land each.

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

 What will a farmer do if he/she does not in Andhra Pradesh, around $2.3 billion
have all the raw materials required in credit) when ZBNF promoters at their start
ZBNF as this farming approach follows asserted that it doesn’t need any external
strict guidelines of do’s and don’ts? For input (materials or credit) [26]?
example, native cow (Bos indicus) is not
always available [32,33]. In that case, is  Why is it called ‘Zero budget natural
there any provision of using second best farming’ when it is not possible to do
option? Clarification in this regard is farming in zero monetary investment? In
inadequate and thus leads to confusion ZBNF activities, the raw materials required
among farmers. have some price (When raw materials
used are the products of own farm, some
 Palekar always expresses his intolerance income is sacrificed. When the raw
against every ‘western’ thing and promotes materials are bought from others, some
‘Indian-ness’. For example, he prefers expanses are there.). Even, there are
native cow in place foreign breeds and involvements of the farmer and his/her
urges others to treat it as ‘God’ (sacred). family in farming activities, which also have
However, don’t he and his devotees think some values in terms of money. Further,
that this idea of Indian-ness is limited to expenditure is there in rearing native cow
elite Hindu ideals [33]? Although, any which is one of the cornerstones of this
ZBNF training or various related technique. Although, recently the term
statements did not openly promote a ‘Zero budget natural farming’ has been
particular religion till date (For instance, replaced by ‘Subhash Palekar natural
many ZBNF farmers in Kerala are (spiritual) farming’, still in most places it is
Christian by religion.), question may still popular in its former name and thus raises
arise in this regard. controversy among the farming community
 Is there the own charisma of ZBNF
practices that works behind its adoption by  What is the reason to give suddenly the
the farming community or the charisma of prime importance to ZBNF in place of
Palekar’s vision, dedication, motivational various other projects when they have
speeches, leadership behind the promotion earlier performed successfully on
of his brainchild? Instances are there that promotion of organic/natural farming? For
many farmers adopted ZBNF as they got instance, although ‘Community managed
influenced by Palekar’s speech. In those Sustainable Agriculture’ performed well in
cases, only biasness prevailed rather than Andhra Pradesh and was popular among
debate before adoption [13,33]. the farmers, government has replaced it by
ZBNF [26].
 What has the authority done so far to
resolve the matter that in many places, the  Why does ZBNF remain mostly as a South
master farmers (community resource Indian agricultural movement rather than a
persons) mostly act to impose the Nation-wide agricultural movement till
technique rather than to facilitate it, which date?
ultimately leads not only to the dilution of
learning process but also to confinement of  Why are the key proponents of ZBNF
knowledge within few farmers as the promoting components of conventional
movement remains as a mere agriculture also? For instances, Niti Aayog,
dissemination of ZBNF [34]? government of India, beside promoting
ZBNF in nation, is also supporting the use
 Why don’t ZBNF promoters give adequate of transgenic or genetically modified
attention regarding marketing of ZBNF crops/seeds in agricultural activities.
produce as reports are available that both Andhra Pradesh government is allowing
ZBNF and non ZBNF produces are being various national and international
sold together in many places in same organisations to be the part of ZBNF
market in same price [17]? movement in the state, and those
organisations are also associated in
 Why is massive funding required to make promoting various components of chemical
success of ZBNF movement (for instance, based agriculture and even, in some

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

activities related to environmental under question. Saldanha [26] has mentioned

degradation. The dual speaks of them are that in spite of various promotional activities on
confusing and questionable [26]. ZBNF, very little communications regarding its
socio-economic feasibility and environmental
 Who are the actual beneficiaries of ZBNF- impacts have been actually made. Studies
farmers or various corporate across India by ICAR-IIFSR (Modipuram),UAS
organisations? (Dharwad) and others have already pointed out
yield reductions in basmati rice-wheat (59% and
 What are the backup plans for such big 32% respectively), soybean-wheat, groundnut-
credits if ZBNF model fails due to sorghum, maize-chickpea (30%), cotton+
marketing and other issues and financers groundnut (17%) systems [31]. Reports are also
opt to relinquish their support or go to other available on shifting back to chemical farming
high returning option [26]? from ZBNF even by the farmers of Palekar’s
native Maharashtra [39].
 Is it possible to achieve food security of
nation’s enormous population using 10. CONCLUSION
traditional varieties with half of yield
potential of HYVs and hybrids [31]? Regardless the controversies and critics’ points
of view, there is nothing to deny the fact that
 Why are the farmers kept only as mere ZBNF has been evolved with very positive
consumers of this technique, not as mentality to benefit farming community. In fact, it
advisers to put their own knowledge has been able to rejuvenate many small-scale
inputs? farmers of the nation. However, before its
recommendation, it needs strong scientific
 How will farmers keep perseverance and evaluation or validation of its claim. For this,
patience during transitional period due to multi-locational trials by unbiased, autonomous
lingering effect of chemical farming, if the bodies such as ICAR to study ZBNF’s impacts on
funds allocated for ZBNF is totally used for soil, land and environment health, socio-
its promotional purpose only and not economic status of farmers and food security of
mobilised to them for their survival [26]? nation are very much needed at this hour.
Periodic monitoring, collection of data through
 Does ZBNF provide adequate nutrition for various ICT tools, E-tracking practices and
high crop productivity as nutrient level of impartial showcase of the information on public
soil declines with intensive cropping? Is it domain are some pertinent strategies here to go
possible enough to cover 30 acre of land forward. Further, ZBNF movement should be in
with faeces of Indian cow breed providing compliance with adequate transparency,
on an average only 12 kg N per annum impartiality, democratic reviews, opinions,
[31]? suitable precautions and futuristic vision.
However, it is not the ZBNF only, but also the
 Is it feasible to promote ZBNF without several other alternatives of chemical farming
considering substantial evidences of its which deserve equal relevancy in this regard. It is
benefits? distressful to highlight that crisis of Indian
agriculture is real and farmers’ repeated protests
 Is ZBNF really able to help farmers in has received nothing but silence. ZBNF or other
doubling their income? such initiative has been therefore given birth as a
cherub to revamp country’s agricultural system
Apart from these, there is also controversy just as similar as green revolution did after post-
related to the way of digitising information by independence. In fact, it is not at all the green
foreign organisations, which can be exploited for revolution, but its unscientific, excessive
proprietary gains, not for the actual benefits of exploitation which is the culprit for such crisis.
farmers [26]. NAAS [31] has concluded ZBNF as Therefore, it will be premature right now to
a myth and critically emphasised that although recommend or discard any of ZBNF (and/or other
there may be some maundering instances of similar approaches) and chemical farming as
yield increments with ZBNF, quantum jump in the both are actually aiming to ensure nation’s food
same is not possible without considering security. Rather, both the practices are needed
chemical based agriculture. Detailed reviews by to allow for some run side by side until
many [23,35,36,37,38] have also put ZBNF confirmation regarding the efficacy and suitability

Biswas; IJECC, 10(9): 38-52, 2020; Article no.IJECC.59278

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