Newsletter 19.10.12
Newsletter 19.10.12
Newsletter 19.10.12
19 October 2012
Pita Pit Orders Every Monday Sushi Orders $5 Every Tuesday Subway Orders
Every Wednesday
Welcome back to term 4! This term the staff have planned an exciting, hands on Technology Inquiry. Our main focus will be on the actual technology process, identifying a need, designing a product, making the product, refining or adapting the product. If time permits packaging and marketing this product. We welcome Nicola Lynch to Salford for this term; Nicola is a Music specialist teacher and she will be working with all classes every Wednesday. Nicolas work will result in a Xmas Singalong Xtravaganza to be shared with our community on Wednesday 12 December at 1.30pm. Thanks for the support from the Salford PTA for the generous donation for baby Jackson and also for your support for the Mufti Day. The Year 6 leavers assembly will be held on Thursday 13 December and this will be the final day for students for the 2012 year. Friday 14 December will be a Teacher Only Day. Have a fabulous long weekend, let the weather gods be kind!
Heat-Ups Every Thursday Sausage Sizzle Every Friday $1.50 each 22 OctLabour Day 24 OctPTA Meeting 29 OctBOT meeting 31 OctTricky Treats Night 8 NovSchool Disco 9 NovNE day at JHC 13 DecLeavers Assembly 14 DecTeacher only Day
We have ended the term and started the term with many students having live head lice clearly visible. The treatment is expensive and it takes a concerted effort to resolve this ongoing problem. Please ensure that you regularly check your childs hair and treat as necessary. We appreciate your co operation.
PTA notepad:
CONGRATULATIONS TO: Sophie Peters and Brianna Dermody who were the top sellers. They along with Merv Hanna have done Salford School proud with their fundraising efforts. Thank you to all efforts by all children. While Sophie and Brianna were our top sellers, there were many children vying for the top position. Well done. Those children who still have their chocolates outstanding, Parents will receive an individual reminder to return as soon as possible.
In the letter you need to outline what a great leader looks like. "A week in the life of a vet" is a children's book produced by the YES company Chasing Tales. How you can commit to the role The book features illustrations done by Invercargill Ideas to enhance the role primary school children. Place your letter of application in a sealed envelope and deliver to Mr 50% of the profits will be donated to the SPCA. The books cost $15 each and can be purchased from Tucker by Friday the 2nd of November 2012. the school office! Support animals today! Salford students to have work From the Board of Trustees in this book are Pyper Mowday and Harry Hansen.
As we start the last term of 2012, the Board is beginning to plan for next year. This involves reviewing student achievement data, programmes offered in the school, property and finances etc. This information provides focus for planning forward and also takes into account the recommendations from ERO. As part of this process, we will be asking for your feedback and all of this is gathered to form a written plan which is submitted to the Ministry at the beginning of each year. We also wanted to give you an update to our community notice sent on the 25th of September regarding the ERO report recommendations. The Board met with Ministry of Education representatives during the school holidays to discuss how the Ministry can assist implementing the recommendations from the report. The Ministry is now in the process of determining what form this assistance will be and will be in touch in due course. This process can take a few weeks and we have no definite date as to when we will know what it is. If you want to contact me to discuss anything, please feel free to contact me or any board member. Chris Cole Board chair or see Judi in the office for further contact information.
There will be loads of exciting activities and fun things to do for the whole family including .... Face Painting, Pony Rides, Cake Stalls, Horizontal Bungee, Chocolate Wheel, Kids 2nd Hand Toy Sale, Silent Auction and Loads More .....