102 Rforparents

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Super Duper Handy Handouts!

Number 102

Why is R So Hard to Say?

Answers to Questions Parents Ask About the R Sound
By Katharine F. Bedsole, M.S., CCC-SLP and Clint M. Johnson, M.A., CCC-SLP

Why is making the R sound so hard for some children?

The R sound is hard for some children because
it is difficult to see the tongue when you say it and it is
hard to explain to a child how to make it. Sounds
like the B in ball and the F in fish are easier
because you can show and tell a child to put your lips
together to make a B or bite your lower lip to
make an F. Additionally, the R sound is difficult
because other sounds in the word may influence the
way the R sounds and the way you say it. Look in the
mirror and try saying these words slowly: robin, horn,
and cover. Notice how the R sound looks and feels
different as you say each word. In horn and cover, the
R sound is different because of the vowels next
to it.

Why is making the R sound so important?

R is important because it is a high frequency sound, meaning that it occurs
more often in the English language than other sounds. Only the N sound and T
sound occur more often (Shriberg & Kwiakoski, 1983). A child who has difficulty
producing the R sound is sometimes hard to understand and may sound immature
to his/her peers. This may embarrass the child and make it difficult to speak in
social situations.

When should my child produce the R sound?

Many children can say a correct R sound by the time they are five and a half
years old, but some do not produce it until they are seven years old. In general, if your
child is not producing the R sound by the first grade, you should consult with a
Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).
Please note: Many school districts have different criteria for when an SLP can treat an
R sound. If this is the only sound the child cannot say, some may begin in first grade
when the child is six or seven years old, and others may wait until the child is seven or
eight years old in second grade.
2006 Super Duper Publications www.superduperinc.com

What can I do to help?

If your child has difficulty saying the R sound, you should
consult with a certified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). If
your child does not have an SLP at his/her school, then you
may go to the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Associations (ASHA) website (www.asha.org/findpro) to locate
a professional in your area.
In the meantime, you can help your child to hear the R sound by playing this
simple game. Say an R word correctly (rabbit) or incorrectly (wabbit). See if your child
can identify the word with the correct R sound. Keep score for every R word your
child hears correctly. Here is a list of R words to get started: ring, rain, rock, road, rat,
wrap, wrist, reach, rule, ride.
Also, when your child says the R sound incorrectly, try not to be negative about it
or make them try to repeat it correctly. In most cases, you will only be reinforcing an
incorrect production of the R sound. His/her inability to produce a correct R sound
may become frustrating. Instead, restate what your child said, and say the R correctly
for him/her. For example, if your child says, That ball is wed, you can say, Yes, that is a
red ball and emphasize a correct R sound.

Shriberg, L. & Kwiakoski, J. (1983). Computer assisted natural process analysis (NPA): Recent issues and data. In J. Locke (Ed.),
Assessing and Treating Phonological Disorders: Current Approaches. Seminars in Speech and Language (Vol. 4), New York:
Creaghead, N., Newman & Secord, W. (1998). Assessment and Remediation of Articulatory and Phonological Disorders (2nd
ed.). New York: Macmillan.

2006 Super Duper Publications www.superduperinc.com

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