The Riverside Police Department announced that its Intensified Traffic Enforcement program will be fully operational on August 20th, targeting local schools and other roadways. Residents can contact Sergeant Jeff Miller if they feel enforcement is needed in their neighborhood. Multiple patrol units working in one area indicate the Intensified Unit is actively enforcing traffic laws in that location.
The Riverside Police Department announced that its Intensified Traffic Enforcement program will be fully operational on August 20th, targeting local schools and other roadways. Residents can contact Sergeant Jeff Miller if they feel enforcement is needed in their neighborhood. Multiple patrol units working in one area indicate the Intensified Unit is actively enforcing traffic laws in that location.
The Riverside Police Department announced that its Intensified Traffic Enforcement program will be fully operational on August 20th, targeting local schools and other roadways. Residents can contact Sergeant Jeff Miller if they feel enforcement is needed in their neighborhood. Multiple patrol units working in one area indicate the Intensified Unit is actively enforcing traffic laws in that location.
The Riverside Police Department announced that its Intensified Traffic Enforcement program will be fully operational on August 20th, targeting local schools and other roadways. Residents can contact Sergeant Jeff Miller if they feel enforcement is needed in their neighborhood. Multiple patrol units working in one area indicate the Intensified Unit is actively enforcing traffic laws in that location.
The Intensified Traffic Enforcement program is ramping up and will be fully operational - look to see us targeting roadways on Thursday August 20th. Riverside Police Department is continuing its forceful stance with the traffic laws and areas already scheduled to be targeted are the local schools. Other roadways have been placed on the schedule, and if any resident feels this type of enforcement is necessary around where they live, feel free to contact Sergeant Jeff Miller at If you should see several patrol units parked or working in one area, you can likely rest assured that the Intensified Unit is working hard in that area. Please drive safely at all times!