News Release: The Riverside Police Department Arrested 3 Impaired Drivers and 54 Citations During Holiday Crackdown

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31 Riverside Rd., Riverside, Illinois 60546


11 January 2016
Sgt. Jeff Miller 708 447 2127
Chief Tom Weitzel

The Riverside Police Department Arrested 3 Impaired Drivers and

54 Citations during Holiday Crackdown
From December 18 through January 3, you probably noticed an increase in police activity around
Riverside. The Riverside Police Department participated in the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled
Over drunk driving enforcement campaign, showing zero tolerance for impaired
driving and arresting 3 offenders for driving while impaired. In addition, 51 other
citations were issued. The local effort was part of a nationwide campaign in
partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois State Police and
law enforcement agencies across Illinois.
During the campaign, The Riverside Police Department ramped up its enforcement
Officers worked a total of 36 hours, working 9 different saturation patrol details over the two
week period. By removing 3 drunk drivers from local roads, theres no telling how many lives were
What should be a merry and joyful time of year gets overshadowed by drunk driving, time and time
again. We gave Riverside drivers plenty of warning that wed be stopping drunk drivers, and we did
just that, said Sergeant Miller. Drunk driving is a reckless, 100% preventable crime, and one that
leads to disaster.
We worked really hard and stepped up to the challenge, added Sergeant Miller. To us, if we saved
one life, the campaign was worthwhile.
The recent law enforcement crackdown was coordinated by the Illinois Department of Transportation as
part of the statewide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaigns.

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