News Release: Riverside Police Department Releases Thanksgiving Enforcement Mobilization Numbers
News Release: Riverside Police Department Releases Thanksgiving Enforcement Mobilization Numbers
News Release: Riverside Police Department Releases Thanksgiving Enforcement Mobilization Numbers
13 speeding citations
9 seat belt citations
8 uninsured motorists
3 drug arrests
1 suspended/revoked licenses
18 other violations
During this same time period Riverside personnel arrested 3 DUI offenders.
The annual Click It or Ticket mobilization may be over in Riverside, but that is no excuse to
stop using your seat belt. Our officers are out all year long. If you or your passengers are
caught not wearing a seat belt, day or night, you will be cited for the safety violation, says
Sergeant Jeff Miller.
The recent law enforcement mobilization was funded by federal traffic safety funds through the
Illinois Department of Transportation and is part of the nationwide Click It or Ticket and Drive
Sober or Get Pulled Over campaigns.