News Release: Riverside Police Purchase Conviction-Funded Traffic Enforcement Vehicle

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31 Riverside Road, Riverside, Illinois 60546

30 November 2015


Chief Tom Weitzel

708 447 2127

Riverside Police Purchase Conviction-Funded Traffic Enforcement Vehicle

Police deploy unmarked car for speed enforcement and DUI mission patrols
In response to complaints from residents regarding speeding vehicles in residential neighborhoods,

Riverside Police Department will conduct an aggressive traffic enforcement initiative in

2016. As part of that initiative, Riverside Police purchased and outfitted a 2016 Ford
Explorer, unmarked, for residential traffic enforcement and DUI mission patrol work.
Police officers will be using both marked and unmarked police vehicles equipped with speed
detection technology as part of this initiative in order to more easily identify motorists who
are violating a law, said Riverside Police Chief Thomas Weitzel.
Unmarked vehicles allow officers to better observe driving violations by blending in with
everyday traffic - but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once emergency lights are
In addition to residential speeding violations, Riverside Police Department is increasing
enforcement of DUI and seatbelt violations.
We want people to know that police now drive different types of vehicles while out
patrolling and, hopefully, if drivers are aware of that, then maybe theyll drive more safely at
all times not just when they see a marked squad car, said Sergeant Jeff Miller, the
Riverside Police Department traffic supervisor.
The new vehicle was paid for and outfitted entirely with funds from DUI convictions. No
village funds or matching funds were spent on the new unmarked traffic enforcement

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