Lecture Outline - Chapter 3: One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

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Lecture Outline Chapter 3: One-dimensional, Steady-state Conduction

Heat transferred by diffusion under one-dimensional, steady-state conditions (i.e. temperature

gradient only along one direction, isothermal along other directions
Heat transfer with no internal generation of thermal energy
- The Plane Wall: Temperature distribution, solution of 1-d differential equation using
ordinary boundary conditions, solution using surface energy balance (Problem 3.1),
thermal resistance circuit and analysis
- Extension to Composite Wall and overall heat transfer coefficient
- Rough surfaces and Thermal Contact Resistance
- Porous media and effective thermal conductivity in series and parallel thermal circuits
- An alternative Conduction analysis Fouriers law in integral form for A A(x)
- Radial Systems: The Cylinder and the Sphere.
Heat Transfer with Thermal Energy Generation
- The Plane Wall
- Radial systems (cylinder)
Heat Transfer under 1-d, steady state conditions from Extended Surfaces (fins)
- A general conduction analysis
- Fins of Uniform cross-sectional area (four different boundary conditions: cases A-D)
- Fin performance, fin resistance, fin effectiveness and fin efficiency (definitions)
Application of Heat Transfer and Thermal Resistance concepts to Human Body
- The Bio-heat Equation: Effect of metabolic heat generation and perfusion, example.
Thermoelectric power generation
- Seeback effect, Peltier effect and thermocouples
micro- and nano-scale conduction in thin gas layers and thin solid films (assignment)

Chapter 4: 2-Dimensional Steady State Conduction


Diffusion equation in 2-d and Separation of Variables

Conduction Shape Factor and Dimensionless Conduction Heat Rate

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