CV - Ahmad A Borazan 1

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Ahmad A.

University of Utah
Department of Economics
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Phone: (801) 808 - 9727

Ph.D. Economics, University of Utah, expected Spring 2016
M.A. Economics, University of Utah, May 2013
B.A. Economics, Hacettepe University, May 2009

Primary: Macroeconomics, Economic History, Political Economy, Public Policy
Secondary: History of Economic Thought, Development Economics

Growth and Income Distribution: Effective Demand View
Committee: Dr. Thomas Maloney (Chair), Dr. Matias Vernengo, Dr. Codrina Rada,
Dr. Minqi Li, Dr. Richard Fowles


On the Way to the Great Depression: A Study of the Demand Regime of the US Economy (19001929)
In this paper I investigate the dynamics of income distribution and economic growth in the era before the
Great Depression. Based on a Post-Keynesian model; I estimate the effects of the wage share and private
debt on aggregate demand for private domestic output. The results of the study show the demand regime
was wage-led with a considerable role of private debt in driving aggregate demand. Furthermore, I
discuss the Roaring Twenties period and argue that increased income inequality led to the rise of
destabilizing channels that propped up demand, but also contributed to increasing economic fragility on
the way to the Great Depression. I utilize available historical data to construct wage share, profit share,
consumer debt, and investment debt time series for the relevant period. Then, I use a single-equation error
correction model to estimate the coefficient of wage share and debt to determine the demand regime for
the period.
On the Way to the Great Depression: A Study of the Demand Regime of the US Economy (19001929). Published in the University of Utah, Economics Department working paper series 201502
Income Distribution and Demand Before the Great Recession: A Kaldorian Model.
Work in Progress coauthored with Dr. Matias Vernengo and Dr. Esteban Prez-Caldentey.

Revisiting Norths Thesis on Farmers Protest Movement in Late Nineteenth Century.

Work in Progress
The Role of Government Spending in Determining the Labor Share: A Panel-Study of Ten
OECD Countries., Work in Progress

Fall 2010: Principles of Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Spring 2011: Principles of Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Summer 2011: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Fall 2011: Principles of Microeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Spring 2012: Principles of Microeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Summer 2012: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Fall 2012: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Spring 2013: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Economics as a Social Science, Instructor of Record, Westminster College
Summer 2013: Principles of Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Fall 2013: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Spring 2014: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Fall 2014: International Economics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Spring 2015: Money and Banking, Instructor of Record, University of Utah
Fall 2015: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Instructor of Record, University of Utah


Graduate Assistantship, University of Utah, 2009 present


The Eastern Economic Association Conference, 2014, Boston, US Economic Growth in Late
19th century: A Classical-Keynesian Approach
Western States Graduate Research Workshop, 2014, Salt Lake City, Growth and Income
Distribution on the way to the Great Depression
The Eastern Economic Association Conference, 2015, New York, A Study of the Demand
Regime of the US Economy (1900-1929).
Annual Meeting of the Economic History Association, 2015, Nashville, Revisiting Norths
Thesis on Farmers Protest Movement in Late Nineteenth Century.

American Economic Association (AEA), Member, 09/2015 - present
Economic History Association (EHA), Member, 08/2015 - present
The Eastern Economic Association (EEA), Member, 02/14 - present
Heterodox Economics Students Association (HESA), Member, 08/2010 - present

Co-Chair of the Heterodox Students Economics Association, University of Utah, 2012.

Dr. Thomas Maloney (Chair) University of Utah (801) 585-5649
Dr. Matias Vernengo
Bucknell University
(570) 428- 5819
Dr. Minqi Li
University of Utah (801) 585-5649

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