Math - Grade 4 Lesson 2b - Using Mental Math To Add
Math - Grade 4 Lesson 2b - Using Mental Math To Add
Math - Grade 4 Lesson 2b - Using Mental Math To Add
Tracey Driedger
2b: Counting On
Grade/Subject: Grade 4 Math Unit: Whole Numbers Topic: Mental Math to Add Lesson Duration: 80 min.
Students will:
Introduction (10 min.): 9:10-9:20
Attention Grabber: Last week we used mental math to add students going on a field trip and to figure out how
many puzzle pieces were in my two puzzles. What other things could we use mental math to solve?
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Make a 2-digit problem from the class ideas. Ask: What was the first strategy we
learned last week? How do you make a friendly number? When is it a good time to use the strategy make a
friendly number? (when one of the numbers is close to a friendly number) Does anyone remember what the
strategy we learned on Friday was called? Lets try answering this problem using the last mental math strategy
we learned. What is the first step we need to take to use the counting on strategy? Solve the class problem.
When is it a good time to use the counting on strategy? (when I dont have too many numbers to count on).
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: We are going to be learning as a large group as well as doing practice
questions in partners and individually today. You did really well putting your hands up to answer questions
yesterday and that really helps us all learn together, so lets do that again today. What needs to happen when
we are in partners so that we dont distract each other?
Advance Organizer: Today we are going to practice counting on and then play a game that is going to put the two
strategies we have learned together.
1. Whole class example
2. Learning pairs
3. Practice
4. Game
Transition to Body: Lets take one of the questions from Friday and use the counting on strategy to solve it.
Body (27 min.): 9:20-9:
the first step in counting on? What place value do I add on first? Then I
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Tracey Driedger
Providing examples.
Transition to Activity #2: Before you practice counting on on your own,
please go get a white board marker and a pencil from your bin and
come back and sit down.
Learning Activity #2: Learning pairs (12 min 9:30-9:42)
Direct students to practice the question they make with the partner
made by matching their cards. Partners need to be made quickly and
quietly. Ensure equal participation.
ask: How did you find the sum? Looking for successful mental math
strategy use to add 3-digit numbers.
Specific Learner Considerations: Give written directions as well as clear, brief
are going to practice on our own. Please take your pencil and practice
sheet back to your desk to work.
Learning Activity #3: Practice (15 min 9:42-9:57)
Direct students to complete pg. 21 #1(a, c, d), 2 and 4 (distribute
sheets) using counting on strategy. Ask questions to confirm
Assessments: Key Questions & Product (Formative) Circulate and
ask: How did you find the sum? Looking for successful mental math
strategy use to add 3-digit numbers.
to go forward.
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Tracey Driedger
are doing mental math. What is one of the strategies? (go through the steps for the strategy) What is the second
strategy? (go through the steps) When is the best time to use friendly numbers? (when one of the numbers is
close to a friendly number) When is the best time to use counting on? (when I dont have too many numbers to
count on)
Feedback From Students: Which strategy do you find easier? Why?
Feedback To Students: You have done lots of practice with friendly numbers and counting on, so when you come
to addition questions on Mathletics, just pick the one that works best and use it.
Transition To Next Lesson: Once your space is cleaned up you can go and get ready for recess.
Lesson Description
What did they learn?
3-5 main strengths of my lesson plan and the lesson as taught and evidence/reasoning:
1-3 key improvements to make to the lesson plan and my instruction, and evidence/reasoning that it
needs improvement:
Connect my teaching performance in this lesson to my teaching philosophy/personal vision of