Mathematics: Common Core Standard
Mathematics: Common Core Standard
Mathematics: Common Core Standard
By Nhung Doan
Frist grade/ Physical Science
Topic: Mathematics
In this topic, students will review and strengthen their number sense by playing various games
that reinforce the concept of place value. It will help answer some questions for students.
Grades 1 Concepts:
Compose and decompose numbers from 1 to 99 and further ones.
Understand that two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones, including
the following cases:
Students will understand that the digits in a two-digit number represent 10s and ones.
Students will represent two-digit numbers in a variety of ways.
10 and a half.
10 and third.
Compose and build understanding of part-whole relationships as well as the properties of the
original and composite shapes.
Combine shapes to recognize different perspectives and orientations.
Describe their geometric attributes, and determine how different.
Develop the background for initial understandings of properties such as congruence and
Lesson Summary:
Develop strategies for subtracting numbers based on working with small numbers, including
discrete objects and length-based models to model add-to, take-from, put-together, take-apart,
and compare situations.
Understand connections between counting and subtracting, such as: add whole numbers and to
create and use increasingly sophisticated strategies.
Compare a variety of solution strategies, children build their understanding of the relationship
between addition and subtraction.
Estimated Duration:
The total time estimated for the lesson is 60 minutes.
I am planning to start the lesson by ask student to introduce themselves by sitting in a circle and
telling why do they like math or why not. Students will be raises their hand or give a hand signal
when they have an answer. If the student gives the correct number, they can ask their classmates
to help.
Introduction Procedures:
Mini-Lesson: 12 minutes
Introduce the number from 1 to 20.
Count and write the number.
Tell students to find ways to use numbers to show bigger and bigger quantities.
Draw a picture to show or represent their number.
Ask students what numbers they built. And then, transition students to the next game, and
number race.
I will pre-assessment the students in one day by doing a small math problems at the end of class.
Besides, review all of lesson to make sure they can understand and start the main goals for the
next math class.
Scoring Guidelines:
The students will receive a certificate to complete for enrolling class today.
No test.
Scoring Guideline:
The student will get 100% for this class.
This is a great website to watch different about math. The teachers in next class will show to
students to consider the numbers.
This is another website which contain quizzes, games about math.
Key Vocabulary:
Number from 1 to 20.
Additional Notes:
This lesson will help students to pay attention and more focused in next class.