Newsletter Sept 2015

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Zeta State

We can do MAGIC in DKG!

Zeta State is
Moving And Growing In Chapters.

President....Donna Hopper
1st Vice President..Lainie Anthony
2nd Vice President....April Dill
Recording Secretary....Marilyn Maddox
Corresponding Secretary.Cathy Curtis
Treasurer.......Kathy Dawkins
Parliamentarian..Patty Newsom
Historian .....Hellen Polk

MAY 5, 1976


MAY 5, 2016

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Because We Care!
Why do we come to Delta Kappa
Gamma meetings? Because we have
meaningful programs? Believe strongly
in the service projects? Enjoy visiting
with each other? All the above?
All these answers are great. I like to
think that its because we care. We do
care about the Starkville Reads
program. We do care about the ladies
of the Christian Womens Job Corp. We
do care about our local Starkville Arts
Council. We do care for the Operation
Christmas Child program. We do care
about Schools in Africa. We do care
about the new teachers we mentor.
We do care about providing
scholarship opportunities. We do care
about the life enhancing programs we
have. And we do care tremendously for
each other.
The beautiful aspect of all this caring is
that we actually act on all the above
and contribute to each cause. We are a
very busy and caring group. Why?

Because all these are worthy of our

time and commitment and its just who
we are.
We will be gathering again September
22 at Lainies home in Sunnyland
Estates. This will be a very busy night
for us as we will initiate our new
members, have our recommitment
ceremony, and recognize all our DKG
anniversaries. We will also have a time
to get to know each other a bit better
before filling our shoe boxes for
Operation Christmas Child.
Looking forward to seeing you all at

@ Lainies House
665 Sunnyland Estates
6:00 p.m.
Lainie Anthony
April Dill
Cindy McLaughlin
Edie Irvin
Susan James
Barb Adkins
Dr. Terry Jayroe
Ellen Goodman Carol Peeples
Donna Hopper
Jackie Pruett
Mitsy Bailey
Lynn Chamblee


Program: Paula Mabry
The Importance of the Arts in Education
Filling Operation Christmas Child boxes

Bring the supplies for the

Operation Christmas Child shoe

Donna Hopper
Note from Donna:
During my Presidents Report at our last meeting I failed to tell you that this summer the
Executive Board did agree to send $200 from Alpha Kappa Chapter to Batesville
Elementary School to help the teachers purchase new supplies for their classrooms after
the devastating fire this summer. This was reflected in the Treasurers Report.

| Issue #15.2.1

Ribbon for
Any members who would
like to purchase a red
ribbon on which to pin
your DKG pin/s, you will
be able to do so at the
first meeting at Harveys.
Gamma Pi Chapter of
Virginia Beach, VA, sells
these for $18 each ($16
with an order of more
than 5). They are
magnetic thus no pins that will pick your clothing.
Also, these are personalized with your name,
Alpha Kappa Chapter and Zeta State MS.
Susan Street will be taking these orders.

We will be recognizing these ladies for their

time of service within Delta Kappa Gamma!
15 Years
Paula Mabry
Sandy Maynard
Susan Street

30 Years
Lisa Lindley
40 Years
Dr. Martha Swain

45 years
Leota Cardwell

Many officer and committee reports were given (April and Kathy shown) and Donna gave a program on the Zeta State Convention. We had 43 in attendance!

Minutes of Delta Kappa Gamma Meeting

Date: Monday, August 25, 2015
Place: Harveys
The first meeting of the Alpha Kappa Chapter for 2015-2016 was called to order by Donna Hopper, president. Orders were placed as
the meeting began.
Trish Cunetto read the Collect, and Sandra Gladney led the singing of the blessing with accompanying words on slides.
Marilyn Maddox called the roll, and each member responded with the name of the person who was chapter president when she
became a member. The following five members were recorded as absent: Emily Cain, Louise Crafton, Dr. Terry Jayroe, Sandy
Manyard, and Hellen Polk. Those with excused absences were Tanya Carr, Jackie Pruett, and Glenn Schmidt.
There were no corrections to the minutes from the last meeting, which had been included in the previous newsletter.
Officer reports began with President Donna Hopper, who updated chapter members on some decisions that had resulted from a
summer meeting of the Executive Board. The chapter rules need to be updated as quickly as possible. Therefore, Lainie Anthony
and April Dill will form a sub-committee to revise the rules so that they are up to date and contain accurate and complete descriptions
of all committees and officers duties. Chapter members who are interested in serving on this committee should contact Lainie or
April. A decision was made by the Executive Board to increase the number of mentees from one to two. It was also decided that the
length of time for mentoring would be one year.
First Vice President Lainie Anthony presented the next report. She highlighted the programs for this year by referring members to
the refrigerator magnet at their seats, which contained a listing of the meeting dates and programs. The next meeting is the ceremony
of initiation of new members, the recognition of service for current members, and recommitment of chapter members. Chapter
meetings will be held September 22nd, October 27th, February 6th, and April 2nd. The Northern District Meeting will be held on
Saturday, March 5th. The DKG International Convention will be held in Nashville on July 5 th and 6th.

| Issue #15.2.1

First Vice President Lainie Anthony presented the next report. She highlighted the programs for this year by referring members to
the refrigerator magnet at their seats, which contained a listing of the meeting dates and programs. The next meeting is the
ceremony of initiation of new members, the recognition of service for current members, and recommitment of chapter members.
Chapter meetings will be held September 22nd, October 27th, February 6th, and April 2nd. The Northern District Meeting will be held
on Saturday, March 5th. The DKG International Convention will be held in Nashville on July 5 th and 6th.
Second Vice President April Dill began her report by asking if all members had received the 2015-2016 Alpha Kappa Chapter
Yearbook via email. She asked members to check to be sure their information is printed correctly. She gave members two
corrected pages for the yearbook.
Kathy Dawkins presented the treasurers report.
Balance at last meeting (7.07.15)
July Interest
August Interest
Outgoing Expenses:
Batesville Elementary School
Current Balance



Committee reports followed.

Lainie reported on the Educational Excellence Committee. She distributed helping hands notecards for members to complete by
indicating tasks they are willing to do to assist each mentee in the classroom or by providing contact information along with words
of encouragement or wisdom.
Since the chapter gets a point for the mentee attending the district meeting, the feeling of the Executive Board was that with two
mentees, our chapter would stand an even better chance of attaining this point. Both mentees are new teachers. Bree Anne Wilcutt
McMinn is an elementary teacher. Her first need is for colored paper. She will need more hands-on assistance once her students
are divided into groups. Jamecia Arnold is a high school allied health teacher who will teach nursing at Millsaps Vocational Center.
Debi Valentine reported for the Scholarship Committee. The Executive Board voted at the summer meeting to give two $500 Grantin-Aid Scholarships this year. The search for worthy candidates will begin in September, and the recipients will be presented at the
February meeting.
In the absence of Sandy Maynard, Mitzi Alpe presented the report for the Membership Committee. Three members have dropped
their membership for this year: Lucy Bryant, Cassie Hiltpold, and Fleming Rogers. Mitzi then presented the names of the nominees
for chapter membership and read information on each of the nominees. Afterwards, she distributed ballots for voting and then
collected the ballots for counting.
New business was next. Donna presented information on the new STARS program, which was voted into existence at the Executive
Board meeting held this summer. The seed for this program was planted at the district meeting when members of our chapter were
seated with chapter members from a nearby chapter, who were wearing small, gold crowns on their ribbons. These crowns had
been earned by participating in chapter activities. Donna stated that the crowns had increased interest and participation in the
neighboring chapter and that our STARS program would add nothing new to our chapters activities. Members will choose one
activity under each point of the star to earn the five required points needed to be awarded a star pin. The five points represent
Scholarships, Teachers, Attendance, Resources, and Service. Donna gave examples of things that could be done under each of the
five parts to earn the point. The purpose of the STARS program is to recognize members, and they will be pinned during the
initiation and recognition services each year. The honor system will be used, and Donna has prepared tally sheets which will be in
the baskets each week. To receive credit for monetary donations, members should write a check, and on the memo part of the check
designate the purpose of contribution. This first year will be the year to tweak the program.

| Issue #15.2.1

Old Business: The chapter will give free membership to the person with 100% attendance whose name is drawn at the end of
the year. Hellen Polk was the winner this past year.
Members who will be recognized with anniversary pins this year are as follows:
15 yearsPaula Mabry, Sandy Maynard, and Susan Street
30 Years--Lisa Lindley
40 yearsDr. Martha Swain
Last year Leota Cardwell should have been recognized for 45 years. Since she was overlooked, she will be recognized this year.
When ordering pins, members should make the check for $29 to Donna, and she will order the pins online with a credit card.
Susan Street reminded members that if they want another ribbon that an order will be sent after the initiation so that new
members can be included. The check should be made out to Gamma Chi.
Donna reminded members to use Amazon Smile when placing an order through Amazon so that a donation can automatically be
made to DKG.
Chapter members can apply for scholarships for graduate school. The deadline is February 1 st, and winners will be announced
March 5th at the district meeting. Sally Laughlin received a $2,000 scholarship several years ago.
Mitzi Alpe reported that all nominees for membership were voted in. They will have the option of accepting the invitation at the
orientation meeting, which will be held in early September.
The program consisted of slides from the Zeta State Convention, which was held in April with commentary provided by Donna
Hopper. Zeta State was celebrating its 40th birthday. Our chapter was one of the hostess chapters for the meeting. Donna
outlined the responsibilities of the chapter members who attended the convention. Billie Lane Hood and Paula Mabry worked
at the registration table; Hellen Polk and Jackie Pruett hosted two of the breakout sessions; Donna served on the Minutes
Committee representing the Northern District and participated in the Executive Board Meeting and the Chapter Presidents
Update Meeting. Lainie Anthony and Edie Irvan served on the Decorating Committee. Our chapter set up the tables in the
banquet hall and decorated the hall for the Celebration Luncheon. One slide showed the beautiful centerpieces on the tables.
Our chapter member, Paula Mabry was recognized with other women of distinction as they marched into the Grand Ballroom.
Donna pointed out that at the general sessions, awards were presented, and our chapter won three of the awards: one for our
service project (Christian Womens Job Corps), one for the SEE project, and one for the chapter newsletter.
Each chapter was represented by a red flag with the name of the chapter. There were many door prizes since each chapter had
contributed one. Our chapters contribution was a ball of Edam cheese from MSU.
The focus of the April meeting of our chapter will be the 40th birthday celebration of Alpha Kappa. A special guest will be
Tracey Crawford, Zeta State President.
The next meeting is Tuesday, September 22nd, at 6 p.m. at the home of Lainie Anthony. A highlight of this meeting will be the
initiation and recommitment ceremony.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn Maddox,

Recording Secretary

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