LEED in Motion
LEED in Motion
LEED in Motion
About LEED ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Foreword from Nakul Anand, Executive Director, ITC Limited .................................................................. 2
Why LEED? .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
How LEED Works in India ...................................................................................................................................... 4
LEED Project Spotlights ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Who in India is Using LEED? ............................................................................................................................... 22
Companies ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
People ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Resources .................................................................................................................................................................. 43
LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,
is a global, regional and local green building rating system
that provides third-party verification of the features, design,
construction, maintenance, operation and effectiveness of
green buildings.
Developed and maintained by the U.S. Green Building
Council, LEED is a simple and effective program for
navigating complex, often competing building and
environmental issues affecting humans worldwide. It is a
tool that can be used to improve the environment, create
better performing buildings and enhance public health.
With specific achievement paths built in, LEED is designed
for use in a variety of climates and localities, often synching
with local laws and requirements.
Every day, more than 1.7 million square feet of space
in more than 150 countries and territories certifies with
LEED. Nearly 62,000 commercial projects are currently
participating in LEED comprising nearly 10 billion square
feet of construction space worldwide. Building projects
earn points to achieve one of four different levels of LEED
certification: Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum.
With the support of LEED development committees,
volunteers, practitioners, the LEED International Roundtable
and more than 30 green building councils around the
world, LEED is continually evolving and being optimized
for various building types in all global markets.
from Nakul Anand, Executive Director, ITC Limited
ITC entered the hospitality business to support a national priority of developing new
avenues of foreign exchange earnings and boosting tourism. Today, ITC operates 90
hotels in more than 70 destinations across India. And though generating revenue and
boosting tourism remain essential obligations, the company has evolved tremendously in
regards to that initial mandate.
As a corporation, ITC is aware of environmental challenges, both on the Indian
subcontinent and around the world. Many years ago, our management team decided to
not just be aware, but to also do something constructive to take meaningful action that
would benefit the planet and our brand. As such, each of our ten luxury properties has
earned LEED Platinum certification, the rating systems highest level.
We selected LEED because of its globally recognized, highly rigorous, and comprehensive
standards. It also helped that LEED had built a uniquely strong and dedicated following
throughout India.
LEEDs world-class, high-quality standards are helping us to not only realize our corporate sustainability goals,
but also to showcase our accomplishments around a rating system that our clientele recognizes and our investors
So what have we achieved using LEED?
In regards to energy efficiency, a full 55% of our total energy demand is now met through renewable sources.
The amount of energy we produce through our wind farms, alone, could light up a 1,400 km stretch of highway
for one year.
Over the past five years, we cut water consumption by 50%. Additionally, all of our wastewater is now treated
and recycled. In fact, we recycle enough water to irrigate 65,000 trees, which aids in the sequestering of
approximately 13,000 tons of CO.
Nearly 100% of our solid waste is either reused or recycled. This eliminates up to 5,000 tons of solid waste per
year, the equivalent of 6,000 tons of carbon emissions.
Sustainable material sourcing also enhances our positive environmental footprint. We ensure that more than
30% of the food and beverages at each hotel are harvested and processed within a 100-mile radius. In keeping
with our endeavor to promote local culture, generate regional employment and reduce our carbon footprint,
we also ensure that 20% of the materials used in our new hotels are sourced regionally.
And 100% of all parking is covered, thereby reducing the heat island effect.
Many more items could be detailed here, but the main point is that LEED not only helped us to understand our many
green building options, it also provided a framework by which we were able to package them consistently across
properties and projects, and in a way that every team member readily understood. It helped us to set our green
building standards very high. Which is right where we want to be.
Theres something nice about this building that we have never
felt before about our previous buildings.
LEED Credits
Sustainable Sites
Water Efficiency
WEc2: Innovative wastewater technologies 40%
1. Global recognition
2. Quality
LEED-certified buildings are among the most efficient
and sustainable in the world. LEED credits and strategies
are meant to push the limits of convention for maximum
outcomes. Outcomes are measured in five key areas:
* From a USGBC survey conducted between September and October 2014 with LEED users in India.
Fighting climate change calls for innovation, cooperation and
will power to make the changes that the world needs.
- Shri Narendra Modi
Existing buildings hold incredible promise. Many older
buildings around the world are energy hogs and water
sieves. With some keen attention to building operations,
that can be turned around drastically by using LEED. You
may have heard the phrase, The greenest building is the
one already built. It can take up to 80 years to make up for
the environmental impacts of demolishing an old building
and constructing a new one, even if the resulting building
is extremely energy efficient.
To date, more than 3,000 existing projects worldwide have
been certified using LEED.
The following Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs) are
available in India for existing building LEED projects.
SS credit 6 (Stormwater Quantity Control) is expanded
to include appropriate sources for rainfall data specific
to India and resources for stormwater management.
SS credit 8 (Light Pollution Reduction) clarifies that
projects achieving certification under LEED 2011 for
India CS or LEED 2011 for India NC and that and earn
SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction can achieve this credit
in LEED 2009 for Existing Buildings: Operations &
WE prerequisite 1 (Minimum Indoor Plumbing Fixture
and Fitting Efficiency) is modified to align flow and
flush rates to UPC- India and the 2013 Green Plumbing
Code SupplementIndia values.
at higher levels
in India tend to
80% of all
Mili Majumdar
Key features:
Bangalore, Karnataka
Commercial Interiors (LEED Platinum)
Certified June 2013
Key features:
This IT park project has more than two bus lines
or routes within a walkable distance of 0.25 miles
from the project building entrance for its building
occupants thereby minimizing transportation pollution
and strain on local infrastructure, protects green-field
site and preserves habitat and natural resources.
The project has reduced potable water use by
51.76% from the calculated baseline design fixture
performance requirements established by the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 through the installation of low
flow urinals, showers, kitchen faucets and flush water
The highly reflective material on roof, high
performance glazing, efficient HVAC design and
heat recovery in the base building, have contributed
to HVAC energy savings of about 30.82% over
conventional building HVAC systems.
In order to support enhanced IAQ and long-term
well-being of all occupants, 30% more than the
minimum ventilation rates as per ASHRAE standards
have been provided.
Gurgaon, India
New Construction (LEED India Platinum)
Certified January 2014
Key features:
Key features:
Bangalore, India
New Construction (LEED Gold, IGBC Certified)
Certified December 2013
The Terminal 1 expansion is divided by three zones
and is being developed to increase passenger traffic
and to enhance the operational performance of the
airport. The project incorporates many sustainability
features including low-flow water fixtures and effective
stormwater management systems.
Cisco B15
Cisco B16
Bangalore, India
Commercial Interiors (LEED Platinum)
Certified June 2012
Bangalore, India
Interior Design + Construction (LEED Platinum)
Certified July 2012
Bengaluru, India
Existing Buildings (LEED Platinum)
Certified March 2011
ITC Windsor, spanning over 298,000 sq ft, is the first
hotel in South India to earn LEED Platinum certification
under the LEED for Existing Buildings program.
Innovation and cutting edge technology combined with
an emphasis on responsible luxury have enabled ITC
Windsor to create new benchmarks in energy, water
efficiency, solid waste recycling and carbon reduction.
ITC Windsor succeeded in:
Using 29% less energy than USGBCs national average
for large size Luxury Hotels
Harvesting 20% of the peak rainfall which helps in
reducing demand for potable water
Treating and recycling enough water to irrigate
65,000 trees annually
Recycling more than 99% of total solid waste
Meeting its total electrical energy demand through
renewable sources of energy i.e. off-site wind turbine
Reducing cooling demand by having over 60% of the
roof area covered with materials having a high Solar
Reflective Index
Reducing annual emissions by approximately 13,000
tonnes of CO2
More than 60% of ongoing consumables used at ITC
Windsor are either local or recycled
In India, some of the most innovative and successful architectural firms, people and corporations are using LEED.
LEED professionals are key leaders of the green building industry. Earning a LEED professional credential
including the LEED Green Associate; LEED AP (Accredited Professional); LEED Fellow and various certificate
designationsdenotes qualified expertise in green building. LEED credentials mean much more than just a
professional accolade; those who earn them form a network of committed green building practitioners across an
array of industries. As Indias commitment to sustainability continues to evolve and grow, more and more of its
building professionals are earning their LEED professional credentials.
Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. Infosys enables
clients in more than 50 countries to outperform the competition and stay ahead of the innovative
curve. Infosys has over 165,000 employees and $8.25 billion (USD) in revenue.
Guruprakash Sastry
I could feel the difference in the way this building is designed, I hardly need to
switch on lights throughout the day. The floor has daylight, making a natural
and healthy work environment.
K Raheja Corp
K Raheja Corp is a leading real estate developer in India. Established in 1956, K Raheja Corp has
diversified into real estatecommercial and residential, hospitality and retail. Their success story
spans across decades and continues to achieve higher targets for quality of performance and
service. K Raheja Corp leases out their commercial spaces to recognized MNCs and Fortune 500
listed companies such as Capgemini, WNS, Accenture, Facebook, HSBC, J. P. Morgan, Novartis
Healthcare, etc. K Raheja has a company policy that its portfolio of commercial, residential, retail
and hospitality projects will all be LEED-certified. Currently, 23 of their 45 projects are LEEDcertified comprised of 8.45 million square feet of LEED-certified space.
Shabbir H Kanchwala
Senior Vice President
We believe, environmental
stewardship makes good business
sense. We adopt a preventive
approach, striving to make
efficient use of natural resources
and to minimize the environmental
impact of our activities. Our LEED
Platinum rating is the feather in
the cap of Novartis.
Occupant, Mindspace building,
Madhapur Campus, Hyderabad, India
Ranganath N.K
Pramod Dhir, LEED AP BD+C
Dew Point Services Consultants LLP
Yusuf Turab, IGBC AP, LEED AP BD+C, GRIHA Trainer & CAPM
Managing Director, Y T Enterprises
Why have you chosen to use LEED? About three years ago,
when I started my career in the green building sector, LEED
was the obvious choice simply for its sheer numbers. It was
the most popular rating system in the world and at the time
had a very holistic approach towards a sustainable built
environment. Most of these features of LEED still hold true.
Anupam Jain, LEED AP BD+C, O+M, IGBC AP, GRIHA Evaluator & Trainer,
Registered Architect
Founder and Principal Consultant, Rationale de Design, New Delhi
Adjunct Associate Professor, RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University
LEED Testimonial from India
As an architect, I found myself practicing in a market
where short construction timelines and a lack of
coordinated engineering efforts were more the norm
than the exception. This made me wonder what impacts
such a rapid pace of construction has on the local
ecology of the place. While there were occasional
mentions of green buildings, there wasnt really a
comprehensive framework acceptable in the industry
(like LEED that we see today). There was also an acute
shortage of people trained to deliver anything like it.
It was then, more than 10 years ago, that I decided to
pursue the area of green buildings with nothing more
than a strong desire to fill this skills gap. Well, am I glad
I made that decision then? Oh yes! I was introduced
to an eye opening education in building science that
to date continues to amaze me with new possibilities.
My association with USGBC also introduced me to
a new culture of working with people from different
backgrounds, but with the same sense of urgency to
act on behalf of the environment. The creation of the
LEED rating system has empowered design teams
across the globe to measure and time the progress
of our efforts to build with the environment, and not
against it.
The country is expected to see a rapid rise in
infrastructure and real estate projects in the near future.
And we need industry professionals and frameworks
like LEED to bring lessons in responsible development
LEED sets a unique global benchmark of excellence in green buildings. That puts you on a
completely different level.
What can people expect from pursuing LEED? Sustainability
is a problem that everyone wants to address. Every building
wants to save on energy and water and provide a better
environment for its occupants. The LEED rating system
provides a great framework for people to be able to do
that. But we also need to understand what to expect from
it. I often compare the LEED certificate to a college degree.
Lets take an example. Say we are both engineers. We both
have just graduated from a top class university. We both
have been through the same curriculum and academic
rigor. Three to five years, beyond our degrees, you are a
great performing engineer but I am may not be doing so
great. Does that mean that the degree that my university
gave me is at fault? No. What does a degree say? It says
we have the foundation, knowledge and ability to perform.
However whether we perform or not, only time will tell.
LEED certification is very similar. It tells a client that this
building has everything in it - the foundation, framework
and the ability to perform. Now it is up to the building to be
a performing building or not. Any certification is good and
provides the basic foundation to move forward. Of course
we can bring in many checks and balances to ensure that
the building performs, but really it is up to the building
to continue to perform.
Managing Director of Conserve Consultants, a consulting firm in India that works on sustainable
buildings. Founded in 2005, Conserve Consultants was created to help organizations conserve
energy, water, materials and resources. Mr. Kothari has worked on close to 50 LEED buildings in
India for the past nine years.
What interests me about LEED is that it is a very well-designed and articulated process. Its a step
by step process. It quantifies things beautifully. It has a holistic approach in all areas of construction
and design. The LEED process, the way the entire process gets communicated to all building
stakeholdersit is managed quite well.
What is the pitch you make to clients as to why they should
use LEED? The requirements of the client and the project
have to be understood before making a suitable pitch.
The application of the right green certification process is
important to get the best results.
We try and communicate the features and the benefits that
a green certification program offers. LEED, like most other
green certification programs, has a set of standards and
benchmarks to follow. You can actually measure, at every
point of the design and project development, where you
are and systematically build upon the performance of the
building, where you want to be. If you want to see how
you can go up the ladder of sustainable performance, you
would want to use a suitable green rating process.
I also tell our prospective customers that a common rating
target like Platinum, Gold or Silver brings a variety of people
together with common backgrounds. The integration of all
design parts, all the project teamsthey get together to
achieve a common goal. Otherwise, everyone is scattered.
LEED, like most other rating programs, corrals everyone
and gives them a set of focused and achievable aspirations.
In terms of benefits, you are quite sure of creating a
valuable and well-performing asset. LEED and other green
certification programs also enable clients to communicate
their achievements to the market at large.
What should be done to articulate the value of LEED and
green building in India? We should be able to make it clear
to people that LEED or any other certification program is
making good business sense for them. That the process
creates a valuable asset and reduces operating costs.
The owner must be able to see this. It also motivates and
helps organizations and project teams to rally together to
achieve a common set of goals. Case studies, white papers,
seminars, one on ones with leaders and all stake holders,
etc., should be done on a regular basis to disseminate the
Energy Efficiency Ambassador and also served as the Vice President of Professional Services
at Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management. Satish Kumar has worked on
nearly ten LEED projects in India.
Lopamudra Khanna
EDS has been involved in over 130 certified projects, which include 40 Platinum certified
buildings; another 33 are pre-certified currently, including 14 Platinum pre-certifications. The
projects range from ITC Hotels, Delhi International Airport, INFOSYS Hyderabad, Citibank offices,
Government projects like Thyagraj Stadium and Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan the office of the
Ministry of External Affairs.
LEED is meant to help identify connections. From the built environment to the site it occupies, between people and the
buildings where they live, work and learn and also connections between one building and another. LEED connects.
For more information about pursuing LEED in India, please contact GopalaKrishnan.P, director of our LEED hub in
Chennai at gkrishnan@usgbc.org, or Puneet Mital, regional director at pmital@usgbc.org.
Learn more about our international activities and how you can get involved by contacting international@usgbc.org.
Go to usgbc.org/leed/credentials to learn more about earning your LEED credentials.
This LEED in Motion report would not have
been possible without the help of the following
leaders in India: Nakul Anand, Pramod Dhir,
Dhruv K. Futnani, Amor Kool, Gopal Np,
Yusef Turab, Shashikiran Udupi, Anupam Jain,
Deepa Sathiaram, Juzer Kothari, Satish Kumar,
Lopamudra Khanna, Guruprakash Sastry, Shabbir
H. Kanchwala, Tanmay Tathagat, Ranganath N.K
and Srinivasa Reddi Vanga.
For questions about this report and for
suggestions on future market reports,
please contact:
Taryn Holowka
Senior Vice President of Marketing, Communications and Advocacy