K12 Ranking of Honor Pupils

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DepEd ORDER SEP 06 2012 No.74,s. 2012 GUIDELINES ON THE SELECTION OF HONOR PUPILS AND STUDENTS OF GRADES 1 TO 10 OF THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM To: — Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Regional Directors Schools Division/City Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. _ To support the implementation of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) and Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) provides the guidelines on the selection of honor pupils and students contained in the following enclosures for reference: Enclosure No. 1 - Guidelines on the Selection of Honor Pupils/Students. of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum; Enclosure No, 2 - Sample Report Card (Elementary and Secondary; and Enclosure No. 3 - Procedure in Ranking Honor Pupils and Students. 2. The enclosed guidelines shall be implemented starting School Year (SY) 2012- 2013 for Grades 1 and 7. 3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. y Zor BR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO FSC Secretary Encls.: As stated References: DepEd Order: Nos.: 45, s. 2007; 79 and 92, s. 2009; 23 and 31, s. 2012 ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CURRICULUM RATING POLICY STUDENTS PUPILS, ‘Rhea/1DO-Selection of Honor Students 1496/August 15, 2012 Dota comple meno Avene, rang cy 1600 M3920 6337226632991 Mi ge. 637 «200 www. deped.gow-pB Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order No. 74, s. 2012 GUIDELINES IN THE SELECTION OF HONOR PUPILS/STUDENTS OF GRADES 1 TO 10 OF THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM 1, _ Candidates for honors in Grades 1 to 10 shall be drawn from the top ten (10) pupils/students of the school who performed at the Advanced Level. They must not have a final grade lower than 85 (Proficient Level) and they should have no grade at Developing Level in any quarter. 2. To determine the top ten (10), pupils/students shall be ranked using the 7-3 point scheme (7 points for academic performance and 3 points for co-curricular activities) as contained in Enclosure Nos. 1 and 2 of DepEd Order No. 92, s. 2009, Revised Guidelines on the Selection of Honor Pupil/Students in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. 3. Transferees shall be considered in the ranking provided they were enrolled not later than the second week of classes of the current School Year. 4. ‘The general average shall be computed to three decimal places. In order to compute for the general average, the exact numerical equivalent of the students’ final ratings across subjects shall be used. In case of tie, candidates shall be both declared in the same honor ranking (both as valedictorians, salutatorians and so on). Refer to Enclosure Nos. 2 and 3 of this Order for sample computation of grades. 5. All candidates for honors must be of good moral character and have not been subjected to any disciplinary action within the current School Year. 6. Achievements of pupils/students in specific academic disciplines (such as Mathematics, Science and English) and in special curricular areas (such as sports, the arts and campus journalism) shall be given recognition. A separate set of honor students may be declared for each curriculum program. 7. Duly recognized annexes of public elementary and secondary schools, provided the annex is a complete school with all the curriculum grades/years, shall select their own set of honor pupils/students. 8. Any member of the School Selection Committee must not be related within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity to any of the candidates for honors. 9. The School Head shall be the chairman of the School Selection Committee composed of at least three (3) members from the teaching staff and shall make the final announcement of honor pupils/students after final results have been duly recommended to and approved by the School Head and/or Schools Division Superintendent, respectively, not later than fifteen (15) days before the recognition /commencement rites. Candidates for honors and their advisers must be present during the selection process. 10. _ In case of protest, it shall be filed by the candidate with his/her parent or guardian to the School Head within five (5) working days from the final announcement and shall be settled by the School Selection Committee within five (5) working days from the filing of the protest. 11, The existing DepEd Order No. 92, s. 2009 shall still be applied in the selection of honor pupils/students in Grades 2 to 6 of the elementary level and Second Year to Fourth Year of the secondary level. Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 74, s. 2012 SAMPLE REPORT CARD (Secondary) ‘GRADING PERIOD wo teaming Area rlalala z 3 Filipino a P A ‘A_| (90.00) | Promoted Engh ep |e [a | a | a(oaoo) | Promoted |Mathematics AP A P A A (90.25) | Promoted scence ete [a {a | A(902s) | Promoted [Araling Panlipunan (AP) ap | A A ‘A_| A(91.25) | Promoted [cP-Technology and Livelihood Education (CP-TLE) A A A ‘A__| A(93.00) | Promoted IMAPEH ae | a | a | a(gaso) | Promoted Music Aaa «dA —_—*Ja(8250) Promoted arts pp [aa ___[p(@8.25) [Promoted Physical Education A A A A {A (91.75) Promoted Health [a lp lala (89.50) [Promoted |Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) P A P A A(89.75) | Promoted L (GENERAL AVERAGE ‘A (90.625) | Promoted sample report card. The table below shows the equivalent numerical ratings of the proficiency (RAONGPERIOD Learning Area rtalala Aligino 7 2 a S Ereish ai|eal,al s Mathematics | | © | os [Science 7 2 92 B Praling Pankpunan (AP) a [2 > s | 6 [P-Techndlogy and Livelitood Education (CPE) a[e2i[os| » Map afel[al as Music 93 194 sa 92. ats le fs [of Physical Education leon fon ion Health 190. 87. ga 90. Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) @ [ 9 (GENERAL AVERAGE 906 levels found in the Procedure: To compute for the general average, add the numerical final ratings in all subjects, and then divide by eight (8). That means using the numerical equivalent of the final ratings across subjects, which is expressed in terms of proficiency levels. SAMPLE REPORT CARD (Elementary| Learning Area z Seating Pericd 5 Final Rating Mother Tongue P A A A A (90.00) Filipino P A A A (90.00) [English P A ‘P (88.00) [Mathematics ? P A A_| P (68.50 fraling Panlipunan P a a A A(90.50) IEdukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) P A A ‘A | A(90.00) MAPEH a A A A] A(90.75) ‘Music P iP lp lA |P (88.25) Art A lA cy [A JA (91.00) Physical Education A A [a la la (91.50) Health A la la IN la (92.25) General Average P (89.679) The table below shows the equivalent numerical ratings of the proficiency levels found in the sample report card. i Grading Period Learning Area r > ; 7 [Mother Tongue 36, 20. ot 8 Filipino 88 2 English 86 20 [Mathematics 35 87 20, 92 nlipunan 87 90 1 4 [Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Es?) 88 90 90 32 IMAPEH 90 90 BT 2 Music lee ls7 lao [a Art [90 lo 0 ss Physical Education [sa [a 2 fez Health sz lea 2 3 General Average 89.679 Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 74, s. 2012 PROCEDURE IN THE RANKING OF HONOR PUPILS AND STUDENTS (DepEd Order No. 2: ‘The following shall be used in determining honors: 1.1, Aeademic Excellence (7 Points) Academic excellence shall be based on the general average of all the learning areas in the curriculum year. The procedure for ranking based on academic excellence is as follows: 1.1.1. Compute the Final Grade of each learning area. 1.1.2. Get the average of the grades of all learning areas up to three decimal places. 1.1.3. Rank the candidates according to their average. 1.1.4. Multiply the rank by 7 points. Mlustration ‘AVERAGE OF canuipares | ORADES IN THE RANK WEIGHTED RANK LEARNING AREAS | _ A 91.345 _ 3 B 90.390 6 42 LC Cc 90.012 7 7 49 - D 91.258 a 28 E 89.891 8 - 56 F 91.644 | 2 14 _| G 91.781 | 1 7 H 9 63 1 | ——3 J 10 1.2. Co-Curricular Performance (3 Points) (Refer to DepEd Order No. 23,8.2012) Co-curricular performance covers the achievement of the candidates at all levels (school, division, regional, national and international) in five (5) areas as indicated and/or defined in Enclosure No. 2 of DepEd Order No. 92, s. 2009; namely: a) Contests and Competitions (CC), b) Student Leadership (SL), c) Campus Journalism (CJ), d) Officership and Membership (OM), and ) Participation or Attendance (PA). The procedure in the computation of co-curricular performance in the ranking of honor pupils and students is as follows: 1.2.1, Require each candidate to present and submit certified true copies of all documentary and evidentiary requirements of his/her co-curricular achievements pursuant to Paragraphs 1 to 8 of Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 92, s,2009, except when the co-curricular achievement is of public knowledge; 2. Validate each co curricular achievements of each candidate; Classify all valid co-curricular achievements of each candidate and get their corresponding points according to the five (5) Areas/ Activities and the points assigned to them as indicated in the Table of Points for Co- Curricular Performance in Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 92, s. 2009; 1.2.4. Using the illustration matrix below, get the tot! candidate by adding all points regardless of the number of valid co- curricular achievements in one Area/Activi:,, 1.2.6. Mlustration Matrix 5. Rank the candidates from highest to the lowest based on their sums/total points; and Multiply the rank by three (3) points to get the weighted rank. AREAACINOTY Nreg |Gristsad| Siuit | Orpe | Gfiordip | Retin Vaighted Garedctte | Oxrpetitions | Leatrsip | urreiisn| ond ad | ‘Reok| Rone | Rk | @ ) (0) | Mentership | Atencina: (ag Pa A __| ww] i000 am aw | a0 TomTom] em | ao [arm] 2 [6 B | 10m} aofeo] - | ao |aslas| sm} emlanl 4] 2 c | 200} 300} - | - | 600 [2m | 200 | 600 | 400 [a400 [7 [at Daw} aco] - | - | so | 2] 10) am | eo | sao] 5 | 5 e[1o0| - |am|- | so [os| - [em] 6m] mm! 8 | a F 1am} acofim} am] 400 | 2m | am} 6m | em | aml 3 [9 @__ [1a] iaco] 200] 100] S00 [am] 10] Goo | 60 | sas] 1 | 3 H | 200;10; - | - | 20 [oslos| - |6m)mnlo | 7 [400 [600 [ors |- [3001 | 3m] 3m [300 | aa] 6 [8 vy tit = fom] = aslo} 20 [10 | 6m [10 | 0 1.3 Final Ranking 1.3.1. Add the weighted ranks of the pupils or students. 1.3.2. Rank the sums from the lowest to the highest. Alustration NAME OF ACADEMIC | CO-CURRICULAR canpipates | EXCELLENCE | PERFORMANCE | TOTAL | RANK A 21 6 27 3 B 42 12 54 6 c 49) 21 70 7 D 28, 15, 43, 4 E 56. 24, 80, & F 14 9 23 2 G 7 3 10. 1 H 63 27 90) 9 T 35, 18 53, s J 70, 30, 100 10 POINTS FOR CO-CURRICULAR PERFORMANCE POINTS GIVEN i AREASIACTIVITIES | LEVELOF PARTICIPATION | “First Second [Third | pica _ 2 Gold_| Siver__| Bronze "pa 1. Official Contests ' { T9 1 Gical Contests itemational 5 ' 3 6 recognized by DepEd. | ‘Schoolwide-intiated Nationa 10 8 5 4 contests should be > approved in writing by Regional 8 é 4 2 ‘school the school head Dusen 7 7 Distt 4 2 1 75 Schoo! z 1 5 POINTS GIVEN AREASIACTIVIT Posmot ACTIVES mM ‘National | Regional | Division | Disttic’School 2, Student Leadership ‘shail| __ Presiant Mayor 15 12 10 8 ale to Supreme Pupil ‘Vice Prosidon\Vice Mayor_| 12 10 8 6 [Goverment ‘SPG: pursuant | SecretaryTeasurer 0 8 8 4 fo OspED Craor No. 45 = Aacior, Peace Oicer, PUBIC |» ¢ : > [2007 and Supreme Student Information Oficer - - Goverment (SSG) pursuant | _Raprosertaive: Councilor 6 2 z i jo Oep€D Crver No. 79s. | COMELEC and Comminee | > 1 sf 2009] Grav andVice Char | COMELEC and Conmeee Conse i= 1 5 5 Homeroom Prasient ‘ier Homeroom Officers ‘Other Oficers 'AREASIACTIVITIES [POSITION [3 Campus Journalism (shat EaiorinChel lve considered only tre ‘Associate Editor 5 School Paper Organization Maragng Editor 3 has released publicasion] Seation Ear 4 | Contributor 3 ‘Others 2 ~ POSITION: TGVEN | aS a ert | pat | | a acne, Equivalent | Poutent _ AREASIACTIVTIES | LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION Equivalent [7 Oficrahip and Imembership n DepED ‘rternationat lestabshed oe recagmiroa lorgarnzanons (such as STEP, Yes. Yes-o Scouting: ‘atonal a 6 loth tan tho SPG, SSG and | Schoo! Paper Tae |estabishment or recagnton Pogicnat 6 4 3 2 |mustne contanedin — [DepED Orcer or ; (Memorandum issued by he Doision 4 { Nationa, Regional, Bison - 4 Jans Oiswct fies, Schoo Initated organizasons o” cubs Imustbe gin recognibon in luning by he Scnoe Head Senos 8 6 4 Dist 2 18 1 '5 Participation or attendance in DegEO- international | 8 recognized sominar. camp, | loxchange orogiams, vaining tr 1 [conference or woreshop ard National | 6 | other similar actwtes [Authorty to conduct the y [seminar camp. taining Rogional | [conference o- workshop or | lothor related actives must ] | | foe comained in a DepED Division land distict offices Schou! Distinct | Schoo! Head ‘School | ' i | | 8. Computations of points shall be cumulative. Howover. pons for concurrent postions held in violation of existing DepED polices shall rat be cansdered, n which cage only the pesion wit ta highest pont shal be included (Gechon 6, Artele Vil, DepED Orver No. 79, 5 2009 on the Revised Consntation and By-Laws of he Supreme Student Govermants in Secondary Sehcls) 7, Tobe considered as points, copies of all documentary and evdertiaryrequvements (DepED Order. DecED Memorandum, witon authorization trom the Seno: Head cortficates, mega’, trophies, plaques anc otPers) shall be presented 8. Tobe corsidered as ccinls, officers ie axganizatons seeking ranking shal present ar accomplishment report verted thu cerifcations by proper author ns,

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