Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper

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Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper

Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper

Cassidie Barnhorst
Ivy Tech Community College

InTASC Standards Rationale Page

Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper

Standard #3: Learning Environments
The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative
learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and selfmotivation.
Name of Artifact: Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper
Date: February 25, 2016
Course: EDUC 255 Multicultural Teaching
Brief Description:
This is a virtual fieldtrip for a 5th grade class. Its a complete 360 degree view of the
Museum of Natural History. Its a great alternative to students that go to school to states far away
from the Smithsonian and do not have the ability to travel there. Located in Washington, D.C the
Museum of Natural History showcases over 124 million objects on two floors. This virtual
fieldtrip gives you access to all the different exhibits at the museum.
To document my understanding of InTASC Standard 3, Learning Environments, I have
selected to include an explanation for the virtual field trip and how it can be used in the
classroom. It provides an example of how different environments can support both individual
and collaborative learning. I explain the different exhibits and what can be learned at the

Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper

The National Museum of Natural History is located in Washington, D.C. It was

built in 1910 and administered by the Smithsonian Institution. Admission to this
museum is free and its open every day but Christmas. Altogether the museum is
the size of 18 football fields and has over 1000 employees.
The tour begins on the bottom floor. On the ground floor they have 2 museum
gift shops, a caf, the auditorium and an exhibit on the Birds of D.C. Although an
online tour is only available for one of the gift shops, the auditorium and the caf.
There are two sets of stairs to get upstairs and many options on the first floor.
There is Mammal Hall, Human Origins, Ocean Hall, Rotunda, the Discovery Room,
African Cultures, Ice Age, Dinosaurs, Ancient Seas and a two Fossil exhibits. There is
also a Fossil Caf on the first color. Online tours are available for each of these
excluding the Fossil Caf. The Discovery Room is a great place for younger children
to go in and explore. It has many exciting things for the younger kids to play with
and learn about it. With microscopes, binoculars, and magnifying glasses it can be a
great way to young children to begin exploring science.
Mammal Hall is a beautiful exhibit showcasing life size mammals that are not
often seen. It includes animals from the frozen North such as polar bears and
caribou. Prairie animals such as buffalo and prairie dogs. They include African
mammals such as rhinos, zebras, giraffes and lions. South American monkeys and
Australian kangaroos are also included in Mammal Hall.
The next stop on the tour is the Human Origins exhibit. This exhibit shows
how humans have evolved over time and what the past species looked like. The
past species displays many bones and skulls found over time from former species.
Symbols and cave drawings are displayed to show how far we have come as a social
species. A current count of the world population changes daily on the wall as lives
are lost and created each day. This would be a great learning experience for
students learning about evolution.
Next stop is the Ocean Hall. This includes the Ocean Explorer Theater and
information about aquatic animals in shallow to deep water. Information about the
diversity in the ocean and how the aquatic species have changed over years. It also
educates the students on how important the oceans are and the amount of oxygen
we need that they supply. Ancient Seas is similar to Ocean Hall but it highlights
more of the fossils and animals that were first found in the sea. Its very interesting
to see animals that were alive and went extinct before we even existed.
Rotunda is next on the tour. Its not a whole exhibit this is just a large model
of an elephant. But there is more information on elephants in Mammal Hall. Ice Age
is also a smaller exhibit, although it showcases bones of animals that lived during
the Ice Age era such as mammoths. The virtual tour includes closer pictures of the
fossils that can help you see more clearly.
Fossil Mammals and Fossil Plants are smaller exhibits that show fossils of
extinct plants and animals. With only two different areas shown on the virtual tour it

Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper

doesnt offer a wide range of information but its still interesting. Still interests me
how long ago these creatures were inhabiting the Earth before we were.
The second floor includes some highly interesting exhibits as well, such as
two on Bones, Butterflies & Plants, Egyptian Mummies, the IMAX Theater, and a
large exhibit on Geology, Gems and Minerals. Each highly fascinating and a great
topic to study for the 5th grade students.
The National Museum of Natural History offers a fantastic virtual experience
for schools that may not have the means to travel the distance to observe the
museum. Itd be a great experience for the students to see because they would
learn and see so much without ever having to leave the classroom. Many
assignments could easily go along with this field trip. I would have my students
write a paper over their favorite exhibit in the museum. It saves the school money
and time and offers people the experience of traveling without the hassle.

Virtual Science Fieldtrip Reflection Paper


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