ESP-BAS Lights Road Test
ESP-BAS Lights Road Test
ESP-BAS Lights Road Test
1 of 1
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Start engine.
3. Press switch S76/6 (ESP OFF Switch). The ESP warning lamp A1e41 and the
BAS/ESP malfunction indicator A1e47 will illuminate. ESP will now be switched
Note: The road-test must be conducted with 15 seconds.
4. Drive the vehicle forward at approximately 6 - 10 mph.
5. After a short distance (few yards) turn the vehicle left and then right. The steering
wheel should be turned between 90 & 180 degrees.
6. Within 10 seconds begin turning a quarter circle and then briefly steer in the other
Note: The ESP warning lamp A1e41 and the BAS/ESP malfunction indicator A1e47
will go out if the road-test is successful. If the ESP warning lamp A1e41 and the
BAS/ESP malfunction indicator A1e47 are still illuminated, then recycle the ESP
OFF switch S76/6 to begin road-test again. Driving too fast/slow, not starting the
road-test in the prescribed time frame, and turning the steering wheel greater than
360 degrees will cause the road-test procedure to fail.
9/13/2009 9:27 AM