Art Lesson Plan Final

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Exploration

Grade Level*: 2nd
Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
Class Periods Required:
Students will listen to the read aloud Go Away Big Green Monster and then afterwards
(please circle)
come up with a list of adjectives. They will have one column of emotion adjectives and
another for appearance adjectives. Students will then explore the 5 main geometric shapes 1
and be able to name them. Students will then choose an adjective from the list they
created and then decide which of the main geometric shapes discussed they would want to
use to create a monster that represents the adjective they chose.
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
Essential Questions (1-2)*:
students to know.*
1. What is an adjective?
1. Visual Art: Students will know how to use different shapes to
2. How do adjectives help add to the description of a
help represent a chosen adjective.
What are the 5 basic geometric shapes?
2. Literacy: Students will know how to use adjectives to
enhance their description of something in a story.
3. Math: Students will know the basic geometric shapes and
will know how to name them.
Lesson Objectives/Goals: (Excellent resource at What
you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to use geometric shapes to form an animal/creature that tells a story and shows how
they are feeling.
2. Literacy/Language Arts: The students will be able to define adjective and list at least one example.
3. Math: Students will be able to recognize and name geometric shapes.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


1. Visual Art (May use NAEA National standards): EP.1.C.2.:

Form: Identify and use geometric forms: sphere, cube,
cylinder, and cone
2. Literacy/Language Arts: SL.2.2.: Recount or describe key
ideas or details from a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.

Instructional Strategies (Teachers approach to helping students

achieve learning)
- I will give the students a chance to brainstorm on their
own before being asked to share with their peers or to
the class.
- I will model what I want my students to do before
giving them the activity to complete.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

3. Math:
Content Areas Integrated*:
1. Visual Art
2. Literacy/Language Arts
3. Math

Lesson Structure & Procedure(s) Sequence of events of the lesson

elements. (The before, during, and after the lesson, e.g.
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion ,please be
very specific, walk me through step by step of the What of what is
happening with a rationale as to WHY you are doing this):

1. Read the book Go Away Big Green Monster

2. Ask the students what an adjective is and discuss why
they help to improve the description of
emotions/appearance of a character in a story.
3. Ask each child to brainstorm a list of adjectives
individually and after about 3-5 minutes of allowing
them to brainstorm ask them to share with their table
4. Bring out examples of circles, ovals, squares,
rectangles, and triangles. Have the class name each
shape on their own individual piece of paper.
5. Have students look through their list of adjectives and
pick one that they want to use.
6. Give each student a piece of white paper and then
have a pile of mixed color construction paper at the
front of the room they can use to create their monster.
7. Have students think about the geometric shapes we
talked about and decide which shape would help
represent their chosen adjective best.
8. Have them each share with the group why they chose
the shape they did for their adjective.
9. Explain to the students that they are going to use the
colored construction paper to cut out the body parts of
their monster. Their body parts should be chosen from
the 5 geometric shapes that we talked about earlier
and should represent the adjective that they chose to
represent their monster. I will model for them how I did
this and show them how my piece turned out.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

10.At the end, when every student has completed the

project, have each student share their monster with
the class and say why they chose the shape and
adjective that they did.
Opening (Gaining Attention, what will you show, or demonstrate)*:
- To get my class engaged I will start off by reading the
book Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley. This
book will get students thinking about how different
words help to express emotion or describe appearance.

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set, how will student share what they

Students will share with the class their monster they

created and explain why they used the shapes they
chose to represent the adjective they chose.

Formative Assessment strategy: (how will you assess while the

Summative Assessment strategy*:

- Students will create a monster with the geometric
Students will complete worksheets throughout the
shapes we have worked with that day and these
lesson that requires them to make note of adjectives
shapes will reflect an adjective that they chose to
and to show that they can name the 5 geometric shapes
represent. They will have a short paragraph to describe
that we are discussing.
why they chose both the adjective and the shapes that
they decided on to represent it. They will also share
this work with their peers and me.
student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
Students will be required to think about when they already know about adjectives and how they have seen adjectives be
used to enhance a story.
Students will also be required to dig into their prior knowledge to name geometric shapes.

learning is happening?)


Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
- The smart board will be used to make note of the adjectives students come up with for both description of appearance
and of emotion. I will also project pictures of the 5 geometric shapes being discussed onto the smart board so that
students will have time to look at them and observe them before naming them.
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
- This lesson will require students to use their creativity to think about how different shapes can represent and tell a story
of a certain adjective. They will have to put multiple shapes together to create the body of a monster and the

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

appearance or emotion expresses the chosen adjective.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
- When students are engaging in writing time I will encourage them to focus on trying to use adjectives to enhance the
details of their story and for them to help their readers really visualize what they are writing about. When we do a read
aloud I will ask them what adjectives help them to really visualize what they story is saying to them. Ill have them
reflect on what words show the emotions of the characters. I will also ask them to pay attention to adjectives in the
stories they read during silent reading time. This will require them to really focus on what they are reading and what
words help them to see the story better.
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.

- If students have EL needs then I will set them in an area that is quieter and gives them a better environment to focus. I will
also provide them with the tools to help them decode the read aloud and if able I will give the student a handout that includes
the story in their native language.
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
The website that inspired my lesson and helped give me a lot of ideas was . A lot of my lesson was taken from this website, but the
actual project was a little different than the one described from this source.
* Include this information during the Padlet/prezi/ppt presentation.
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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