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The most powerful visual text is one that explores personal stories of human interest

In the film American Beauty by British director Sam Mendes, the exploration of personal
stories of certain characters is illustrated. The audience is able to become engaged in
their lives, further developing their understanding on ideas which interest them
personally. Therefore, I agree completely with this statement, as illustrated in this film
through different characters showing at different stages of development in life, focusing
on their journey and the decisions they make. These decisions show characters going
against the societal norm, appealing to the viewers curiosity as it portrays the
consequences of these actions. The exploration of different cultures, like the whole
concept of the American Dream is also one of human interest, contributing to the power
of the film.

Commented [RD1]: of

The development of characters was a great part of this film, with the audience able to
see the different characters at different stages of development in life. For example, the
audience is first introduced to the character of Lester Burnham. At surface level, he
seems like the typical American family man undergoing the expected mid life crisis as
any man his age has experienced. He is greatly depressed, monotonously and routinely
going through the actions of life. Mendes has created a character that every viewer
knows something about, someone that could quite possibly live in reality, removing the
aspect of fantasy from the film. The purpose of this was to allow the exploration of
Lesters life, from one of depression and dullness to happiness, to be one the audience
can relate to and perhaps develop further understanding into the actuality of situations
similar to this occurring. As the audience follows Lester on his pursuit of happiness, we
also establish a relationship with him where we wish to see him succeed and truly live a
life worth living. Every distinctive aspect of Lesters personality revealed to the viewer is
one in which they are able to find at least one trait alike in themselves. This could be
shared traits like the disregard for materialistic objects or the blatant indifference towards
the judgement of others.The combination of these features in addition to the
incorporation of real life aspects, all added to the dynamic of the overall film.
The parallel running plot lines allows the audience to receive a more rounded outlook on
the main idea and purpose of the film. The choices each contrasting character made to
their own individual problems reflect their personalities and outlook on life. On Lesters
pursuit of happiness, he encountered and willingly made decisions which went against
the societal norm, choosing instead to take the path less travelled. There was a great
deal of controversy surrounding this film, with many companies worried about the
backlash the making of American Beauty would cause. The films liberal and honest
nature shocks the viewer, as Lester starts smoking marijuana, and initiates the
beginnings of an affair with Angela, a high school student and his daughters best friend.
Lesters actions are highly unusual and humorous, allowing the viewer to see the
consequences of their actions and learn from their mistakes. In addition to this, the
purpose of this was also to allow the viewer to step back and re-evaluate their own lives
instead of being so caught up in what they dont have. Are they themselves becoming
products of their environments, too absorbed with their own petty problems? Because
these issues are so real and vivid, the audience is truly able to understand the fragility of
life and their own impending mortality. This film presents life in a bigger picture, looking
behind the facades of happiness and instead focuses on true, wholesome happiness. It
provided a much needed perspective change for viewers as we do tend to get caught up
in the busyness of life, adding another dimension to the film.

Commented [RD2]: allow the plural is already there in lines

you make some interesting points. Id like to see you using the key words from the question
a little more the human interest angle and the idea of it being personal. What makes it
personal how does Mendes maintain our interest and how does he make the story
intensely personal to Lester? (Think techniques here) it doesnt hurt to reference some
techniques in a film essay either so there is still some scope here work at it!
Hope the question goes well for you tomorrow!

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