Teacher's Notes Metaphors

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Lesson plan

Level: Intermediate
Topic: Metaphors
Skills: Listening, speaking, writing
Aim: To distinguish and interpret a metaphor within literary context. (songs,

Video with the explanation of metaphor
Video with some pieces of songs
Students hand outs
Scenario worksheet

Pre-task activity

Ask students to get in groups of 4

Give each group a flashcard with a picture that contains a metaphor.
Students discuss in group about the picture: What they see and what it
may mean.
One member of the group, reports to the class about their ideas
Presents hand out 1 with the pre-task activity: students have to complete
some metaphors that were previously presented with the flashcards.
Present the video clarifying their ideas about a metaphor. (powtoon
Present exercise 2 of the pre-task to check their answers.


Tell the students they are going to recognize and write down some
metaphors that will appear on the video and that they will use some
pictures to help.
Students will watch and listen to the video 3 times and complete
exercise 1.
Students will compare the answers with a partner.
Check the answers with the whole class.
Tell students to get in pairs and choose two metaphors from exercise 1 to
Students will discuss with their partners and will decide the meaning of
the chosen metaphors.
Students will prepare to present their ideas to the class.

Post task

Students will read a piece of a poem and will rewrite it without using
metaphoric sentences. (post task activity)
Students will work on the scenario as a project. ( the instructions are
described on the scenario)

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