PGP Eoy 2015 16

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Elementary School

NAME: Amy Garren Teaching Assignment: Prep 4

Please review last years goals as well as our LS Professional Standards to set four Professional goals for yourself
for this year. Three of your goals must link directly to a LS strategic initiative (IE: Inquiry based teaching/project
based learning and the IB learner profile/Balanced Literacy) and the fourth is a personal goal linked to a
component of one of the LS Professional Standards. All three goals should be SMART (specific, measurable,
attainable, results oriented and time-bound). In the spirit of backward design, please reflect on and answer
the questions below for each goal. At the end of this document are some examples. Submit an
electronic copy to your Principal /Assistant Principal by Tuesday, September 29 through Google Drive
(instructions to follow). You will be prompted to reflect on your progress both mid and end of year. We look
forward to supporting your professional growth and reflective practice.

i) Goal(s):

State your goal(s) (specific outcome/objective):
1) Goal 1: I will develop my understanding, best practices, and assessment of the teaching and learning of
literacy with a focus on reading through the Daily Five, Making Meaning Program, and DRA/Running
Records resources.
2) Goal 2: Inquiry Based Learning / PBL - I will dedicate Fridays to Inquiry based learning and PBL.
3) Goal 3: IB Learner Profile Each month I will do a variety of developmentally appropriate activities to help
the students better understand the traits.
4) Goal 4: Personal Goal related to Professional Standards I will design student assessments to address
specific learning goals and objectives.

ii) Evaluation Criteria:

How will you assess your growth/achievement/success on your goals? What are your criteria?

1) Goal 1: The Daily Five and the Making Meaning Programs will be implemented no less than four days per
week. Student success will be documented via running record data (DRA) and anecdotal notes from
teacher observation.
2) Goal 2: Assessment will be based on the development and implementation of PBL activities. This will be
both anecdotal with evidence (plans, student work, etc.) as well as records of student performance.
3) Goal 3: Each month students will be knowledgeable enough about the identified trait that they will be able
to both model the behavior and nominate a classmate who has modeled the behavior as well.
4) Goal 4: Assessments will reflect student needs based on individualized goals crafted from teacher
observations and student data.

iii) Plan:

What specific steps/activities will you undertake to work systematically on your goal? Please identify the
timelines as well as people who may be able to be of support to you in reaching your goals.

1) Goal 1: 1. I will use a variety of instructional strategies and resources that are appropriate for prep
2. I will differentiate so I am reaching all of the students learning styles and needs.
3. I will monitor individual student progress and complete a running record at least once per
trimester (more if needed).
2) Goal 2: 1. I will coordinate with the prep team in planning an aligned PBL unit/activities.
2. I will implement the activities.
3. I will record student performance.
4. I will adapt future activities/plans based on student need.
3) Goal 3: 1. Meet with reading buddies to collaborate using writing activities and team building focus on the
designated IB trait for that month.
2. Bring in guest speakers and community support to read the IB text and discuss the trait with
3. Implement various projects based on each specific trait.
4) Goal 4: 1. I will write assessments with student goals in mind.
2. I will evaluate assessments based on each goal.
3. I will design future assessments based on student results.



Please take a look at your three professional goals -- what you set out to work on diligently this school year --
and reflect carefully on your action steps and successes to date, and what you still need to do to reach your
goals by June.

i) Goal(s):

Do either of your goals need to be changed or modified? If so, please restate your goal(s) (specific
1) Goal 4: Assessments will reflect student needs based on Making Meaning and the assessments given by the
program, as well s DRAs and Running Records.

ii) Evaluation Criteria:
How have you assessed your growth/achievement/success on your goal? What criteria have you used? What
progress have you made relative to your criteria?

Goal 1: I have successfully implemented Daily 5 and making meaning into our daily routine. I need to increase
the amount of time I dedicate to taking anecdotal notes for the second half of the year.
Goal 2: We are currently completing PBL on Fridays based on the standards we are using and the planning of
my team.
Goal 3: Our class really enjoys learning about the IB traits. Each student is making a book of how they fit the IB
trait of the month. In January we will start nomination our peers for the wall of character.
Goal 4: I need to be more consistent with assessing my students on making meaning. Also, I have switched my

goalI will not be making additional assessments. Only using the ones that we are given.

iii) Plan:

What specific steps/activities have you undertaken to work systematically on your goal? Hows it going? What
do you still need to do?

Goal 1: After reading the Daily 5 book, I have implemented it fully into my reading block. I am excited to go to
a D5 PD.
Goal 2: We plan weekly as a grade level and I create a project based on what were learning.
Goal 3: Every month after the GCP, we read the book and fill out our own book, how we are risk takers.
Goal 4: I give the Making Meaning assessments at the end of each unit and DRAs at the end of the trimester.


For the end of the year, teachers are asked to reflect on PGP accomplishments, learning, and next steps. It is
important for the principal/evaluator to have a clear understanding of what you were unable to complete and
why as well as whether you should continue with one or more goals for the coming year. You may write your
paragraph here.

This year has been a one of amazing growth for me. I have learned so much about the prep program and
curriculum and am truly proud of my accomplishments this year. I have successfully implemented the Daily 5
program and believe that my students tremendous reading improvement is because of it. I plan on moving
forward with the CAF portion of the program next year and correlating it with Making Meaning. I am also
very happy to share that all of my students made significant strides with their trimester common assessments.
I believe my planning has been very creative, as well as academic and the implementation has prepared my
students greatly for first grade. Its been a wonderful year and I really look forward to teaching prep for many
years to come.

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