Aspects JW

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Workshop in Memory of H. J. Polotsky

8-12 July 2001

Helmut Satzinger:

On Some Aspects of jw in Middle Egyptian

1. The matrix #jw + noun + adverb#
Independant adverbial sentences are, as a rule, introduced by what is usually labelled the
particle jw. This applies both to sentences with adverbs and prepositional expressions in the
predicate slot and to those whose predicate is an adverbial verbform.
jw + noun + prepositional phrase
(1) jw xrw Haw m Xrt-nTr The sound of rejoicing is in the necropolis CT 4, 97a
With pronominal theme: jw.f + prepositional phrase
(2) ( r pt m bjkw) jw.j Hr (When they ascend to the sky as falcons,) I am on
their wings CT III, 100101
(3) jw.f r smr He shall be a companion Sinuhe B 230
jw + noun + adverbial verb form
With stative: jw + noun + stative
(4) jw NN. rx nhtj jptw ntj(tj) m (m)fkAt prr(tj) Ra jmjw(tj?).sn NN knows those two
sycamores which are of turquoise, between which R comes forth CT II, 388 op
With progressive gerund: jw.f + Hr sDm
(5) (jn NN. jr nn n Xntjw) jw.f Hr jwt r jnt Sps (It was NN. who made these pictures) while he
was coming to fetch the alabaster Hatnub 25, 1920
With future gerund: jw + noun + r sDm
(6) jw kA.k r rdj.t jrjj.j pHwj, Haw.j m Xnw Your ka will grant me to reach my end, my body
being at home (Lichtheim) Sinuhe B 203204
With circumstantial sDm.f:
(7) jw r n s nHm.f sw, jw mdw.f dj.f tAm n.f A man's mouth can save him. His speach makes
one forgive him (Lichtheim) Schiffbr 1719
2. Indefinite noun as subject
When the theme is an indefinite noun the meaning of the sentence with initial jw has a character
that is notably different as it is an expression of existence (there is), rather than location, or
the like.

jw + indefinite noun + adverb:

(8) jw jt jm Hna bdt There was barley together with emmer Sinuhe B 84
(9) jw dpt r jjt m Xnw, sqdw jm.s rx.n.k There will be a ship coming from the residency in
which there are sailors whom you know Schiffbr 119120
From Late Egyptian onward when independent jw is fossilized in the future construction jw.f r
sDm, but is otherwise inexistent such sentences are usually embedded in the existential
#wn + noun# matrix.
Late Egyptian:
(10) yA wn hrw dy r-HAt.n Well, there is (quite some) day ahead of us! LRL 10, 89 cf.
Satzinger Studien 162164 (
(11) wn sbt nb Xn=f Kind of equipment is in it Setne 5, 9; cf. Johnson Verbal System 42.1
(12) r wn wa.t-aray(.t) n tAy=w-mty.t there being an uraeus in their midst Canopus Decree
17/62; cf. Simpson Grammar 158f. ( 10.3). NB. r is a spelling of jw; cf. Coptic e-.
(13) ouN oume Nte peXS Nxht A truth of Christ is in me; cf. Layton Grammar 387 (
jw + indefinite noun
It seems reasonable to assume that Old and Middle Egyptian had not only the expanded type
#jw + indefinite noun + adverbial rheme# mentioned above (exx. 7 and 8), but also a plain
existential sentence #jw + indefinite noun#. Some years ago I postulated this without having
proof of it (Satzinger afterthoughts 271-274, in particular 274); by now I can produce some
attestations of it:
(14) jw Xr-Hb aA n BAst(t), jty, nb.n, Nfrj rn.f, nDs pw qn [n] gAb.f, sS pw jqr n Dbaw.f ... hwj-A
jn.[tw?].f mAA (sw) Hm.f There is a great lector-priest of Bastet, O king, our lord, Neferti by
name Neferti 910
(15) jw sSp, Dd NN.; jw knH, Dd NN. There is light, says NN.; there is darkness, says NN.
CT IV 29e.2

NB. A noun expanded by nb may be definite (every...) or indefinite (any...); for

Coptic cf. Shisha-Halevy Categories, 143144.


This is the translation of Loprieno Egyptian 122 and 167 bottom. My analysis, however, is
obviously different from Loprienos who sees here a tripartite iw construction the subject of
which is zero. If sSp and knH were predicates they should be adverbial, not nominal.

#jw + noun# is a thetic expression, comparable to a Semitic minor clause, or one-term

sentence (Lipinski Semitic Languages 50.4), such as #*han + noun# (Heb. hinne, Arab.
<inna, etc.), which cannot be analysed as a sentence consisting of theme and rheme.
Nevertheless, #jw + noun# is a bipartite construction. It is the construction that constitutes the
matrix of all Old and Middle Egyptian tripartite jw constructions, #jw + noun + adverb#. To
wit: this is not an adverbial sentence, #noun + adverb#, that is introduced by a particle jw,
but rather is it an adverbial sentence which is embedded into the jw matrix. The mechanics of
this embedding can be best understood if we proceed on the construction with an indefinite
noun (for which see above, exx. 7 and 8). The rhematic expression #jw + nounindef# there is
a N. is expanded by a restrictive locative expression that confines the validity of the utterance
to, e.g., a particular place: there is a N. in P. Indefinite nouns tend to be rhematic, whereas
definite nouns tend to be thematic. If there is a definite noun in the respective position in the
construction in question the rhematic weight is shifted to the adverb: the N. is in P.
3. Bipartite versus tripartite adverbial sentence
As there is a tripartite adverbial sentence (i.e., an adverbial sentence which is embedded in
the jw matrix) along with the (bipartite) adverbial sentence proper, we are confronted with the
question as for the functional difference (semantic and/or syntactic) between the two
constructions. The traditional answers to this question lie on two different levels.
The pragmatic answer claims that the jw matrix anchors the communication in the time of
the speaker: The function of jw was discerned by Gunn. [Note 47 refers to Gunn Studies
98 n. 1; Gunn sixth dynasty letter 247.] It has the effect of relating the statement to the sphere
of interest and to the time of the speaker" (Polotsky Tenses 17 ( 35)). In addition
linguists tend to agree with the point originally made by Gunn, that the syntactic function of
the word jw is to bring the words it introduces out of the background of the speaker's frame of
reference and into the foreground" (Ray To be 225 ). In fact, it is primarily the subject that is
anchored by jw; secondarily also the rheme, according to its temporal connotation (e.g., r
sDm is relative future).
The syntactic answer is that the employment of the bipartite adverbial sentence is by and
large restricted to circumstantial and sequential use, but also to utterances with optative
meaning.3 The tripartite adverbial sentence is found, on the other hand, in sentences of inital
status (indicative main sentences). Independent adverbial sentences are, as a rule,

Cf. TAw n anx r fnD.k The breath of life to your nose! Cairo Stela CG 20164 (vd.

Gardiner Grammar 94 n. 2).

introduced by jw. This applies both to sentences with adverbs and prepositional phrases in
the predicate slot and to those whose predicate is an adverbial verbform.
Both explanations are marred to a certain extent by the fact that there is a condition under
which the dichotomy of bipartite vs. tripartite is neutralized. If the subject is a personal
pronoun the bipartite construction cannot be employed: Old and Middle Egyptian do not
dispose of a form of the pronoun that could function as the subject in the adverbial sentence
proper, viz. the bipartite adverbial sentence4 (by Late Egyptian times, a new paradigm was
created to fill this gap: tw.j, tw.k, tw.t, sw, etc.). The tripartite construction #jw.f + adverb# is
found under all circumstances, no matter whether in initial status or in circumstantial or
sequential employment, although it is not obvious why the anchoring in the time of the speaker
should be obligatory with pronominal subjects, though not with substantival subjects.
4. Zero subject
When speaking of pronominal subjects it is worth mentioning that also the zero subject
(Gardiner Grammar 123) belongs here. It has the semantic value of an indefinite pronoun
or similar.
jw + zero + prepositional phrase
(16) offerings to this NN., jw n jt.s Wsjr as belong to her father Osiris CT 7,
544c (B9C).5
jw + zero + stative
(17) The Two Truths have judged, jw Sw(.w) m mtrw though one was void of
witnesses PT 317b.
(18) Come and go down there, jw nfr(.w) and things will be well CT 3, 4f.
(19) jw grt wr(.w) r aba It is even more than exaggeration Lebensm. 6.

The absolute pronoun is used, though only rarely, when the pronoun is topicalized, or
focalized. For examples see Gardiner Grammar 116, end; Edel Grammatik 914; SanderHansen Grammatik 705; Sander-Hansen Studien 476.

Var. iw nn n it.f Wsjr these belong to his father Osiris CT 7, 544c (B3C).

With a zero subject, the embedding in an jw matrix is indispensable, just as with a pronominal
5. Further verbal expressions in the jw matrix
Above, jw constructions with a stative or one of the gerunds have been mentioned. In addition,
there are also jw constructions with embedded sDm.f and sDm.n.f and with the passive sDm(w).
The sDm.f form can be found in two different structures one tripartite, #jw subject sDm.f#,
and one with no subject expression intervening between jw and the verb, #jw sDm.f#. The
latter is found in most instances of verbs of quality (Satzinger jw.f sDm.f).6 As for sDm.n.f, the
normal construction is #jw + sDm.n.f#. In Old Egyptian, a few cases of #jw + noun +
sDm.n.f# can be found instead (Allen Inflexion 415; after m/m.k, 416); in addition, there
are a few examples of this in the Coffin Texts (E.g., jw HA.n n.T bjk The falcon has screamed
for you CT 1,73d74a (B3Bo)). Also the passive sDm(w) is never found with preceding
subject (that is, if such construction exists it will in most if not all cases be thought to be
formed, not with the passive sDm(w), but rather with the Stative).


jw + noun + verb

jw + verb

(jw.f nfr.f)

jw nfr.f
(jw N. nfr.f)

verbs of

jw.f sDm.f

(jw sDm.f)
jw N. sDm.f


jw nfr N.

(jw sDm N.)

(except Old Egn.)

(except Old Egn.)

jw sDm.n.f



jw.f sDmw

jw sDm.n N.

jw sDm(w) N.
(except some cases of 1sc)

As a passive counterpart of iw(.f) sDm.f, we find iw, and hardly ever; never, though, *, nor * noun

(Rarely attested constructions in parenthesis.)

It is obvious that the structures with the subject expression between jw and the verb form
conform to the basic tripartite jw construction mentioned above, #jw noun adverb#. The other
type of structure, with no subject expression after jw, can also be matched with it, at least in a
historical perspective, if we assume that it originated in constructions with a zero subject of jw.
It must be stated, though, that such a construction is not on a par with the zero subject
constructions of Middle Egyptian as mentioned above. Whereas in jw. sDm.f, jw. Ax etc.
the subject of jw and that of the verb are coreferential (the common signifi is the indefinite
idea expressed by zero), they are not so in jw. sDm(.n).f: the verb has another subject, this
time a personal or substantival one which is not expressed by zero. However, these two cases
are on different levels in terms of diachrony. Whereas the pattern jw + zero + stative is living
Middle Egyptian, i.e., it is formed along the lines of this idiom, the pseudo-bipartite pattern
must be regarded as a grammaticalized structure that cannot be analyzed anymore within the
Middle Egyptian system (Satzinger jw.f sDm.f).
6. Substantival verbal forms after jw?
One of the popular basics of the Polotskyan system is that in independent, non-sequential
main clauses the rhematic verb forms are distinguished from the rhematizing ("emphatic")
forms by the presence of jw (we may assume that also the verb forms display different
features in each case, though this is but rarely visible in the writing).
Independant perfect jw sDm.n .f (transitive):

Substantival sDm.n .f in emphasizing use:

(20) jw jr.n.j mj nA Dd.n.k I have acted

(21) jr.n.j grt maHat tn... n mrwt Ssp aAbwt snTr

according to what you have said P. Westcar 6,1 Htpw-nTr... I only made this tomb... for the sake
(cf. Polotsky Tenses 38)
of receiving provisions, incense, and divine
offerings... Brit. Mus. 575 (cf. Polotsky Tenses
On the other hand, the adverb-rhematizing construction is in its origin just an adverbial sentence,
the rhematizing effect being based on the fact that the subject is an embedded verbal sentence.
One may ask why in constrast to the normal adverbial sentence it should not be able to be
embedded into an jw construction. And in fact, there are some instances of sDm(.n).f after jw
that give the impression to be emphatic. Reduplication occurs with the sDm.f of III infirm
verbs in the following:

(22) Good speech is more hidden than greenstone, jw m-a Hmwt Hr bnjjwt yet it
may be found among maids at the grindstone Ptahhotep 59 (L 2) (cf. Polotsky Tenses 910,
n. 22)
(23) She cries bitterly for you, jw rmm.s Tw Hr rmw.k m grH Apdw m hrw and that she
weeps for you is precisely on account of your fish(ing) by night and your fowl(ing) by day
Kemyt VII (cf. Polotsky Tenses 910, n. 22)
Though both of these examples are classical literature the manuscripts quoted are not of the
classical period.7 Both are school texts of the New Kingdom that reproduce classical literature.
The living language of their time is mirrored in Late Egyptian, and in this language system
Second Tenses ("emphatic forms) may very well be transposed to clauses of circumstance by
being embedded into the jw construction (jw j.jr.f sDm, etc.). Hence, the two examples are not
reliable testimonies for the use of substantival forms after jw.
Most intransitive verbs do not occur in the rhematic sDm.n.f form. Hence an intransitive sDm.n.f
should be of substantival nature, as in the following case.
(24) For you were brought up as a pupil of my majesty; jw xpr.n.k js m sDtj Hm.j, sbAtj wa n
aH.j you have grown up as a foster child of my majesty, the sole pupil of my palace
Ikhernofret stela, Berlin 1204, 67
However, the dichotomy of the suppletive system of the perfect tense is not simply transitive
vs. intransitive. It is only certain classes of the intransitive verbs that use the stative instead of
sDm.n.f. The verb xpr, however, is not one of them.8 Note that the enclitic particle js
employed here.
The notional characteristic of the emphatic construction is the rhematization of an adverb.
This is obvious in the following instances of jw + sDm.n.f.
(25) The majesty of my lord dispatched me to hack out Wawat and Irtjet, jw gr hAb.n w(j)
Hm n nb.(j) r sHtp xAswt (j)ptn but now the majesty of my lord dispatched me in order to
pacify these countries Urkunden I, 134,3.

I am indebted to W. Schenkel for having drawn my attention to this fact.

Cf., e.g. xpr.n sfxt.f nHbwt His seven neck-vertebrae have come into being PT 511b.
With emphatic meaning, expressed by an enclitic particle (for which vd. infra): xpr.n jr.f n.k
nn How has this happened to you? PT 931a.

(26) What you have done is more than anything; jw Hm jr.n.k Dsrw HHw nw zp indeed,
it is millions of times you have done magnificent things (?) Urkunden I, 63,8.
It must be noted, however, that the verb form is separated from jw in each case by an enclitic
particle, such as gr, Hm; and compare the employment of js in ex. (24). It may be assumed
that it is these that cause the emphasizing (i.e., de-rhematizing) effect. In fact, this can also
be observed in sentences where there is no verb present at all, or a stative, a form that cannot
have substantival function.
(27) j(w).k rr m nn Are you really this one? PT 428b (would be Coptic eko xM pai )
(28) The stealing done by the robber is the misdeed of one who is poor; jw.k swt sA.t(j) m
tA.k you, however, are sated with your bread Eloquent Peasant B 1, 124125
(29) jw grt wr r aba It is even more than exaggeration Lebensm. 6
The adverb-rhematizing effect can only be due to these particles, viz. rr, swt, grt. If this is so
there is no need for a rhematizing verb form.
7. On essence, nature and origin of jw
The basic pattern of jw is the thetic expression #jw + noun#, there is N. Whereas this is
very rarely encountered as such it is a very productive matrix into which an adverbial sentence
is embedded. By stating that there is N., or N. exists presently, it anchors the subject of the
adverbial sentence in the time sphere of the speaker (independent main sentence), in the
context of the report or narrative (sequential sentence) or of the cotext (clause of
Constructions with a verbal expression in the adverb slot appear in Middle Egyptian already
grammaticalized. Jw sDm.n.f is the independent form of the (transitive) perfect and cannot, in
Middle Egyptian, be analysed as consisting of an adverbial sentence (zero + sDm.n.f) which is
embedded in the jw matrix. Similarly, jw sDm.f (in particular, jw nfr.f) is the independent form
of the aorist. Not even jw.f sDm.f can be analysed in Middle Egyptian: whereas the
circumstantial sDm=f in free use is of progressive meaning (while he was listening, or
sim.) the form in question, the independent aorist jw.f sDm.f, is of perfective aspect (he is one
who hears, he can hear, etc.).
The nature of jw may be expected to mirror its historical background, its roots. Jw has the
deportment of a verb the suffix pronoun serves as its subject. If jw is a verb it is intransitive,
and univalent. In respect to tense/aspect/mood (TAM) it is a defective verb: it has only one

tense form, viz. a s t a t i c indicative present. This is strange indeed and hampers the verbal
interpretation: first, suffix-conjugated verb forms are basically of dynamic meaning (he sits
down, he falls ill, etc.); second, there is no indicative sDm.f form of present tense reference,
neither dynamic nor static.
If the verbal hypothesis is to be maintained we have to look for comparable roots from which jw
may be derived. Of course it is possible that the etymon of jw is not preserved in Egyptian.
Thus, some assume that it is related to the Semitic root HJH (Hebrew hy he was, etc.; so
already ERMAN Verhltnis 107). But as long as jw can be derived from a verbal root attested in
Egyptian this will be the first choice.
j to say is a verb of very limited use, partly auxiliary: sDm.jn.f < *sDm-j.n.f. Usually, verbs
meaning to say are used as auxiliaries (cf. Satzinger conjugations ) for agentive
expressions, and not utterances on a position or situation, such as jw.f aA he is (presently)
here, or jw.f m Htp he is in peace. Some other verbs must be rejected because of negative
semantics: jwj *not to be; to have no boat; to cut off; to be evil; also to


lament, to complain. Mostly, the verb

jwj to come has been considered. But
jw.f cannot be derived from any form jwj.f with present tense reference. The meaning there
is... can only have developed from a present perfect tense, he has come > he is now
here a sDm.f, of initial status (main sentence form), viz. a rhematic perfective sDm.f. Of
course, Middle Egyptian jw cannot just be analysed as a form of the verb jwj. If at all, it can
only be seen as a petrified or grammaticalized form. Compare the rection of jwj with the
meaning of prepositions in the jw clause: jwj.f m P. could mean, he has come from P. (and
is now here), whereas jw.f m P. means, in the contrary, he is in P. This
grammaticalization must already have been accomplished in some Proto-Egyptian stage.
Therefore the verdict (Depuydt Egyptian jw 29) that jw, being exclusively in initial position,
must be substantival if it derives from a sDm.f verb form, such as jwj.f, is not cogent: the rule
that sentence-initial verb forms without jw are by necessity substantival does not apply to Old
Egyptian and even less so for that Proto-Egyptian state when jw developed our from a form of
jwj to come.


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