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Clean Air

Intelligent climate and ventilation management for highly sensitive areas.

Comprehensive system solutions

This application brochure deals primarily with the air distribution and air
handling in clean rooms. The reliability and safety of a ventilation and
air conditioning system depend on effective airflow management,
i.e. on the coordinated interaction of all components.
One-stop shop. Complete solutions from a single source.
TROX offers bespoke, complete ventilation and air conditioning solutions from a
single source: Air handling units and fans, measurement and control components,
and a unique range of aerodynamically optimised air terminal devices, filters,
and fire protection and smoke control components all deal with the various
stages of the airflow.
Where work safety and the protection of valuable products, people and the
environment are priorities, it is of paramount importance that all components
of a clean air system complement each other perfectly.

The art of handling air

TROX understands the art of competently handling air like no other company.
Since its foundation in 1951, TROX has been developing and manufacturing
sophisticated components, units and systems for ventilation and air conditioning
as well as for fire protection and smoke control. Dedicated research and
development have made TROX a global leader of innovation in these fields.
Application-oriented clean room solutions.
In highly sensitive areas ventilation and air conditioning have to meet specific
and extremely stringent requirements. TROX clean room technology meets the
highest protection and safety standards, and it is found in many highly sensitive
areas such as:

The following application brochures are also


Fewer interfaces, less coordination effort.

The advantages for specialist consultants and HVAC contractors are obvious:
one face to the customer for efficient ventilation and air conditioning systems.
The result is a drastic reduction of the usual interface or coordination problems.
All ventilation and air conditioning components from TROX are engineered in

Office buildings


TROX has both the know-how and the necessary expertise to set the highest
standards in the field of air distribution for clean rooms. Since 1998 our clean
room experts have been members of the standards committees for the EN1822,
EN14175, DIN1946 Part7, and other guidelines and have provided valuable
input to these bodies.

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Research facilities, laboratories with fume cupboards, livestock facilities

Ultra clean production environments in the area of life sciences, optics
and laser technology, nano technology, and semiconductor production
Operating theatres and sterile areas in hospitals and health care facilities
(see TROX application brochure for hospitals)
Rooms that require a special volume flow rate and pressure control,
e.g. control rooms and meeting rooms

Bayer, Leverkusen; Altana, Wesel; Jgermeister, Braunschweig (Germany)


Safety for products and processes

Ventilation and air conditioning in clean rooms means, first and foremost,
controlling undesired airborne particles. This is why we at TROX have thoroughly
examined the measures that reduce or minimise adverse effects on people, products
and the environment in order to develop complete solutions. Controlling the diverse,
interdependent factors which influence air cleanliness and safety has led to the
development of extremely reliable and energy-efficient clean room systems that
address the following aspects:
Air treatment, transport, filtration, and discharge: Ensuring a high level
of air cleanliness and a good room air quality
Air management: Protecting products, processes, people (highest quality
standards for production) and the environment from contaminated air
by maintaining the required volume flow rates and balances
Fire protection: Preventing the spread of contaminated air and of fire
and smoke through ducting in the event of a fire

Contamination control with a multi-layer

In order to protect clean rooms and devices
from contaminants that may be present
in adjacent areas with lower levels of air
cleanliness, the static pressure in clean rooms
should always be higher than the pressure
in those adjacent areas.

Adjacent areas
Clean room
Clean area















Finished products







Lanxess, Singapore; MaxPlanckInstitute, Gttingen (Germany)

LOral, Paris (France)

Energy efficiency
Demand-based optimisation saves energy.
In most companies today, work does not end at 5p.m. sharp. This is why many
systems are running 24hours a day, 365days a year, even though they are
really needed only about 50% of the time. It should, hence, be possible to
operate building services effectively but also flexibly, and not necessarily with
full power for 24hours a day.
Air distribution systems from TROX provide intelligent, demand-based volume
flow rate control and consequently ensure a high level of energy efficiency.
The systems run with full power only when people are working in the factory
or in the lab. When a space is not occupied, the air change rate is reduced.
This offers a considerable savings potential over time.
Energy savings potential in existing systems.
When it comes to energy efficiency, ventilation and air conditioning systems
have come a long way. This is why a considerable energy savings potential lies
dormant in older systems. The modernisation of ventilation and air conditioning
systems by suitable measures, e.g. by fitting air handling units with frequency
converters or installing VAV terminal units, may reduce the energy requirement
of these systems by as much as 40%. Such investments pay off, often within
only two years.
Increasing efficiency with filters and air handling units.
Filters are supposed to separate particles in the air and they are an obstacle
to the airflow. As the differential pressure increases, the energy efficiency
decreases. The goal is minimising the loss. TROX has developed filters that
reduce the unavoidable differential pressure increase and hence increase energy
efficiency. TROX offers filter media with extremely fine pleats and aerodynamically
optimised filter units that help to save up to 50% energy.
TROX air handling units are very energy efficient because they are equipped
with state-of-the-art heat recovery systems and innovative high-efficiency fans.

Max Planck Institute, Gttingen (Germany)

From top to bottom: Bayer, Wuppertal (D)

Nestl, Orbe (CH)
MDC Max Delbrck Centre
for Molecular Medicine, Berlin (D)
Technopole Kilometro Rosso, Bergamo (I)
Novartis, Basel (CH)


for clean rooms

Close cooperation leads to innovative room air strategies

Developing and implementing a comprehensive room air conditioning strategy
that meets the most critical safety and comfort requirements is only possible
through the close cooperation of specialist consultants, HVAC contractors, users and
manufacturers, and then from the beginning, i.e. from the design stage onwards.
The know-how and the complete TROX product portfolio is, however, also ideally
suited for refurbishment projects.
The illustration on the fold-out page shows you how a clean room production facility
can be equipped with innovative TROX products and systems.

Our service your benefit:

Expert consultancy and support
throughout all stages of a project: from
the design stage to handing over the
system, and also after installation
Comprehensive service support:
commissioning, system integration,
maintenance, modernisation planning
Easy connection to higher-level systems
due to standard interfaces
Maximum data transparency due to
open systems such as LonWorks,
Modbus and BACnet
Air management system solutions
from a single source reduce the
number of interfaces required
Bus systems that require considerably
reduced wiring
Fewer cables hence reduced fire load
Support of flexible building usage:
systems can easily be adapted to meet
new requirements
Rapid amortisation of investment costs
due to reduced operating costs
Energy savings due to optimised
systems operation
High level of operational reliability
due to system self-monitoring
Bus systems allow for remote diagnosis
or modification

X-CUBE air handling units

handle volume flow rates of up to 86,000m/h (24,000l/s) for the ventilation
and air conditioning of rooms including filtration, heating, cooling, heat recovery,
and humidifying and dehumidifying.

X-CUBE CROFCU Clean Room Fan Coil Unit

is a compact secondary ventilation unit that offers a multitude of features
to meet the ventilation requirements of classC and classD clean rooms.

One Stop



Filters M5
are used in ventilation and air conditioning systems to separate contaminants
from the air.

Fine dust filters F7

are used for the separation of fine dust in ventilation systems that must meet
demanding requirements. TROX filters of filter classes M5 to F9 are tested to
EN779 and certified by EUROVENT.



X-FANS smoke exhaust fans

remove the hazardous fire gases in the event of a fire. Escape routes are kept free
from smoke such that the building can be evacuated without any problems.


External weather louvres

protect air conditioning systems against the direct ingress of rain,
leaves and birds into fresh air and exhaust air openings.


Multileaf dampers
provide a means for shut-off, and they prevent air from flowing against the
intended airflow direction. Combinations of external weather louvres and
multileaf dampers or non-return dampers have a dual function.







One-stop shop.
In addition to the products shown here, TROX offers many more and in fact covers
the entire range of components and systems for ventilation and air conditioning:
Mixed flow and displacement flow diffusers; diffusers for ceiling,
wall and floor installation
Air-water systems
Decentralised ventilation systems
Splitter attenuators and circular silencers
X-FANS ventilation fans
X-FANS smoke exhaust fans
X-FANS jet fans for underground car park ventilation and smoke exhaust

Particulate filters H14

with Mini Pleat filter panels are used as final filters for the separation of suspended
particles in industrial, research, medical, and pharmaceutical applications.

Ceiling mounted particulate filters

with Mini Pleat filter panels are used as final filter stage and are acoustically and
aerodynamically optimised; they are available in many designs and constructions
and provide a solution for all architectural requirements.


Fire dampers
are certified for all European countries and prevent fire and smoke from spreading
through ventilation ducting. The fire area is consequently isolated from other
parts of the building.



TROX room air management systems

provide demand-based volume flow rate control to ensure the best possible room
air quality and temperature while they help to save energy at the same time.
They maintain the correct pressure in clean rooms and prevent the transfer
of air between different rooms or through air locks.




makes use of advanced, decentralised and open communication systems, and hence
allows for economical fire protection systems that can be integrated into the central
building management system with very little wiring.







Wall mounted particulate filters

come with a sealing integrity test facility, a pressure measurement point,
and a clamping mechanism for fixing Mini Pleat filter panels.

Single ventilation grilles and continuous horizontal runs

with adjustable front blades can be installed in walls and in circular
and rectangular ducts.




TROX solutions
for clean rooms

Clean solutions start with planning

Comprehensive and flexible solutions for every requirement.
On the following pages we present innovative clean room systems made by TROX.
Our goal is to give you ideas for the design and implementation of ventilation and
air conditioning systems for clean rooms and to show you options for different
ventilation requirements.
The table on the fold-out page lists the relevant standards and guidelines and
offers practical design advice with regard to the ventilation and air conditioning
of clean rooms. You are then invited to follow the way of the air from the air
handling unit to the air terminal devices.



Designing a clean room always requires the assistance of a specialist consultant

Air cleanliness classes to
Max. allowable number of particles per m

ISO 14644-1 a)

EU GMP Guideline a)

0.1 m

0.2 m

0.3 m

0.5 m

1.0 m















5.0 m



























Types of ventilation and filters (ISO14644)

ISO classification b)
Typical type of ventilation

Turbulent flowTF or mixed flowM

(combination of low-turbulence
laminar flow LF and turbulent flow TF)

laminar flow LF

Typical prefilters, 1ststage




M5 / F7

M5 / F9

M5 / F9

Typical secondary filters, 2ndstage







Typical final filters

E11 / H13






Max. number of months allowed between tests to

prove continued compliance with the allowable
particle concentration




Recommended max. number of months between

standard tests to carry out optional tests
leakage of installed filters







Examples of clean rooms in microelectronics (ISO14644-4)

ISO classification b)

Type of ventilation

TF or M

TF or M

Average airflow velocity d)

Air changes per hour e)

TF or M





not given not given

not given

0.2 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.5

10 to 20

10 to 160

not given

30 to 70

not given

not given

a) Note operating states (shown: idle operation)

b) For the best results, operating states in connection with ISO classification should be determined before starting the design process.
c) With an effective barrier between the source of contamination and areas that are to be protected. This can be a mechanical system barrier or an
aerodynamic barrier.
d) Low-turbulence laminar flow in a clean room usually depends on the mean airflow velocity. The required low-turbulence airflow velocity depends
on local characteristics such as geometry and thermal conditions. This is not necessarily the face velocity for the filter.
e) Turbulent flow and mixed flow are determined by the air change rate (air changes per hour). The suggested air change rates apply to 3.0m high

Max Planck Institute, Munich (D)



High-tech room air conditioning

In highly sensitive areas, more than anywhere else, an air handling unit must
meet particularly stringent requirements. The TROX X-CUBE is an air handling unit
with unlimited configuration options of which even the basic version has set a
new standard for hygiene and quality. It takes only a few measures to arrive from
the top-of-class construction for various applications to an air handling unit
which meets particularly high hygiene requirements:
Use of damper blades that comply with closed blade leakage class4 to EN1751
Powder-coated attenuator splitters
Stainless steel floors even inside
TROX X-CUBE units are very versatile. They can be individually configured and
are hence suitable for a wide spectrum of applications. More than 70 sizes are
available, and they are designed for volume flow rates of 600to86,000m/h
at an airflow velocity of 2m/s. X-CUBE units are available as supply or extract air
units or as a combination of both. The units can be arranged side by side or
on top of each other, depending on the installation site.

X-CUBE air handling units

Special materials, smooth surfaces
on the inside and outside due to
high-quality duplex powder coating
(corrosion protection class C4)
With unlimited configuration options,
allowing for project-specific adjustments
Fast and simple installation due to
modular construction
Complete condensate drainage due to
stainless steel condensate drip tray,
sloped in all directions
Components are easily accessible for
maintenance and cleaning
Construction variant with measurement
and control system is easily connected
to the central BMS
High-quality TROX filters
Heat recovery systems and innovative
fans ensure excellent energy efficiency
Also available as a weather-resistant
variant with drip edge and intake
hood for rain water elimination
(lab tested)

Thanks to lifting eyes at the top the cubes can be easily moved and lifted with a
crane. This simplifies installation and reduces the installation time considerably.
The intelligent interconnection of all TROX components, devices and the air
handling unit ensures reliable overall communication and central control
of the system components, which complement each other perfectly.

X-CUBE air handling units comply

with AHU Guideline01 and are
certified by Eurovent. They meet the
requirements of all relevant standards
and guidelines:

Air handling

NORM H 6020 and 6021
SWKI Standard VA 104-01
DIN 1946-4
EN 1751
EN 13053
EN 1886
EN 13779

Innovative systems are extremely reliable.

The highest requirements of safety and hygiene apply to air handling units for
clean rooms. The seamless integration of ventilation and air conditioning with
the central BMS is ensured by control and monitoring systems that provide
comprehensive communication and configuration functions and hence a high
level of flexibility.

For more solutions and products please

visit www.trox-cleanroom-air.com

For the highest levels of hygiene and safety

Stainless steel condensate drip tray,

sloped in all directions, conforming
to VDI6022.

We expect a lot particularly from ourselves. The X-CUBE air handling unit is
a textbook example of German engineering at its best. Our R&D has paid close
attention even to details, which may be small but decisive. It was the developers'
goal to create a unit that provides room air of the best quality, air which meets
the hygiene and safety requirements for highly sensitive areas.
Large selection of energy-efficient heat recovery systems.
Depending on the application and site it may be possible to choose among
different heat recovery systems. For example, plate heat exchangers can, because
of their function, only be used in combined supply air and extract air units.
The same is true for rotary heat exchangers, which achieve a heat recovery
efficiency of up to 80%. For very demanding requirements on hygiene, e.g. in
cases where the transfer of odorous substances or germs must be prevented,
a high-efficiency run around coil system is recommended in which the supply air
flow and the extract air flow are completely separate.

Rotary heat exchanger: This heat

recovery unit is a regenerative


Ultimate hygiene.
A smooth exterior, powder-coated surfaces on the inside, stainless steel floors,
and a stainless steel condensate drip tray, which is sloped in all directions,
meet the most stringent hygiene requirements and withstand commercially available
disinfectants. The integral cable duct, which is included in the construction variant
with measurement and control system, also meets the highest hygiene requirements.
Easy maintenance and service.
Almost unlimited configuration options with regard to the arrangement of the
individual components and inspection access doors with inspection windows
facilitate maintenance of the TROX air handling units to a very high degree.
The internal illumination provided by energy-efficient LEDs is yet another example
for the high standards we set for our products when it comes to the conservation
of resources and to sustainability.
TROX quality through and through.
If we produce it ourselves, we can ensure the best quality. This is our philosophy.
And this is why we manufacture as many products as possible in our own facilities:
From multileaf dampers with leakage class L2 orL4 (to EN1751) to sound attenuators
with glass fibre fabric and with powder-coated surfaces and to filter elements
that comply with the relevant standards: It's all made in Germany.

Made by TROX: from filters to multileaf

dampers and sound attenuators.

Inspection window and doors for easy

inspection access.



X-CUBE CROFCU The advantages at

a glance.

X-CUBE CROFCU reduces energy costs

Suitable for all clean room strategies

Suitable for all classes of clean
rooms (ISO14644-1) when combined
with particulate filters
Pumped chilled water cooling system
(up to 8kWh) with room temperature
Variable recirculated air volume flow
rates of up to 6,000m/h
Increased flexibility if several units
are connected
Energy-efficient plug fan with
Addition of fresh air from 50m/h
to 2000m/h
Monitoring of filters downstream
Contamination check by means of
pressure zone control
Space-saving since only smaller ducts
are required when compared to
conventional recirculation systems
Simple and quick commissioning due
to plug and play

Most clean rooms are characterised by a very high air change rate. Depending
on the situation, it may be necessary to change the air volume in a room up
to 40 times per hour. On the other hand, only a few people may be working in the
production rooms or labs at any one time. This means that only a small quantity of
air is 'used' and hence only a low fresh air flow rate is required. A similar case are
thermal loads, which need to be dissipated only in selected spots.
Enter the X-CUBE CROFCU and with it a completely new design concept for
clean rooms. The compact, factory tested secondary unit for use with centralised
ventilation and air conditioning systems is typically installed in false ceilings.
With its unique features it meets the essential requirements on the ventilation
and air conditioning of classC and classD clean rooms.
Dissipation of high thermal loads
Addition of fresh air as required
Maintenance of room pressure by integral volume flow rate control
Filters that can be adapted as required are the perfect addition to the product.


X-CUBE CROFCU increases the efficiency.

The quasi plug-in construction of the X-CUBE CROFCU reduces the installation time
on site considerably. More savings potential results from the easy and straightforward
maintenance since all components are easily accessible.
Fresh air is added based on demand such that no energy is wasted. A factory
acceptance test ensures that each unit complies with the applicable standards and
meets the requirements of the customer. All required parameters are factory set.
As a consequence, only a minimum amount of time is required for commissioning
and on-site tests.
Straightforward installation of the X-CUBE CROFCU.
The X-CUBECROFCU is delivered ready to operate. Transport is easy as holes are
provided for the insertion of transportation rods such that the unit can be lifted
with a crane. The dimensions fit the usual grid sizes of clean room ceilings. Due
to its rigid base the unit can be safely installed on ceilings or set up on the floor.
Any wiring inside the CROFCU is already complete and need not be performed on
X-CUBE CROFCU is flexible.
It is possible to use the X-CUBECROFCU as a single unit or to combine several
units. In conjunction with the TROX software this results in a flexible ventilation
solution for clean rooms. The X-CUBE CROFCU allows for stand-alone operation
as well as for integration with modern building management systems.

Centrifugal fan: High efficiency due to a

fan with EC motor and without impeller

Integral volume flow rate control with

high accuracy. The primary air system
allows for the direct removal of exhaust
air while fresh air is supplied to the room.

Optional: Compact fine dust filter of

filter class9, energy classA, with high
dust holding capacity.


Air management
Increased safety due to coordinated systems.
Intelligent components communicate with each other, they monitor and control
parameters for clean rooms and ensure that these parameters are maintained.

Intelligent communication systems

Tailored solutions for control and monitoring.
Ventilation and air conditioning components must communicate with each other,
only then can they also work together perfectly. This is even more important when
they should ensure the safety of people and equipment. Intelligent communication
systems allow for data to be retrieved, collected, displayed and monitored via the
central BMS. Systems are constantly being monitored to ensure their functional
The TROX TLT fan diagnosis system is a special tool for smoke exhaust systems and
allows for analysing the condition of a fan with regard to wear and performance
via a remote function. Maintenance intervals can be extended as a consequence,
a fan need not be replaced before its time: this saves costs.
For fire protection and smoke control, TROX relies with its TROXNETCOM system
on AS-i communication at the field level. AS-i uses a two-wire cable for data and
energy and ensures interference-free transmission. Due to the free network
topology the system can be ideally adapted to different buildings. With up to
1736 participants in an AS-inetwork, TROXNETCOM is suitable for projects of every
size. The combination of voltage supply and data communication with a single
cable reduces not only the wiring effort; fewer cables mean also a reduced fire load.
Room balancing, room pressure control, room temperature control,
and intelligent monitoring.
To maintain stable room conditions including the required air change rate, room
pressure and room temperature, all extract air and supply air flow rates must be
measured and communicated between the system components.
In laboratories but also in production processes where hazardous substances are
handled, it is important that the building automation system is provided with the
actual room air values. The TROX room management system allows for linking
all network participants via an integral communication line and by using plug
and play such that a continuous data exchange between these participants
is ensured. The system can easily be connected to the central BMS using the
standard communication interfaces LON, BACnet, or Modbus; IP-based
communication with Ethernet is also possible.

Hameln-Group, Hameln (Germany)


Air handling units

Secondary units


Central BMS

Volume flow

TROX air management system

Room management function:
All parameters and functions for a room
can be configured with one controller
BMS interfaces: LON, BACnet,
Modbus, IP-based webserver
Plug and play: Automatic data exchange
between the controllers; no addressing
required; interactive commissioning
Easy maintenance, room diagnosis
and room configuration
Rapid and precise control to maintain
setpoint values
Modular hardware

For more solutions and products please

visit www.trox-cleanroom-air.com

Differential pressure transducer

with static differential pressure
measurement, for volume flow rate
measuring units. With sensors that
can be validated to GMP (upon request).

Stable pressure
Air can easily overcome barriers and can, hence, not be locked out. With the air
management system it is possible to precisely control pressures in the clean
room and adjoining areas and to isolate rooms with particularly critical
requirements of air cleanliness from those with less critical requirements.
The control system provides a tailored solution for safe and energy-efficient airflow
control in sensitive areas such as clean rooms, hospitals and laboratories.
Quick-response control loops are suitable for the volume flow control in fume
cupboards and for room pressure control, e.g. in clean room production facilities,
in operating theatres and in ICUs. Complex room balancing functions and room
monitoring functions are likewise possible.

Room management system

The integral control logic allows
for displaying and controlling different
room situations precisely.

The room air management system has been optimised for conditions as they
prevail in clean rooms. It includes VAV terminal units, electronic controllers,
monitoring systems, sensors and control panels. The integral control logic allows
for displaying and controlling different room situations precisely. Another
advantage of the TROX air control system is the independent room management
function. Critical room functions are controlled locally. For example, the room
pressure can be maintained without any delays. Even an uninterruptible power
supply (UPS) can be included. The system is extremely flexible and provides
different interfaces for the connection to the central BMS (e.g. BACnet, Modbus,
LON, or IP-based via Ethernet).

For more solutions and products please

visit www.trox-cleanroom-air.com


VAV terminal unit TVR with EASYLAB

control components for room pressure
control in critical areas
V: 10 1,680 l/s
V: 36 6,048m/h
p: 20 1,500Pa
100 400mm
Closed blade air leakage to EN1751,
Casing air leakage to EN1751, classC

Room balancing
The safety net.
Positive pressure is a simple way to physically prevent contamination in clean
room production facilities. Positive pressure prevents undesired airflows or
undesired particles from entering a room. TROX provides systems which ensure
that the correct positive pressure is maintained.
Advanced technical equipment and software and the wide range of VAV terminal
units mean that electronic control is now an option for nearly all room pressure
scenarios. The more critical leakage levels are, the more important is it to plan
the pressure control accordingly. While pneumatic solutions are still an option,
it is nowadays also possible to achieve precise pressure levels with an electronic
system, e.g. with a bypass controller. Electronic control has clear advantages: less
coordination effort, no requirement for pressurised air as with pneumatic control,
and easy integration with the central BMS.

Room management function: All room
related data and configurations stored
in one controller
BMS interfaces: Analog, digital, LON,
Modbus, BACnet and Ethernet
Plug and play: Automatic data exchange
between the controllers; no addressing
required; interactive commissioning
Easy maintenance, room diagnosis
and room configuration
Only one communication line between
controllers; no addressing
Rapid and precise control to maintain
setpoint values
Static measurement
Modular structure of the hardware,
with numerous options for expansion

Proven plug and play communication and integration into the central BMS with
LON, BACnet or Modbus, or IP-based communication with Ethernet allow for easy
and efficient system integration.
Demand-based solutions.
Flexible building usage plays an immensely important role in the planning of clean
room production facilities.
It must be possible to change and extend buildings at a later stage and at
minimum cost. TROX air distribution technology and the TROX measurement and
control system are ready for the challenge. Our air management systems have
a modular structure such that they can be expanded or adapted to changing
conditions flexibly and easily.

+30 P
+45 P
+30 P

+30 P

+30 P
+30 P

For more solutions and products please

visit www.trox-cleanroom-air.com

+15 P

+15 P
Critical areas can be isolated by means of precise
pressure control and volume flow control.


Air filtration
Achieving air cleanliness.
Air cleanliness is ensured by very effective high-efficiency filters. Innovative materials
of a high quality, the most exact pleats and aerodynamically optimised filter units
all provide a level of efficiency that is hard to match.

Protecting products and people

In many production areas the environment must be ultra clean, for example in life
sciences, the production of pharmaceuticals, or food processing. Or in semiconductor
production. In the electronics industry it is necessary to control not only
submicrometre particles but also gases, i.e. atoms and molecules of certain
substances, in order to avoid contamination and hence adverse effects on the


Internationally, the GMP guidelines are nowadays considered standard for clean
room production. These and other guidelines are listed in the table on page17.
GMP clean room classes: Example of production steps
for sterile products.


Bottling products with an unusual risk; production

within microbiological safety or cytostatic work area

Environment of classA

Producing solutions with an unusual risk; bottling products


Producing solutions and preparing components

immediately before bottling




Source: Christian Ernst et al., Systeme und Konzepte der Reinraumtechnik [Systems and concepts of clean room technology]

Smooth filter change.

Regular filter changes are a must, not only with regard to filtration efficiency
but also with regard to energy efficiency. This is why TROX has developed various
solutions to facilitate filter changes and make them hygienically safe. Different
filter frames and filter units are available for different applications and with the
filter medium being accessible more or less easily. Special packaging protects our
filters perfectly and avoids any damage during transport or installation.



Particulate filters of filter class U16 to EN1822:

Only one particle permeates the filter.
When a U16filter with an efficiency of 99.99995% is exposed to 2million particles,
only one particle will not be filtered out. By comparison, an H13filter (99.95%
efficiency) will be permeated by 1000particles, and an M6filter (50% efficiency)
by one million particles.
Particulate filters are subject to efficiency tests before shipping. The overall
efficiency is calculated from the measured local filtration efficiencies. When a filter is
leak-free and fulfils the criteria of the overall efficiency, it is assigned an individual
filter number.

For more solutions and products please

visit www.trox-cleanroom-air.com


TROX air filtration systems

In addition to the separation of dust in air handling units, HEPA and ULPA filters
are used as high-efficiency particulate filters for the separation of the smallest
particles in clean room systems. They ensure a particularly high level of air
cleanliness and can separate even submicrometre germs and particles. High-efficiency
filters are either ceiling mounted and have a diffuser face or they are used as
final filter stage in filter ceilings.

KSFS ducted particulate filters

for Mini Pleat filter panels, Mini Pleat
filter cells, and activated carbon filter cells
Contamination-free filter change

TROX high efficiency filters.

TROX offers an extensive filter programme for technically and economically sound
solutions: Filter units are available for different installation locations, e.g. walls,
ducts or ceilings, and suitable filter elements meet every application requirement.
TROX fine dust filters of filter classes M5 toF9 are tested to EN779 and certified
Each TROX filter of filter class H14, U15 or U16 is tested for leakage and overall

for more safety, a longer filter life
and higher energy efficiency: The new
patented connecting spigots for ducted
particulate filters (KSFS) have been
developed in cooperation with
RWTH Aachen university, Germany.
A sophisticated air distribution system
ensures a uniform airflow through all filter
elements. Because of this even exposure
the service life of the filter elements is
significantly increased. And moreover,
a lower differential pressure saves energy.

TROX manufactures all parts of filter units in-house, from the casing and filter
elements to the diffusers; the TROX filter production facilities in Germany are
equipped with the most advanced machinery. In addition, customers can make
use of the intelligent Easy Product Finder design programme.

TROX filter production: State-of-the-art production equipment

and advanced test procedures carried out on the TROX test rig
ensure high efficiency and maximum safety.



Air distribution

Air distribution strategies for clean rooms

Low-turbulence laminar flow.
A low-turbulence laminar flow is characterised by a homogeneous velocity profile
and almost parallel flow lines across the entire cross section of the clean area.
Contaminated air and hence airborne particles are consequently displaced or
'swamped out' of the clean area. With a low-turbulence laminar flow, airborne
particles remain in the zone for only a short time, and if larger quantities of
particles are suddenly set free, the air 'recovers' within a short period. The supply
air is usually discharged through particulate filter elements (HEPA, ULPA) as final
The highest air cleanliness classes can be achieved with a low-turbulence laminar
flow, even in large clean room areas. The average airflow velocities are usually
between 0.2 and 0.5m/s. In other words: The air in the clean room zone is
exchanged more than one hundred times per hour. This consumes a high amount
of energy.
Turbulent flow.
Turbulent flow means that the primary air mixes with the induced room air.
Clean air is not supplied across the entire room but only at selected points,
typically through ceiling swirl diffusers. High induction levels ensure a good
mixing of the supply air and the room air across the clean room.

Ideal flow behaviour.

The construction of air inlets and outlets and their combination and installation
position determine the ventilation flow behaviour and hence the effectiveness and
efficiency of a clean room strategy.
In the occupied zone the ideal air distribution can be achieved with high induction
levels that lead to a rapid reduction of airflow velocities and of the temperature
differences between room air and supply air. If the goal is a laminar flow, the airflow
velocity and a constant airflow must be maintained.

Mixed flow.
Mixed flow means a combination of low-turbulent flow and turbulent flow. It is
used to reduce the number of ultra clean zones for which originally a more costly
low-turbulent laminar flow system had been installed. Mixed flow ventilation
allows for different zones within a clean room: for occupied areas and unoccupied
areas. Zones with the highest air cleanliness, i.e. with the highest requirements
of safety, are called 'white zones'. Depending on the structure of the clean room
system and on the process requirements, a white zone can refer to just one part
of a clean room or to a complete clean room area including all installations.
Displacement flow.
The low-turbulence airflow is supplied to the room near the floor. This creates a
pool of cooler supply air and the actual source of the ventilation. The convection
from people and other heat sources causes the air in this supply air pool to rise.
In other words, people breathe fresh air. Contaminants in the air rise together
with the fresh air (convection) and away from the occupied zone.

Low-turbulence laminar flow

Turbulent flow

Mixed flow

Displacement flow

Frank Plastic AG, Waldachtal (Germany)



TFC ceiling mounted particulate filters

with Mini Pleat filter panels as final
filter stage
Compact construction, suitable for
low ceilings
Can be combined with all clean room
ceiling systems of various manufacturers

Air terminal devices

Aerodynamically optimised air terminal devices are extremely important to TROX.
Perfect aerodynamic properties ensure maximum safety and thermal comfort.
Selecting air terminal devices.
When selecting a supply air diffuser, the point of discharge and the room height are
as important as the cooling loads. If one compares a room air conditioning system
to a chain, air terminal devices would be the most critical link for thermal
comfort. They are supposed to ensure that the occupied zone meets the most
demanding requirements of thermal comfort: Room air conditioning is most
comfortable if you cannot see it, hear it or feel it.

TFM particulate filter modules

with Mini Pleat filter panels as final
filter stage
Individual modules can be combined
into larger ceiling sections

There is hardly another manufacturer who offers such a wide range of different air
terminal devices. Whether installed freely suspended or flush with the ceiling,
they always blend in perfectly with the room architecture, due to a multitude
of construction variants and attractive surfaces.
TROX has developed bespoke solutions for the special requirements of clean rooms.
These apply to the highest air cleanliness, i.e. for critical and very critical hygiene
requirements in the sensitive and very sensitive areas of medicine, biology,
pharmaceuticals and food processing.

TFP pharmaceutical clean room

terminal filters
for Mini Pleat filter panels with
downstream fluid seals that meet
the highest hygiene requirements
Diffuser face is held in place by
magnets and can be hinged down
Easy cleaning and validation;
filter change without tools

They meet the hygiene requirements of VDI6022

For air cleanliness classes 5 to8 according to ISO14644-1
Particulate filter air terminal devices as final filters, with Mini Pleat filter panels,
for the separation of suspended particles
Easy, time-saving and secure filter change due to special press-in frame
Various diffusers to ideally meet individual requirements

TFW wall mounted particulate filter

with Mini Pleat filter panels as final filter
stage for the separation of suspended
Different constructions for filter
elements with different frame depths



Clean air with TROX

TROX has fitted production facilities, hospitals and laboratories all over the world with innovative components:
AACHEN University Hospital ATHENS Oncological Childrens Hospital BERLIN Charit CARTAGENA Hospital
BELO HORIZONTE Unimed Hospital de Santa Brbara DURBAN Albert Luthuli Hospital DSSELDORF Sana Hospitals
ENSCHEDE Medisch Spectrum Twente (MZT) ESSEN Essen-Sd Hospitals GREENSBORO Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital
HAMBURG Eppendorf University Hospital KRAPINSKE TOPLICE Hospital Magdalena LODZ Kopernik Hospital MELBOURNE
The Royal Childrens Hospital MELBOURNE The Royal Womens Hospital MOSCOW Clinical Centre of Paediatrics RENNES
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pontchaillou WESEL Evangelical Hospital BASF LUDWIGSHAFEN Bayer AG WUPPERTAL and
Science Institute ALGIER Australian Nuclear Power Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) LUCAS HEIGHTS 3M
SHANGHAI Henkel SHANGHAI SHANGHAI University Dynamicum University ODENSE Finnish Metereological Institute
and Finnish Institute of Marine Research HELSINKI Evira, Finnish Food Safety Authority HELSINKI ARK Therapeutics
KUOPIO Laboratoire Galderma Sophia ANTIPOLIS Aventis LYON CAMBRIDGE Science Park Moorefields Eye Hospital
LONDON OXFORD University Biological E. Limited/MERCK & CO. Inc. HYDERABAD CAVANESE BIO Industry Park
Eli Lilly FLORENCE CATANIA University High School OSLO Campus 02 GRAZ

47504 Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 2845 2020
Fax +49 (0) 2845 202265

AL/03/2015/cleanroom climate/DE/en Subject to change All rights reserved TROX GmbH 03/2015

Sabanc University ISTANBUL

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