Tagteach and Precision Teaching 2010

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The Combined Effects of TAGteach and

Precision Teaching on Learning for

Children With Autism

Ke vin S. Ca u le y, M.Ed ., BCBA &

Eliza b e t h Be n e d e t t o -Na s h o , C. Ps yc h .
St e p By St e p Le a rn in g Gro u p In c .

ABAIMay 28, 2010

ABAIMay 28, 2010
TAGteach at a Glimpse
 Teaching technology
 T = teaching with
 A = acoustic
 G = guidance
 Features
 Acoustic (non verbal) marking of a target
 Unique phrasing (i.e., the tag point is... (5 words
or less)
 Positive reinforcement
 ABAIMay 28, 2010
Benefits for our students: Enhancing
Student “Understanding”
 Acoustic marker: Marking the behavior
 Supports the importance of immediacy of
 Precise feedback regarding achieving a
predetermined response criterion (i.e., goal
 Removes ambiguity that is sometimes
associated with praise (word choice and
intonation)- is “way to go!” as good as, better
than, or worse than “good job”?
 Information is binary- simply means “yes”
 Increased rate of tags can also serve as a
reinforcer for the teacher
ABAIMay 28, 2010
Benefits cont.
 TAG points
 Clarity of expectation for both student
and teacher
 Too many expectations can create
“confusion” for both student and
 Answers the question- what am I
reinforcing again?
 Differentiated responding may not be very

ABAIMay 28, 2010
Benefits cont.
 Removing ceilings on performance and
providing feedback
 Teacher can provide feedback without
interrupting student performance (i.e., supports
but does not interfere with student
 Presence of tag
 “Yes”
 Absence of tag
 Do something different
 Allows multiple components to occur at once with
only one behavior as the tag point

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Key Elements
 TAGteach
 Precise teaching
 Puts students into
clear and
meaningful contact
with their behavior
 Tag point (clear
 Encourages
responsiveness- do
it differently

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Very Brief Overview of Precision Teaching
 Set of measurement procedures that provides a
precise and systematic method for evaluating
instructional (teaching) tactics and curricula
 A method of measuring student performance
regularly and frequently
 Emphasizes daily goal setting in order to facilitate
improving performance
 Encourages teachers to loop students into
meaningful contact with their performance (a
potentially powerful reinforcer!)
 Encourages clarity of expectations (i.e., goal

ABAIMay 28, 2010

General Features of the Standard Celeration
 Semi-logarithmic
 Is a record for 2 dimensions common to all
observable behavior
 Count of behavior
 Passage of time
 Standardized tool for charting and analyzing how
frequency of behavior changes over time

ABAIMay 28, 2010


x2 x5


Semi-logarithmic chart
vertical axis scaled proportionally in order
to reflect changes of equal proportion
regardless of the absolute values associated
with those changes

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Shared Elements
 TAGteach  Precision Teaching
 Precise teaching  Precise
 Puts students into measurement-
clear and small changes are
meaningful contact detected
with their behavior  Encourages goal
(understanding) setting- agreement
 Tag point (clear between student
expectation) and teacher
 Encourages (understanding)
responsiveness- do  Clear expectations
it differently  Teacher
 responsiveness to
ABAIMay 28, 2010
 data
Flu e n cy b u ild in g sta rt la t d o tte d lin e

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Flu e n cy b u ild in g la n d i

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Errors dropping out

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Gabriel printing videos

ABAIMay 28, 2010

ABAIMay 28, 2010
Jonah shoe tying videos

ABAIMay 28, 2010

G o a lse ttin g l

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Flu e n cy b u ild in g it
, and l

ABAIMay 28, 2010

G o a lse ttin g w ith c a n d o

ABAIMay 28, 2010

= number of correct letters printed per min
X = number of incorrect letters printed per min

Consistent rate
of errors
Error goal setting

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Before TAGteach
Limited readibility

ABAIMay 28, 2010

During TAGteach
Goal = readibility

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Josh printing videos

ABAIMay 28, 2010

= number of sounds said correctly per minute
X = number of sounds said incorrectly per minute

ABAIMay 28, 2010

ABAIMay 28, 2010
Connor Early Language Fluency video

ABAIMay 28, 2010

Not Precision Teaching related, but cute
nonetheless (Mark video)

ABAIMay 28, 2010

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