NAYFL Rules 2010 (Version 1)

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New Albany Youth Football - Cheerleading

Rules and Bylaws



A. The Director of Football shall prepare the draft list and conduct the draft.
B. No trading of players will be permitted unless approved by the Board of Trustees.
C. All returning players must be registered no later than the draft. All returning players not registered
by the draft shall be placed in the supplemental draft.
D. All new registrants shall provide a copy of their birth certificate at sign-up. In Addition - Non New
Albany residents shall also be required to provide a recent - report card from the end of the most
recent school year, prior to the first practice.
E. New Albany Residents will take priority over non-residents


A. The head coach’s child and two designated assistant coach’s children are automatically assigned to
his/her team. The Head and Designated Coaches sons shall participate in the evaluation process.
The players shall be evaluated by a panel selected by the board. The panel will determine the draft
round corresponding to the players talent. The player will be slotted in the predetermined round
and placed on the team at that point in the draft
B. Sibling or players having the same custodial parents and of the same age group may be placed on
the same team. Proof of custody may be required.
C. All players are placed into the draft at the beginning of each season. Head Coach and Assistant
coach’s sons will be evaluated.
D. All designated assistant coaches must be named and submitted to the President of the Board of
Trustees prior to the start of evaluations.


A. An evaluation period will be held after the last registration day and prior to the draft.
B. The evaluation period will consist of 4 days of conditioning. Coaches and Board members will set
up, by division, different evaluation stations that the players will rotate through during the four day
period. All players have to condition without pads for the first three days then on the fourth day they
will wear pads but will not hit. If a player misses too many days of conditioning, or they were not
seen by each coach, that player will go to the Blind Draft.
C. After the evaluation period all teams in a division will draft in the odd rounds. In every other odd
round the teams will draft in reverse order. A drawing will predetermine the draft order. In the even
rounds, the team(s) with the fewest players will draft until all teams have the same number of players.
Whenever a new team is added to those with the fewest players a new draft order will be drawn for
the even rounds.
D. Players in the Blind Draft will be selected after all those eligible for the regular draft are selected.
The first selection in the Blind Draft will be the team next in order to pick when the regular draft
E. The total number of players in each division will be divided by the number of teams in that division
to determine players per team.
F. No players shall be permitted to register after the draft unless the applicant is a new New Albany
resident and has received approval of the Board of Trustees

A. Selection process of all new prospective coaches shall consist of review of a completed application
recommendation by the screening committee, and approval by the Trustees. All coaches are
appointed. . At the beginning the season, the Board will decide by a majority vote which coaches
are approved for the season.
B. Head coaches and designated coaches must be present for a minimum of 75 % of his/her team’s
practices and games. If the designated assistant does not help coach during 75% of the practices
and games the head and or co-head coaches may not be permitted to coach the following season.
C. Head coaches shall attend meetings as specified by the league constitution Article 5, Section 3.
D. Coaches are not to engage in any extensive physical contact with their players (no participating in


A. Junior Division
1. Division name: Junior Third and Fourth Grade (8, 9 yrs old)
2. Ball advancement weight: 100lbs MAXIMUM.
3. Age: Cannot turn 10 before June 1st of current season
4. Length of quarters: 8 minute “high school” clock
5. Football Size: Use Junior Size Football- K2

* A parent/guardian of a football player may petition to have his/her son/daughter remain in the
junior division even if he has turned 10 prior to the June 1st date but after Jan. 1st, provided said
player is less than 70 pounds. A special committee made up of three New Albany board members
will consider age, weight, experience and athleticism in ruling on appeals. If the player does not fall
in to the above guideline – he will not be considered for a petition.

If a player weighs 145 pounds or more and has played at least one year in the junior division, he
must move up to the senior division. If the parents/guardians do not feel he can compete at the
senior level they may petition the Board of Trustees to keep the player in the junior division.

B. Senior Division
1. Division name: Senior (10, 11 yrs old) Fifth and Sixth Grade only. No
Seventh Graders – regardless of age
2. Ball advancement weight: 120lbs MAXIMUM.
3. Age: Cannot turn 12 before June 1st of current season. If the
player is outside of the age limit and in the 6th grade – he
may be permitted to play as long as he attends school in
New Albany.
4. Length of quarters: 8 minute “high school” clock
5. Football Size: Use Youth Size Football- TDJ
6. Maximum Weight: A player shall not weigh more than 200 pounds. Any
player weighing more than 160 pounds may only
participate in a game or practice at the interior offensive
line position (i.e., guard, tackle or center).

A. A practice is defined as anytime players and coaches meet for drills, scrimmages, practice games or
film review.
B. No practice shall exceed two hours per day and be no more than three times per week. Prior to the
first scheduled game, teams may practice four times per week. After the first schedule game, no
team may practice more than three times per week.
C. No practice shall be terminated later than 8:00 P.M. (after school starts) and cannot start before
5:15 P.M. (school regulation on intramural sports).
D. No teams shall practice with or without pads prior to initial draft.
E. After New Albany Schools start, no team shall practice more than six hours per week (excluding
walk throughs by tournament teams) or 3- scheduled meetings.
F. At each practice, there shall be a minimum of a five minutes break each ½ hour that a team
practices, at which time the coach shall encourage players to drink liquids.
G. All practices shall be held at a designated practice area by NAYFL. No practices are allowed at
coach’s residence. Any scrimmages at another location are to be approved by the President.


Junior and Senior Division fields:

1. 100 yards long

2. 10 yard end zone added
3. 3 yard extra point line – 15 yards in length at each end
4. Player’s box on each side, 5 yards out going from 25 to 25


A. The Facility Director is responsible for assigning individuals or teams to mark off and chalk the
fields and players’ boxes.
B. It is the responsibility of the head coach to have a representative replace him for field duty if he/she
cannot attend.
C. Both teams playing the first game of the day on each field will be responsible to get the marker,
counter, and chains from the equipment shed prior to the game, and to set up the field. Both teams
playing the last game of the day for each field is responsible for the return of the equipment to the
equipment shed.
D. Both teams playing each game are responsible for picking up trash along their sidelines at the end of
the game. Teams playing the last game are responsible for clean up and inspection.
E. Coaches and assistant coaches not complying with these responsibilities shall
be brought before the Board of Trustees for discipline.
F. The community teams will be divided into two age groups (divisions) consisting of the following.
This list may vary each season depending on the number of players in each division and the number
of teams needed:
Junior Senior

As approved by the Board of Trustee.


A. In all divisions, extra points shall be scored: one point for running, and two points for passing or
kicking.. All extra kicks and field goals are also protected kicks but must be snapped and kicked
within 5 seconds. These kicks can be returned by the defensive team. There can be no faked extra
points or field goals in the mini and junior divisions. Extra points and fields goals are live and can
be faked in the Senior Division. Defensive players cannot make contact with the center until he is in
an upright position.
B. The Board shall designate registration fees. A second registrant from the same family shall receive
a discount. No refunds will be allowed without the President’s/Treasurer’s approval.
C. Opening day and final game schedule will be the set by the Board of Trustees
D. In all divisions, the time between the second and third quarter (half time) shall be ten minutes. Each
quarter shall be eight minutes, run according to Ohio High School Athletic Association rules.
E. All games shall be played under Ohio High School Athletic Association rules unless otherwise
superseded or specified by NAYFL football rules.
F. Head coaches are responsible for the return of all uniforms to the Equipment Director.
G. There will be weigh-ins prior to every game for all players within 10% of the division ball carrying
weight. Players will weigh on a pre set time (Determined by the trustees) or 15 minutes to an hour
prior to their game. If a player does not weigh prior to the game he would have to play as a striper
until he can weigh in the following week. If a player is under 10% two weeks in a row he will no
longer be required to weigh. Any player exceeding the weight limit will be required to wear a
special stripe on his/her helmet designating “above ball carrying weight” for the games until the
next weigh-in. Weigh-ins will be performed by a Board of Trustee and the head coach at the
concession stand.
H. Any player who exceeds the division weight and wants to advance the ball, may with parental and
league permission, move up to the next division.
I. Players who weigh more than the allowable ball carrying and advancement weight will be required
to wear an orange stripe on their helmet from ear hole to ear hole.
J. All punts are protected. All teams may announce protected punts. If a team chooses a protected
punt the defensive player may not cross the line of scrimmage. Once the punt has occurred, play is
live and the returning team may return the kick.

Juniors: May elect to announce a protected punt or have the ball moved forward 30
yards (but never inside the 20 yard line). During moving the ball forward, the game
clock stops.

Seniors: There are no 25 yard “walk offs” in lieu of protected punts. A maximum of 2
players may be used to return the punt. The remaining nine players must be within 10
yards of the line of scrimmage with a minimum of five players on the line of scrimmage.

K. Every player must have a starting position on either offense or defense. They must play all four
quarters of the game. Offense is allowed 12 starting positions in order to carry in plays. Therefore,
there can be 23 starters on a team. The first violation of this rule will result in the head or co-head
coaches being suspended for one week. Coaches will be ineligible to participate in games and
practices during this seven day period. A second offense in the same season will result in the head
or co-head coaches being suspended for the remainder of the season.
L. All players who are over the ball advancement weight (striper) must line up, as an interior lineman,
on the line of scrimmage in a three or four point stance. Interior linemen shall be defined as those
lined up inside of the offensive and defensive ends. Unbalanced lines with three or more stripers on
one side of the ball is permitted as long as the last striper on the line is covered by a ball carrying
eligible player with normal splits. A striper is not permitted on the end of the short side of the
unbalanced line. This position is defined as an end.
M. Stripers must engage the player across from them. They cannot lineup outside the tackle. The only
two exceptions are 1) Lineman may pull but cannot block outside the inside shoulder of the
offensive end and 2) a defensive lineman may stunt but has to engage an offensive lineman inside
the tackle to tackle area.
N. Once a team is leading by more than 24 points they must change their backfield. If they have just
scored a touchdown to exceed the 24 point limit they may use their regular backfield for the extra
point only. Changing your backfield includes the quarterback, running backs that have carried the
ball and receivers or any player who caught a pass or touched the ball. Fumble recoveries and
interceptions do not count as a touch. If the losing team scores and the lead drops under 25 points
the winning team by play their original backfield.
O. Coaches and assistant coaches are not permitted to film practices or games of teams other than their
own. Coaches and assistant coaches who have been determined to be in possession or have
reviewed game film other then their own team shall be Board of Trustees for discipline.
P. Players and cheerleaders violating team policies may be subjected to corrective action such as the
Head football coach or Head cheer coach determining to restrict playing and cheering time. Prior to
the first game of the season, all coaches must submit team policies to the board for review. Once
approved, these restrictions will be communicated to the team’s parents. The parent must be notified
prior to the game if their child is being restricted and for what reason. Prior to the start of each
game, each team will notify the spotter and the opposing coach of any play restrictions for that
game. The spotter has the option to confirm notification with the parent.


Championship playoffs in all divisions will be conducted as follows:

A. All teams will make the playoffs.

B. Playoff and championship games will be determined by the Board of Trustees based on the number
of teams in each division, based on the PLAYOFF BRACKET chart below
C. A division championship is based on all games played.
D. If, at the end of the regular season, two or more clubs in the same division finish with identical won-
lost-tied percentages, the following steps will be taken until a champion is determined. Some of the
steps may not be applicable based on number of teams and games played. Steps that are not
applicable will be skipped.
a. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs).
b. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division.
c. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games.
d. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference.
e. Strength of victory.
i. If two teams end with identical records, combine the records of the opponents in
each of the team's wins and calculate the total winning percentage. The team whose
opponents have the higher winning percentage wins the tiebreaker
f. Strength of schedule.
g. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed.
i. Assign a point scored rank of 1 to the highest scoring team, 2 to the next highest,
etc. Repeat the procedure for points allowed (order from lowest to highest points
allowed). Add the "points scored rank" to the "points allowed rank" to get the
combined ranking. The lowest number wins the tiebreak
h. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed.
i. Best net points in common games.
j. Best net points in all games.
k. Best net touchdowns in all games.
l. Coin toss
E. No changes in time allowed for each quarter
F. In the case of a tie at the end of a regular game, the game will continue under overtime rules in
Section 11.
G. The higher seeded team shall be the home team in the Championship game.
H. Play-off brackets will be single elimination
I. Bye's will be awarded to the team with the highest regular season record in the event of an odd
number of teams in the league
J. The Championship Bracket will be published by the Director of Football within one day after the last
regular season is played

Playoff Bracket

Regular Season Record 5 Team Playoff

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
1st Place A DvE A v (D/E) (A/(D/E)) v (BC)
2nd Place B BvC
3rd Place C
4th Place D
5th Place E
Regular Season 6 Team Playoff
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
1st Place A CvF A v (F/C) (A/(F/C) v (B/(D/E))
2nd Place B DvE B v (D/E)
3rd Place C
4th Place D
5th Place E
6th Place F
Regular Season 7 Team Playoff
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
1st Place A BvG A v (D/E) ( A/(D/E)) v ((B/G)/(C/F))
2nd Place B CvF (B/G) v (C/F)
3rd Place C DvE
4th Place D
5th Place E
6th Place F
7th Place G

A: Each team will have an offensive possession starting on the opponent's 10 yard line.
B: The team that wins a coin toss shall elect to start the overtime on either offense or defense.
C. If the score is tied after both teams have had an offensive possession (including extra point
conversions), the process in sections 11A and 11B above are repeated until a winner is determined.
No game is to end in a tie.
D: Beginning with the 3rd Overtime period, a team must attempt a 2 point conversion via passing or
kicking if a touchdown is scored. In the event that goal posts are not provided on the playing field,
each team must pass for the 2 point conversion.
E: Any situations not specifically addressed in Sections 11A through 11D above shall be governed under
the Ohio High School Athletic Association game rules.


A. Junior and Senior Division

1. To start each half, the team that wins the toss or the team that elects to be on offense will start
with the ball on their own 35-yard line. No kick-offs.
2. In the Junior, the snapper (center) may grip the ball and adjust the long axis parallel to the line of
3. In the Junior division, coaches have the option on 4th down to have the ball placed forward 30
yards or announce a protected punt. The receiving team may return the kick. Any fumble is a
live ball. There are no fake punts.
If the officials move the ball forward 30 yards they may not place the ball inside the opponents
20-yard line.
4. While outside the 10 yard line, teams are permitted to maintain a maximum of a 6 man front on
the defensive line. This front is defined as the defensive end position in a 2 point stance and a
maximum of 4 down players between the two defensive ends. Further, the 4 down players must
be lined up head up between the offensive tackles, no lining up outside the offensive tackles’
outside shoulder. Goal line or other defensive fronts permitted for short yardage situations
anywhere on the field (2 yards or less)
B. Junior Division

1. There will be no live kick-offs.

C. Senior Division

1. There will be no live kick-offs.


NAYFL will sponsor (cover registration fees up to $350) one team in the Senior and one team in the
Junior division to attend one tournament. Selection of the head coach and sponsorship of the team will
require board approval.


The division champion will be determined as described in Article 1, Section 10B.


The Board of Trustees will purchase 1st and 2nd place trophies for teams in both the Junior and Senior
Divisions. All other players and cheerleaders will receive a participation trophy.


Players outside of New Albany shall be permitted to play provided; however that priority shall be given
to any New Albany player (resident or New Albany school district) who registers by the registration
deadline. However, the following proof of age ( Both A and B) requirements shall be required prior to
the Draft.

A. A copy of players Report Card showing their Grade level and School Location.
B. A copy of the players Birth Certificate.



A. All commissioners, coaches, players, parents, and spectators will conduct themselves in a
distinguished, well-mannered character. “The Code of Conduct Standards” is displaying fairness,
respect, consideration of others, moral character ethical behavior, and good sportsmanship.
B. If a player or coach is removed from a game because of his/her behavior, the game officials shall
notify the league President or a Board of Trustee member. Both coaches will submit an oral or
written report of their knowledge of events leading to the expulsion, and submit it to the league
President with 24 hours. Appropriate action will be taken as outline in Section 3.
C. If a parent or spectator is asked to leave the premises, a report shall be submitted to the Board of
Trustees for appropriate action. If the parent or spectator can be identified with a team and refuses
to leave the premises, the coaches of said team will be told that the parent or spectator’s refusal to
leave the premises will result in a forfeiture of the game. If he/she does not leave, the game will
be forfeited.


A. Coaches are to place the emotional and physical well being of players ahead of personal desires.
B. Coaches will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and good sportsmanship.
C. Coaches will provide a safe and healthy playing environment. This means a drug fee, tobacco free,
and alcohol free environment.
D. Coaches will treat all others with respect regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or abilities.
E. Coaches will not use profanity, abusive language, derogatory statement, and/or gestures.


Violation of the “Code of Conduct Standards” and “Code of Ethics” will bring appropriate penalties
determined by the Board of Trustees.

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