1 - ch.2 - Childhood Years in Calamba
1 - ch.2 - Childhood Years in Calamba
1 - ch.2 - Childhood Years in Calamba
2.10. Boy Magician – magic-lantern 3.6. Daily Life in Biñan: almost Spartan in
exhibitions and manipulating Simplicity: “studied at 4AM & heard
marionettes Mass… returned home & went to the
orchard to look for a mabolo to eat”…
2.11. Lakeshore Reveries – Guardia Civil took breakfast… went to class …
caning and injuring unarmed villages returned at 10AM… back to school at
2PM and returned home at 5PM…prayed
2.12. Influences on the hero’s Boyhood: with some cousins… study time…
(1) Hereditary – Malayan (love for supper…”
freedom); Chinese (serious nature,
frugality, patience and love for children); 3.7. Best Student in School: beat all
Spanish – elegance of bearing and Biñan boys
gallantry to ladies; (2) Environmental –
scenic beauties of Calamba stimulated
3.8. End of Biñan Schooling: before Rizal to Ateneo; refused admission by Fr.
Christmas of 1870, was instructed by Magin Ferrando, Registrar, coz (1) late
sister Saturnina to board the steamer registrant, and (2) sickly & undersized
Talim to go to Calamba; prayed in the for his age… but was eventually
town Church and collected pebbles in the admitted due to the intercession by
river for souvenirs; left Biñan on Dec. 17, Manuel Xerez Burgos; used “Rizal” as
1870; taken care of by Dad’s friend surname coz “Mercado” had come under
Arturo Camps, a French suspicion by Spanish authorities
Ch. 6: IN SUNNY SPAIN (1882-1885) 6.9. Life in Madrid: Nov. 3, 1882, enrolled
6.1. Rizal’s Secret Mission: with in UCM Medicine and Philosophy &
Paciano’s approval… “to alleviate the Letters, took lessons in French, German
sufferings of my fellowmen. I realize that and English; he rigidly budgeted his
all this means sacrifices, and terrible money and time; attended Fil reunions at
ones.. I shall strive with fate, and I shall the house of Paterno brothers and visited
win or lose… God’s will be done” (quoted the home of former Manila mayor Don
by Austin Coates); to observe keenly the Pablo Ortiga y Rey on Sat evenings
life and culture, languages and customs,
industries and commerce, and 6.10. Romance with Consuelo Ortiga y
governments and laws of European Perez: A la Señorita C. O. y P.
nations… to prepare to liberate the
oppressed people from Spanish tyranny 6.11. Joined Circulo Hispano-Filipino in
Madrid and wrote “Me Piden Versos”
6.2. Secret Departure for Spain: Jesuit (They Ask Me for Verses) on Dec 31,
priests gave him letters of 1882; collected books
recommendation to the Society in
Barcelona; used the name “Jose 6.12. First Visit to Paris (June 17-Aug 20,
Mercado”, a cousin from Biñan; boarded 1883): visited famous sites: mistaken as
Spanish steamer Salvadora, May 3, 1882 a Japanese; “costliest capital in Europe”
6.3. Singapore: 16 passengers – the only 6.13. Rizal As a Mason: met prominent
Filipino; befriended by ship captain personalities, e.g., Miguel Morayta, Pi y
Donato Lecha of Asturias; saw statue of Margal, et al; joined Lodge Acacia in
Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (founder of March 1883 “to secure Freemasonry’s
Singapore) aid in his fight against the friars in the
Philippines”; transferred to Lodge
6.4. From Singapore to Colombo: French Solidaridad (Madrid) as Master Mason
steamer Djemnah left Singapore (with Mr on Nov. 15, 1890; also of Le Grand
and Mrs Salazar, Vicente Pardo and Rizal; Orient de France in Paris on Feb. 15,
reached Point Galle then Colombo 1892
6.14. Financial Worries: drought and Tell (champion of Swiss Independence);
increased rentals in Calamba at Dresden, met Dr. Adolph B. Meyer and
heard Mass in a Catholic Church
6.15. Rizal’s Salute to Luna and Hidalgo:
1st Prize – Luna’s Spoliarium & 2nd – 7.9. Welcomed in Berlin’s Scientific
Hidalgo’s Christian Virgins Exposed to Circles: met Dr. Feodor Jagor, author of
the Populace Travels in the Philippines, and worked in
the clinic of Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger;
6.16. Involved in Student delivered Tagalische Verkunst (Tagalog
Demonstrations: “Viva Morayta! Down Metrical Art) to the Ethnographic Society
with Bishops!” – freedom of science and of Berlin
the teacher
7.10. Life in Berlin: (1) to master
6.17. Studies completed in Spain: ophthalmology, (2) further study
conferred Licentiate in Medicine by UCM sciences and languages, (3) observe
on June 21, 1884; studied Doctor of economic and political conditions, (4)
Medicine but did not present thesis nor associate with scientists and scholars,
paid corresponding fees, so no diploma; and (5) publish “Noli”; private lessons on
finished Licentiate in Philo and Letters on French idioms under Madame Lucie
June 19, 1885 (24th birthday) Cerdole
7.7. Attended the 5th Centenary of the 8.2. Viola, savior of the Noli; deleted the
Heidelberg University (Aug 6, 1886) chapter on “Elias and Salome” to cut
7.8. In Leipzig & Dresden: befriended cost
Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, historian, and Dr.
Hans Meyer, anthropologist at Leipzig;
translated into Tagalog Schiller’s William
8.3. Rizal suspected as a Frenchy Spy –
coz entered from Paris to Berlin and
visited rural folks