Dissertation On Earthquake Resistant Design
Dissertation On Earthquake Resistant Design
Dissertation On Earthquake Resistant Design
Engineers do not attempt to make earthquake proof buildings that will not
get damaged even during the rare but strong earthquake; such buildings
will be too robust and also too expensive. Instead the engineering
intention is to make buildings earthquake-resistant; such buildings resist
the effects of ground shaking, although they may get damaged severely
but would not collapse during the strong earthquake. Thus, safety of
people and contents is assured in earthquake-resistant buildings, and
thereby a disaster is avoided. This is a major objective of seismic design
codes throughout the world.
Design Philosophy
Among all disasters that can take place, earthquake has the maximum
loss of life and limbs. Tremendous loss of property, especially buildings
is caused, leaving a large mass of population shelter less. Buildings as
badly damaged as this require demolition.
Our heritage connects us with our ancestors and give a sense of pride
and belongings. The new structures can be often rebuilt but the loss of
heritage is a huge loss. Since the reconstruction is difficult as well as
the very sense of it being built historically is lost forever.
The healthcare center where everyone looks for healing, itself looking
for health touch is the sad scene during earthquakes. These type of
facility needs to be given extra level of earthquake protection. Since
healthcare buildings have to play a major role in case of catastrophe,
additional care is needed in their design. Seismic code provisions
require these buildings to be designed for higher levels of earthquake
Effects of Earthquakes
In a comprehensive design approach, it should be recognized that
damage to structures and facilities may result from different seismic
effects. These effects can be classified as ‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’ (or
Consequential) as follows:
Direct Effects:
The effects of earthquakes include, but are not limited to, the following:
Soil liquefaction
Human impacts
I. Masonry
III. Steel
A structure might have all the appearances of stability, yet offer nothing
but danger when an earthquake occurs. The crucial fact is that, for safety,
earthquake-resistant construction techniques are as important as quality
control and using correct materials.
To minimize possible losses, construction process should be organized
with keeping in mind that earthquake may strike any time prior to the
end of construction. Each construction project requires a qualified team of
professionals who understand the basic features of seismic performance
of different structures as well as construction management.
Adobe structures
One half of the world's population lives or works in the buildings made of
earth. Adobe type of mud bricks is one of the oldest and most widely used
building materials. The use of adobe is very common in some of the
world's most hazard-prone regions, traditionally across Latin America,
Africa, Indian subcontinent and other parts of Asia, Middle East and
Southern Europe.
Quality of construction.
Compact, box-type layout.
Seismic reinforcement.
Light-frame structures
Prestressed structures
Steel structures
For structural steel seismic design based on Load and Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) approach, it is very important to assess ability of a
structure to develop and maintain its bearing resistance in the inelastic
range. A measure of this ability is ductility, which may be observed in a
material itself, in a structural element, or to a whole structure.
Base Isolation
It is easiest to see the principle at work by referring directly to the most
widely used of these advanced techniques, known as base isolation. A
base isolated structure is supported by a series of bearing pads, which are
placed between the buildings and building foundation.
Now, if the same building is rested on the flexible pads that offer
resistance against lateral movements, then some effect of the ground
shaking will be transferred to the building above. If the flexible pads are
properly chosen, the forces induced by ground shaking can be a few times
smaller than that experienced by the building built directly on ground,
namely a fixed base building. The flexible pads are called base-isolators,
whereas the structures protected by means of these devices are called
base-isolated buildings. The main feature of the base isolation technology
is that it introduces flexibility in the structure.
Spherical sliding isolation systems are another type of base isolation. The
building is supported by bearing pads that have a curved surface and low
friction. During an earthquake the building is free to slide on the bearings.
Since the bearings have a curved surface, the building slides both
horizontally and vertically. The forces needed to move the building
upwards limits the horizontal or lateral forces which would otherwise
cause building deformations. Also by adjusting the radius of the bearings
curved surface, this property can be used to design bearings that also
lengthen the buildings period of vibration
One of the most critical decisions influencing the ability of a
superstructure to withstand earthquake ground shaking is the choice of its
basic plan shape and configuration. The importance of a proper selection
of the superstructure configuration will be discussed and illustrated for the
case of building structures.
J109. Test set-up for studying the seismic
behavior of short column-spandrel deep
girder subassemblages.