6BI08 01 Pef 20100818
6BI08 01 Pef 20100818
6BI08 01 Pef 20100818
June 2010
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June 2010
Publications Code UA023568
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Biology 6B108
This was the first session for this paper, the international alternative to the individual
investigation for unit 6. Although it is impossible to mimic the assessment and learning possible
through the carrying out of an individual investigation we have tried to mirror the marking
criteria range as far as possible.
This paper achieved a full range of marks, particularly with question 3.
Candidates tended to score highly with question 2 where they had to present and analyse data
provided for them, but most scored relatively poorly on question 1 where they needed to rely on
their understanding of both the practical techniques and biological principles behind one of the
core practicals.
With question 3 some candidates struggled to identify what needed to be included in each
section of the section. Where possible examiners marked across sections to credit candidates
to who had demonstrated an understanding of what to plan in an investigation even if they had
included it in the wrong section. Just as in the main unit 6 reports key areas of weakness include
consideration of the value of preliminary work and how to analyse and evaluate data obtained.
In preparing for this paper candidates should have a good look at all of the core practicals in the
specification and make sure they understand the underlying biological principles being explored
as well as the practical techniques employed.
They should also read the criteria for the unit 6 practical biology and investigative skills carefully
and to get a good idea of the sort of things they need to consider when tackling a planning
question. Although they are not required to carry out a specific statistical test they you should
be aware of which types of test are appropriate for which types of data so they can plan to
collect sufficient data for analysis.
Biology 6B108
Question 1(a)
1ai. The majority of candidates came up with a suitable factor (normally temperature). While
many candidates were able to write a testable hypothesis, quite a few did not understand how to
formulate a hypothesis based on the dependent and independent variables.
1aii. Use of biological knowledge to explain the hypothesis was variable. A good number of
candidates were able to get all 3 marks using their knowledge of cell membrane structure.
However, a number of candidates were less sure about the cell membrane structure, particularly
in reference to lipids instead of phospholipids, but they managed to get some marks through
commenting on proteins in/on the membrane and their denaturation at high temperatures.
Quite a few candidates just related temperature to enzymes and denaturation without reference
to the cell membrane and equally a number of candidates just referred to temperature and
kinetic energy of molecules in relation to diffusion rather than the affect on the structure of the
This suggests that many candidates may not have understood what was happening when they
covered this core practical during their course.
Examiner Comments
1ai. This candidate has identified a suitable factor and included the independent and dependent variable in the hy-
pothesis. Reference to a significant correlation alone would have been a weak response, but they go on to suggest
a clear trend. Ideally they should refer to what is measured in the investigation as their dependent variable, i.e.
the intensity of the colour of the solution (or similar).
1aii. This response clearly shows what part of the membrane is affected and explains how the alcohol affects it.
They also go on to explain the effect on permeability of the membrane and suggest a suitable trend that would be
Examiner Comments
This response scored two marks for ai) but no marks for aii).
Examiner Tip
In preparing for this paper candidates should have a good look at all of the core
practicals in the specification and make sure they understand the underlying
biological principles being explored as well as the practical techniques employed.
Biology 6B108
Examiner Comments
Examiner Tip
In explaining a hypothesis make sure that you are clear about what is being affected (in this case
the components of the cell membrane, causing the membrane to become more permeable and
allow the belatin pigment to leak out of the cell into the solution = the dependent variable) and
how it is being affected by the factor that is changing (the independent variable).
Biology 6B108
Question 1(b)
1bi. Most candidates successfully identified at least one variable to control and many got two. The
most common mistake here was using a vague term such as amount or size as a variable rather than
something that could be more precisely measured like volume, mass or surface area.
1bii. A number of candidates did not relate the control method to their answer in (i).
Those that stated size gained a mark if they stated using a cork borer and then cut the cylinder to a
stated length. However the name cork borer escaped some.
A lot of candidates gave a very general response to the last part of the question. They did not
understand that the answer had to relate directly to effect on the results.
Examiner Comments
Although size was not allowed, they did clarify length to salvage a mark for bi. Amount of water was too
vague for a second mark for the factors, but they were given credit in part (bii) for measuring the ‘amount’.
The explanation of the effect also reveals a common misconception that osmosis is the process involved. They
also fail to say how the colour intensity will be affected (e.g. decrease with increasing volume of water).
This response scored one mark for each part of the question.
Examiner Tip
Please note measuring volume with a measuring cylinder was just accepted here, but A level
candidates should know that this is insufficiently precise for most measurements of volume.
Biology 6B108
Examiner Comments
bi) size and amount were too vague, particularly as the size here relates to the beetroot cells!
bii) This response gets the mark for measuring the same volume of water with a pipette and going
on to successfully describe what would happen to the measurement of the dependent variable if the
volume had been increased.
This response scored no marks for part bi), but two marks for bii).
Biology 6B108
Question 1(c)
Many candidates did not understand the idea of systematic error.
Many candidates stated/identified the dependent variable and these, on the whole, referred to
calibration of the colorimeter to reduce a systematic error. However, a lot of candidates did not
stated/identified the dependent variable and consequently just listed general comments about
reducing errors in the investigation.
Examiner Comments
This response identifies the dependent variable and demonstrates a good understanding of systematic
errors in the context of this experiment, recognising that calibration, filter selection and rinsing will
all help to reduce systematic errors.
Examiner Comments
This is typical of many responses that focussed on better measurement of the independent or control
variables and did not therefore demonstrate an awareness of what a systematic error is.
Examiner Comments
This is another typical wrong response where candidates consider repetition as the way to reduce
errors, although this will often not reduce the effect of a systematic error.
Examiner Tip
Under Practical Biology Skills in the specification it states: ‘Possible systematic errors and random
errors in generating results are identified and explained.’
Candidates should therefore be supported in identifying systematic and random errors in their
practical work, particularly the core practicals identified in the specification.
Biology 6B108
Question 2(a)
A large number of candidates do not know that you have to have the words ‘no significant
difference’ (or similar) in a null hypothesis such as this. There was also a significant number of
candidates who compared the two variables in the hypothesis (altitude and number of red blood
cells in the blood) rather than comparing the two sets of measurements (number of red blood
cells in blood before and after mountain training).
Examiner Comments
This response correctly states a suitable null hypothesis for this investigation.
This response correctly states a suitable null hypothesis for this investigation.An example of a response
not worthy of the mark.
Examiner Comments
This response does not score the mark as it does not refer to 'no significant difference' rather than just
no effect.
Biology 6B108
Question 2(b)
This question was answered well by the large majority of candidates. However, the quality of
tables varied considerably. The main errors that lost candidates marks were with units in the
column headings and in a few cases the correct sign for the calculated differences.
Examiner Comments
A typical response that manages to meet all of the marks required for the question.
Examiner Comments
This illustrates one of the typical errors where the candidate has ignored the negative values
for the differences with candidates A and I.
Examiner Comments
This table has not displayed the required values stated in the question i.e. the raw data and
the calculated values for the differences. As a result the table is not suitable and the marks for
calculating the differences are not available.
Question 2(c)
Most candidates gained two marks for correctly understanding and applying the term anomalous
result. A few candidates lost marks by not explaining why they had decided a result was
anomalous, instead they provided biological explanations about what could have caused an
anomalous result e.g. disease.
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
This response was also worthy of full credit demonstrating that anomalous results are
any results that do not fit the general trend.
Biology 6B108
Question 2(d)(e)
2d. Almost all candidates produced the right calculation. The main error here was missing units. A
few candidates, incorrectly, gave answers to 3 or more decimal places, and a few made mistakes
in rounding down instead of up.
2e. The majority of candidates produced a good bar chart showing the results. Some missed out
‘mean’ when labelling the y axis or failed to give the units properly. Few candidates included
error bars, which are a useful addition when plotting means to show the range of results
obtained. A few candidates produced graphs of a very small, unsuitable, scale, or used very
awkward scales (e.g. going up 0.7 per 10 squares) often resulting in plotting errors.
Biology 6B108
Examiner Comments
This is an example of a good response scoring maximum marks for each section.
Biology 6B108
Examiner Comments
2d) The second difference has been calculated incorrectly, as they have chosen to exclude a couple of the
athletes from their calculation, without providing a clear justification.
2e) although we would allow an error carried forward for the graph, the second bar was still plotted
incorrectly and the axis should have been labelled as the mean number of red blood cells per litre of blood as
this is what has been plotted.
This response scores one mark (out of two) for 2d) and one mark (out of three) for 2e.
Biology 6B108
Examiner Tip
Follow the question directions carefully for calculations and make sure you remember to bring your calculator
into the exam.
When plotting graphs, chose a scale that will spread your data over the majority of the page, but use a simple
scale that uses the decimal paper to make plotting easier and quicker. Remember that you need to clearly show
that you have broken the axis between 0 and your next labelled data line if you are just plotting the top of the
data range to magnify the differences between the two sets of data (e.g. plotting 5.0 upwards). Finally make
sure axes are carefully labelled with a description of what the variable is and include the correct SI units.
Biology 6B108
Question 2(f)
The majority of candidates were able to interpret the significance of the calculated t value and
the critical value table at the correct significance/confidence level. However, the majority of
candidates only stated their conclusions in terms of the null hypothesis rather than a conclusion
for the investigation identifying what the effect of the altitude training actually is.
A very small number of candidates clearly did not understand the statistics at all, despite this
being a clear requirement of the specification for unit 6 (interpretation and evaluation).
Examiner Comments
This is an example of a typical response scoring all three marks where the candidate has
identified the effect of altitude training on the number of red blood cells, correctly interpreting
the results of the statistical calculation using 5% confidence levels.
Examiner Comments
This is an example of a typical response scoring two marks for correctly interpreting the results of the
statistical calculation using 5% confidence levels. However, they have failed to identify what the trend/
difference in the results caused by the altitude difference is.
Examiner Tip
This is typical of the majority of responses that only scored two of the three available marks.
Biology 6B108
Question 3
This question achieved a very wide range of marks with many candidates recognising the features
of a good investigation, but many candidates clearly did not know where to start or what to
3a. Many candidates did not understand this part of the question and wrote general statements
to do with the method.
Many candidates trotted out descriptions of how to do random sampling with quadrats without
relating it to the question in any coherent way.
Sometimes it was possible to confirm that the sampling was to compare the differences in yield
with difference in seed sowing density by looking at the answer to 3c.
Safety and ethical issues varied but were often vague. Insect bites, snake bites, plant allergies
and soil pathogens made up the bulk of the safety issues. Ethical issues were on the whole too
vague i.e. avoid damaging the environment or trampling plants/insects.
3b. There were some good responses to this part of the question. However, many candidates
clearly do not understand the value and purpose of preliminary work. Very few candidates
identified the need to determine an appropriate dependent variable.
3c. Many candidates had trouble with clearly defining a suitable dependent variable for the
investigation. Many were comparing differences in density of germinating seeds to the density
of sown seeds rather than percentage germination relative to sowing density. Few realised it
was a question of measuring something about the plant growth, for example, dry mass in g per
unit area. Describing differences in sowing density for an independent variable was usually
more satisfactory although many candidates did not provide specifics about planting the seeds
at different densities and too many students just referred to planting seeds their seeds ‘too far
apart’ and ‘too close together’ as their independent variable. Most candidates gained at least
two marks for identifying two variables which needed to be controlled but many candidates
failed to explain how to control them. Some gave details of how to measure a range of abiotic
factors without making it clear how doing this would help to cope with variation. Several
candidates wrote at length about variables to control and very little else so their method was
The quality of written communication was very variable. Many reports were disorganised and
some where very difficult to follow. The use of scientific vocabulary was variable. Spelling varied
considerably. Grammatical errors were due to the disjointed and bitty descriptions given by many
3d. Some candidates did not understand what was expected of this section and just used it to
finish the method here and put what they would measure etc.
Tables were often poor with correct headings missing. Means were often considered but not
always correctly. Graphs varied considerably. A number of candidates chose the correct format
for the data suggested from their table. A number of candidates chose the correct statistical test
for their data, t tests and Spearman’s rank being the main ones chosen. However many students
did not know which test was suitable for the data as they had presented and proposed statistical
tests that were inappropriate to what they were proposing to do e.g. suggesting a t-test for a
scatter diagram.
Biology 6B108
3e. Most candidates gained a mark for saying there were abiotic factors that were difficult to
control unless one used a greenhouse. Some of the better responses recognised other limitations
such as the effect of animals eating the seeds, that greenhouse conditions might not correspond
to those in the field and the difficulties of ensuring genetically uniform seed. Few scored all
three marks. A significant number of candidates referred to predators of the seeds.
Biology 6B108
Biology 6B108
Biology 6B108
Biology 6B108
Biology 6B108
Examiner Comments
This response achieved 3 marks (out of 3) for section a (although one mark came from the method
section), 2 out of 4 for section b, 10 out of 10 for section c, 4 out of 4 for section d and 2 out of 3 for
section e.
It helps to illustrate that covering general points regarding clear identification of variables (especially the
dependent and independent variable) and issues around the prior planning, analysis and evaluation of an
investigation can provide access to the majority of marks available.
Examiner Tip
Read the criteria for the unit 6 practical biology and investigative skills carefully and you will get
a good idea of the sort of things you need to consider when tackling a planning question like this.
Although you are not required to carry out a specific statistical test you should be aware of which
types of test are appropriate for which types of data so you can plan to collect sufficient data for
Biology 6B108
Biology 6B108
Biology 6B108
Examiner Comments
This response shows that the candidate understood several of the elements of investigation design, but failed
to flesh out the details, particularly in the main planning section. The dependent and independent variables
have not been clearly defined and as a result of the brief and disjointed style no credit for quality of written
response has been awarded.
3a Only just got 1 out of 3 marks available.
3b 3 out of 4 marks available.
3c 2 out of 10 marks available.
3d 0 out of 4 marks available.
3e 1 out of 3 marks available.
Grade Boundaries
Grade Max. Mark a* A B C D E N
Raw boundary mark 50 41 36 31 27 23 19 15
Uniform boundary mark 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18
Biology 6B108
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