Alcatel-Lucent Gsm/Gprs/Edge Radio Offering

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Radio Offering
An All-Inclusive Cost-Effective
Offering for your Current and
Anticipated Needs
Turn Challenges into Opportunities
The Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/ The Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/
EDGE Radio Offering can help you: EDGE Radio Offering provides a full
• Expand quickly while minimizing range of Global System for Mobile
site costs and the number of sites Communications (GSM) radio
to deploy access products, solutions and
services, customized to your specific
• Gain real competitive advantages,
constraints and deployment needs.
such as high quality of service
From pico coverage to macro
(QoS) and the ability to offer
coverage, indoor or outdoor deploy-
attractive new mobile services
ments, this network delivers general
packet radio service/enhanced data for
GSM evolution (GPRS/EDGE) data
services, including a unique optimi-
zation tool chain.

2 Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering

Turn Opportunities into Revenue
Alcatel-Lucent has set up more than multiple access (W-CDMA) or world­ In addition, you can significantly reduce
170 networks around the world. This wide interoperability for microwave your network operating costs using:
unique experience empowers the GSM/ access (WiMAX) by simply plugging in • Alcatel-Lucent Twin TRX
GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering, so you corresponding modules in your — offering a power consumption
benefit from maximum investment Alcatel-Lucent cabinets. of 40 to 60 percent lower
protection and easy evolution towards consumption than classic solutions
new technologies. The Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/ with a direct impact on the total
EDGE Radio Offering incorporates energy bill
No hardware modifications are advanced technologies and delivers a
• Alcatel-Lucent 9153 Operation
required on any of your radio sites fast return on your investment (ROI).
& Maintenance Center Radio
when introducing GPRS, EDGE and You can now introduce new mobile
GERAN Evolutions. In addition, you services and differentiate from your • Alcatel-Lucent optimization tools
can easily upgrade your network from competition at a minimal investment.
GSM to wide band carrier division

Optimize Your Network Investment

Alcatel-Lucent GSM Products help you optimize the trade-off
between coverage and capacity to minimize the number of
sites you need.

Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering 3

Alcatel-Lucent Offerings can Reduce by
30 percent the Number of Required Sites
Reduce the Number [Tx] diversity), with sensitivity up Figure 1. Increased Performance of Uplink and
Downlink Paths to Reduce the Number of Sites
of your Radio Sites to –121dBm (in urban area with
you Deploy
The higher the radio performance, four-way receive [4-way Rx] diversity).
the fewer sites you need, and the As an example, the Alcatel-Lucent
Higher Output Power
higher the QoS you can offer to offering enables you to reduce the
your customers. Whatever your number of sites to deploy in rural
environmental/climatic (rural or areas by more than 30 percent.
urban, indoor or outdoor) and site
constraints, Alcatel-Lucent has the Benefit from Fully
solution to fit your specific needs. Scalable Solutions
Higher Sensitivity
When voice and data traffic gets
The Alcatel-Lucent 9100 Base heavy, the Alcatel-Lucent 9100
Station GSM/EDGE (BTSs) Base station GSM/EDGE supports
support all frequency bands and up to 24 transeivers: a one-cabinet
extreme climatic conditions, with solution even for very dense areas.
a temperature range from – 45°C to Both indoor and outdoor upgrades
+ 55°C without an air-conditioning are performed without service
system. Various transceiver output interruption. And a large set of
powers are available, including high capacity features enable network
power (60 W) and very high power customization.
(up to 175 W using transmission

4 Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering

The Alcatel-Lucent 9130 Base Station
Controller and the Multi-BSC Fast
Packet Server (Packet Control Unit)
Evolution (also called 9130 BSC/MFS
Evolution) is based on an Advanced
Telecom Computing Architecture
(ATCA). As an innovative platform
based on compact hard­ware, the 9130
BSC/MFS Evolution offers:
• Site costs reduction with a Optimize Performance up unit. Components easily integrate
compact design — only one The full range of Alcatel-Lucent base in all outdoor versions to enable
rack with two sub racks; stations support a unique common efficient microwave or satellite
ATCA-based set of three GSM modules, enabling backhauling, and offer optimum
• High capacity — up to 2800 a drastic reduction of spare-parts solutions for external power supply,
transceivers and more than management and OPEX: such as solar panels.
12,000 Erlangs in one rack
• Transceiver module (TRX) The innovative and compact Alcatel-
• High flexibility and support for Lucent 9125 Compact Transcoder
diverse network configurations, • Antenna network combiner has an astounding capacity of up to
— You can mix base station (ANC) — ensures the combiner 192 A interfaces and up to 5600
controllers (BSCs) and the packet and duplexer functions erlangs, making it ten times more
control unit for GPRS/EDGE in • Station unit module (SUM) compact than other leading models.
the rack, and one or two BSCs in — ensures the control functions
the rack of the base station Moreover, all Alcatel-Lucent GSM
• Reduced OPEX — minimum radio access products are fully
power consumption, minimum Get the most from your radio sites IP-ready, in response to new market
footprint reducing site rentals with a unique range of all-in-one trends toward IP transformation.
• Time-to-market advantage — equipment. All Alcatel-Lucent base
IP and GERAN-evolution ready stations can integrate a battery back-

Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering 5

Deployment: Smooth, Fast and Seamless
Easy Installation and Evolution
With the Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering, installation
is quick, reliable and cost effective. You don’t need highly-skilled personnel
because the design is modular, easy to configure and lightweight. Each new base
station module is recognized automatically as soon as it’s plugged in.

Portfolio Product Feature

Alcatel-Lucent base stations Expandable hardware and fully scalable, up to 24

transceivers per cabinet with the Alcatel-Lucent Twin
TRX. Ready to support GSM, GPRS, EDGE, all GERAN
evolutions, and IP Transport
Alcatel-Lucent 9130 BSC/MFS Evolution GSM, GPRS, EDGE and all GERAN evolutions,
Easy to plug into the Alcatel-Lucent Base Station
and IP readiness
Alcatel-Lucent 9125 Compact Transcoder Adaptive MultiRate (AMR) and Tandem Free
Operation (TFO), and IP readiness
Alcatel-Lucent 9153 Operation & Maintenance Run an entire region with up to 20,000 transceivers
Center Radio

Further, you can introduce GPRS/EDGE/GERAN evolution data services

smoothly and easily with no hardware upgrade.

6 Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering

Smoother Operations
Put your Network at your Fingertips
Network operations and maintenance (O&M) should not distract you from
focusing on your customers. The fully scalable Alcatel-Lucent 9153 Operation
& Maintenance Center Radio offers you a smooth, predictable, simple and
cost-effective way to run your voice and data network.

The Alcatel-Lucent Toolchain

With Alcatel-Lucent products your network is under constant monitoring
to ensure the best QoS to your end users. The Alcatel-Lucent Optimization
Toolchain complements the 9153 OMC-R, enabling efficient monitoring,
checking, diagnosing and tuning of the network.

Alcatel-Lucent 9156 Radio Network Optimization Tool

From day one, you get all of the support you need to optimize your GPRS/
EDGE network. Since 1997, the 9156 RNO tool has successfully helped
operators optimize their GSM networks. Today, the 9156 RNO tool provides
the same benefits for GPRS/EDGE. Its checking feature enables you to ensure
correct parameter settings on the whole network, and you can monitor,
diagnose and tune the GSM QoS by looking at in-depth reports for all
indicators available in the numbering plan area (NPA database).

Alcatel-Lucent 9156 RNO Snapshot

Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering 7

Figure 2. Expected Operating Expense Savings with the RNO Application Modular and Scalable Tools
The Alcatel-Lucent Optimization Toolchain is modular
and scalable as your network grows. It allows you to capitalize
on your own expertise and methods by providing custom­
45% Saved
ization facilities. For example, users can create their
own reports. This tool is already used today by more than
Tuning 5% 60 mobile operators worldwide.

15% Save on your Everyday Costs

Transmission can account for up to 30 percent of your
Diagnosis 15%
Recovering operating expenses. The Alcatel-Lucent portfolio gives
you a complete choice of options for integrated A-bis
transmission — twisted pair, microwave, xDSL, IP/
Ethernet or satellite. — enabling you to select the
best and most cost-effective solution for your network.
Alternatively, you can leverage Alcatel-Lucent
experience and expertise to optimize your network
with our field-proven Alcatel-Lucent services offering —
as many of our customers do.

8 Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering

Add EDGE —
Boost your Bit Rate
at Minimal Cost

Drive Mobile Data

Services Usage
The Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/
EDGE Radio Offering can be tailored
to your network to offer a flexible,
scalable and cost-effective solution
to help you meet the high demand
for mobile data services.

Inside: Mobile Data Services
The Alcatel-Lucent approach offers
you top-quality services to deliver the
Differentiate from your Competition speed you need, now. There’s no need
to make hardware changes to your
Satisfy your Customers, Generate New Revenue Opportunities base station infrastructure. You can
In a fiercely competitive market, you must offer subscribers the quality and the just add the 9130 Multi-BSS Fast
services they really want. You must differentiate yourself from your competition Packet Server (MFS) Evolution,
to offer customers a good reason to stick with your network. The Alcatel- comprising all GPRS/EDGE/
Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering can help you attain these capabilities GERAN Evolution-specific
in a way that is both cost-effective and easy for you to implement. hardware and functions.

Enhance the Quality of your Service

Call accessibility and retainability are important to your customers. The
Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering provides you expertise
that can increase your capacity while improving QoS to your customers.

Alcatel-Lucent Voice Quality Program

Our Voice Quality Program offers several key benefits, including:
• High call quality, managed transparently by the network
• An easy way for you to enhance end-user satisfaction, and your image,
reducing churn

In addition, all main features, including those in the following table,

are introduced through software upgrades only.

Feature Benefit

Adaptive MultiRAte (AMR) and Wide Band AMR Delivers wire-line speech quality even under very
bad radio conditions
Tandem Free Operation (TFO) Provides better voice quality for mobile-to-mobile calls

Alcatel-Lucent 9130
BSC/MFS Evolution

Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering 9

Since 2001, all Alcatel-Lucent Integration Expertise Climb the Broadband
standard transceivers have the To enable you to develop and enrich Wireless Ladder
hardware capability to support your voice and Internet services, To go mobile with multimedia,
not only GSM and GPRS, but Alcatel-Lucent offers a full range Alcatel-Lucent offers W-CDMA and
also EDGE. So when you want EDGE of applications and platforms, WiMAX modules that can plug into
on air on an Alcatel-Lucent radio encompassing your needs for calling, any existing Alcatel-Lucent Base
access network, a simple software messaging, multimedia content, Station. These modules can co-exist
download is all that’s required. In payment, mediation, use profile in the same cabinet with your existing
addition, Twin TRX is able to support and location. GSM modules and can help upgrade
GERAN Evolutions. your network from 2G to 3G or
In addition, Alcatel-Lucent can WiMAX smoothly and painlessly.
On the core network side, all you provide you with applied solutions The Alcatel-Lucent 9100 Base Station
need is a simple software upgrade to integration, supporting your business GSM/EDGE offers unique, multi-
enhance system capability to EDGE. through a full set of services in GSM/ standard capacity and can host any
GPRS/EDGE turnkey projects and of the following:
vertical solutions. • 24 GSM/EDGE transceivers
• 3x4 GSM/EDGE transceivers +
Alcatel-Lucent can address many
of your business segments, such as
corporate voice, short message service
(SMS) premium, multimedia messag­
ing service (MMS) premium, location-
based services, gaming, video and

Alcatel-Lucent Twin TRX

10 Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering

The Alcatel-Lucent Advantage
• Leading 2G radio offering
• High level of investment protection: All equipment
is ready to support IP and all GERAN Evolutions
• Easy and cost-effective operation to optimize your total
cost of ownership: The Twin TRX module offers you
a power consumption reduction that is thirty to fifty
percent lower than other top macro solutions, therefore
reducing your associated CAPEX and OPEX (power
supply and backup equipment, and total energy bill),
The Alcatel-Lucent EDGE-
and enabling deployment in areas where power supply ready infrastructure is already
is scarce.
• Extensive coverage at a lower cost: While maintaining deployed in more than 170
QoS and data services support, Alcatel-Lucent GSM
products provide extensive coverage to reduce the networks worldwide.
number of radio sites you need by up to 30 percent —
minimizing your network investment.
• High modularity and capacity: Alcatel-Lucent GSM
products offer the capacity to support up to 24 TRXs
per outdoor or indoor BTS cabinet, and up to 2800
TRXs in one rack for the BSC.
• Interoperability with all existing network elements.

Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering 11
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