Alcatel-Lucent Gsm/Gprs/Edge Radio Offering
Alcatel-Lucent Gsm/Gprs/Edge Radio Offering
Alcatel-Lucent Gsm/Gprs/Edge Radio Offering
Radio Offering
An All-Inclusive Cost-Effective
Offering for your Current and
Anticipated Needs
Turn Challenges into Opportunities
The Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/ The Alcatel-Lucent GSM/GPRS/
EDGE Radio Offering can help you: EDGE Radio Offering provides a full
• Expand quickly while minimizing range of Global System for Mobile
site costs and the number of sites Communications (GSM) radio
to deploy access products, solutions and
services, customized to your specific
• Gain real competitive advantages,
constraints and deployment needs.
such as high quality of service
From pico coverage to macro
(QoS) and the ability to offer
coverage, indoor or outdoor deploy-
attractive new mobile services
ments, this network delivers general
packet radio service/enhanced data for
GSM evolution (GPRS/EDGE) data
services, including a unique optimi-
zation tool chain.
Inside: Mobile Data Services
The Alcatel-Lucent approach offers
you top-quality services to deliver the
Differentiate from your Competition speed you need, now. There’s no need
to make hardware changes to your
Satisfy your Customers, Generate New Revenue Opportunities base station infrastructure. You can
In a fiercely competitive market, you must offer subscribers the quality and the just add the 9130 Multi-BSS Fast
services they really want. You must differentiate yourself from your competition Packet Server (MFS) Evolution,
to offer customers a good reason to stick with your network. The Alcatel- comprising all GPRS/EDGE/
Lucent GSM/GPRS/EDGE Radio Offering can help you attain these capabilities GERAN Evolution-specific
in a way that is both cost-effective and easy for you to implement. hardware and functions.
Feature Benefit
Adaptive MultiRAte (AMR) and Wide Band AMR Delivers wire-line speech quality even under very
bad radio conditions
Tandem Free Operation (TFO) Provides better voice quality for mobile-to-mobile calls
Alcatel-Lucent 9130
BSC/MFS Evolution