2010, November 22

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     !Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Richard Smith, Jillian Perry,
James Savage, Mayor Walter Reed, Dolores Moyer and Chief Gill

The special meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

"  #

Richard/Amanda Opp, Bob Simmons

=V Automated Red Light Enforcement Smith said grant does not allow for studies but they are
necessary for a grant application to be submitted.
=V PPL Energy Efficiency Rebates
=V Approve equipment purchase for loader ± tabled
=V Appointment to the Water Authority replacing Mike Bieber who moved outside of the Borough.
Smith moved to nominate Ed Budman, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.
=V Appointment to Hughesville Wolf Authority effective 1/01/2011 ± Mook moved to nominate
Marlin Heilman and Richard Mausteller, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.
=V DEP ± Possible water re-designations requesting input from municipalities.
=V Point & Click Media redesign website ± tabled until a later demonstration can be made.
=V 2011 Budget work session

 &''Smith moved, Perry seconded. Motion passed

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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