October 10
October 10
October 10
Guests and Visitors: Alyssa Murphy (Sun-Gazette) Approve Agenda: October 10, 2011 Mook moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: September 26, 2011 Savage moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed. Solicitors Report: None Police Report: Gill said that the most cost effective cruiser purchase would be a 2012 Dodge Charger from New Holland Auto Group for $23,823 and an anticipated $4,000 - $5,000 from Keystone Communications for equipment. Smith moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. The chief said the last new cruiser was purchased in 2008. Mayors Report: Reed said that he would be reviewing emergency management related to the flood with the fire department and other emergency personnel; if you have any suggestions or would like to attend it will probably take place next Tuesday or Thursday. Public Works Report: Leaf pickup will probably start around November 1st. Water Report: Smith said the water boil restriction was lifted last week; all water tests came out good. Zoning Report: Code Inspections, Inc. Citations were filed for Kepner and Ream; letters citing Eddinger and Zeisloft for high grass and weeds. East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes Treasurers Report:
General Fund - Check# 7179-7202 $ 119,258.67 Payroll - Direct Deposit 30,406.54 ACH Debits 21,404.45 Burns moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. It was suggested that we contact Lycoming County Resources to see if we can get an extension on the payment for flood damage disposal.
Borough Secretary: Moyer said a fire census form needs to be filled out and sent to the insurance company so that they are up to date on the areas of service provided by the department. Mook said he will check on it. Business:
Review flood expenses Resolution 3 of 2011 Elimination of employee contributions to police pension fund. Smith moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. FYI - Shultz v. Hughesville Borough has been resolved Letter from Auditor General regarding future pension allocations. The formula was changed allowing for 18 months this year but will revert back to a 12 month calculation for 2012. Copy of ad Seitel, Inc seismic testing; the ad will appear in the East Lycoming Shopper for the next 2 weeks. Resolution designating an agent for Fema: Borough Andrew Mook - Burns moved, Savage seconded. Motion passed. Water Richard Smith Mook moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed.
Finance Committee would like to have some proposed budget figures for the next meeting.