GBR 5 - Sample Technical Training
GBR 5 - Sample Technical Training
GBR 5 - Sample Technical Training
Training Session
Vésteinn Hafsteinsson
The Swing
1. Find your comfortable stance.
2. Make sure the low point of discus is straight in front of you.
3. Keep feet fixed during the backswing.
4. Weight is shifted from left to right, but is mostly centered
between feet.
5. Shoulders are leveled at all times.
6. Make sure hips are strong and stable.
7. Arm is loose.
8. Breath in at the end of the backswing.
9. Separation between arms is very important.
10. Head follows Shoulders.
The Turn
1. Start turn on left foot when the discus is comfortably
extended backwards.
2. Turn the left foot. Do not roll around it. Stay high on
your toe.
3. Right foot stays fixed.
4. Create a reverse V position in the back of the circle.
5. Get on the toe of the right foot and thrust the hip out.
6. Lift the right leg slightly up at the back of circle.
7. Lead with the inside of the right thigh.
8. The left knee goes down towards the circle.
9. Go around the hip axis.
The Sprint
1. Left shoulder axis with left foot turn and wide right leg.
2. Go slightly backwards into the sprint, standing C position
3. Head follows shoulders, keep it a little back.
4. Get off the left automatically, be squared, right foot down.
5. Get a natural reaction of the left arm in relation with
getting off the left foot.
6. Stay high on your toe on the left foot.
7. Thrust your hip forward with a wide right leg.
8. Left leg moves quickly in an automatic fashion toward the
front of the circle.
9. Keep right arm down in the sprint face. Lift it up so it is
highest in the power position when aligned with the left
The Power Position
1. Land with arm back and high point towards the left
sector line.
2. Left arm slightly bent and in front of you.
3. Left foot lands open with the whole sole of the shoe in
the ring.
4. Right foot high on the ball of the foot.
5. The reverse position is created here within legs in a
dynamic position.
6. Look horizontal.
7. Hip is under you, no breaking.
8. Second sink.
The Release
1. The release should be automatic.
2. Release Torque and tension.
3. Maximum speed is most important at the moment of
4. Right foot/leg turn and push, in that order, is the most
important factor.
5. Hit the brick wall with your left side.
6. Fight the reverse by turning right foot and stopping left
7. Discus is kept away from body.
8. Push forward with right foot/leg, and up with left leg.
9. The Reverse happens as late as possible.