Yoga of Perfect Sight - Agarwal

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The book discusses techniques for improving eyesight through yoga and meditation practices. It includes letters from Sri Aurobindo about eyesight and yogic vision.

The book is a collection of articles by Dr. R.S. Agarwal on improving eyesight naturally without glasses or surgery. It discusses practices like central fixation, sun treatment, palming, and relaxation. The last chapter includes letters from Sri Aurobindo on eyesight and yogic vision.

Sri Aurobindo says lights or rays of light seen during meditation indicate the higher consciousness working in the being. They can signify movement or action of inner forces, with the sun representing the inner truth.








First Edition: 1971
Second Edition (Revised and Enlarged): 1974
Third Edition (Facsimile): 1977
Reprinted: 1979, 1983, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995


This book is a collection of articles written by my father,

Dr. R. S. Agarwal. Most of the articles were first published
in Mother India, a monthly journal of Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry. The last chapter includes letters of Sri Aurobindo
about eyesight and Yogic vision.
The author has added some more experiences in this new

DR. J. AGARWAL M.B., B.s., D.o.M.s.

ISBN 81-7058-209-1
©Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 1979
Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department
Printed at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry



Introductory I
Discoveries of Dr. Bates
Central Fixation 9
Sun treatlnent 9
The eye and camera IO
Eye testing II
Care of eyes: a dialogue 13
Art of seeing 17
Eye strain and eye education I9
Eye troubles 20
Eye education by central fixation 2I
Proper use of the eyes 22
Sun treatment and palming 25
Long .and short swing 27
Prevention of myopia in schools 28
Medical examination of the ey~ 29
Superstition and eye education 29
Relax and see 32
Questions and answers 35
Fundamental Principle of treatment 40
Favourable conditions 40
Demonstrate 42
Candle practice 42
Useful hints in reading 44
Shifting Astigmatism relieved by eye education 99
Circular swing Questions and Answers 101
Imagination essential to sight 46 CHAPTER 7
Optical Illusions 49 Squint and amblyopia 106
Relief from blindness 50 Double vision 108
Questions ·and Answers 53 A Student's palming composition 109
CHAPTER 4 Blindness or Amblyopia 110
Myopia and Hypermetropia 56 Suggestions 112
Headache 58 Permanent improvement 113
See things moving Eye strain during sleep 114
Memory swing 6o How my blind eye got cured 114
Mental pictures 61 A case of hysterical amblyopia 116
Glaucoma and stare 62 Cure of Squint 119
Hypermetropia 64 Questions and Answers 121
Questions and Answers 66 CHAPTER 8
CHAPTER 5 Eye troubles in old age - Presbyopia 124
Treatment of Myopia 70 A case of presbyopia 126
Variations in Eyesight 72 Cataract 128
Vision and education Questions and Answers 130
Eye education 76 Cataract and eye education 132
School children 78 Questions and Answers 134
A case of Myopia and Nystagmus So CHAPTER 9
Myopia cured without personal assistance 82 Limits of vision 138
Questions and Answers 82 Concentration and relaxation 140
CHAPTER 6 How to concentrate 142
Astigmatism 88 Practical suggestions 143
Improve your sight 90 Brain tension 144
Fine print Diseases of the retina 145
Photographic type Reduction Facts reconciled 146
Good eyesight Floating specks 147
A case of Astigmatism Threatened blindness 148
Report Retinitis Pigmentosa 150
Questions and Answers I5I
Seven truths of normal sight I 53
Blinking education I 54
Proper Use ofthe eyes I 55
I 56 Almost every eye specialist of the world believes that for re- .
Different ways of Sun treatment
fractive errors there is not only no cure but practically no pre-
Short notes on palming I 57
I 58 ventive also. From such a belief any rational mind will con-
Candle practice
clude that science is in a very imperfect stage. What some
Alternate exercises after palming I 59
I60 writers on Ophthalmology wrote two hundred years back about
Games of eyesight
I6I the incurability of the refractive ailments, is continuing as
Treatment chart
I62 a dogma even today, in the days of advanced science. We are
School for Perfect Eyesight
164 so much hypnotised by the assertions of the old authorities that
Exhibition on eye education
I65 we do not care to make any experiment or do some research
Art of Writing
I67 on the subject. And if anyone comes forward to say that
See the Natural Way
I69 cases of errors of refraction can be improved without glasses,
Go to the Movies
I7I we begin to doubt and without any study discard his explana-
Questions and Answers
tion. Such is the condition of our mind which is supposed to
CHAPTER II be scientific. A scientific mind is always open to admit a
Eye Hygiene I74 truth or a fact.
Why eyes fail to see I75 The old writers tell us that the visual organ of man was
Relief of pain I76 never intended for the uses to which it is put now. In the early
A case of Squint I77 ages there was no school, no printing press, no electric light
A case of Night blindness I79 and no moving pictures. In those days the eye served the
A case of Glaucoma I83 needs of the human animal perfectly·. Man was a hunter, a far-
A case of high Compound Myopia 185 mer, a fighter; he needed only distant vision for which no
Story from the clinic 187 muscular action was required. It is in near vision that some
Optician and the doctor I88 muscular action is required to correct the focusing, but at
The divine eye 19I that time the use of eyes for near was rare and of very short
Synthesis I95 duration.
Perfection in eyesight 197 When man learned how to communicate his thoughts to
CHAPTER I2 others by means of written and printed forms, there came
Letters of Sri Aurobindo .. . 202 some undeniably new demands upon the eye, affecting at first
only a few people but gradually including more and more, and
now in the most advanced countries the great mass of the :odation. '!"he eye adjusts its focus for different distances just
population suffers from defective vision. Since the tallow e a ~am~ra, by a change in the length of the organ, and this
alteration IS brought about by the act'ton of t he external eye
candle has been displaced by the various forms of artificial
.lighting and the moving pictures have come in to use, almost muscles
· called
. oblique
. muscles · We mentJ'on h ere some very
every one suffers from some form of refractive error. Important dtscovenes by Dr. Bates regarding the refractive
The prevailing method of treatment for the errors of refrac- error.. The ~odern ophthalmologists should study these dis-
covenes and tf necessary repeat Dr Bates . .
tion is by means of compensating lenses. But very little has . . · expertments as hts
work needs further mvestigation.
ever been claimed except that these contrivances neutralise the
effects of the various conditions for which they are prescribed
Discoveries of Dr. Bates
as a crutch enables a lame man to walk. In the case of myopia
Dr. Sidler Huguenin expresses the opinion that glasses and I. Myop~a and hypermetropia could be produced at
all methods at our command are "of but little avail" in peven- 2 M will.
. . yopta w~s not caused by reading but by a strain to see
ting either the progress of the error of refraction or the develop- dtstant obJects.
ment of the very serious complications with which it is often 3· Strain at the near .point caused hypermetropia.
associated. 4· No error· of refractiOn was ever a constant condition.
This incurability of errors of refraction is based on the 5· ~ower degrees of errors of refraction were curable while
theory that the eye changes its focus for vision at different htgh~r degrees could be improved.
distances by altering the curvature of the lens. And both 6. Readmg fine print when it can be done without any dis-
myopia and hypermetropia are supposed to be permanent comfort proves extremely beneficial.
conditions. ' 7· Preservatio~ of good eyesight is almost impossible without
While examining thirty thousand pairs of eyes, Dr. W.H. eye education and mental relaxation.
Bates, the pioneer Ophthalmologist of New York, observed
many cases of defective vision who recovered spontaneously, The most remarkable discovery o.f Dr. Bates ts
. :
or changed their form of ailment. Dr. Bates was unable either
to ignore these facts, or to satisfy himself with the orthodox FINE PRINT IS A BENEFIT TO THE EYES WHILE
explanations. It seemed to him that if a statement is a truth LA~GE PRI~H IS A MENACE. The reason is that while
it must always be a truth. If errors of refraction are incurable reading .fine prmt one sees a tiny area at a time, while in readin
they should never recover or change their form spontaneously. larg~ ~rmt one has to see a large area at a time and the e e feel!
In seeking for l,ight Dr. Bates undertook a series of observations stramt~ such an. attempt. Reading of fine print when itycan be
upon the eyes of human beings and lower animals, the results do~e wtthout discomfort, has invariably proved to be bene-
of which convinced him that the lens is not a factor in accom- ficial - and all the more if good light and candle light
used alternately. are


- Often 1t 1s surprising how quickly the vision begins to Definitions

improve by Dr. Bates, simple methods of eye education.
For example, a girl student of Sri Aurobindo International NORMAL VISION: is perfect sight at all distances. The
Centre of Education, whose eyesight had failed .b oth for Snellen test card is the standard for testing the vision. When
far and near, recovered normal eyesight in about a week's the twenty feet line of the card can be read at twenty feet or
time. And a teacher at the Centre, whose left eye had been further, and fine print can be read at six inches or less, one
blind since childhood, regained normal sight within two has normal vision.
months with regular eye exercises for about two hours a day. MYOPIA OR NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS: The vision for near
Almost all semiblind patients respond well to this treatment objects is good, while the distant vision is impaired.
and they can be saved from total blindness. •
Cases of high myopia, detachment of retina, macular HYPERMETROPIA OR FAR-SIGHTEDNESS: The sight
degeneration, optic atrophy, retinitis, early glaucoma, early is not so good at a near point as it is for more distant objects.
cataract, amblyopia, squint, retinitis pigmentosa etc., have
derived great benefit by the system of eye education and mental
imperfect when the patient tries to read fine print at a near
relaxation. Most of the cases suffering from severe headache
point. The distant vision may or may not be good.
are quickly relieved by resting the eyes and mind through
relaxation exercises. Inflammation of the eyes get much relief ASTIGMATISM: is an imperfect curvature of the eye.
by sun treatment. _ Usually the front part of the eye has a curve which is different
Strange as it may seem, Dr. Bates system of eye education from all the other curves.
is almost dead in the land of its origin - America - but it
CATARACT: is an opacity of the lens in the pupils, which
lives and grows in India. Dr. Agarwal's Eye Institutes in
interferes with good vision.
Delhi and Madras, and the School For Perfect Eyesight at
Pondicherry are working on Dr. Bates lines. MEMORY, OR IMAGINATION, is the ability to see or
We believe that all the systems of medicine and methods recall letters or other objects, when the eyes are closed or open.
of treatment have their utility. Hence for practical working
THE SNELLEN TEST CARD: has letters printed in
we have developed a synthesis so as to give most benefit to the
varying sizes. The smallest letter on the card is a measure of
eye patients. Such a synthesis has been explained in Mind
the vision.
and Vision and Secrets of Indian Medicine.
As there has been a considerable demand for a practical FINE PRINT: is one of the smallest types used in printing
book on eye education and perfect eyesight, an attempt has and helps to improve the vision if it is read every day.
been made to present the subject in a simple and interesting
BLINKING: is a short and gentle movement of the eyelids.
By W. H. Bates, M.D. Suggestions

I.Central Fixation is seeing 1. If the vision of the patient is improved under the care of
the doctor and the patient, when he leaves the clinic, neglects
best where you are looking. to practise what he is told to do at home, the treatment has
2. Favourable conditions: Light may be been of no benefit whatever. The improved vision was only
temporary. Faithful practice permanently improves the vision.
bright or dim. The distance of the print 2. If the patient conscientiously practises the methods, as
from the eyes, where seen best, also advised by the doctor, his vision always improves.
varies with people. 3· When a patient suffers with cataract, palming is usually the
3. Shifting: With normal sight the eyes are best method of treatment, and should be practised many
moving all the time. times every day.
4. Swinging: When the eyes move slowly or rapidly from 4· All patients with imperfect sight unconsciously stare, and
side to side, stationary objects appear to move in the should be reminded by those who are near them to blink often.
opposite direction. To stare is a strain. Strain is the cause of imperfect sight.
5. Long Swing: Stand with the feet about one foot apart, turn the
body to the right-at the same time lifting the heel of the left foot. 5· While sitting, do not look up without raising your chin.
Do not move the head or eyes or pay any attention to the apparent Always tum your head in the direction in which you look.
movement of stationary objects. Now place the left heel on the floor,
turn the body to the left, raising the heel of the right foot . Alternate. 6. Do not make an effort to see things more clearly. If you
6. Drifting Swing: When practising this swing, one pays no let your eyes :;1lone, things will clear up by themselves.
attention to the clearness of stationary objects, which appear to be 7. Do not look at anything lopger than a fraction of a second
moving. The eyes wander from point to point slowly, easily, or
lazily, so that the stare or strain may be avoided. without shifting.
7. Variable Swing: Hold the forefinger of one hand six inches from the right 8. While reading shift your head and eyes together from side
eye and about the same distance to the right, look straight ahead and move the head
a short distance from side to side. The finger appears to move. to side with gentle blinking.
8. Stationary Objects Moving: By moving the head and eyes a short distance
from side to side, being sure to blink, one can imagine stationary objects to be moving.
9· When you are conscious of your eyes while looking at
9. Memory : Improving the memorY of letters and other objects improves the objects at any time, it causes discomfort and lessens your vision.
vision for everything. xo. It is very important that you learn how to imagine sta-
10. Imagination: We see only what we think we see, or what we imagine. We
can only imagine what we remember. tionary objects to be moving, as you seem to observe while
11. Rest: All cases of imperfect sight are improved by closing the eyes and moving in a train.
resting them.
12. Palming: The closed eyes may be covered with the palm of one or both hands. II. Palming is a help, and I suggest that you palm for a few
13. Blinking: The normal eye blinks or closes and opens very frequently. minutes several times a day. To palm at bed-time induces
14. Mental Pictures: As long a$ one is awake one has all kinds of memories of good sleep.
mental pictures. If these pictures are remembered easily, perfectly, the vision is

Central Fixation on Om Chart

When the normal eye sees a thing, it sees only that part of
the thing best on which it fixes itself and the other parts are
not seen so well.
Shift the sight on the angular lines of Om chart. Note
that each line regarded appears best. While shifting the sight
from one line to another, move the head and sight together.
Blink at each comer.

Sun treatment and Dark Glasses

Most ophthalmologists prescribe dark glasses to all those

who suffer from the brightness of light and feel the glare while
walking about. This practice, in my opinion has been over-
done. A patient was practically blind in bright sunlight. He
went to a great many eye clinics and eye doctors and all they
did for him was to give stronger dark glasses. In time these
dark glasses did not give him any relief. Instead of being help-
ful to his weak eyes, the glasses had the effect of making
them more sensitive to the light than they had ever been before.
It has been my experience that almost all persons who wear
dark glasses sooner or later develop some eye trouble. The
human eye needs the light in order to maintain its efficiency.
The use of eye-shades and protections of all kinds from the
light is injurious to the eyes. For natural protection the eyelids
are there on the eyes. When the person keeps the lids moving
and does proper blinking the eyes do not feel any glare in
bright light.
Sunlight is as necessary to normal eye as are rest and relaxa-
tion. If it is possible, start the day by exposing the eyes to the
sun - just a few minutes at a time will help. Get accustomed

to the strong light of the sun by letting it shine on your closed or in man both rods and cones are present. The macula lutea
eyelids. It is good to move the head slightly from side to side is full of cones, there is no rod. The extreme end of the retina
while taking sun treatment, in order to prevent straining. One has only rods, there are no cones. In between both rods and
should not take too much sun treatment as the heat of the sun cones are present.
will cause discomfort. The eye is a sensory organ and functions without effort like
other sensory organs; as you hear or smell, so you see. When
The Eye and the Camera there is no effort to see, the function of the eye is normal and
the eye has perfect eyesight, the image is focused correctly on
The eye is an animate miniature photographic camera. It the retina. But the moment the normal eye makes an effort
has a lens, iris (diaphragm) and a retina or film for receiving to see, it ceases to be normal. So, there may be myopia, hyper-
the images. The normal eye never makes an effort to see. metropia with or without astigmatism.
The eye adjusts its focus from far to near just like the camera
by lengthening itself through the action of the oblique muscles.
This adjustment of the focus is called accommodation. So
we can say that in accommodation the eye-ball is lengthened.
The lens has nothing to do with accommodation, it does not
change its surface. It is only by an effort can one prevent the
eye from elongating at the near-point.
When the eye looks at 20 ft. or beyond without any effort
or strain, no adjustment is necessary; then it is said that the
eye is at rest. The shape of the eye-ball cannot be altered
during distant vision without strain.
But there is one great difference between the eye and the
camera, and that difference is in the film. The film of the
camera is equally sensitive in all its parts, but the retina of
the eye has a point of maximum sensitiveness, which is called
Central Spot or macula lutea. Due to this increased sensitive-
ness the eye sees best where it looks at, and this quality of the Eye Testing
eye is called Central fixation.
The retina has a layer of rods and cones. The cones work When a person presents himself for treatment, a record of
in light, while the rods work in darkness. A cock's eye has his name, age and address is to be made. Then one hears the
only cones, a bat's eye has only rods, but in the higher animals history and complaints of the patient and, if necessary puts
him a few cross-questions. The next procedure is to test to the smallest type which one can read. Suppose one reads
the distant vision on the Snellen Test Card without and with No. 4 of the Fundamentals at 9 inches with the right eye, then
glasses. Then the near sight is tested on the reading test write, R.E. F4 at 9 inches.
type without and with glasses. Such records of eyesight are to
be made from time to time during the course of the treatment. Care of Eyes: A Dialogue
They give the information of the improvement achieved. In
some cases the improvement is so unconscious that the patient Sarla is an intelligent girl. Her eyes are beautiful. She is
feels no improvement unless the records of vision are compared fond of music and knows the art of sewing. She is on a visit to
before him. the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and enjoys the peaceful atmosphere.
Her brother Ramesh is a young man of 25, his marriage is
Test of Distant Vision near. Sarla wants to stitch a suit for her brother. She has
bought a piece of silk from the Auro Silk House.
Place the Snellen Eye Testing Card at 20 feet (6 Metres) Every morning after her prayers in the Sri Aurobindo
distance in good light -at the level of the eyes. Read the chart Mandir she sits in the verandah to stitch the suit. After a few
with each eye separately, one eye being covered with the palm days she begins to feel a strain in her eyes and a pain in her
of the hand, avoiding any pressure upon the eyeball. The head. One day she has intense headache and the pain in her
vision is expressed in the form of a fraction, the numerator of eyes is so bad that she puts herself to bed. Her mother enters.
which corresponds to the number of feet separating the
patient from the chart, and the denominator to the number Mother - My darling, my darling,
written on the line read. If the sight is normal, the vision will How are you?
be equal to 20/20 or 6/6. This is expressed: D.V. (Distant My little one, my little one,
Vision) 20/20. If one reads the 200 feet line of the chart.with what pains you?
the right eye and the thirty feet line with the left eye, then
write R.E. 20j2oo; L.E. 20/30. If the sight is being tested Sarla - Ma, pain in ihe head,
at 10 feet, then the numerator will be 10. Pain in the eyes
Has put me to bed,
Test of Near Vision Forbids me to rise.

Test the sight on the Fundamental Reading Test Type. The mother directs Sarla to go to an eye doctor. The
Hold the test card at 9 inches. Read it with each eye, covering doctor examines Sarla's eyes carefully but finds nothing
the other with the palm of the hand. The vision is expressed wrong, yet he has prescribed glasses of plus 0.5.
by F (Fundamentals) followed by the number corresponding Sarla now stitches the cloth with her glasses on but after a
few days the headache and pain increase, her mother is greatly Doctor - How do you know?
worried, she requests her husband to take Sarla to Dr. Agarwal. Sarla- Our teacher, Mr. Joshi, told us in the class to do
Seth Ratanji is Sarla's father. He has arranged an appoint- palming for a few minutes every day. His eyes have been
ment with the doctor and brings the daughter to his eye clinic. greatly benefited by palming.
The nurse receives them. The doctor writes down her name Doctor - Look at the blackness of the top letter of this
and age and address and her complaint of pain and headache. chart or at the piece of black velvet placed on your pillow and
Sarla sits on the eye testing chair facing the eye chart which is then remember the black colour while palming. You will
at 20 feet distance from her eyes. then observe that it is all perfectly dark before your eyes.
Doctor - Read that chart with the right eye. Sarla- Yes, I see it is all perfectly dark before my eyes.
Sarla (Closing the left eye with the fingers)- Very well. Doctor - Continue palming for five minutes or till you feel
Doctor- Not this way, cover the eye with the palm without quite relaxed.
any pressure on the eyeball. Sarla (after palming)- Doctor, please, make me all right
Sarla (now covering left eye with the palm)- Yes, I can read soon, I have to stitch a suit for my brother.
up to 2 . Q C 0 G D E C quite clearly. Doctor- You will find yourself quite all right tomorrow.
Doctor (writing 20/20,)- Your right eye is normal. Now Sarla- Can you tell me, doctor, what is wrong with my
read with the left eye. eyes?
Sarla- Yes, 2 Q C line is quite clear. Doctor- Nothing wrong with your eyes except this that
The doctor then examines her eyes in the da!,'k room and somehow you have developed a wrong habit of sewing. You
finds no defect. He and Sarla are now in the palming room. don't blink, you don't move your sight with the movement
He puts her some questions. of the needle. Just see, I am showing you the right method
Doctor - Can you tell me, Sarla, how you get strain and of sewing.
pain in your eyes? Sarla - This is very easy, I can also do sewing like that.
Sarla - For some days I was stitching a cloth; it is at that (Sarla now does sewing in the right way, her sight moves with
time that the strain developed. the movements of the needle.)
Doctor- Can you do stitching in my presence? Here are Doctor - One thing very impo~ant I'll tell you.
the needle and thread. Sarla - What?
Sarla (after a little stitching)- Doctor, my eyes and head Doctor - Fine stitching and fine print reading are very
have become heavy. beneficial to the eyes.
Doctor- Leave it. I understand your trouble. Now make Sarla- But, doctor, a teacher of ours tells us that fine print
yourself relaxed. Close your eyes and cover them with the reading is harmful.
palms of your hands. Look, how I do it. Doctor - What is the age of this teacher?
Sarla (smiling)- This is palming. Sarla - About 40 years.

Doctor- Usually at this age one feels a strain in reading note in it. He feels very happy and sends this hundred rupee
fine print. That is why your teacher says so. But if one can note to the Divine Mother for Ashram expenses. He knows
make it a habit to read the same fine print daily, fine print that it is the Divine Grace that does miracles for his patients
reading will prove extremely beneficial. and that he is simply an instrument to give benefit to suffering
Sarla - Is there any book of fine print? humanity.
Doctor- Here is fine print; can you read it? It is a fact that most of the eye troubles and other discom-
Sarla- I can read it very well. Now please tell me some- forts of the head are due to wrong use of the eyes and lack of
thing practical for the good of the school children. relaxation. Mental relaxation is the key of success in life. If
Doctor - What is this in my hand? the students are taught ·how to read and write, how to see the
Sarla- Eye Testing Chart. cinema and do sewing, how to palm and read the chart, they
Doctor - Put the eye chart on the wall of each class room will be free from mental strain and ey_e troubles, and show
and let the children read it silently from their seats with both better progress all round.
eyes and with each eye separately, covering the other with the
palm of the hand. Children should also be educated to do ART OF SEEING
palming. This is enough to keep their eyes all right.
Sarla - This is quite pratical, it will need hardly 5 minutes. The School for Perfect Eyesight has developed a new
I will tell this fact to Mr. Joshi. technique called the 'art of seeing' for the cure of visual
Doctor - Those who have bad eyesight may read it four or defects. Two Oriya girls, xo-years old, studying in Sri
five times a day after palming. Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry,
Sarla - You said something about blinking. What is had developed a condition of semi-blindness (Amblyopia).
blinking? Their vision was found defective both for distance and
Doctor - The upper lid makes a short and gentle move- near without any apparent cause and the glasses did not help
ment; look at my eyes, see how I blink. them to see better. The teacher told us that the defective
Sarla - I understand. Look at my blinking. condition had developed after joining the school class. It is
Doctor - This is winking, not blinking. Again see how I important to note that when children begin to learn unfamiliar
blink. things, letters or a language, they usually suffer from little or
Sarla's father is greatly impressed by the doctor's knowledge more of eye strain and mental strain due to the unfamiliarity of
and kind talk. He puts a big note in an envelope and presents , the lines and figures and letters. It is at this stage that visual
it to the doctor along with the invitation to his son's marriage. defects usually start. And if children can be taught a few simple
Both Sarla and Seth Ratanji express their gratitude to the methods of eye education as blinking and palming etc., their
doctor and take leave. defects will soon fade away and they will be blessed with
Doctor Agarwal opens the envelope and finds a three figure perfect eyesight. Let me tell you how these two semiblind

girls were cured in fifteen minutes by the art of seeing CHAPTER II

"view-cards and pictures."
I taught these girls the art of seeing pictures with the mind EYE STRAIN AND EYE EDUCATION
completely relaxed. I gave a view-card depicting a colourful
picture of Taj Mahal to them. Soon the flatness began to I. First understand how to see with an effort and without

disappeal,' and the three-dimensional character of the picture effort. It is a subtle point. Let the image come by itself to the
was clearly perceived by the girls. With the mind relaxed, the eye, don't try to see. This is effortless seeing. The habit of
picture appeared so beautiful to the eyes that their minds got making an effort to see is called eye strain. The normal eye
deeply absorbed in seeing the Taj. They exclaimed, Lovely! ceases to be .normal as soon as it makes an effort to see.
Beautiful! the details of the picture were appearing sharply, 2. How to make an effort:

they were observing their vision getting improved. Then a. Look intently or fix your gaze at a letter on the Snellen
when they were asked to read the Snellen Eye Testing Chart Eye Chart at 20 ft. distance.
from 10ft and 2oft, they could easily read the normal line after b. Try to read the letters of the chart at 20 ft. when it is
a few attempts. They could also read the fine print which was placed in a dim light.
impossible before. Since then they are maintaining permanent c. Fix your gaze on a letter or a word at 10 inches.
improvement. Formerly defective vision of this nature in chil- d. Try to read when the book is placed in dim light.
dren was cured in about two weeks but now by the art of seeing 3· The strain to see at a distance causes lengthening of the
it was corrected in 15 minutes. Further experiments have eye-ball or myopia. Therefore, an effort to see at a distance
proved that this exercise of mind and eyes proves very helpful will cause short sightedness or we can say like this:
in the improvement of eyesight in almost all cases who can a. The normal eye will become myopic.
successfully do it. b. The hypermetropic eye will become less hyperme-
tropic or normal.
c. Myopic eye will become more myopic.
4· The strain to see at a near point causes shortening or
flat~ening of the eye-ball or hypermetropia. Therefore an effort
to see at a near point will cause hypermetropia or we can say
like this:
a. The normal eye will become hypermetropic.
b. The hypermetropic eye will become more hyperme-
c. The myopic eye will become less myopic or normal.
5· When there is an effort to see or when one strains, the


eye does not blink in a normal way, usual blinking stops, increase .the strain if it already exists in the person or can
or blinking turns into winking. Central fixation is disturbed, produce a tendency to strain. Many persons having bad health
the capacity to see best is lessened. The look of the patient's or having bad sexual habits do not suffer from myopia or
eye is changed; it usually indicates strain. other eye diseases. There are many others who have very
6. Seeing unfamiliar objects, such as a map, unknown good health and lead sane lives and yet suffer from myopia
handwriting or script, always causes strain. or other eye diseases. ·

Eye Troubles Treatment: -The remedy is not to avoid either near work
or distant vision, but to get rid of the mental strain which
Function of the Eye: -The eye is one of the sense organs underlies the imperfect functioning of the ~ye at both points;
and the act of seeing is passive. Things are seen just as they and it has been demonstrated in thousands of cases that this
are felt, or heard, or tasted, without effort or volition on can always be done. The eyes are made to see with, and if
the part of the subject. What we see through the eyes is when they are open they do ' not see, it is because they are
simply the mind's interpretation of the retinal image. under such a strain and have such a great error of refraction
Seeing is a complex process depending on five factors - that they cannot see. The eye should be trained to focus
object of seeing, organ of sight, sense function, interpretation correctly by central fixation, and to use themselves properly.
of mind and attention of mind. The eye without the mind will
mechanically photograph the image but will not interpret it. Eye Education by Central Fixation
The mind without the eye can imagine the images previously
seen, but will not tell you what you are seeing. Correct seeing Central Fixation: - The retina of the eye has a point of
must be a perfectly co-ordinated action between mind and eye. maximum sensitiveness called the "macula lutea" in medical
terms. The eye with normal sight, therefore, sees that part of
Cause of Defective Eyesight: - The cause of defective everything best on which it fixes itself, and ·the other parts
eyesight is staring or making an effort to see. By an effort to . not so well. This quality of the ,eye is called central. fixation.
see, the natural function of the eye is disturbed. If the eye Central fixation educates the eye to focus correctly. Central
stares at a distant object myopia is produced; and if th~ eye fixation is found defective in almost all abnormal conditions
stares at a near point, hypermetropia is produced. It is of the eye.
a false belief that reading fine print causes myopia; in fact To improve central fixation it is ne-cessary to take the h~lp
myopia is benefited by reading fine print. The cause of most of a Snellen Test Card. Take the card in your hand. Keep
of the other eye troubles is also the habit of staring. your sight just .below the letter 'C' on the white background.
Poor health and bad sexual habits are also supposed to be While keeping the sight below the letter, the whole of 'C' is
the cause of myopia but this is not so. These things can visible but the bottom part of 'C' appears more distinct than the

top part of 'C'. Now shift your sight to the. white background comes a little downwards to cover the pupil and is again
just above 'C' and note that the top part of 'C' has become raised. Wrong blinking is usually very irregular and jerky.
more distinct than the bottom part. In this way shift your Blinking is a quick method of resting the eyes and can be
sight three times from bottom to top and top to bottom of 'C'. done unconsciously all the. day long irrespective of what
Similarly practise on the smaller letters up to the sixth or one may be doing. It is interesting to observe the blinking
seventh line of the Snellen Test Card. If the part of the letter demonstration.
regarded does not appear best, close the eyes for half a minute Look at any letter. Stop blinking, note that the blackness of
and remember the black or white colour, then open the eyes the letter begins to fade. Now blink and note that the blackness
and practise on the letter. Then increase the distance of reappears.
Snellen Test Card to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 feet gradually and See how the eyelids work in a baby who has not yet lost its
practise central fixation. While practising central fixation, natural impulse and acquired the vicious habit of staring. You
palming may be done at times. If you find difficulty in regard- should blink at least 10 times a minute.
ing one part of a letter best, regard one letter of a line in such a
manner that the one following it appears less distinct. Reading: - Keep the book. at a lower level than the chin so
To improve central fixation on the reading matter of a book, that the lids may not be raised. Then blink twice at least in
keep the sight just below the line of letters and.shift the sight reading one line. Do not read in the sun because the glare
from one end of the line to the other. Note that each word reflected from the paper causes strain to the eyes. Reading
coming nearer the sight appears more distinct than the others. while lying can also be done without any discomfort, but you
Blink gently. should keep the head raised and blink freqqently. It is a great
mistake to stop blinking while reading.
Proper Use of the Eyes ~
Fine Print: - Fine print reading is supposed to be one of
Eyelids: - Eyelids play a great part in vision. The upper the necessary evils of civilization? but the reading of fine print,
eyelids should remain downward, keeping the eye half-open. when it can be done without discomfort, has invariably proved
While looking upwards or in front the upper lids should not to be beneficial, and the dimmer the light in which it can be
be raised, but only the chin. read, and the closer to the eyes it can be held, the greater the
It is very important for myopic patients to keep the lids benefit. By this means severe pain in the eye has been relieved
in the right position. in a few minutes or even instantly. The reason is that fine print
cannot be read in dim·light and close to the eyes unless the eyes
Blinking: - The greatest things are always the simplest. are relaxed, whereas large print can be read in good light and
The act of blinking is the first and simplest, and a most at ordinary reading distance although the eyes may be under a
important action of the eyelids. In blinking the upper eyelid strain. When fine print can be read under adverse conditions,

the reading of ordinary print under ordinary conditions is Sewing: -Many women suffer from eye strain while
vastly improved. Reading fine print daily prevents and cures sewing or doing needle work. They generally get a headache
presbyopia (old-age sight) and many other diseases of the eye after working even for a short time. The mistake they commit
which usually occur in old age. Reading of fine print in candle is that they keep their eyes fixed on their work and blink at long
light without or with glasses is very useful. intervals. They should blink frequently and move the eyes with
Seven Trotht of Normal SI~ht
the movement of the needle. If the needle comes up, the eyes
l. ~":':~.s~~~~T"; :!.'d:~r~:o~~~·o~~tte,!~.the aor-
also should move up arid when the needle goes down to the
2· i:;d~ i_:"iat!.~~:ae~•t!::~r or »art p f the Jetter n .. cloth, the eyes should shift to the cloth. The shifting relieves
3 . ~~!Wn~~ua~." point regarded chanQ'Ih: rapidly and· the strain.
' g~tn:;~v~~~t~rd!h~~i':Fe~~; 1 rawor1~ 1 mr~,::.
Wltb a pendulum-like motion.

6 . Memory I• lf!.rfee~ . 'Ibe eolor and.baek&TOuDd of tbe
~~,~ f:.~t!no~::f; an7:o:J:u~~;-_nberecl pw ..
Cinema: - Cinematographic pictures are commonly
s. ~~~~,=r:.·-~ ~ ~r:~~r: t~ supposed to be very injurious to the eyes, and it is a fact that
:~~~ f!~~- by dlatance. UluminatioO. size. or form.
they often cause much discomfort and the lowering of vision.
7. ~tc:: J=t~nd~o~•traer:t~nd mlDd fa »vfect
~~ ;:~~t~•• Mvera fundamental& Ia
They can, however, be made a means of improving the eyes.
When they hurt the eyes, it is because the per8on strains to see
Specimen of Fine Print them. If this tendency to strain can be overcome, the vision
Reading in Moving Vehicles:- Persons who wish to is always improved and if the practice of viewing pictures is
preserve their eyesight are frequently warned not to read in continued long enough, many eye troubles are relieved.
moving vehicles; but since under niodern conditions of life
many persons have to spend a large part of their time in How to see a Cinema Picture: - Sit erect comfortably,
moving vehicles, and as many of them have no other time keep your upper lids down while raising the chin a little and
to read, it is useless to expect that they will ever discontinue the blink frequently.
practice. Fortunately the theory of its injuriousness is ·not The common mistake, while seeing the cinema, is to keep
borne out by the facts. When the object regarded is moved the lids raised and stop blinking.
rapidly, strain and lowered vision is at first always produced;
but this is temporary, and ultimately the vision is improved Sun Treatment and Palming
by the practice.
1. Sun Treatment: - The sun is a wonderful help in
Writing: -While writing keep thesight on the point of the relieving all sorts of eye discomforts. Sometimes we get
pen and move your sight with its movement, and blink , fre- miraculous results. Everyone should do sun treatment.
quently. A common mistake is to write forward .and at the
same time to look at the back letters. Method of Sun Treatment: - Sit comfortably facing

the sun with closed eyes, and sway the body from side to side may rest the elbows on the table or tuck a cushion. below them.
gently. One should continue for five to ten minutes. Morning After palming, open the eyes and practise central fixation
or evening or when the rays of the sun are not keen, is the on the Snellen Eye Testing Chart if your distant sight is defec-
best time. One should stop sun treatment as soon as the sun tive; and on the reading test type if your near vision is defec-
causes discomfort. Mter enjoying the sun, one should come to tive. In most of the cases the benefit comes at the first
the shade and wash the eyes with cold water to which 5 to 10 sitting. Continue for some time to make the improvement
drops of OPHTHALMO may be added. , permanent. For further directions, please read the book
Eye wash is very effective in toning up the eyes. It gives Mind and Vision.
relaxation. You may splash cold water on your eyes gently,
or fill an eye-bath with cold water and put it against the eye White Line:- The white space in between the lines of
in such a way that the lower margin of the eye-bath touches the print is called the white line. Look at the white lines of fine
lower eyelid, while the upper margin of the eye-bath remains print of the reading test type, 'Fundamentals', of this book
free. Keep the eyes downwards and blink in the water of the or look at the white lines of fine print. Shift your sight on the
eye-bath. Wash each eye for about a minute or two. Fixing white line just below the line of letters, from one end to the
the eye-bath against the eye and raising the head are not other. Blink gently at each line. Make no effort to see the
desirable. letters. It may be observed that the letters above the white
line appear more distinct than before. If the letters are visible,
2. Palming: - By palming I mean to close the eyes gently the mind will automatically read them but an effort to look at
and cover them with the palms of the hands in'such a way as to the letters should not be there.
avoid any pressure on the eye-balls. When all the light is shut Practice of white line improves the reading sight and relieves
out by palming, one should experience a perfect dark before the the pain and discomfort of the eye.
eyes as if one were in a perfectly dark room. If it is not a perfect
dark before the eyes during palming and some other colours Long and Short Swing:- Long swing is a great help to
appear, it indicates that the eyes and mind are under a strain. relieve discomforts and enables· a person to adopt short swing.
To relieve this strain imagine something perfectly black or Long swing induces good sleep while short swing helps to
some pleasant object like a flower, a boat floating on the improve the sight. When the swing is less than an inch, it is
river, clouds moving in the sky, etc. Some persons like to called short swing. It may be practised fifty to one hundred
remember familiar things: thus a knife is remembered by a times.
surgeon, dollies by girls, babies by mothers. When the imagina-
tion is perfect and corresponds to the reality, one sees a perfect Long Swing: - Stand with the feet about I2 inches apart,
dark before the eyes when they are closed and covered. tum the body to the right - at the same time lifting the heel of
Palming may be done for two to five minutes or longer. You the left foot. Do not move the head or eyes or pay any attention

to the apparent movement of stationary objects. Now place by looking at familiar objects, they become able sometimes in
the left heel on the floor, turn the body to the left, raising the an incredibly brief space of time, while to maintain their relaxa-
heel of the right foot. Alternate. tion looking at unfamiliar objects.

Long Swing before bars of a Window: - Stand with Practice on the Snellen Test Card: -Place the Snellen
the feet about on!! foot apart, move the body like a pendulum to Test Card upon the wall of each class-room. Everyday,
the right while raising the heel of the left foot; then move the children should read silently the smallest letters they can see
body to the left while raising the heel of the right foot. Alter- from their seats, with both eyes together and then with each
nate fifty to one hundred times. eye separately covering the other eye with the palm of the hand
Do not try to fix the gaze on the bars or on the background. but avoiding any pressure upon the eye-ball. Fix a period of
Keep the sight shifting along with the movement of the head five minutes for it in the beginning of school work. The
and blink at each.side. Observe that the bars appear to move practice of five minutes daily is sufficient to improve the sight
in the opposite direction. of all children in one week and to cure defective eyesight after
some time.
Prevention of Myopia in Schools Medical EXamination of the Eye

Defective eyesight is found in most school children, and all When you are called for the eye examination, remember
attempts have failed to prevent myopia. ~hree points.
You cannot see anything perfectly unless you have seen it x. To cover one eye with the palm and not with the fingers.
before. When the eye looks at an unfamiliar object it always The fingers cause pressure on the eye-ball, and consequently
strains more or less to see that object, and an error of refraction the sight becomes defective. You are unable to read the smaller
is always produced. When children look at unfamiliar writings letters with that covered eye.
or figures on the blackboard, distant maps, diagrams, or 2. To keep the chin a little raised, and the lids down.
pictures they become myopic, though their vision may be 3· To blink gently on each letter.
under other circumstances absolutely normal. The same thing Many students are disqualified from services and examina-
happens when adults look at unfamiliar distant objects. ~ions due to defective eyesight. A good number of such men
When the eye regards a familiar object, however, the effect is hl\_ve passed the medical test after undergoing a course of
quite otherwise. treatment.
This fact furnishes us with a means of overcoming the mental Superstition and Eye Education
strain to which children are subjected by the modern educa-
tional system. It is impossible to see anything perfectly when Reading fine print is' commonly supp(>sed to be harmful to
the mind is under a strain, and if children become able to relax the eyes, and reading print of any kind in dim light and close to

the eyes is regarded as a dangerous practice. Due to such a of my mind and eyes became worse and worse. There was
belief a student suffered a lot. He had pain in the eyes and pain unbearable headache and I could not concentrate on my
in the head, he was in a state of agony and lost his peace of studies at home or school. I could not play either. I had lost
mind and his health. In the light of these superstitions, the my peace of mind. I observed that the pain increased while
facts contained in the following letter are particularly interest- reading, specially when I was solving the problems of Geo-
ing: metry. It was at this time that I first learnt about Dr. Agarwal.
"It happened frequently that I broke the glasses of my father I prayed to the Divine Mother for Her blessings and I got
when I was young. I was always scolded and punished. But them. Next day at 8 o'clock I went to The School For Perfect
one thing I used to ask my father, "Could you not do without Eyesight. Dr. Agarwal gave me a warm welcome. He asked some
glasses?" and my father always .replied, "No." But how could questions about my trouble and tested my eyesight on the
my young mind be satisfied with my father's answer? My Snellen Test Card and examined the eyes in the dark room.
curiosity grew. I tried to get a satisfactory answer many times I observed more the Doctot;'s great interest in each patient
but in vain. than the process of testing the eyes. He gave me a few eye-
"I grew older and wiser and I was very strong in mathema- exercises to do for three days only. To my great surprise the
tics. I was fifteen, hale and harty; and continued to study hard. pain in my eyes was chased away and I was relieved from
But a time came when I could not study, my eyes were strained headache.
and I never knew the cause. I realised that the eyes were "Now I know why there was pain in my eyes. I used to
getting weak. I went to the doctor and he treated me with read under high-power electric light, so after a short time the
eye-drops for a few days and I became all right. But the glare reflected from the paper used to cause pain in the eyes
state of comfort could not continue long and the strain in the and head. I realised how soothing and helpful it was to read
eyes grew worse. This time I went to Madras and a famous by candle light.
optician prescribed a pair of glasses and said, "Your eyes are "The second thing which the Doctor advised me was not to
in such a state that you must wear glasses ·if you want to stare at a thing. Formerly I used to stare at my Geometry
progress well." I gave the least importance to his advice. His figures constantly. I always thought that thus I was improving
instruction revived my past memory and I repeatedly asked the power of concentration but it was not true. One should
myself, "Could I not do without glasses?" I grumbled, "Oh, always blink gently every couple of seconds while studying or
I am only sixteen and now I have to wear glasses! No, I shall walking or doing anything else. In the beginning one has to
not." And from that day I started hating them. But this did do it consciously and wait until it becomes an unconscious
not solve my problem. I suffered a lot. _ habit. Thirdly, one should always be careful of the distance of
:'~any months passed. I studied with pain in the eyes and
the book from the eyes. One of my science-teachers told me to
pam m the head. I grew weaker in mathematics and lost my keep the book at about eighteen inches from the eyes but
health, many worries cropped up in my mind. The condition Dr. Agarwal instructed me to hold the book within twelve
inches and he explained that the teacher must be over forty of the cases of visual defects is achieved in the School for
and so for him the greater distance suited. Perfect Eyesight is unimaginable. Here we give a short des-"
"Lastly the Doctor opened my ey~s to an important point. cription to illustrate the subject.
We all think that we should always read large print arid that The normal eye has three characteristics:
our eyes will never be spoiled by. it. But it is a wrong notion. 1. When the sight shifts from side to side of a letter, the
We must read small print. It is soothing and extremely bene- letter appears to move in the opposite direction. This is
ficial for the eyes. We must blink twice while we read each Swinging.
line. It will relax not only the eyes but also the mind. These 2. The letter regarded appears clearest. This is Central
little truths were disclosed to me by Dr. Agarwal and now I Fixation.
have a great pleasure in exercising the eyes after five minutes' 3· The white centre of a letter appears whiter. This is
"palming". Palming refreshes the mind too. Imagination.
"Mter the third day, I was in a state of serenity. And now I These three characteristics are called normal illusions of the
have con~inced my father that one can do without glasses if one normal eye which are reduced or are absent in the defective eye.
knows the right use of the eyes;' So to improve the vision it is necessary to develop the normal
Relax and See The defective eye loses the frequency of shifting and becomes
more or less immobile. Therefore mobility is essential. This
Vision is a process of mental interpretation of the retinal mobility is to be developed by blinking education, long and
images. So in the act of seeing there is a close association short swing, game of ball, table-tennis, walking and observing
between the mind and eyes. The eye without the mind will the side objects moving in the opposite direction. By the
mechanically photograph the image but will not interpret it. creation of mobility discomforts of the eye fade away and one
The mind without the eye can imagine the images previously feels relaxed.
seen but will not tell you what is being photographed now. The defective eye loses the faculty of central fixation. It tries
Correct seeing must be a perfectly co-ordinated action between to see a large area at a time. So to develop central fixation adopt
mind and eye through Relax and See. the following exercise; take the Snellen eye testing chart and
Re~ax and See is a quick effective process, of which most shift the sight from top to bottom and bottom to top of a letter
ophthalmologists are unaware. Hence their dogma of the in- and observe two things:
curability of errors of refraction such as myopia and hyperme- a. When the sight shifts from top to bottom and bottom to
tropia continues. But now a number of doctors greatly appre- top of the letter, the letter appears to move in the opposite
ciate the system of Relax and See and the time has come when direction.
its truth should be accepted by the medical profession for the b. The part of the letter regarded appears clearest.
welfare of humanity. How quickly the improvement in most The faculty of central fixation is also developed by reading

fine print several times a day in good light and candle light. in reading so much so that even with a 200 watt bulb she found
Myopic patients should avoid using glasses in reading and it difficult to read. The letters got messed up and she could
maintain relaxation by frequent palming and gentle blinking. not read for more than half an hour at a time. To put it in her
By palming I mean: to close the eyes and cover them with the own words: "After five days of exercises at the School for
palms of the hands avoiding any pressure on the eyeballs; and Perfect Eyesight while looking at the white lines in between
to imagine something familiar and interesting. the photographic type reduction, I suddenly realised that the
To the defective eye the white centre of a letter does not letters were very clear and that I was able to read the whole
appear whiter than the margin at varying distances. So there page of the smallest print which was impossible before. From
is loss of the imaginative faculty and the mind adds many then onward I never got the experience of messed letters again;
other imperfections to the imperfect image received from the not even after three hours of reading and more at one time.
eye. So it is necessary to develop the faculty of interpretation There is no strain and tension in my head any more and I am
of retinal images. This is achieved by imagination exercises: practically relieved of all complaints."
a. Take the chart in hand and observe that the white centre A case of glaucoma was suffering from constant eye strain,
ofletter '0' appears whiter at a distance where the sight is best. frequent headache, gradual loss of sight, seeing halos around
Gradually increase the distance. Or take two similar charts - light, with tension increased in both the eyes. Pilocarpine
one in hand and the other at five feet distance; look at the white drops did not give proper relief, he was advised by Bombay
centre on the near chart and then at the distant chart. Alternate. doctors to go under .operation.
b. Shift the sight on the white lines in between the lines of In such cases operation worsens the trouble. The source of
fine print. When the sight shifts from side to side, the lines of increasing loss of sight and constant eye strain were his glasses.
print appear to move in the opposite direction. He was using quite high power, bifocals, at the age of fifty.
c. Take view-cards and develop the art of seeing as described When he started his treatment, he was explained three main
in the book MIND AND VISION. The flatness of the picture fundamentals of treatment. It took sometime to train the eyes
will disappear and the three dimensional character of the pic- to blink properly. Glasses were completely discarded from the
ture will increase its beauty and improve the vision. very beginning of treatment. The result in two months treat-
If there is pain or discomfort, strain or headache or double ment was surprising. He could see well at a distance and could
vision in reading, it is an indication that the person tries to · read fine print without glasses. All his discomforts faded away.
concentrate the sight on the black part and makes an effort to To preserve the improvement he devotes sometime in his eye
see consciously or unconsciously. Any sort of complaint in education.
reading indicates a wrong way of reading. All these troubles
can fade away by the methods of Relax and See. Questions and Answers
Here is a case of a European lady who was on the verge of
giving up reading. At the age of forty-three she had difficulty Q: What do you mean by Anatomy and Physiology of the eye?


A: Description of the form of the eye is called Anatomy, the movement .of t.he ball the eyes will begin to blink in a
description of the functioning of the eye is called Physiology. normal way.
3· Take a book of small type, shift the sight on the white
Q: You advised me to use glasses when necessary. I thought lines in between ~he lines -of print, blink once or twice on each
you were totally against them. white line.
A: In your case I found that the best way to help you was to 4· Take a mirror. Look at the right eye and then at the left,
advise the use of glasses for distance but their disuse in reading blink on each side. It will keep you aware of wrong blinking.
as the near sight was quite normal.
Q: Your treatment has done much good to my eyes, now I •want
Q: My daughter aged 8 years has developed defective ·vision for to extend the benefit to others. Is there any course to learn, or do
distance as well as for near things. She often gets a headache. you impart training?
What do you advise? A: You can attend the four year medical course in Ophthal-
A: She can become all right. Apply Resolvent 200 to her mic Science. This will be a sort of synthesis of Allopathy,
eyes and let her face the morning sun with closed eyes for a few Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Bates Nature cure. Its study will
minutes. Then she should practise Palming and run around enable the student to practise as an eye specialist.
a chair, bouncing a ball to the ground, then read the Eye
Chart at 5 to IO ft. She should be taught how to blink fre- Q: What is accommodation?
quently. A: When the eye focuses at 6 metres or more, it is said to be
at rest. When it focuses at a nearer point, it is called accommo-
Q: I am seventeen, my eyesight began to deteriorate when I was dation. When the eye is out of focus, the condition is called
seven. Every yeq.r the number of the glasses increased too much so 'error of refraction' and there is short sight (myopia) or long
that now I use 9 in the right eye, and 5 in the left. Can my eyes sight (hypermetropia) without or with change of the eyeball's
be benefited? curvature (astigmatism).
A: Yes, the improvement will be evident in a week's time if
you can follow the proper course of treatment. Q: How to read? Is ·reading ·While lying in bed harmful to
the eyes?
Q: My teacher says that I don't blink but wink. How to get the A: Hold the book at a distance from where the print is seen
habit of blinking? best. Usually it is about ro inches. Then while reading move
A: Practise with concentration the simple rhythms of blink- the head a little from side to side and blink gently once or twice
ing. The following natural exercises may be employed: in reading each line. Do not read in the sun or under bright
1. Walk slowly step by step and blink gently at each step. artificial light because the glare reflected from the paper causes
2. Play with a ball, move it from hand to hand. To follow strain in the eyes. Reading while lying can also be done without

any discomfort; for that, keep the head raised and blink. Q: A friend advises me to do some gymnastic eye exercises,
that is, while keeping the head fixed move the eye-balls in various
Q: My eyesight is all right but I often get a strain and a directions. Can I practise such exercises for the improvement
headache after reading. What do you advise? of my eyesight?
A: Just measure the distance from the book to your eyes. A: Usually such exercises cause great strain. The funda-
It may be more than 10 inches. If so, correct it. Take a mental principle is to move the head and eyes together in the
specim~n of diamond type or fine print and read it daily in same direction.
good light as well as in candle-light. By reading fine print
the capacity to read ordinary print is vastly improved. Reading
fine print daily cures many a discomfort of the eye and quickly
relieves headache.

Q: You recommend:
1. Reading fine print
2. Reading in candle-light
3. Reading at a close distance
All these instructions are diametrically opposite to all that we.
h{we been taught from childhood. How will you explain this fact?
A: The people who tell you to read big print in good light at
an arm's length are mostly over forty. At this age the capacity
to read fine print, to read in candle-light, to read at a close
distance is usually lost. And if such persons attempt to read
fine print, the eyes are strained. But if they had developed
the habit of reading fine print from an earlier age, they could
have maintained good eyesight in old age and prevented their
eyes from deterioration. Then their advice would have been
different. I on my part would advise even these people to take
up fine print. They will not be able to read it at first, but they
will be benefited by simply moving the sight in between the
lines of fine print on the white lines. Fine print reading helps
the eyes to relax while large print causes strain because the eye
tries to see a large area at a time.

CHAPTER III the conditions are unfavourable to good sight. Unfavourable

conditions may prevail when the light is not agreeable to the
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF TREATMENT patients. Some patients require a very bright light and others
get along much better in a poor light. Many cases are hyper-
Do you read imperfectly? Can you observe then that when you sensitive to light and suffer from an intolerance for light which
look at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do is called photophobia.
not see best where you are looking; that you see other words,
or other letters just as well as or better than the one you are While intolerance oflight may be manifest in most cases from
looking at? Do you observe also that the harder you try to some diseases of the eyes, there are many cases in which the
see, the worse you see? eyes are apparently healthy and in which photophobia may be
Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some extreme. (The cure for this condition is to have the patient sit
colour, like bl~ck or white, that you can remember perfectly. in the SWl with his eyes closed allowing the sun to shine on his
Keep them dosed until the.y feel rested, or until the feeling of closed eyelids as he moves ris head from side to side.)
strain. has been completely relieved. Now open them and look There are patients with good sight whose vision is materially
at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second. improved when used in a bright light, as well as those with
If you have been able to relax, partially or completely; you good sight whose vision improves when the eyes are used in
will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area a dim light. The patient should practise with the Snellen
seen best will be smaller. Test Card in a bright as well as in a dim light to accustom his
After opening the eyes for this fraction of a second, close eyes to all conditions.
them again quickly, still remembering the colour, and keep
them closed until they again feel rested. Then open them once The ability to perceive halos, or an increased whiteness,
more for a fraction of a second. Continue this alternate resting around letters or inside letters is a favourable condition. By
of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may using a card having a hole in it, it is possible for many patients
soon find that you keep your eyes open longer than a to see an increased whiteness around a letter or inside the letter,
fraction of a second without losing the improved vision. which improves their vision for the letter. When a card with a
If your trouble is with distant vision instead of ncar vision, hole is not used~ one may be able to imagine a white halo around
use the same method with distant letters. the inner or outer edge of the black part of the letter "0".
In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamen- When the card covers the black part of the letter "0", for
tal principle of eye education and relaxation. instance, the white centre becomes of the same whiteness as the
rest of the white page, which proves that it is the contrast
Favourable Conditions between the black and the white which enables one to imagine
The vision of the human eye is modified in many ways when the white halos.

Demonstrate hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia, myopia, early

cataract, and glaucoma and in cases of retinal diseases. The
I. That the sun treatment is of an immediate benefit to many t:Iame stimulates the retinal cells and improves the blood
diseases of the eye. circulation and gives a feeling of comfort, rest and relaxa-
Before the treatment, take a record of your best vision on tion.
the Snellen Eye Chart and on the Reading test type. Then sit When one reads in bright electric light or in the sun, the
in the sun with your eyes closed, slowly moving your head a glare reflected from the paper causes strain and fatigue, some-
short distance from side to side, and allowing the sun to shine times loss of sight due to the development of serious complica-
directly on your closed eyelids. Forget about your eyes; just tions. But in candle light there is no reflection from the paper
think of something pleasant and let yolir mind drift from one and the light is just sufficient to read.
pleasant thought to another. Before opening your eyes, palm Reading in candle light may be done without or with glasses.
for a few minutes. Then test your vision and note the improve- If one candle light is not sufficient, one may use two candles.
ment. While reading, if one shifts the sight on the white lines in
2. That long swing improves the sight, relieves pain, fatigue between the lines of print with gentle blinking, the print
and many other disagreeable symptoms. becomes very black and legible. Reading large print is detri-
Take a record of your best vision with both eyes together mental to perfect sight because the eye tries to see a larger area
and each eye separately without glasses. Stand with the feet at a time and this disturbs the sensitiveness of the retina.
about one foot apart facing a blank wall. Tum the body to the Reading of fine print in good light and candle light alternately
left, at the same time raising the heel of the right foot. Now is very helpful.
place the heel of the right foot on the floor in its usual position; Concentration on the candle flame while counting 100
then tum the body to the right, lifting the heel of the left foot. respirations is another way of helping the eyes and mind. It
The head and eyes move with the body; d~ not make an may be noted that the sight is on the flame but the mind is
effort to see more distinctly stationary objects which are absorbed in respirations; then there is no strain. Staring at
apparently moving. Practice this fifty to one hundred times, the flame is not good, it may cause strain and discomfort or
easily without making any effort. Notice that, after practising, headache. In such cases two candles may be used by keeping
the vision for the test card improves. them 9 inches apart; then the sight is shifted from one candle
to the other with the gentle rhythm of inhalation and exhala-
Candle Practice . tion. Mter concentration one may do palming or practise the
long swing. Concentration on candle flame is very useful in
When reading of fine print in candle light is properly done, it hypermetropia and presbyopia. It helps in dissolving the
proves extremely beneficial. It relieves the discomforts of the formation of early cataract and relieves the tension in glau-
head and eyes and strain and improves the sight in cases of coma cases.

Useful Hints in Reading done consciously with improvement in the vision, or it may
be done unconsciously with impaired vision.
r. Hold the book at a distance from where it is seen best, Shifting may be done correctly or incorrectly. A wrong way
move the head and sight with gentle blinking on each line. to shift is to tum the head to the right while the eyes are turned
Usually the distance is IO to 12 inches. to the left, or to tum the head to the left while the eyes are
2. Move the book forward and backward. turned to the right.
3· Observe that each word appears darker. To improve imperfect sight by shifting, it is well to move
4· Shift the sight just below the lines of letters and read. the head and eyes so far away that the first letter of the chart or
5· Look at the white spaces instead of the black letters. object is too far away to be seen at all clearly. Shifting from
6. Move the body forward and backward. small letters to large letters alternately may be a greater benefit
7· For reading in lying posture_, blinking is necessary. than shifting from one smill letter to another small letter.
8. Reading in dim light with strain helps myopic patients. Quite frequently the vision is decidedly improved by shifting
9· Reading in moving vehicles is not harmful. continuously from one side of a small letter to the other side,
10. Reading in candle light is extremely beneficial. while the letter is imagined to be moving in the opposite direc-
II. Read Fine Print and chart at 10 ft. alternately. tion. When the shifting is slow, short, and easy, the best results
12. Read a portion and look away. in the vision are obtained. Any attempt to stop the shifting
13. Read with a card hole. always lowers the vision. The letter or another object which
14. Stitch and read alternately. appears to move is usually shifting a short distance - one half
15. Reading of photographic type reduction is very useful. or one quarter of an inch. It is not poss1ble to imagine any
particular letter or another object stationary for a longer period
.Mistakes in Reading than one minute.
While the patient is seated, benefit can be obtained from
r. No blinking or wrong blinking. shifting, but even more benefit can be obtained when the
2. Trying to see many words at a time. shifting is practised wh.ue the patient is standing and moving
3· Distance more than what is needed. the head and shoulders, in fact the whole body, a very short
4· Trying to see black instead of glancing at white. distance from side to side. Shifting the whole body makes
5· Strong light on paper. it easier to shift a short distance and may explain why this
method is best.
Circular Swing
When the normal eye has normal sight it is at rest and when
it is at rest it is always moving or shifting. Shifting may be One of the best methods of obtaining complete relaxation

of the eyes and mind is the practice of thumb movement. mental interpretation of it. To the mind objects seen appear
Place the hand against an immovable surface or on the thigh. to be in an upright position, but the picture on the retina
Place the ball of the thumb lightly in contact with the fore- is upside down. When the sight is normal the margins and
finger. Now move the end of the thumb in a circle of about openings of black letters on a white card appear whiter than
one•quarter of an inch diameter. When the thumb moves in the rest of the card, but this, of course, is not the fact, the whole
one direction, the forefinger should appear to move in the oppo- background being of the same whiteness. For example, look
site direction, although in reality it is stationary, only the at the white centre of the letter '0' and compare the whiteness
thumb is moving. Some times just moving the thumb does of the centre of '0' with the whiteness of the rest of the card.
not succeed to bring good relaxation unless one can count one, The whiter you can imagine the centre of '0' the better
three, five or more odd numbers, when the motion is down- becomes the vision for the letter '0'. The perfect imagination
wards, and an even number when the thumb moves upwards. of the white centre of '0' means perfect imagination of the
It is not necessary for the patient to watch the movement of black, because you cannot imagine the white perfectly without
of the thumb in order to keep up the practice. imagining the black perfectly.
While watching the movement of the thumb, remember When the vision is imperfect the imagination is also imper-
something imperfectly. At once, the thumb movement be- fect. The mind, in short, adds imperfections to the imperfect
comes irregular or may stop altogether. Demonstrate that any retinal images. A great part of the phenomena of imperfect
effort no matter how slight, to see, remember or imagine, in- sight are, therefore, imaginary and not in any way to be
terferes with the movement of the thumb. The thumb is so accounted for by the. derangement of the visual apparatus.
sensitive to an effort or strain that the slightest effort is at To a patient of imperfect sight the letter of the Snellen Test
once recorded by the motion. Card may appear gray or blue or with white spots over it; or, it
While watching the movement of the thumb, remember may be, the size of the letter may be seen smaller or bigger, or
something perfectly. Notice that the movement of the thumb a distorted shape may appear. Many persons with defective
is slow, short, continuous and restful, the relaxation is felt in vision see floating specks before the eyes especially when they
all parts of the body. look towards some bright surface.
Many patients have been successfully treated for pain, It is a great relief to patients to learn that these appearances
headache and defective eyesight by the correct practice of are imaginary, and it helps them to bring the imagination under
circular swing. control. As it is impossible to imagine perfectly without perfect
relaxation, any improvement in the interpretation of the retinal
Imagination Essential to Sight images means an improvement in the conditions which have
led to a distortion of those images. Hence relaxation is the cure
Vision is a process of mental interpretation. The picture for most eye troubles. There is no more effective method of
which the mind sees is not the impression on the retina, but a improving the sight, therefore, than by the aid of the imagina-

tion, and wonderful results have been obtained by this m~s. Optical Illusions
When the mind is able to remember perfectly any pheno-
mena of the senses, it is always perfectly relaxed. The sight is Superficial vision is something like seeing the newspaper
normal, if the eyes ate open; and when they are closed and in the morning: the eye tries to see a large area, many words,
covered so as to exclude all the light. One sees a perfectly at a time, and thus central fixation is disturbed.
black field. If you ca.'l remember the ticking of a watch, or an As there is a superficial way of thin.ldng and understanding
odour or a taste perfectly, your mind is perfectly at rest, and there is a deeper way too, which gives deeper knowledge
you will see a perfect black when the eyes are closed and and sees the truth of everything.
covered. If your memory of a letter or an object is according Similarly there is a superficial way !Jf seeing and deeper
to the reality, you would see nothing but black when the light way of seeing. When one sees in a deeper way, it reveals the
was excluded from your eyes. When this imagination is main- truth of the thing and the vision becomes free from imperfect
tained while the eyes are open, the vision is quickly improved. illusion. Imperfect illusion is falsehood. But by training of
A school boy with a high degree of myopic astigmatism could the art of seeing the deeper perception of things can develop.
see only two lines of the chart from 10 feet distance. By the When deeper sense perception and deeper mind are active,
aid of his imagination he could read the normal line within the outer vision of things becomes more beautiful and attrac-
a fortnight. He could imagine a small letter of the chart with tive. In deeper vision of things there is no effort to see anything,
eyes closed as well as eyes open. it is perfectly effortless seeing.
A college student used to see floating specks before the eyes By deeper way of seeing three dimensional character develops
most of the time during the day. When it was demonstrated and along with that central fixation, imagination and swing-
that they were unreal, he was completely cured with the help of ing also develop.
relaxation. Just use the eye like a camera without any effort, that will
A student had myopia and was using glasses since the age of give you the idea of deeper way of seeing.
ten. Somehow the strain in the right eye increa~ed so much At the first glance there is always a strain to see, then if the
that the colour, size and form of objects regarded altered. eyes see without effort, deeper perception develops which sees
The straight things appeared curved and distorted. He was a sort of reality.
explained that most of the imperfections in his eyesight were If the reality of a thing is distorted and gives an impression
due to eye strain, hence imaginary. He got great relief from of an illusion, it is called illusion of in1perfect sight. But when
these imaginary imperfections as soon as he learnt how to the reality adopts more prominency and appears more beauti-
control the mind by eye education and mental relaxation. ful, then it is an illusion of perfect sight. For example, '0'; if it
In fact most of the blindness amongst civilized people is due appears darker and its background whiter, then it is a normal
to eye strain and mental strain and much of it is curable by the illusion; but if '0' appears gray and distorted and its white ·
proper use of the eyes and mental relaxation. centre less white, then it is an imperfect illusion.

Our vision is illusion, that is, vision of the object depends search for relief in despair, and sometimes continue it with
on the mind's interpretation. All things when first seen give surprising pertinacity, never being able to abandon the belief
the impression of imperfect illusion, later when the eye adopts that somewhere in the world there must be someone with suffi-
right way of seeing, the reality develops. cient skill who could cure them. The rapidity with which these
Deeper perception of things is also called piercing sight. patients respond to treatment by relaxation is often dramatic,
In the superficial way of seeing the eye tries to see the object, and affords a startling illustration of the superiority of the
tries to get the impression of the objects, all at a time. When relaxation methods to treatment by glasses and injections.
the object is regarded in a natural way without any effort to One case was a woman of thirty-five, a of five
hold the object, the impression comes in detail and in a more children, and her imperfect sight was accompanied by misery,
perfect way. insomnia and night blindness. Two years back there was
When there is an optical illusion - a straight thing appears robbery in her house and she was beaten. Since then this
curved- it is an indication of superficial way of seeing; the patient developed a great fear, lost sleep and the vision deterio-
person has lost central fixation at that moment. But if the rated; afterwards the condition became so serious that she was
same thing is seen with a deeper perception, the reality of the totally blind after 5.30 p.m. She went to various eye specialists
line will appear. of Orissa but found no relief. However, she did not waste time
Perfect imagination of a black dot will give the sense of when she came to know about the SCHOOL FOR PERFECT
deeper perception, then the false illusion will fade away. EYESIGHT at Pondicherry. Her husband being a railway
All optical illusions, imperfect or perfect, are an indication servant could easily travel and one morning I found the couple
that what we see is mind's interpretation and this interpre- waiting to consult me. When examined, her vision proved
tation varies from person to person. If a portrait is made by fairly good in normal light, but in dim light she could not see
seven artists, they all will' differ in their expression due to the anything. Various relaxation eye exercises were given and the
difference in their individuality. eyes were bandaged for an hour twice a day. On the fifth day
For perfect seeing the organ must be perfect, the way of the husband reported that she could see all right in the evening.
seeing must be perfect, the power of interpretation must be To test her ability to see in dim light I called them to my room
perfect. after 6 p.m. she could see everything quite well in dim light
as well as in electric light. It was now 7 p.m. Her husband
Relief from Blindness suddenly pointing at something, asked her, "Do you see that?"
She began to stare badly and lost her eyesight; she was then
While many persons are benefited by the accepted methods blind within five minutes. So the husband was warned not to
of treating defects of vision by glasses and operations, there test her in this way. Mter that she was left free. And now with
· are some cases, known to every eye specialist, which get little two weeks' treatment she is quite all right at night, sleeps well,
or no help from them. These patients sometimes give up the sees movies and remains cheerful.


Another was a case of blindness. The patient writes his A: When there is some organic defect, there is always some
experience: functional defect, we have cured the functional defect, hence
"In 1954, one fine morning I suddenly noticed that I was the sight has improved. Moreover, the macula is a small
seeing nothing practically with my right eye even with glasses. spot of the retina which is damaged, the rest of the retina is
I consulted two leading eye specialists of Calcutta who after quite ~ll right and Nature has helped the eye to function well
extensive treatment for about two months gave the verdict - through the re3t of the retina.
'Your right eye should be taken as lost.' Mter some time I had
similar trouble with my left eye. Q: It means patients suffering from semi-blindness due to
"I gave up all hope about my right eye as it had scme retinal r.etinitis, retinitis pigmentosa or svme other retitzal defect can also
degeneration and I took it to be my fate t.hat I should have to be benefited.
lead my life almost like a blind man. Then in December of A: Yes, most of them can be greatly benefited by eye edu-
that year Dr. Agarwal was on a short tour in Calcutta. I cation and mental relaxation. A case of retinitis pigmentosa
came in contact \vith him and underwent -treatment by his showed remarkable improvement and was saved from blind-
unique method. After scrupulously following his directions for ness.
some weeks, I began to regain my lost vision. Within a very
short period I went back to my normal life. Questions -and Answers
"Sixteen long years have passed and even today I can read
and write without glasses and can move around the busy Q: My eyes are sensitive to light, what should I do?
streets. My words are too inadequate to express my gnatitude A: Every morning for a few minutes face the sun with eyes
to Dr. Agarwal. But for him I would have been a blind man. dosed while moving the head and body from side to side.
Through him the Mother's Grace has been showered on my
eyes.'~ A. S; Datta Q: Why is it bad for the eyes to look at the sign-boards in the
market-place or in other busy places?'
This patient has still retinal degeneration in his right eye A: Usually one looks at the sign-boards while in fast
but that eye maintains almost normal vision and is far better movement and this gives strain to the eyes. Also, the letters of
than the other eye which has no degeneration and apparently the sign-board are quite big, the eye tries to see the big !etters
quite normal. An eye specialist friend of his was surprised to all at a time and in such an attempt loses central fixation.
observe this fact. The patient then put some questions to
Dr. Agarwal. Q: I want to know something about the construction and
functioning of the eye. And here how does Dr. Bate's ·view differ
Q: How is it that I maintain such a good vision although the from the orthodox?
centre of sight, the macular area, is still in a bad condition? A: Have you seen a photographic camera? There is a dia-
phragm with an opening, a lens and a film. The eye is like a unfamiliar charts on the blackboard a mental strain was
camera but it is an animate camera; it has the iris with an produced.
opening called 'pupil', the lens and retina. You adjust the focus 2. This straining at a distance of Ib to 20 ft. caused a tem-
in a camera by a change in the length of the body; the eye also porary condition of myopia, and if continued over a period of
adjusts its focus by a change in the length of the eyeball, and time the strain became an unconscious habit with resultant
this change is made by the action of the outside muscles permanent myopia.
called 'oblique muscles'. (According to the orthodox view the 3· When testing children's eyesight with the Snellen Test
eye changes its focus .for vision at different distances by alter- Card, some with imperfect sight showed an improvement if
ing the curvature of the lens; this theory is not able to stand allowed to read the chart a second or third time.
experimental proof and clinical observation.) The outside 4· This temporary improvement of vision led him to dis-
muscles function under the control of the mind. cover that if children read the Snellen Chart daily, then the
But in one respect there is a ~eat difference between the vision was usually permanently improved. This is because
camera and the eye. The film of the camera is equally sensitive when reading familiar letters at a distance the mind is relaxed,
in every part; but the retina has a point of great sensitiveness, and this unconscious relaxation is carried over when looking
called central spot or 'macula lutea'. The eye with normal at unfamiliar writing on the blackboard.
sight sees best where it fixes itself. That is why the object or 5· A teacher who wears glasses has a bad psychological
part of the object regarded appears best. This quality of the effect on the children, as they imitate the habits and
eye is called central fixation. nervousness. This results in a higher percentage of children
The images received on the retina are carried through a developing defective vision in his class.
nerve, called 'optic nerve', to the back part of the brain
where the mind interprets these images and vision is the
This act of seeing is passive. Things are seen just as they
are felt, heard or tasted without effort on the part of the person.
The eye with normal sight never tries to see, and the moment
it tries to see it ceases to be normal.

Q: What are the discoveries of Dr. Bates regarding the

prevention of myopia in schools ?
A: Analysing this problem Dr. Bate& made the following
1. That when a child tries to see bad handwriting or

CHAPTER IV does not try to see or imagine while palming. Some cases are
able to palm more successfully than others. Some people can
MYOPIA AND HYPERMETROPIA let their minds drift from one thing to another quite easily.
A little girl was greatly benefited when the story of a black
It is evident that all persons conscious of imperfect sight have a ant wa~ told her. The black ant carne out of the dark soil and
mental strain. Myopia is caused by a strain or an effort to see climbed up the stem of a beautiful rose. It was slow work with
distant objects. It can always be produced in the normal eye tile ant, but it kept on climbing, going on to the extremity of
temporarily by trying to see distant objects. Myopia is never first one twig and then another, crawling to the extreme tip
continuous. At frequent intervals, lasting for a fraction of a of every leaf tmtil finally it located the flower. It crawled with
second or longer, the patient is conscious of flashes of better great labour over the petals, until it found deep down in the
vision. It is also a fact that when the mind is at rest and the centre of the rose a little white cup filled with honey. The
eyes relaxed by the memory of a letter or some other objects, patient could picture the ant carrying off some of the honey,
the myopia is lessened or disappear~. Every myopic person has crawling to the top of the flower, and then down back to
to maintain a mental strain with all its discomforts, in order. to the stem, finally meeting another ant on the ground. Then
maintain a degree of myopia. , the second ant started off on the same journey.
These facts suggest successful methods of treatment. Since The patient, while palming, listened very attentively to this
mental strain or an effort to see distant objects is the cause of talk which took about fifteen minutes. When she removed her
myopia, mental relaxation or rest is followed by benefit. By hands from her closed eyelids, and opened the eyes, the vision
closing the eye~ for five minutes or longer while Jetting the was unusually good on the Snellen Eye Testing Card.
mind drift from one thought or memory to another, slowly, The story of the ant, with its successive mental pictures,
easily and continuously, rest of mind is obtained, and when suggests other stories of other things with.other mental pictures,
the eyes are opened, the vision is usually improved for a short as a boat floating on a river with a varied scenery around.
time, or for a flash. A mental trip to the seashore is also very restful when one
Myopic patients can alwass demonstrate that closing the imagines the waves flowing in and out.
eyes and covering them with the palm of one hand or with those When a hypermetropic patient fails to read perfectly at
of both hands for half an hour always improves the distance twelve inches or nearer, he usually feels the discomfort of
vision temporarily. They are temporarily cured when their mental strain. The hypermetropic eye can only read fine print
sight becomes normal at some distance; when they read fine perfectly when there is no mental effort. The vision of the
print with perfect sight at four inches without glasses, they hypermetropic eye is improved by the same methods which
accommodate to just the same extent as a normal eye does when improve the vision of the myopic eye. Since the cause of
it reads perfectly at four inches. hypermetropic is mental effort, its cure is obtained when the
Palming can only accomplish relaxation when the patient mental effort disappears.



In presbyopia the vision for the distance is usually ood, headache for three months was cured by reading fine print in
while the ability to read at the near point fails. It i~ said candle light and by reducing the distance of holding his book.
that presbyopia begins soon after the age of forty and then A girl was suffering from constant headache for six years and
gradually increases. It has been observed by many doctors had a pair of glasses and had no relief by any treatment.
that presbyopia may begin before the age of forty, or' it may She was cured within a few days by correct palming.
not appear until a much later date. I have seen patients over Some patients complain of headache when they put on
sixty years of age who had normal sight in each eye for the glasses. Usually the number is high in such cases. A lady was
distance, and they could read small print at twelve inches. A using plus glasses all the time. She often suffered from severe
popular belief is that presbyopia is due to the hardening of the attacks of headache and dizziness. She was cured of headache
lens. Dr. Bates has proved with facts that the lens is not a by not using the glasses and by frequent palming.
factor in accommodation, and that the cause of presbyopia is a Headache appearing after sleep is usually due to strain during
mental strain when trying to see or read at a near point. Pres- sleep. Such cases are usually cured by light diet at night and
byopia is cured by practising relaxation methods. Presbyopic by long swing and palming.
patients are greatly benefited when they imagine the white In some cases headache appears from sunrise to sunset and
spaces in between the lines of print whiter than the margin of the headache is quite severe. Such cases are cured usually in a
the page. The eyes, when reading perfectly, do not look direct- day by nasal drops which bring out sufficient nasal discharge.
ly at the letters, but at the white spaces or the halos. Headache due to constipation, cold and fever needs medical
treatment which should not be of suppressive type.
See Thing',s Moving
Often headache is due to the wrong use of the eyes while
reading, writing, sewing or seeing cinema. But such a headache When the sight is perfect the subject is able to observe that
is quite temporary and is usually not quite severe. Right all objects regarded appear to be moving. A letter seen at the
education of the eyes will cure this kind of headache. near point or at the distance appears to move slightly in various
Severe headache is usually due to lack of mental relaxation. directions. The pavement comes toward one in walking, and
Many myopic patients get severe headache when they use the the houses appear to move in a direction opposite to one's own.
distant glasses for reading also. They are quickly cured by In reading, the page appears to move in a direction opposite to
avoiding glasses in reading and by relaxation exercises and by that of the eye. If one tries to imagine things stationary, the
reading fine print in dim light. A myopic patient was suffering vision is at once lowered and discomfort and pain may be
from severe headache for ten years. Within a week he was produced, not only in the eyes and head, but in other parts
perfectly all right by exercising mental relaxation and by of the body too.
avoiding glasses for reading. A boy suffering from severe This movement is usually so slight that it is seldom noticed

till the attention is called to it, but it may be so conspicuous as swing may be done wrong, and then no benefit: will be obtained.
to be plainly observable even to persons with markedly imper- Recall to memory the letter 0 of small type and shift your
fect sight. If such persons, for instance, hold the hand within attention from side to side of 0 and observe that the letter 0
six inches of the face and turn the head and eyes rapidly from appears to move in the opposite direction, This motion, w_hen
side to side. the hand will be seen to move in a direction the shifting is done properly, is very short, less than the w1dth
opposite to that of the eyes. If it does not move, it will be of the letter.
found that the patient is straining to see it in the eccentric field; Now do the same with a letter on the test card. If the shifting
By observing this movement it becomes possible to see or is nomul, it wiil be noted that the letter appears to have a
imagine a less conspicuous movement, and thus the patient slight motion. Do not attempt to concentrate, otherwise the
may gradually become able to observe a slight movement in swing will stop and the blackness of the letters of the chart will
every object regarded. Some persons with imperfect sight become dim.
have been cured simply by imagining that they always sec
things moving. Mental Pictures
The world moves. Let it move. All objects move if you let
them. Do not interfere with their movement, or try to stop it. With imperfect sight, a mental picture of one known letter
This interfering cannot be done without an effort which of the Snellen test card is seldom remembered, imagined or
impairs the efficiency of the eye and mind. seen perfectly when regarded with the eyes open. By closing
the eyes, the same mental picture may be imagined more
Memory Swing perfectly. By alternately imagining the known letter as well
as possible with the eyes open and then remembering it better
Memory swi.,g is done with the eyes closed wJ:-.ile one ima- with the eves closed, the imagination improves the vision and
gines himself to be looking first over the right shoulder and then unknown i~tters are seen with the eyes open. It is a fact that a
over the left shoulder, while the head is moved from side to good or perfect imagination of mental pictures brings about a
side. The eye-balls may be seen through the closed eyelids to measure of improvement in eyesight which is convincing.
move from side to side in the same direction as the head is While the colon is a valuable punctuation Plark, its mental
moved. picture is very valuable to help the memory, imagination and
The memory swing can be shortened by remembering the sight. With the eyes closed or open, the top period should be
swing of a small letter, a quarter of an inch or less, when th~ imagined best while the lower period is more or less blurred
eyes are closed. and not seen so well. In a few moments it is well to shift the
The memory swing has given relief in many cases of imper- sight and imagine the lower period best while the upper period
fect sight from myopia, astigmatism, and inflammations of the is imagined not so well. Common sense makes it evident that
eye-ball. It may be practised incorrectly, just as any other one period cannot be imagined best unless there is some other

period or other object which is seen worse. The smallest colon stare. When the stare is strong enough and sufficiently
that can be imagined is usually the one that is imagined more prolonged, it increases the hardness of the eye-ball. In the
readily than a larger colon. To remember or imagine a colon matter of treatment the great problem is to suggest measures
perfectly requires constant shifting. When the colon is remem- which will enable the patient to demonstrate that the stare is
bered or imagined perfectly, and this cannot be done by any the cause of increased tension of the eye-ball in glaucoma.
effort or strain, the sight is always improved. One may feel When the forefinger of one hand is held about six inches to
that the memory of a very small colon should be more difficult one side of the face and about six inches straight ahead, the
than the memory of a large one, but strange to say it can be patient, by moving the head and eyes from side to side slowly
demonstrated in most cases that the very small colon is remem- or rapidly, can imagine the movement of the finger from side to
bered best. side. This movement of the finger is called variable swing.
When the finger appears to move, the injurious stare is
Glaucoma and Stare prevented.
Prolonged palming and long -swing alternately also prove
When a patient stares, an effort is always made to hold the very helpful to break the habit of staring. One should learn to
eyes still without moving them. It is impossible to ho~d the blink at each step while walking and imagine the side objects
eyes perfectly still. Trying to do the impossible always requires moving backwards. Two candles may be put one foot apart,
strain. This strain can be demonstrated to be a mental strain. and the patient shifts the sight from one candle flame to the
With a mental strain, the memory and imagination becomes other, then the candle flames appear to move in the opposite
imperfect and imperfect sight results. Pain, fatigue, dizziness, direction.
are acquired or made worse. Sun treatment proves effective in glaucoma. The patient
Glaucoma, acute or chronic, has been produced by the stare. faces the sun with the eyes closed and moves a ball from one
Most common symptoms of glaucoma are hardness of the hand to the other. While moving the ball in this way he
eye-ball, contraction of the nasal field, appearance of a halo shifts his eyes and head from side to side.
around lights. The look of the glaucoma patient is a clear in- Condensing the rays of the sun on the white part of the eye-
dication of the stare. Such patients use the stare to improve ball is very effective in chronic cases of glaucoma. While
their vision and are unconscious that an effort to see is being facing the sun the patient is directed to look as far down as
made. So it is good to teach these patients how to stare and possible, and in this way the pupil is protected by the lower lid.
how to relax. By staring the patient then becomes conscious Then by gently lifting the upper lid, only the white part of the
that it affects the sight and increases the tension, while by eye is exposed, while the sun's rays strike directly upon this
relaxation the severity of the glaucoma symptoms is lessened. part of the eye-ball. The sun glass may then be used on the
Many adults past middle life unconsciously stare and pro- white part of the, eye. Care should be taken to move the glass
duce glaucoma. By practice they become conscious of the from side to side quickly. The length of time devoted to

focussing the light on the white part of the eye is never longer their old age were recorded in our Eye Clinic. At first these
than a few seconds. persons needed glasses only for reading at the age of forty but
If the patient is not totally blind due to glaucoma, then. in later on they were prescribed bifocals. Then, due to strain in
almost all cases the vision improves by relaxation treatment. reading, nu.-nber of glasses went on increasing quite fast. In
Cases of early symptoms of glaucoma are cured quickly, the case of a lady patient the last prescription of glasses was of
sometimes within a few days. In such cases shifting the sight +4.0 for distance and +7.0 for reading, and even with such a
on the white lines of fine -print proves very effective. When high power of glasses the vision was quite poor and she was
patients can read fine print comfortably without or with suffering from headache and eye strain. These cases drew our
glasses in good light and in candle light, they are quickly attention to study hypermetropia rnore carefully.
relieved of glaucoma symptoms. The pain and discomfort is When the sight is good fur distant vision that does not mean
chased away. It ls because fine print cannot be read by strain; that the sight is also good for reading at ten or twelve inches.
one can read it well only by relaxation. Poor sight for reacting is usually corrected by the use of reading
A lady patient had developed the habit of strain and often glasses. In old age serious eye troubles are caused by the strain
suffered from Ithe pain and discomfort of glaucoma. Her of hypermetropia. In the early stage these diseases are more
one eye was operated upon for glaucoma but there was no readily curable than after they have become chronic and more
relief, the condition grew worse and worse. Her pain was serious~ The treatment which cures hypermetropia is the
completely cured and the vislon considerably improved by sun treatment which prevents and cures serious eye diseases. The
treatment and relaxation. The orbital swing helped a great strain of hypermetropia causes glaucoma; when•this strain is
deal in her treatment. relieved, glaucoma usually improves.
Orbital swing: Move the index finger in the air in a circular In studying the production of hypermetropia it is interesting
way, follow the movement of the finger while moving the head to note the conolusion of a well known eye specialist. He was
and eyes with eyes closed. It seems as if the eye-ball is rolling asked this question: "Is hypermetropia curable?" He replied
in the orbit. \~'hen done properly, it brings quick relief from that it was not curable. He was then asked, "Why do you claim
pain in the eye-balls. that no one can cure hypermetropia?" He answered, "I know
that it cannot be cured because I was unable to succeed and if I
Hypermetropia cannot succeed no one else can."
A patient reported that he was using plus bifocals for a long
Persons who need plus glasses suffer from hypem1etropia. time but after his retirement he gave up reading and did not
Hypermetropia is found developing at any age but it becomes use glasses also. This improved his eyesight greatly. When
a great puzzle to the doctor when hypermetropia is found tested on the eye chart he could read the last but one line from
developing in old. age when the lens becomes hard, Recently 10ft. and could read fine print in good light at 12 inches. When
within a week five persons who developed hypermetropia in he reported this fact to his optician, the latter did not believe

his statement. When patients of hypermetropia improve their fact is evident from the various prescriptions of glasses which
eyesight spontaneously or by relaxation treatment, the result the patient gets from the doctors. Though the orthodox view
becomes a very great puzzle to the doctors and opticians. It is is that hypermetropia is a permanent condition from birth, the
because their whole conception about the formation of visual fact is that hypermetropia is acquired at any age.
defects is based on fallacies; they cannot answer this question:
why is hypermetropia developed or cured in old age? And Q: What are the symptoms of hypermetropia?
when such cases come before them, the tendency is just to A: Usually the eyes are tired soon in reading, or one finds
ignore and give suitable glasses. difficulty in reading some small print. Strain and feeling
Children suffering from hypermetropia are very easily cured of pain and headache also are quite frequent. At times the
by palming and reading of the Snellen Eye Chart and fine print letters of a book appear double or read wrongly. It is hyper-
daily. All their discomforts fade away within a few days and metropia which causes many complications iii the eyes in old
their memory and imagination improve. A child wearing age, as cataract, glaucoma, diseases of the optic nerve and retina.
glasses of +6 was cured in a week's time. Therefore it is necessary to treat hypermetropia at least to
A patient of hypermetropia was developing a cataract; by relieve the discomforts and to prevent serious complications.
the treatment of hypermetropia the cataract was cured and all Fortunately the treatment of hypermetropia is easier than of
the discomforts of reading faded away. In another case hyper- myopia and usually hypermetropic patients are ·greatly bene-
metropia changed into myopia when he was fifty-seven. fited in a short time.
He had practised some Yogic exercise of concentration on a
bright object. Q: It is often seen that hypermetropia is cured or lessened
spontaneously. How does it happen?
Questions and Answers on Hypermetropia A: According to the orthodox view it is not permissible
to suppose that there has been a change in the shape of the
Q: What is hypermetropia? eye-ball. Therefore, when hypermetropia disappears or is
A: The other name for hypermetropia is farsight although lessened we are asked to believe that the eye, in the act of vision,
the vision is not clear either for distance or for near. Why? both at the near point and at the distance, increases the curva-
Because in hypermetropia the eye-ball is too short from ·the ture of the lens sufficiently to compensate, in whole or in part,
front backward, and the rays of light coming from distant for the flatness of the eye-ball. But according to the discover-
objects and near objects are focussed behind the retina and not ies of Dr. W .H. Bates hypermetropia is relieved by the relief of
on the retina. the strain on the eye and the eye-ball is elongated by relaxation
Q: Is hypermetropia a permanent condition?
A: Hypermetropia is not a permanent condition and this Q: I had good eyesight at one time but due to proof reading in


dim light my eyesight suffered and now I use plus bifocals, and Q: If some patients are not cured by the relaxation treatment,
the number goes on increasing almost every year. How? then what will you do ?
A: According to the orthodox view there is no explanation A: When some persons are not able to rest their eyes
for this increase in the number of glasses because the lens sufficiently then I prescribe glasses also and tell them to do
becomes hard in old age. But according to Dr. Bates hyper- palming and read fine print with glasses.
metropia is caused by a strain in near work. Due to such a
strain the rectus muscles contract and shorten the eye-ball. Q: What precautions do you advise for a case of glaucoma in
its early stage?
Q: Can hypermetropia be produced in the normal eye if strain A: 1. Correct the habit of blinking.
is the cause ? 2. Play with a ball, moving the ball from hand to hand.

A: When the normal eye reads in dim light with strain, Shift the sight with the movement of the ball.
hypermetropia is produced. But if the myopic eye reads in 3· Concentration on two candle flames.
dim light with strain, myopia is decreased and the vision for 4· Read small print in good light and candle light alternately.
distance is improved. 5· Often the prescription of glasses used by the patient is
found high; better avoid glasses as far as possible and use
Q: How is the strain caused in near work? correct glasses.
A: By reading under high power of electric light or in
dim light; by staring at near point and no blinking; haste in Q: What is the treatment for detachment of retina?
reading; by reading bigger and unfamiliar writings, etc. A: The habit of right blinking, frequent palming and reading
of fine print is the sure preventive for detachment of retina.
Q: What is the best preventive for hypermetropia? Eye education and mental relaxation exercises will cure
A: Reading of fine print with gentle blinking without or detachment of retina. Even if the operation is advisable, patient
with glasses, and concentration on a candle flame while coun- ought to be educated how to relax the eyes to prevent any
ting 100 respirations. further relapse.

Q: What is the treatment for hypermetropia?

A: Palming, swinging, shifting the sight on white lines
in between the lines of fine print and reading of the Snellen
Eye Chart placed in dim light at a twenty ft. distance. The
editor of Mother India, Mr. Sethna, has discarded his plus
bifocals after using them for about 20 years and can read fine

CHAPTER v the patient is trying to see the letters. This double vision can-
not happen if the patient imagines the card moving slightly
TREATMENT OF MYOPIA from side to side and does not try to see the letters. Palming
when done successfully relieves such symptoms quickly.
The cause of myopia is not reading small print but an effort to Reading newspaper type or fine print in dim light is very
see distant objects. When the normal eye stares at a distant useful to myopic patients. It helps to lessen myopia and
object or tries to read two parts of the Snellen Test Card letter develop normal vision. Looking at a blank wall of one colour
perfectly at the same time, an effort to sec is made and myopia and imagining something interesting and pleasant is also very
is produced. There is a strain; and the greater the strain, the useful to all cases of defective vision.
more imperfect the vision. This suggests the cure of myopia. If one can imagine a small letter "0" with its white centre
The production of improved or perfect sight is easy as it perfectly, first with eyes closed, then with eyes open while
does not need any effort, it comes only by rest or relaxation. glancing at the chart letters, the vision is decidedly improved
Most people with myopia are not conscious of the stare or and sometimes surprising results are obtained.
strain or the effort to see. Persons with normal vision are Reading fine print or photo type reduction in good light, in
often able to demonstrate that myopia is caused by strain. dim light and in candle light alternately helps the patients to
In the treatment of myopia the first thing is that the patient relax their eyes; all pain and strain and headache are quickly
should know that the cause of myopia is the stare or the effort relieved.
to see at a distance. When the patient looks at the white centres Control of relaxation is the key to cure myopia and many
of letters of the Snellen Test Card with gentle blinking and other diseases of the eye.
without any effort to see, the vision is always found to be Before and after sleep practise palming. While walking or
improved, and when such a practice is continued several times dressing or going to the school blink gently.
a day, the patient is habituated to look at things without effort If you can teach others how to blink, this will greatly help
and the vision is considerably improved. you to adopt the right habit.
The Snellen Test Card can be used in various ways to Before children go to the school, they should read the chart
improve the vision. Usually patients of myopia impro~e more at ten or twenty feet distance and read fine print. By this
when the chart is held at five feet or less, then the distance of practice many of their defects of vision have improved and
the chart is gradually increased. When the patient sways his their eyesight restored to normal.
body from side to side, the chart appears to be moving in the The superiority of the relaxation treatment is very well
opposite direction, and this imagination is beneficial. Then indicated in a letter received from Mr. S. S. Parekh of Ahmeda-
gradually the sway is shortened. If the test card does not appear bad Advance Mills: "My two daughters, Hemangini and·Su-
to sway, it is usually an indication of strain or an effort to see. rekha, who took eye treatment from you at Pondicherry were
If the letters on the test card appear double, it is because showering all praise on you for the wonderful effect it had on

their eyes. The number of Surekha has completely disappeared by retinoscope does not change though the vision is conside-
and that of Hemangini has gone down more than so%." rably improved and comes to normal with the lower power of
Variations in Eyesight I2. In a case of + 8 hypermetropia the vision was almost
the same with or without glasses. By eye education his
I. Usually myopic patients of -3 or more can hardly vision greatly improved and he felt no necessity of glasses.
read more than IOj2oo, and can hardly read the small print of But retinoscope continued to show the same error of refrac-
Fundamentals at more than 6 inches. tion.
2. But some cases of high myopia can read ro/ so line or
I3. It is difficult to say who will respond much to the treat-
more without glasses and do not show much improvement ment though some idea is formed due to experience and inspi-
with glasses. They can read small print at about IO inches. ration. However, persons having -I2 or more while going
3· In some cases the vision is quite poor for distance though under treatment feel no difficulty without glasses in their
corrected with glasses but in reading they can read the small movements; they walk about without strain, without headache.
print at about I2 inches. I4. A case of -7 using contact lenses greatly surprised us
4· In a small number of cases once the glasses are prescribed, when she improved her eyesight to almost normal in 3 days.
the number is almost constant. This is harmless myopia. We had no idea that such a high myopic case could improve so
S· Mostly the number of glasses goes on increasing slowly, much. This broke our old conception.
say once in two years a little increase. IS. Two similar cases with equal vision without glasses
6. In certain cases the deterioration in eyesight is quite fast. require different power of glasses for full correction. First
Such cases when timely treated respond well. case needs -8 dioptres to see 6/6 - whereas the second
7· Usually the variation is quite marked when the patient one, with nearly the same history needs only -I.S dioptres.
looks at objects with lids raised and when lids down and According to the laws of optics such a queer phenomenon is
blinking. not possible. Moreover, in the first case, after the treatment of
8. Some myopic patients feel great strain and headache his myopia, glasses of -6 dioptres made little difference. With-
as soon as they put on glasses while some are greatly relieved out glasses he begins to see as much as what he used to see,
by the use of glasses. prior to the treatment, with ' the glasses of -S·S dioptres.
9· Use of glasses in reading is usually detrimental because Whereas in the second case addition of mere -o.s makes a
the vision for reading is quite good or better than with glasses. great difference though according to the laws of optics a lense
IO. All cases of visual defects improve their eyesight by eye of a certain dioptre will, in all conditions, have the same
education and mental relaxation. Flashes of great improvement divergence faculty. And above all the retinoscope does not
are quite often. show much improvement though the subject experiences
I I. In some cases the error or refraction as demonstrated
for sure.

Vision and Education poor eyesight in school children, in short, is our irrational and
unnatural educational system. Montessori has taught us that
Poor sight is admitted to be the cause of retardation at school . it is only when children are interested that they can learn.
and it is commonly assumed that all disadvantages might be When one is not interested, one's mind is not under control,
prevented by suitable glasses. and without mental control one can neither learn nor see.
There is much more involved in defective vision, however, Not only the memory but all other mental faculties are impro-
than mere inability to see the blackboard or to use the eyes ved when the eyesight becomes normal. It is a common ex-
without pain or discomfort. Defective vision is the result of perience with patients cured of defective sight to find that
an abnormal condition of the mind, the mind is under strain, their ability to do their work has improved.
and when the mind is under strain and is in an abnormal A teacher reported that one of her pupils used to sit doing
condition the process of education cannot be conducted with nothing all day long and apparently was not interested in
advantage. By putting glasses upon a child we may, in some anything. Mter the eye testing card was introduced into the
cases, neutralize the effect of this condition and 'improve his classroom and his sight improved, he became anxious to learn,
mental faculties to some extent; but we do not alter funda- and speedily developed into one of the best students in the
mentally the condition of the mind, and by confirming it in a . class. In other words, his eyes and his mind became normal
bad habit we may make it worse. together. In another case symptoms of irritable temperament
Among the faculties of the mind which are impaired when were quickly relieved when the vision became normal. It is
the vision is impaired is the memory; and unless the strain always observed that when the sight is improved by relaxation
of the mind is relieved, very little will be gained by putting methods, the faculties of the mind are also improved. Myopic
glasses on a child to see better. The extraordinary memory and patients, who use glasses all the time, often complain of loss
keenness of vision of primitive people was due to the mind at of memory; when they learn how to rest the mind and avoid the
rest. Perfect memory and perfect sight go together. use of glasses in reading, their memory is improved quickly.
Under the present educational system there is a constant · From all these facts it is clear that the problem of education
compulsion on the children to remember. This compulsion cannot be solved simply by putting glasses before the eyes of
always fails. It spoils both the memory and the sight. We children. The children should be taught the right use of the
remember without effort, just as we see without effort, and the eyes without effort or strain. They should be encouraged to
harder we try to remember or see, the less we are able to do so. read the Snellen Test Card daily with gentle blinking and do
The sort of things we remember are the things that interest palming.
us, and the reason children have difficulty in_learning their Besides the methods of mental relaxation, it is worth the
lessons is because they are bored by them. Boredom is a trouble to teach children who have so-called incurable diseases
condition of mental strain which affects the memory as well as how to enjoy themselves for long periods of time both winter
eyesight. The fundamental reason, both for poor memory and and summer. Their eyes as well as their bodies are kept in
motion while playing games or engaging in sports which palm successfully. When school children learn by experience
relieve the stare and strain that cause imperfect sight. It is that palming is a benefit to their sight, headaches, nervousness,
so much more efficient and better than drugs. · or other disagreeable symptoms, they will practise palming very
Unfamiliar objects always cause strain on the minds of frequently without being encouraged to do so.
children. Hence children learning to read, write, draw, or SWAYING. Children should stand with their feet about one
sew, always suffer from defective vision, because of the un- foot apart and sway the whole body from side to side. When
familiarity of the lines or objects with which they are working. this is practised, the stare, strain or effort to see is prevented
They can be helped by chart reading daily and by games and the vision is always improved.
which keep them in motion. FINE PRINT. When school children are able to read fine
print at the distance from their eyes at which they see i~ best,
Eye Education the eye strain is relieved as fine print cannot be read w1th an
effort. The distance where fine print is seen best varies with
Eye education has been proved to be effective in preventing people. All children should not be encouraged to see fine
and improving defective vision in school children. print at the same distance from their eyes. Reading fme print
A Snellen Test Card was used for more than a year by a in candle light proves extremely beneficial.
teacher as a means of preventing and improving defective BLINKING. The normal eye, with normal sight blinks
eyesight. This card was .placed on the wall of the classroom. frequently, easily and rapidly, without effort or strain. If
Every day, while sitting quietly in their seats, the children children do not blink frequently, but stare and try to see
were encouraged to read the Snellen Test Card, with each eye things with the eyes open continuously, the vision is always
separately, covering one eye in such a way as to avoid pressure impaired. At first the child should be reminded to blink
on the eye-ball. This required only a few minutes and did not consciously but it soon becomes an unconscious habit and the
interfere with the regular school work. The results obtained vision is improved.
from this simple practice were very gratifying. Almost all the SWINGING. When the eyes inove slowly or rapidly from
children were cured of their headaches and other discomforts side to side stationary objects, which are not regarded, appear
and improved their sight to normal. . to move in the opposite direction. The teacher can direct the
PALMING. Many children suffer from headaches, eye-strain · children to stand beside their desks while swaying from side
and fatigue. When the eyes are closed and covered with the to side. The pupils can notice that the desks in front of them,
palms of both hands, it is possible to obtain rest and relaxation the blackboard, and the Snellen Test Card are all moving in
of the nerves of the eyes and of the body generally, provided the direction opposite to the movement of their bodies. While
the palming is done properly. Most children are fond of walking children can notice that the floor appears to move
pleasant memories and when they palm, they usually think of towards them. If the children are conscious of the movement
pleasant things such as games, flowers etc. which help them to of the floor and other objects, the ,stare or strain is prevented,

and the vision is always improved; but if they do not notice It has been generally believed also that the imperfect light
the movement of objects when they themselves move, they are of school rooms is the cause of imperfect sight in school
apt to strain and the vision is lowered. children. In fact, the amount of light has nothing to do with the
When children imagine the Snellen Test Card to be moving cause of imperfect sight. Children with myopia or hyperme-
from side to side, the imagination of black letters or of the white tropia have been benefited or cured within a few weeks or
spaces is improved. If the head and eyes are moved an inch earlier by eye education when a poor light or a bright light was
or less from side to side, the Snellen Test Card and the letters used. They have been cured of their discomforts by reading
on it will also appear to move an inch or less. With the aid of very small print in good light as well as in candle light or
such a short swing, the vision is greatly improved. But if the poor light.
letters do not appear to move, an effort is soon manifest. Dr. Cohn has done an enormous amount of work to deter-
The children then find that trying to see a letter stationary mine the cause, prevention, or cure of imperfect sight in school
requires a strain and is difficult. It seems strange, although it children. He recommended what was considered to be the
is true, that to fail to have perfect sight required an effort and best form of lighting in schools and also devoted a great deal
hard work. In other words, perfect sight can only come of his time to desks and seats . He believed that he had made
easily and without effort; while imperfect sight is obtained a valuable discovery towards prevention of imperfect sight
with much discomfort and effort. when he recommended an apparatus which prevented school
children from leaning far forward when they were studying
School Children or writing. Mter his method had been in use for some time,
the vision of children was tested. Much to the surprise of the
It is estimated that in big cities one tenth of the school parents of the children, the vision was not benefited. A friend
children wear glasses arid their defects go on increasing in spite asked Dr. Cohn for his statistics on children who were bene-
of all care. It is believed by many that the cause of defective fited; he said no children were benetited and that the method
eyesight in school children is the use of small print in the text was a failure.
books. When some schools experimented to use only large Dr. Bates has proved repeatedly through various experi-
print for the children, eye-strain and headache and other ments and clinical observations that any effort or strain to im-
troubles became more numerous than when small print was prove the vision always lowers the vision. Straining the eyes
employed; repeated trials of books in which large print was used to see at long distances always produces nearsightedness or
always failed to prevent discomfort. Just as many children myopia. When efforts are made to see at the near point conti-
wore glasses after the use of text books with large print as when nuously, the eyes become far-sighted or hypermetropic. It
the books were printed in small print. Evidently, the cause of can be demonstrated that the normal eye with normal sight
imperfect sight in school children was not connected in any becomes imperfect by a strain to see. When the eyes are
way with the size of print used in text books. relaxed the vision always becomes normal.

Dr. Bates recommends a system of eye education for the to meet Dr. Agarwal. There were many patients waiting to
prevention and cure of imperfect sight in school children. A meet the doctor. At the appointed time Dr. Agarwal carefully
Snellen Test Card is used as a means to prevent and improve examined my daughter and after the examination he sat quietly.
imperfect sight. Children suffering from defective vision may When I enquired whether there was any hope of improvement,
read it frequently and do palming. the doctor called a boy-patient who had also been semi-blind
about a month before, but now had perfect normal vision.
A Case of Myopia and Nystagmus "How can this be?" I doubted. Then I questioned the boy
personally. It was a great relief to me when the boy narrated
A Report by a Patient's Father his story and the cure. Yet, I wanted to ascertain from the
doctor the prospects for Vi jay Laxmi. "Your daughter too will
Science has greatly progressed, man can land on the moon become all right, have patience and supply the materials I need
and news can spread all over the world in a minute. But what for her treatment," the doctor said. We felt very happy and
a pity that Ophthalmic Science seems to be two hundred years the next day I bought a set of colour pencils, a ballpen, a few
backwards. Almost every eye specialist believes that there notebooks, a ball, etc.
is neither any preventive nor cure for defective vision. For The sun was shining and the rays were very pleasant; the
such defects as myopia, hypermetropia and presbyopia they assistant applied RESOLVENT 200 to the eyes ofVijay Laxmi
prescribe glasses and help the patients to see well but there and, while facing the sun, she began to move her body, head
are many cases where glasses fail to work as a palliative even. and eyes from side to side like a pendulum. Mter a few minutes
Any rational mind will think that science is yet in a backward she washed the eyes with a pink lotion called OPHTHALMO
stage. But there is one doctor in India who cures his patients and sat comfortably in the The doctor showed
of defective vision by means of education and mental relaxation. her how to do palming in the correct way. Then she played
My daughter Vijay Laxmi, aged ten years was semi.,.blind, with a ball, did some drawing, s'Yayed her body and read some
she was suffering from nystagmus, that is, her eyes were letters of the chart. At times she was taken to the dark-room
making short movements from side to side involuntarily. to concentrate on the candle flame. My daughter greatly en-
The doctor of Jipmer prescribed glasses of minus two but joyed the treatment whenever she was called in the clinic. At
failed to improve her sight with them. We were greatly home I had advised my wife not to scold her at any time but to
puzzled and worried. Fortunately my daughter had been to help her in the treatment.
the Divine Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram on her birthday. The results of this kind of treatment were wonderful. From
The Mother, after glancing at her, advised me to take Vijay the very first day my daughter's vision began to improve both
Laxmi to Dr. Agarwal. "Who is Dr. Agarwal?" I enquired for distance and near. She began to read smaller letters and
at the gate of the Ashram. A few days iater my friend Bable- finally she could easily read fine print with gentle blinking.
shwar took us to the SCHOOL FOR PERFECT EYESIGHT By blinking the expression of the eyes and face changed.

Formerly she used to stare at objects and in this way had the condition is called accommodation. What happens in
developed the habit of squinting. Now she reads her book accommodation? The eye-ball is , lengthened just like a
well, and sees movies on Saturdays. camera when it focuses at a near point. When a student reads
P. A. to The Governor, Pondicherry. for long hours at a stretch, the eye is in a state of continuous
accommodation and this condition is called excessive accom-
Myopia Cured Without Personal Assistance modation. After long study or, so to say, after excessive accom-
modation when the eye looks at distant objects, the vision is
The efficiency of the method of treating myopia and a little ha~y, it takes some time for the eye to shorten its length
other visual defects by eye education is so great that I am · so as to focus correctly and adopt the condition of rest. At
constantly hearing of patients who have been able to improve this time if the eye makes an effort to see clearly, then the
their eyesight by the aid of information contained in my pub- state of lengthening of the eye-ball continues and the eye
lications, without personal assistance. The writer of the fol- becomes myopic. When this habit of straining becomes
lowing letter, a lady from Bombay, is a remarkable example of habitual, myopia sets in permanently. Some students escape
these cases: because they do not continue to make an effort to see and are
"I acquired short sightedness in school, possibly due to able to relax easily.
improper way of seeing, posture and light and the power of If after long study one can do palming and reading of the
glasses gradually increased to -3.0 in both eyes with years. Snellen Test Card then the effect of the accommodation will
Mter twelve years of living with glasses I found the spectacles pass away easily and quickly.
most irksome. Then at the prompting of a friend I started
practising eye exercises from Dr. Agarwal's book. This help- Q: In accommodation the eye-ball is lengthened, in myopia
ed me to discard glasses totally within nine months. In my also the eye-ball is lengthened; then what is the difference between
last visit to the Eye Doctor, he advised me to discard my these two conditions ?
glasses since my eyesight was normal. As I was prone to hea- A: Accommodation is without strain, without an effort to
daches without glasses I was wearing plane glasses for about see, while myopia is due to an effort to see distant objects.
three months but after that I learnt to live without glasses. I
am fqrty years of age today and still enjoy normal vision." Q: If eye-strain is felt in reading, then what will happen?
A: The eye will become hypermetropic, there will be
Questions and Answers flattening of the eye-ball. It is why reading small print in dim
light helps to counteract myopia.
Q: If reading is not the cause of myopia, then why do so many
hard working students suffer from myopia? Q: Why do eye specialists fail even to prevent myopia? My
A: When the eye focuses itself at a near point a~ in reading, number has increased from -1.0 to -6.0.

A: It is because ophthalmic science regarding accommoda- correctly. To correct this defect read in dim light
tion and errors of refraction is full of fallacies and falsehood. for. sufficient time.
No attention is paid to minimise the strain to see distant (2) Central fixation is lost. This defect can be correct-
objects and to relieve the mental strain which underlies the ed by central fixation exercises or by the memory
imperfect functioning of the eye. Further, a myopic patient of a small letter.
sees well at a near point and reads better without glasses,
but the doctor advises him to use glasses constantly. Q: My vision is very poor even with glasses of -16 and. I get
temporary attacks of blindness. Gradually the vision is failing.
Q: What will you advise then to a highly myopic patient? · Can your treatment help me ?
A: Glasses may be used when necessary but not in reading. A: I assure you that your eyes can be greatly benefited and
Palming may be done whenever convenient. Read the Snellen you may come here for treatment.
Eye Chart once a day without and with glasses, this will keep
you aware about your eyesight. And read small print in dim
light for a few minutes. Q: I am shortsighted and using glasses for five years. The
number of glasses has not increased and I feel quite comfortable.
The only difficulty is that sometime my eyes get tired after reading
Q: How can I adjust myself in the class if I don't useglasses?
too much.
I have to ·see the blackboard and read also.
A: This is harmless myopia and you can continue with your
A: Glasses may be used at that time but after the class do
glasses to see distant objects. While reading you should not
palming and avoid their use at home and at reading time.
use them because your reading sight is quite good without
glasses. Do palming after reading. Read fine print.
Q: Why do you advise glasses for some and for some not?
A: Because some need their use, while others can manage
without them and feel more relaxed. Q: My one eye is myopic and the oth~ hypermetropic. Since
I have been using glasses, I have developed a dull headache,
Q~ How is it that one eye becomes highly myopic while the my memory is also affected. What do you advise?
other remains normal or little myopic? A: As you can see well at a distance with one eye, and read
A: Each eye functions separately; one may strain more well with the other, you should not use glasses. You don't
than the other. need them at all.
One eye conveys a bigger image, while the other conveys
Q: What goes wrong in myopia and how can that defect be a smaller image when the glasses are being used; and the
corrected? mind has to fuse these different images \lfid then it goes under
A: (1) The eye-ball is elongated and is unable to focus a strain.

Q: I am myopic and I have to change my glasses quite fre- Remember two important points:
quently. Can you advise me something to check the increase of (I) When floating specks appear, ignore them.
myopia? (2) Do not test whether they are still there 01 not.
A: (1) Read without glasses.
(2) Read in dim light. Q: Doctor, is your system of treatment an alternative, or a
(3) Practise palming several times a day. substitute or complementary to the orthodox system of treatment?
(4) Read the Snellen Eye Chart at ten feet without A: It is an alternative, a substitute as well as complementary
a.TJ.d with glasses, with gentle blinking. depending upon the circumstances.
A p~rson quite comfortable with his glasses, when likes to
Q: Why do you recommend to read in dim light? Everyone undergo this treatment, it becomes an alternative.
ridicules me when I study in dim light. Usually in lower degrees of errors of refraction, we substitute
A: You are shortsighted. By reading in dim light for it (the relaxation method) for glasses.
sufficient time hypermetropia is developed and hypermetropia In cases of high myopia, it goes hand in hand with glasses.
neutralises the myopia. You can test this fact that by reading Glasses aid the vision in those cases and the relaxation methods
in dim light for sufficient time the distant vision is improved. check further deterioration.
While reading the distant chart you should blink at each
letter. When reading in dim light is aided by central fixation, Q: I see a white image of the black letter when I close my eyes.
the improvement lasts longer. Is it a natural or physiological phenomenon?
A: This is called after-image. It is not a natural or physio-
Q: I sit in the verandah to practise on the eye chart to improve logical phenomenon. Mter-image is the sign of strain. When
my distant vision. You hm1e advised me to read in dim light and one looks at the letter with central fixation, after-image does not
then to practise on the eye chart in good light. How to make appear, black or real image appears.
such an arrangement ?
A: Take a bed cover of dark colour, fold it, then use it as
a cover over yourself, adjust the cover in such a way that there
is quite dim light inside and it is little difficult to read at about
12 inches.

Q: I see something flying before my eyes; the doctor says,

"floating specks", for which he has no cure.
A: Practise long swing and palming frequently and get the
habit of blinking. Then the floating specks will fade away.

CHAPTER VI are resting upon the upper part of the white spaces. When the
sight is shifted on the white lines, the lines of letters appear
ASTIGMATISM to move in the opposite direction. Reading of fine print in
good light and in candle light alternately proves very beneficial
In all cases of astigmatism one meridian of the cornea is more in the treatment of astigmatism.
convex or less convex than all the other meridians. The astig- Often patients tell us: "How can I remember black? It is
matic eye is not able to focus the light from any object cor- impossible for me to remember black." One person tried to
rectly. remember a small black dot and failed and a number of his
School children are often nervous and when the nervousness friends tried and failed. When people try to see one dot of a
is considerable, a large amount of astigmatism may be produced colon blacker than the other and fail, the cause of failure is a
by a strain of the eyes and mind. When rest is secured the strain. This strain is a mental strain. By an effort, sight,
astigmatism in school children promptly disappears. Closing memory and imagination are lost. It is astonishing to know
the eyes and palming, with the help of a nearly perfect memory that the memory of imperfect sight is so difficult and that it
of some letter or other object, secures a considerable amount requires considerable time and patience to help a patient realize
of rest. The more perfect the memory the greater is the rest the facts. Most people believe that to do wrong is easy and are
and relaxation. Rest of the eyes and mind is also obtained after very much surprised when someone tells them contrary and still
the child has practised long swing or central fixation or seeing more surprised when the facts are demonstrated.
best where the eyes were looking. When the largest letter of the Snellen Test Card is regarded,
It is very helpful to demonstrate to the patient that astigma- the blackness of it, the clearness of it, are so much better that
tism is caused by a stare or strain and that rest or relaxation of people · erroneously believe that the imagination of a large
the eyes will bring about a cure of astigmatism. The memory letter is much easier than the imagination of one half of the
of familiar objects with the eyes.closed is a great help in obtain- letter. When one half of the letter is covered, some people can
ing relaxation and lessening the amount of astigmatism. It imagine successfully that one half of a largest letter on the card
often happens that patients of astigmatism find it difficult to is just as black, clear, and distinct as the same letter very much
obtain relaxation, because they try to see too much of any one smaller. By continued practice the size of the letter can be
object at once and try to see several letters of the chart at a time. reduced to a very small area.
The mere act of seeing one side of a letter at a time makes it Once a father brought his daughter for eye testing and her
easier to imagine the vision of each part of a letter. vision was found quite normal. The father said to the child:
One very successful method to improve the sight in astig- "Can you tell that the largest letter on the test card is blacker
matic patients is to look at the white spaces in between the than the very small letters." The child intelligently declared
lines of print and imagine them whiter, first with eyes closed, that the large letter was not blacker or clearer than the smaller
then with eyes open. Imagine as if the bottoms of the letters letters. The father then asked his daughter how she explained

pain, discomfort, or headache or fatigue. When a person with


that she could see the small letters better than the large ones.
She replied that the reason she saw small letters better than imperfect sight closes the eyes and rests them successfully the
large ones was because there was not so much to see. eye becomes normal for the time being. When such a person
Having good eyesight the child could very readily produce looks at the distance and remembers some letter, some colour,
a considerable amount of astigmatism by an effort of which or some object perfectly, the eyes arc normal and the vision is
she was conscious. She could also relieve the strain quickly perfect. .
and see a small letter at fifteen feet moving from side to side. One of the quickest and most satisfactory way of improving
The moment she tried to stop the movement of the letter, the sight is with a perfect imagination. The white centres of
she felt discomfort and showed the symptoms of astigma- the letters are imagined by the normal eye to be whiter than the
tism. margin of the card, while the eye with imperfect sight imagines
the white centres of letters to be less white than the margin of
Improve Your Sight the card. Persons with imperfect sight have been cured very
quickly by encouraging them to imagine the letters in the same
If you have imperfect sight and desire to obtain normal vision way as the normal eye imagines them.
without glasses, I suggest that you keep in mind a few facts. When reading small print in a newspaper or in a book the
In the first place the normal eye does not have normal sight • . normal eye is able to imagine the white spaces between the
all the time, so if you have relapses in the beginning do not be lines whiter than they really are. The whiter the spaces are
discouraged. First test your sight with each eye on the Snellen imagined the blacker the letters appear and more distinct they
'Test Card at ten or twenty feet, and see how clearly you become.
read the fine print at ten inches. Then close your eyes and Persons with imperfect sight do not imagine the white spaces
rest them by palming for about half an hour. Then open your between the lines of fine print that they are endeavouring
eyes for a moment and again test your sight with both eyes at to read, to be as white as the margin of the page. Persons
the same time. with imperfect sight cannot read fine print until they be-
Your vision should be temporarily improved if you have come able to imagine the white spaces whiter than they really
rested your eyes. If your vision is not improved it means that are.
you have been remembering or imagining things imperfectly By central fixation is meant the ability to see best where you
and under a strain. With the eyes closed and (;overed, at rest, are looking. When one sees a small letter clearly or perfectly
with your mind at rest, you should not see anything at all- it can be demonstrated that while the whole letter is seen at
all' should be black. If you see different colours, you are not one time, one sees or imagines one part best at a time. The
resting your eyes but you are straining them. normal eye, when it has normal vision, sees one letter of a line
When persons with normal sight do palming they observe best or one part of a letter best at a time.
perfect darkness before their eyes and they do not suffer from The more perfect the imagination, the more perfect is the

sight. It is interesting to realize that the truth about vision

in all its manifestations does not obey the laws of physiology,

glasses has at least one benefit; it act~ as an incentiv: to the

patient to practice the right methods m order to obtam good
the laws of optics, the laws of mathematics, and to try to 1 eyesight.
explain it in some plausible way is a waste of time.
Fine Print
Most people have an imagination that is good enough to
cure them if they would only use it. One can improve the Many near-sighted patients can read fine print at l~ss than
memory and imagination by alternately remembering a letter ten inches from their eyes, easily, perfectly, and qUickly by
with the eyes closed for a minute or longer and then opening alternately regarding the Snellen Test Card at different . ~is­
them and remembering the same letter for a fraction of a tances, from three feet up to fifteen feet or further. The .v~s10n
second. Mter a patient has become able, under favourable may be improved, at first temporarily, and later by repetition a
conditions, to imagine mental pictures as well with the eyes permanent gain usually follows. . .
open as with the eyes closed, his cure can be obtained in a It is a valuable fact to know that when fine pnnt IS read
reasonable length of time. One patient, for example, could see perfectly the near-sightedness disappears during this .period.
the large letter at ten feet but by the memory of a letter, alter- The reading can be maintained at first only for a fraction of a
nately with his eyes closed and with his eyes open, obtained second and later more continuously.
almost normal vision in a few weeks. Nea;-sighted patients and others, with the help of fine
Reading some small print or fine print in dim light for fifteen print, can usually demonstrate that staring at a small letter
or thirty minutes at a time greatly helps the myopic patients always lowers the vision and that the same holds true when
to improve the sight for distance. For example, a boy could regarding distant letters or objects. . .
read only five lines of the chart from twenty feet and his vision With the help of fine print, the near-sighted patients can
was recorded 2oj 50. He was trying to improve the sight also demonstrate that one can remember .perfectly only what
by palming but failed to improve considerably. As he could has been seen perfectly: that one imagines perf:ctly ~nly what
~ot very well remember some mental picture perfectly, his
is remembered perfectly: and that perfect sight 1s only a
Improvement was poor. When he was advised to read fine print perfect imagination. . . .
in dim light for ten-fifteen minutes at a stretch and then glance A great many people are very suspicious of the 1magmation
at the white centres of the chart letters at twenty feet his impro- and feel or believe that things imagined are never true. The
vement was very quick. He could easily read the normal more ignorant the patients, the less respect do they have for
line. By repeated practice the vision permanently improved. their imagination or the imagination of other people. It comes
It is because reading in dim light greatly helps to reduce to them as a great shock, with a feeling of discomfort and
myopia. annoyance, that the perfect imagination of a known letter
It is very important that all patients who desire to be cured improves the sight for unknown letters of the Snellen Test
of imperfect sight should discard glasses. Going without Card.

It is a fact that one can read fine print perfectly with a perfect
relaxation, with great relief to eye-strain, pain, fatigue and dis-
comfort, not only of the eyes, but of all the nerves of the
Fine print, even when not read, but simply regarded, helps
to improve distant vision, and the ability to read fine print
helps all those suffering from Astigmatism, Hypermetropia,
Presbyopia and other eye troubles.

Specimen of Diamond Type or Photographic Type Reduction

Fine Print
Patients who can read photographic type reductions are
instantly relieved of pain and discomfort when they do so, and
those who cannot read such type may be benefited simply by
IUIIIQ~ 'I'UAIIAJD~VI&I<lH looking at it.

Good Eyesight

Preservation of good eyesight is almost impossible without

eye education. Remember some fundamental principles of
perfect eyesight.

r. Many blind people are curable.

Photographic Type Reduction 2. All errors of refraction are functional, therefore curable.
Patients w~o can read photographic 3· All defective vision is due to strain in some form, You
type ~eductwns are instantly relieved can demonstrate to your satisfaction that strain lowers the
of pam and discomfort when they do
so, and those who cannot read such
·vision. When you stare, you strain. Look fixedly at one object
typ.e may be benefited simply by looking for five seconds or longer. What happens? The object blurs
at 1t. and finally disappears. Also, your eyes are made uncomfortable
by this experiment. When you rest your eyes for a few moments
the vision is improved and the discomfort relieved.
4· Strain is relieved by relaxation.
To use your eyes correctly all day long, it is necessary Q: What is mixed astigmatism. Is it also curable?
that you: A: In mixed astigmatism one meridian is flatter than the
I. Blink frequently. Staring is a strain and always lowers normal, while the other meridian is more convex than the
the vision. normal. The result is that the eye needs plus and minus lenses
I.I. Shift your glance constantly from one point to another, in the same eye. To make the $Ubject interesting I give here
seemg the part regarded best and other parts not so clearly. the story of a patient- a report written by her father:
That is, when you look at a chair, do not try to see the whole
object at once; look first at the back of it, seeing that part Report
best and other parts worse. Remember to blink as you quickly
shift your glance from the back to the seat and legs seeing My daughter Kavita is about 8 years old. I think it was her
each part best, in tum. This is central fixation. fifth birthday party, when she appeared before her tiny friends
III. Your head and eyes are moving all day long. Imagine in a very serious mood, wearing an elderly look. She had not
that stationary objects are moving in the direction opposite to put on her grandma's specs, they were her own. How funny!
the movement of your head and eyes. When you walk about How silly! ·and they were designed to be her life-long compa-
the room or on the street, notice that the floor or pavement nion. No medical practitioner, no eye specialist grants divorce
seems to come towards you, while objects on either side appear with spectacles, once you get along with them. There is only
to move in the direction opposite to the movement of your one person, an old inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, who ·
body. . recommends such divorces. I shall tell you the story of my
A Case of Astigmatism At a young age, specially when she started her K. G., she had
complained several times o~ headaches. Further, she was get-
Q: My son often gets headache while reading; the doctor has ting a cold and cough every two months. We took her first to
prescribed glasses of + o.25 to correct his astigmatism. I want an E.N.T. (Ear, Nose, Throat) 'Specialist. He found nothing
to know what is astigmatism. Is it curable by your treat- wrong. We were also in touch with the Dentist. He had
ment'? also- nothing to say. Then we went to a well-known Eye Spe-
A: The cornea of the eye is circular like a watch glass. It has cialist of our Bangalore city. My daughter could hardly read
two principal meridians - one horizontal and one vertical, each the test chart half-way. The child of 5 was then taken to a dark
at a right angle to the other. When one meridian is flatter or room. The doctor went on saying, "See here, see there, see
more convex than the other, the eye develops astigmatism. over my head, etc." Next day he tried several glasses, asking
Astigmatism is curable like other errors of refraction by eye her, "This better or that? Now which is better?" and so on.
education and mental relaxation exercises. Reading fine print The doctor managed to prescribe compound glasses with the
is extremely helpful in such cases. following power:
R.E. -1.5 sph.+3.0 cyl. axis 90 morning was a delightful morning.
L.E. -0.5 sph.+2.5 cyl. axis 90 Now I shall tell you the results. On the first day when we
We were puzzled to see the numbers where one axis is went to Dr. Agarwal, she was not able to read the last four
plus, the other minus. The doctor said that the eyes were very lines on his chart from a particular distance without or with
weak, and she could never think of getting rid of glasses. He glasses. After 15 days of treatment she was able to read 3
asked us to go to him every year for a check-up. further lines on his chart. What a wonderful result! Is it not
So in October 1966, the doctor again examined my like magic? My daughter was so happy when she learnt that no
daughter's eyes and prescribed higher glasses : more spectacles would be needed in her whole life. And all
R.E. - .2.0 sph. +4.0 cyl. axis 90 these results were achieved in 15 days! Even when we go to
L.E. -r.o sph.+3·5 cyl. axis 90 a surgeon for any operation, he will take more than 15 days.
Then one fine day we went to Pondicherry in connection And here her eyes were cured with a set of colour pencils, a
with the school of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. We also took the note book and a candle!
opportunity to meet Dr. R. S. Agarwal, of whom we had heard K. C. Anand
sometime back. He examined my daughter's eyes very care-
fully and said her eyesight could become normal. He was Astigmatism Relieved by Eye Education
confident in his words. Further, his elderly disposition and
loving tone gave us full hope. He asked us to come one month The belief about the incurability of Astigmatism is a dogma
in advance before the school opened at Pondicherry. and a true scientist will always resist such a conservative idea.
And thus we again came to Pondicherry about 3 weeks before Dr. A. S. Drooby M.D., a well-known Psychiatrist of Lebanon,
the school re-opened. We went to Dr. Agarwal. He advised relates his experience to illustrate this fact:
us to bring a set of colour pencils, one ruled note book, one "Mter only two days of Dr. Agarwal's treatment the present
blank note book, one dot pen, one pencil. Wonderful prescrip- writer had a beneficial experience, in which astigmatism of
tion! My daughter loved to have all that. Then daily in many years standing was relieved: But before this is explained
the morning we went to the doctor. My daughter could easily in greater detail, it would be worthwhile to relate the history
spend one and a half hour in his eye clinic. She was given of the case.
a ball to play with. But all these were exercises for eyes. Play- "As there is a great deal of printed matter to be read in this
ing with a ball gave her the correct way of blinking; like that modem world, a system of reading called 'Fast or Rapid Read-
all other things were important. Further, daily she was going ing' has been developed. The principles of fast reading are
to a dark-room, but with a candle burning. She was asked to that one keeps the head stationary and moves the eyes only, also
read a small book with fine print in it. This too was interest- individual letters· are not observed but one views whole words
ing. The doctor used to make a group of 4-5 children and give only. However the main process to achieve fast reading is to
them different games of eyesight to play in sequence. Every fixate the eyes upon the middle of the printed line (of a standard


book size), and to shift the sight down the middle of the page, management with a grain of salt. One also begins to question
thus diminishing the eye movement to a minimum. the wisdom of quickly correcting the refraction error with the
"Owing to bilateral astigmatism the present writer has worn use of lenses when a more natural and hygienic procedure is
glasses for the last 23 years~ this astigmatism being combined available. Furthermore a person applying the Agarwal method
with myopia of-1.5 in both eyes. The left eye was more affect- is given the chance, at least, (confirmed by others) to check the
ed than the right, with the net outcome that without glasses advance of myopia. With the use of lenses it is notorious that
only the right eye would see or do the reading. progressively higher dioptrics are required.
"The treatment at The School for Perfect Eyesight starts "The Bates-Agarwal technique is recommended whole-
with the application of Resolvent 200 in the eyes, then sitting heartedly by this patient."
facing the sun with eyelids closed and rocking the body gently
from side to side. This was followed by 5 minutes' palming, Questions and Answers
then the reading of fine print in bright, dim, and candle light.
"Mter only 2 days.oftreatment the writer had the following Q: I am a teacher. What instructions will you give· so as to
beneficial experience. Under the treatment one is advised help the students ?
during reading to move the head slightly with the movement A: 1. Perfection is the aim of our life. Under the modern
of the eyes, and it was noted that by following this advice the conditions preservation of good eyesight is not possible without
print started to appear neater and darker. eye education. We recommend a plan of eye education for
"Another exercise consisted of reading through a hole of the schools.
/ 2 inch diameter cut out of a card, this card is moved a~,:ross 2. How to test the Sight? Keep the eye chart at 20 feet
the printed page so that one can only see a small length of the distance and read it with each eye separately. Write the
print at a time. By practising this exercise the print popped results in the form of a fraction. The numerator of the fraction
out as if enlarged from the hole, and there was no more is always the distance of the chart from the eyes. The deno-
blurring. For that moment the astigmatism was gone. Also minator always denotes the number of the line of the chart read.
reading with the left eye only and without the card, it was If you can read the line marked 20 feet at twenty feet distance
found that the print came out clearly and neatly. with the right eye, the vision is 20j2o (Normal); if you can read
"A comparison was then made between the new way of read- the line marked 50 feet at twenty feet distance with the left eye,
ing and the old, viz. reading with a movement of the head, the vision is 20j50 (Defective).
and reading with the head fixed. Reading with head movement To test the near vision take the Fundamentals chart and
was found to be easier, and without blurring of the print. hold it at 10 inches. Note which number you are able to read.
Reading without head movement brought back the astigmatic The normal eye can read the smallest type of the Fundamentals.
effect, and the sensation of eye-strain reappeared. 3· The teacher, who holds the first period of the class, will
"This experience makes one take the orthodox optometrist's see that the students, after palming, read the eye chart from

their seats silently, first with both eyes, then with each eye A: If you have a liking for sun-glasses, you may use mild-
separately, avoiding any pre~sure on the eye-ball. Reading coloured ones, but usually all such glasses make the eyes more
of the same familiar eye chart with gentle blinking is a wonder- sensitive and unhealthy.
ful eye education. Every home and every class should have the When you go out in the sun, keep the lids lowered and blink
eye chart. Splendid results will be obtained if each teacher, frequently; then there will be natural protection from light
before he holds the class, tells the students to do Palming. and heat; imagine that the side objects and the road are moving
4· What is Palming? Oose the eyes and cover them with backwards as one has the impression while travelling in a
the palms of the hands avoiding any pressure on the eye-balls. train - poles and trees appearing to rush past in the opposite
Keep the eyes covered for about five minutes and imagine direction. This also lessens the strain.
something interesting and familiar. Every morning take a little sun-treatment. Face the sun
5· How To Read? Hold the book within twelve inches. with eyes closed for a few minutes. This will strengthen your
Blink gently at each line. Do not be in a hurry to finish the eyes.
book. Reading very fast usually causes strain in the eyes and
mind. Reading small print and reading at a close distance is Q: What is Snellen Test Card or Eye Chart?
good for the eyes. A: The Snellen Eye Chart has letters printed in varying
6. Reading ·under bright electric light is harmful because sizes. It is used to test the eyesight for distance. The smallest
the light reflected from the paper causes strain to the eyes. letter seen on the eye chart from 10 feet or 20 feet is a measure
Light just sufficient to read is good for them. of your distance vision.
7· For quick relief of pain in the eye-balls and headache, It is a very useful thing for eye education so as to prevent
reading fine print under candle light usually acts as a miracle. and cure defective eyesight for distance.
Get the habit of reading fine print daily and you will be saved
from all eye troubles of old age. Q: I suffer from hypermetropic astigmatism and feel quite
8. Staring is bad. Tell the students to blink gently and comfortable with glasses. Do you · Qdvise me to go under your
frequently while seeing objects, reading books or watching the treatment?
cinema. In wrong blinking the upper lid touches the lower lid A: Better continue the use of glasses till you feel any dis-
with a jerk. comfort or deterioration in eyesight.
9· Students who find it difficult to get rid of eye strain or
headache or defective vision may be sent to the School for Q: I use glasses of -6 but 1 do not use them at the time of
Perfect Eyesight. physical exercises. What causes pain in my eyes while doing
physical exercz"ses and how to cure it?
Q: When I go out in the sun I often get a headache. Can I use , A: You are straining your eyes. Keep the lids a little lowered
dark glasses or goggles? while doing an:y physical exercise and blink often.

Q: What was the trouble with Krishna Roy, a friend of mine? overcome by gentle blinking, the vision is always improved
She was "blind" in her left eye and now she sees quite normally and if the practice of viewing pictures is continued, many
. with that eye. How did she get cured in your clinic? eye troubles are relieved.
A: She had been having Amblyopia in her left eye since
childhood. The word Amblyopia means blindness, the eye
cannot be helped by glasses and for this no apparent or suffi-
cient cause can be found in the constitution of the eye. She
was cured by eye education and mental relaxation exercises.

Q: Previously I had the notion tl:at reading under a bright

light was good for my eyes. But now I find that reading in semi-
darkness is helpful and avoids strain. Previously 20 minutes
reading used to tire my eyes, now two hours reading produces no
strain. Can you explain this fact?
A: In bright light the glare reflected from the paper creates
strain in the eyes.

Q: Why do you advise to read the same Snellen Test Card daily
as a means of eye education? Children have learnt it by heart.
A: You cannot see anything perfectly unless you have seen Correct way of watching a film·-
it before. When the eye looks at an unfamiliar object it always
strains more or less to see that object, and an error of refraction
is always produced. When the eyes regard a familiar object,
however, the effect is quite otherwise.
This is why I recommend reading the same familiar Snellen
Test Card.

Q: My father often tells me to stop seeing the cinema. Is the

cinema really harmful for the eyes ?
A: Cinematograph pictures can be made a means of im-
proving the eyes. When they hurt the eyes, it is ·because the
person strains to see them. If this tendency to strain can be


CHAPTER VII When double vision appears with squint, it is very annoying.
Any method, which secures relaxation, corrects the double
Squint and Amblyopia vision and lessens the squint. Many patients are greatly bene-
fited by palming, long swing and reading fine prin:t in good light
When one or both eyes are turned in towards the nose, the and candle light. Undoubtedly blinking is a great aid to cure
~o~dition is called convergent squint. When the eyes tum out, the squint as well as double vision. When this is not sufficient,
1t 1s called divergent squint. ' one may select the exercise of memory or imagination.
The cause of squint is a mental strain. Normal eyes have The Snellen Test Card may be useful in the cure of squint.
been taught to produce consciously squint at will. This While swaying from side to side, standing a few feet from the
requires an effort, but the fact suggests that since squint can be card, all stationary objects in the field of vision may appear
produced at will, it should be considered curable by eye edu- to be moving in the opposite direction to the sway. While .
cation. The success of the operative treatment is uncertain. practising the sway, the whiteness of the card improves
Some children produce convergent squint by straining to see while the blackness of the letters becomes darker and the
the end of the nose. The productio1;1 of divergent squint is vision improves. If one eye is nornial and the other defec-
difficult. tive, the good eye is cove~ed for several hours a day, so that
bad eye may learn functioning in the right way.
Treatment: Since squint is caused by an effort or strain Recently two teachers of the Centre of Education developed
to see, mental relaxation is the fundamental part of the success- a squint in their right eye due to working on the microscope
ful treatment. This may explain why teaching the eyes to with a strain. When the squint appeared, double vision
see better is a relaxation method, which promotes the cure followed and this was very disturbing and annoying. They were
of the squint. When the vision is improved of each eye to nor- cured by palming; long swing and reading fine print or photo-
mal, the eyes become straight. If somehow the relaxation graphic type reduction with gentle blinking. Frequent palming
treatment fails to correct the squint, then only one may think kept their eyes under relaxation. 'In such cases football swing
_o f the operation. is also very helpful.
Young children are cured of squint by swinging the whole What is footfall swing? Take a tennis ball and move it with
body in a circular direction and swinging them strongly your foot, the sight moves with the ball but the floor appears to
enough to lift their feet from the floor. While swinging the move backward. This imagination of the floor moving back-
hands of the child are held by the hands of an adult who may ward brings good relaxation. After playing this game for a few
be swinging him. At the same time the child is encouraged minutes one may read fine print or the Snellen Test Card at
to look upwards as much as possible. The little patient will varying distances.
immensely enjoy this form of exercise. Games of all kinds have Usually there is a lowering of vision in the squinting eye
been practised with much benefit to the squint in c4!Jdren. which cannot be improved by glasses, and this condition is

called amblyopia which is supposed to be incurable, but by letters of the Snellen Test Card or while reading fine print
relaxation methods of eye education, amblyopia is cured quite is a great help in the cure of double vision. ..
rapidly in many cases. A girl was suffering from squint and double VISion. ~y
frequent palming and practice on the Snellen Test Catd With
Double Vision gentle blinking all the time, she was completely cured.

Many children and adults suffer from double vision which A Student's Palming Composition
is often very annoying. One of the best methods for double
1. Palming has greatly helped me to relax my nerves of the
vision is palming for longer or shorter periods of time. Any
method of treatment which brings relaxation, corrects the head and eyes and of the whole body. I often suffered from
double vision. headache in the midst of my work and at times had vomiting.
Some patients are benefited by standing with the feet about The whole body was under strain. But now everything has
one foot apart, the arms and hands hanging loost;ly at the become easy and I no more suffer from headache.
sides, while they sway tlie body slowly, continuously, easily, · 2. One day my brother had severe headache. He was

from side to side. The swaying of the body from side to side wearing glasses. I told him to start palming. Mter half an hour
lessens or prevents concentration or other efforts to see. Should the vision considerably improved. He teaches others how to
this not be sufficient to cure double vision, one may practise do palming to obtain relaxation. .
blinking, central fixation on the Snellen Test Card with 3· Palming and reading of the Snellen Test Card druly has
frequent palming. enabled me to preserve good eyesight. It gives me strength
While swaying before the Snellen Test Card from side to in my imagination, and I can do my work much better.
side, the letters on the chart appear to move in the opposite 4· I .told my mother to do palming, I said it would help
direction. When the sway is short and slow the whiteness her, but she did not believe me. One day I said, "Mother,
of the letters improves, while the blackness of the letters palm." She said, "All right." Finally a week later she could
becomes darker and the double vision disappears. see clearly and began to read fine print. She said, "I am glad I
If the trouble is in reading, move the sight on the white did what you told me."
lines in between the lines of print without any effort to read 5· We have a palming lesson every day.. While we ~re
and observe the lines of letters which appear to be moving in palming we have a little music in order to think of something
the opposite direction. When successful, the whiteness in the pleasant. It has cured many weak-eyesight students and
letters appears whiter while the blackness of the letters grows relieved their pains of the head. It is spreading everywhere,
prominent. The vision is improved and double vision dis- and we see lots of people doing it now.
appears. 6. Palming is a wonderful treatment for the eyes and mind.
The imagination of a small "0" while glancing at the I do not get excited now and my eyesight has become normal.

I get good sleep. My sister is cured of her squint. believe amblyopia incurable. Time after time patients with
amblyopia have been treated in my clinic with success by
Blindness or Amblyopia relaxation methods.
In the case of young children methods have to be modified.
When the normal eye has normal sight, it is constantly mo- There are many ways in which this can be done, and it is
ving. When it has imperfect sight or is partially or completely important to devise a variety of means so that the child will not
blind, it is always seeing stationary objects or letters stationary, weary of them. For the same reason the presence of other
or is making an effort to do so. These two truths suggest the children is at times desirable. There must be no compulsion
prevention or cure of blindness. When adults, school children and no harshness, for as soon as any method ceases to be
and others are taught to imagine stationary objects to be pleasant it ceases to be beneficial.
always moving, the vision always improves. The needle, the brush, the pencil, kindergarten and Mon-
When the sight is poor and cannot be improved promptly tessori material, picture books, playing cards, etc., may all be
by glasses, the cause usually is due to amblyopia. The word utilised for purposes of eye training. If one eye is normal, the
amblyopia means blindness. In amblyopia the vision is less other amblyopic, then the good eye is to be covered and the
in the region or the centre of sight, hence central fixation is bad eye is trained on such material. At first it will be necessary
always found to be quite defective. to use rather large objects and.forms, but as the sight improves,
Since it is a truth that staring, concentration, causes imper- the size must be reduced. A child may begin to sew, for
fect sight, any treatment which relieves strain should always instance, with a coarse needle and thread, and will naturally take
improve the sight or improve the vision in amblyopic cases. large stitches. As its sight improves a finer needle should be
Recently I treated five children of the Centre of Education provided, and the stitches will naturally be smaller.
who were suffering from amblyopia. Apparently the eyes One very amusing practice for children is to sit on a small
looked quite all right but the vision was poor both for distance stool with a chart placed at five feet or farther. The child then
and reading and could not be improved by glasses. When they runs around the stool while bouncing the ball. After every five
looked at the chart letters, heir eyes .were stationary, there rounds he sits down, closes the eyes and then reads the chart
was no blinking, there was no movement of the eye-balls. All letters while blinking on each letter.
these children gained normal vision by palming, swinging and Many interesting games can be devised with playing cards.
candle practice. They were taught blinking and how to move "Slap Jack" is a good one, as it awakens intense interest and
the eyes with the movement of the head by means of a ball. great quickness of vision is required to slap the Jack with the
They moved the ball from one hand to the other and shifted hand the moment its face appears on the table.
the sight with the movement of the ball. These ideas are only suggestions, and any intelligent parent
The great mistake that has been commited for the last one will be able to add to them.
hundred years or more is in ignoring amblyopia. Most doctors

Suggestions 5· Palming
Palm for five minutes several times a day.
I. Imagine Things are Moving All The Time
When riding in a railroad train, when one looks out of the Permanent Improvement
car window, telegraph poles and other objects, although they
are stationary, appear to be moving. To stop the movement Many patients find that while it is easy for them to obtain a
is impossible, and the effort to do so may be very uncomfort- temporary improvement in their sight by palming a sufficient
able. The greater the effort, the greater the discomfort, and is length of time or by other methods, they do not seem to hold
the cause of heart sickness, headaches and nausea. It can be it permanently. In this connection it is well to remember that
demonstrated that any movement of the head and eyes pro- the normal eye with normal sight can only maintain normal
duces an apparent movement of stationary objects. sight permanently by consciously or unconsciously practising
the slow, short, easy swing. When the normal eye has imper-
2. Blink Often fect sight it can always be demonstrated that the swing stops
By blinking is meant to make short and rapid movements from an effort. When the normal eye has normal sight, the
of the eyelids. When done properly, things are seen conti- eyes are at rest and all the nerves of the body feel comfortable.
nuously and they always move with a quick jump in various When the swing stops, one always feels more or less uncom-
directions. Regarding stationary objects without blinking is fortable. Perfect sight can only be obtained easily, without
an effort, a strain which always lowers the vision. effort. To have imperfect sight always requires a strain or
an effort which stops the swing. Near-sighted patients who
have normal vision for reading at the near point become able,
3· Read The Snellen Test Card Daily when their attention is called to it, to demonstrate that they
School children and others are often cured of imperfect are more comfortable when reading the fine print than they
sight by reading a familiar card at ten or fifteen feet distance, are when they fail to see distant objects clearly. '
first with both eyes and then with each eye separately. It is Persons with imperfect sight should imitate the eye with
the only method practised which prevents MYOPIA in school normal sight by practising a perfect memory, a perfect imagina-
tion, a perfect swing, without effort, with perfect comfort all
the time that they are awake. Reading of fine print daily in
4• Fine Print good light and in candle light is a wonderful help to prevent
Read fine print at six inches or nine inches when possible and cure defective eyesight. To obtain a permanent cure it is
every night and morning. If not possible, do the best you can. necessary that children should devote a few minutes a day to
Just regarding the white spaces between the lines of fine palming, swinging, and reading the Snellen Test Card as long
print without reading the letters is a benefit. as they attend school.
Eye Strain During Sleep been blind, I could.not see even the biggest letter of the eye
chart and no glasses could improve the vision of this eye.
Many people complain that when they first wake up in the At the end of May 1967 Dr. Thadani ·came to our School
morning, they are tired, that they have headaches, and that for the eye checkup. All the students were excited to see
their eyesight is bad. Later on in the day their eyes feel better, whose eyes were best. They read the Snellen Test Card
and the vision becomes all right. perfectly - all except me. I knew about my bad eye but the
Many persons strain much more in their sleep than they children were stunned to see that I could hardly read even the
ever do when they are awake. They see all sorts of unfamiliar big letter from 20 feet with my left eye though the right eye
dreams, some even scream while in sleep. Of course, people was quite normal. Dr. Thadani gave a long discourse on how
when unconscious of their acts during sleep, are not aware of to improve my eyesight with natural methods. He said that
their dreams or eye-strain. since I had only one good eye, if something happened to it,
Eye-strain during sleep is sometimes, difficult to treat. Some then I would be quite blind. Would I like it? He encouraged
cases are benefited by palming for about half an hour before me to go to Dr. Agarwal's Eye Clinic and be under his treat-
retiring. Others, by practising the long swing before and after ment. He talked to me about his own eyes and how at the age
sleep, have found great relief. Some persons are benefited by of 69 he still read without glasses. So finally I decided to go
shortening their hours of sleep with the help of an alarm to Dr. Agarwal.
clock. One patient had the alarm set for 3 a.m. He would then It was on the 4th June 1967, Sunday, that I went to his
get up from bed and practise the long swing and palming With clinic. There I saw many patients, mostly children; they were
the result that he slept the rest of the night very comfortably, busy doing their eye exercises. The doctor welcomed me very
and awoke the next morning with little or no evidence of eye- warmly. He tested my eyes carefully and examined them in
strain during sleep. the dark room. Immediately he told me what was wrong with
Some people are able to get good sleep by doing moderate my left eye. He explained to me that I had Amblyopia, which
muscular or breathing exercises. A girl patient was cured by means blindness: the eye cannot be helped with glasses, and
reciting a prayer or a devotional song many times before going for this no apparent or sufficient cause can be found in the
to bed. A boy was advised to run around a chair before and constitution of the eye.
after sleep and this had a very good effect in curing his eye- At first I was given a book Better Sight, then Mind and
strain during sleep. Vision to read. I learnt many things about the eye and I found
the books quite interesting. I was surprised at myself, for
How My Blind Eye Got Cured usually I am not in the least interested in medical subjects; I
just don't have the nerve to read all that with quaint names.
When I was twelve, I often suffered from headaches and my But luckily the books were quite simple and I was glad to read
eyes were examined. It was found that my left eye had always them.


On the very first day Dr. Agarwal told me with confidence developed very bad eyesight, she could not see the blackboard
that I would be cured in two months' time. I was overjoyed letters and often made mistakes in copying from her books.
and agreed to take up his treatment as guided. I somehow This was an indication that her eyesight was bad both for far
just wanted to be cured. And surprisingly within two months, and near. Next day I made an appointment with Dr. Agarwal
with regular exercises for about two hours a day, my sight and brought Ange to his eye clinic. When her eyesight was
slowly came back, then considerably improved and I began to tested, Ange could see only the top letter from ten feet dis-
· read fine print. I also saw the cinema on every Saturday with tance and her vision was recorded 10/200, and at the near
the left eye only and I greatly enjoyed it. point she could see about quarter inch size letters. But then
I was much obliged and happy at the time and energy and when I showed paintings and drawings of Ange to the doctor,
interest the doctor alloted to me, so I gave up many other then he remarked that Ange was suffering from Hysterical
activities which were very dear to me, for nothing could be Amblyopia.
dearer than to be healthy and strong and free of all artificial What is Amblyopia? The doctor said, "The word Ambly-
contraptions. To get back one's sight is to see the world with opia means blindness without any apparent cause. The patient
a new light and new vision. does not know what is wrong; neither does the doctor, yet
One day without the doctor's permission I was doing some the patient cannot see. Under certain conditions of mental
fret-work at home. I was feeling the strain in my eyes but I strain Ange failed to see while under other favourable condi-
continued the work. Suddenly severe headache developed, I tions she could see very well."
could not sleep on that night. Next morning I came to the Dr. Agarwal put some questions to me and found out the
doctor very much depressed and told him all about my head- cause of mental strain which produced temporary blindness
ache. He gave me something to smell and asked me to do or loss of eyesight. Often the teacher at the school or the
palming till the headache was relieved. Mter half an hour I father at home scolded Ange and forced her to adopt a certain
was quite relaxed. discipline and learn Arithmetic for which she has absolutely
Such a love of the doctor for his patient I had never realized no liking. The doctor told me that unless this tension was
before. Along with the improvement of eyesight my inner relieved at home and school, the treatment would not produce
being also began to develop by his touch and influence. My good results. The matter was placed before the Divine Mother
patience, forbearance, concentration power considerably in- by Mr. Kireet. Since then Ange has found that the teacher
creased and I felt more self-confident and strong within. and the father treated her very kindly and did not force any
A TEACHER discipline. Yet Ange is a very sensitive girl, she expresses
A Case of Hysterical Amblyopia herself freely and joyfully in a disciplined way. She has the
energy to learn many things.
I was upset when a report was received from Sri Aurobindo Further br. Agarwal stated that some children when they
International Centre of Education that my daughter Ange had enter the schoolroom, become nervous especially when the

teacher is harsh and unkind or when the child has to study Cure of Squint
subjects for which there is no interest or liking. This nervous-
ness causes mental strain, and when there is mental strain, An old teacher of our Centre of Education was main-
the eyes also feel strain and the result is loss of sight. It is taining good eyesight with her bifocal glasses. Suddenly one
because vision is greatly associated with the mind. What we day, she felt that she was seeing double images of the object.
see is the mind's interpretation of the retinal images, in other She observed that her left eye had almost gone blind; it could
words, the vision is mostly our imagination. By the improve- see neither at a distance nor at near and her vision was very
ment of imagination the causes of eye trouble are relieved and hazy with or without glasses. When she looked into the mirror
the sight is improved. it greatly shocked and depressed her to see that convergent
On the day of treatment I brought 2 red balls, a set of squint had developed in her left eye and it was quite prominent.
coloured pencils, drawing books and some sweets. At first we On examination in the dark room it was found that the inside
played with the balls, the doctor and the assistant also joined of the eye was quite normal. We assured the patient that her
the game which was organised by Ange herself. When the sight will be all right within a few weeks and she began to
game and its fun was over, Ange traced a drawing and coloured follow the treatment:
it. At times she did palming on the rocking chair. A Snellen
Test Card was placed at about fifteen feet distance from Ange. 1. Keep the eyes closed and move the body gently from side
The doctor asked Ange to read the chart letters and write to side and not to open the eyes widely at any time and stop
thelfl. around the drawing in different colours. It was a great reading and writing completely. In the breakfast she was
surprise to all of us when Ange read the last line of the chart advised to take only fruits and a cup of tea. Egg, butter, bread
and wrote it correctly on her drawing. Her vision was recorded which made up for her usual breakfast "':ere completely
more than normal, that is, 15/Io. On the next turn she read stopped. This relieved the tension and she found her mind
fine print quite easily. At home she daily read the chart from and body quite relaxed. By following this first instruction for
ten feet distance. All the symptoms of temporary blindness about a month, double vision almost disappeared and there
were chased away by this simple treatment. was clarity in the vision. She felt the eyes and mind relaxed.
It is a truth that when children are in motion, they feel 2. Mter a month she used to come daily for her treatment in
greatly relaxed. For that running, dancing, playing, rocking, the clinic for taking sun treatment, doing palming, long swing
reading while shifting the sight from side to side, etc., are all and candle practice. She had developed the good habit of
very helpful. blinking which is imperative in bringing about gratifying
Each day at the School for Perfect Eyesight was a very joyful improvement in such cases, and in a month's time her left eye
day for Ange. And today we all feel very happy to see Ange gained almost normal vision with a lower power of glasses; but
enjoying good eyesight and this short note is an expression of this did not help in correcting her squint.
our gratitude. Ruth 3· The constant presence of squint was due to some tension

and weakness of the muscle. It was not due to the paralysis of mality which otherwise would have tinted her life with a shade
the external rectus muscle as it is generally believed. In such of unhappiness.
cases a special treatment 'Tarpana' helps vei ;y much to streng- Furthermore, operations in such cases do not prove bene-
then the weak muscle and correct the squint. The first course ficial. On the contrary they may damage the functioning of the
of treatment relieved the squinting state of the eyes temporarily. eye. Operations can only correct the existing abnormality
Squint was disappearing and reappearing. But after the third temporarily: but cannot relieve the root cause, namely-strain
course of treatment which was after a fortnight, her convergent upon the nerves responsible for the sound action of the
squint completely disappeared for good and the eye became external rectus muscle.
normal both in appearance and function.
Another exercise which helped her to regain her lost bino- Questions and Answers
cular vision was daily practice on Amblyoscope. In the first
days of her treatment she found it very difficult to fuse the Q: My daughter is four years old, she has developed a squint
images. Gradually, as the tension became less and the muscle and her right eye turns towards the nose.
became stronger the faculty of fusion developed. This was A: Young children can usually be cured of squint by the
also helped by closing the good eye at home and doing all use of. atropine. A one-percent solution is dropped into the
the household work for an hour or so with the bad eye better eye or both eyes daily for about one year. The atropine
(her squinting eye) only .. Naturally, the bad eye learned to makes it more difficult for the child to see, and makes the sun-
function without effort and strain. The use of the bad eye light disagreeable. In order to overcome this difficulty the
made the muscle stronger and in due course of time she could child has to relax the eye muscles, and the relaxation cures
move her left ,eye outwards without having to move her head the squint. Swaying the child in a circle is also very useful.
which was not at all possible when she came first.
The cause of such a sudden onset is a severe mental strain Q: I use glasses for reading and am fifty years old. Without
and the long standing habit of using the eyes improperly. It glasses I cannot work. Now these glasses do not give clear vision.
was worthwhile cross-questioning this teacher; for, to- What to do?
wards the end the cause became crystal clear which by itself A: Concentrate on .a candle flame while counting one
was a very great suggestive of treatment. It was found that her hundred respirations. Read small print with glasses in good
mind was burdened with anxieties and worries and that she light and in candle light.
used to feel spent up after a little work. Many other minor
points such as these, helped us greatly in determining her Q: I discarded glasses and I ride frequently on a cycle; I often
treatment. Now that she is absolutely normal and that she has go on a trip in the car and after every trip I find my eyes stronger.
resumed her work she feels happy and grateful; greater is our This, I think, is due to the rapid changing of focus in viewing
pleasure to see her well and free of such a displeasing abnor- scenery going by so fast.

A: The rapid motion compels rapid shifting and helps in


any length of time, the pain returns.


relieving the strain. A: When you read and your eyes pain you, it means that
you are straining your eyes. More frequent palming and
Q: Every year I get inflammation in my eyes, the glare troubles reading fine print with gentle blinking will help you.
me and I use dark glasses. Can my eyes be benefited?
A: Take sun treatment for a few minutes daily. At night Q: Is it all right to palm while lying down? Is it better to sit
practise .concentration on a candle flame and read fine print. or stand while doing so? If the arms get tired is it all right to
rest the elbows on a desk or something like that while palming?
Q: When I travel in a bus, my eyes are greatly strained. Or is it best to hold the elbows up free from all support?
A: Imagine side objects moving backwards, do not stare at A: It is all right to palm while lying down. Palming should
any object. Better look at the movements of the conductor not be done while one is standing. The elbows should rest
or read something so as to avoid the habit of staring. on a desk or on a cushion placed in the lap. One should be in
as comfortable a position as possible while palming, in order
Q: What is most helpful when one is highly myopic and finds to obtain the most benefit.
it almost impossible to see without glasses? · ·
A: Practise palming frequently and read fine print with Q: If type can be seen more distinctly with the eyes partly
gentle blinking in dim light. closed, is it advisable to read that way?
A: No, it is not advisable to read that way because it is a
Q: Why is fine print beneficial? strain, and alters the shape of the eye-ball.
A: Fine print is beneficial because it cannot be read by a
strain or effort, the eyes must be relaxed.

Q: How can I correct the vision of my three year old son,

who won't palm and does not understand it? He is far-sighted.
A: Make a test card with black letters on white paper. The
letters are to be composed of Es pointing in various directions.
These Es are to be graduated in size, from about 3 1 / 2 inches
to a quarter of an inch. Let the child read them from 10 to 20
feet away. Have him blink constantly while telling in which
direction the Es are pointing.

Q: I have improved my sight by palming, but when I read for


CHAPTER VIII normal vision but retained it for twenty-five years.

The fact is that presbyopia is due to strain. Glasses may
EYE TROUBLES IN OLD AGE enable the patient to read but cannot relieve the strain which
underlies the imperfect functioning of the eyes. It is a matter
Presbyopia of common experience that the vision declines rapidly after
the patient begins to wear When people put on gla~ses
Presbyopia is the name given to the loss of power to use the because they cannot read fine print they often find that m a
eyes at the near point without the aid of glasses, which usually couple of weeks they cannot, without them, read the coarse
occurs after the age of forty. It is a noteworthy fact that many print which was perfectly clear to them before. In some cases
other eye troubles such as cataract, glaucoma and inflammation . the decline of eyesight is quite fast and the oculist is compelled
of the interior of the eye-ball start about this time. There to change the glasses quite frequently, increasing the number
are cases, however, in which the vision remains quite normal each time.
in both eyes long after the presbyopic age. Presbyopia is cured just as any other error of refraction is
A man of sixty-five had quite good vision both for far and cured, by rest and relaxation. Some presbyopic patients are
near. His vision on the Snellen Test Card was 20/IO, and he cured very quickly, others are very slow, but as a rule every
could read the fine print at twelve inches. In reply to a query one is benefited. When the improvement is very slow, glasses
as to how he could possess normal vision at this age, he said are permitted along with a few minutes exercise. Such patients
that when he was about forty he began to experience difficulty are advised to concentrate on a ca.'ldle flame and read fine
in reading. He consulted an optician who advised glasses. He print with glasses.
could not believe, however, that the glasses were necessary, Central fixation on OM chart, shifting the sight on white
because at times he could read perfectly without them. The lines, concentration on a candle flame, frequent palming, rea-
matter interested him so much that he began to observe facts, ding of fine print are very helpful to presbyopic patients.
a thing that people seldom do. He noted, first, that when he While it is sometimes very difficult to cure presbyopia, it
tried hard to see either at the near-point or at the distance, his is fortunately easy to reduce the power of glasses or to prevent
vision invariably became worse, and the harder he tried the it. Persons who are approaching the presbyopic age, should
worse it became. Evidently something was wrong with this start reading fine print in good light and in candle light alter-
method of using the eyes. Then he tried to look at things nately, bringing the print closer and closer to the eyes till
without effort, without trying to see them. He also tried resting it can be read at six inches. Thus you will escape, not only the
his eyes by closing them for five minutes or longer, or by necessity of glasses for reading, but all other eye troubles which
looking away from the page that he wished to read, or the so often darken the later years of life.
distant objects he wished to see. These practices always It is usually quite comfortable to use correct glasses for read-
improved his sight and by keeping them up he not only regained ing but the tendency of many doctors is to give a li~e higher

number and that . creates deterioration in eyesight quite fast. "Will you like to discard your glasses and get new vision?"
If such patients are advised to read fine print daily with glasses, he asked.
they will be saved from many discomforts and eye troubles. "It will be a blessing, but will it really be possible to discard
Patients who have myopia sometimes obtain normal vision glasses at this age?" I counter questioned.
just by removing glasses and not wearing them again for read- "Leave these glasses with me for a week and undergo a
ing. Presbyopic patients have a tendency to read in bright short course of eye education and see the result," he advised.
electric light, and if the bright light reflects glare from the Very gladly I consented to his advice and started the treat-
paper, then it causes harm and weakens the eyes. The light ment. To my surprise the vision began to improve from the
should be so arranged that there is no reflection from the first sitting, and in a week's treatment I was able to read very
paper. However, reading in candle light is immensely bene- small print easily. Now my near vision is as good as my distant
ficial. vision. Dr. Agarwal has assured me that there will be no
cataract or any other trouble if I could devote a few minutes
A Case of Presbyopia daily to eye exercises. Though I keep a small number pair of
glasses in my pocket, I hardly use them.
It is a general belief that presbyopia or old age sight is a The process of treatment that I followed was first to apply
normal result of growing old, so at the age of forty-two when I Resolvent 200 and face the morning sun for a few minutes with
experienced difficulty in reading, the natural impulse in me the eyes closed, then after washing the eyes with eye lotion I
was to consult an eye specialist and get glasses. Since then I practised Palming. When I closed the eyes and covered them
h~ve been using glasses and at the age of sixty-four the number
with my palms I could see that it was all perfect dark before
of my glasses was plus 3·5· Though I knew Dr. Agarwal very my eyes like black velvet. Then I looked at the candle flame
well, it never occurred to me that I could do away with glasses. while counting one hundred respirations. The next process
I had taken the doctor's advice as a verdict that nothing else was to shift the sight in between the lines of small print with
could replace glasses. · gentle blinking and at frequent intervals I read the Snellen
For sometime I was feeling heaviness or headache or strain Chart placed in dim light at fifteen feet distance. This
in the eyes specially after reading and a sort of veil appeared process enabled me little by little to read the small print. And
before the eyes which made the vision defective. This trouble when I could read the small print, the ordinary book print
acted as a source of inspiration to consult our . friend Dr. automatically became easy and legible. It was a surprise to
Agarwal whose wonderful cures we sometimes read of in me when the small print could be read easily. Then Dr.
Mother India. Agarwal explained everything.
About a week back one morning I happened to be in his eye A letter or a word is a combination of black and white.
clinic at the School for Perfect Eyesight. My glasses and vision When you look at the white instead of concentrating on the
were checked. black the eye muscles are relaxed and the eye is able to

accommodate in a normal way. If people arriving at forty years To obtain good vision, eye doctors remove the opaque lens
of age adopt this simple process of reading some small print by an operation. After the removal of 'the lens, the vision
daily in good light as well as in candle light, they will be able to is materially improved by the use of strong glasses. But in
maintain good eyesight throughout their life and they will be many cases the good vision obtained after the operation does
saved from cataract and glaucoma and other eye troubles of not remain good. In some cases without any apparent cause
old age. According to the view of Dr. Agarwal presbyopia is inflammation of the interior parts of the eye develops and is
the result of strain, hence preventable and curable. followed by serious loss of vision. All such cases can be greatly
How is it fine print becomes clear after looking at some benefited if after the operation they can practise sun treatment
distant object? Answering this question Dr. Agarwal said that and palming two or three times a day. They may read some
the strain at the distant object elongates the eye-ball so as to small print also daily with their reading glasses. Such a treat-
accommodate while reading. Such a practice is useful when ment will prevent the loss of vision after the operation.
one uses plus glasses. Cataract patients in the early stage can be cured partially
An Inmate of the Ashram or completely, especially when the development of cataract is
slow, by eye education and mental relaxation. But if relaxation
Cataract treatment fails to prevent and cure cataract we should consider
this fact an evidence that strain is not the cause of the cataract.
Cataract is a form of imperfect sight in which the lens of the TREATMENT. The vision of cataract patients improves by
eye becomes opaque. It usually begins after the age of fifty, sun treatment and after palming, when the patient learns how
and may progress in the course of a year or longer to complete to do it in the right way. Application of Resolvent 200 just
blindness. But in some cases cataract develops very slowly; before sun treatment helps in the treatment. But if the cataract
such a cataract is usually due to eye strain and can be greatly has matured, it needs an operation.
benefited by proper treatment. Treatment which brings about relaxation in the eyes and
If a nucleated eye-ball of an animal is squeezed with the aid mind has cured cataract after several months or longer. Among
of fingers, an opacity of the lens at once appears. When the the many methods of treatment is a development of good
squeeze is relieved, the .lens at once becomes apparently memory and imagination. Practice of long swing and central
perfectly clear. fixation greatly helps when there is increased tension also.
There are two oblique and four straight or recti muscles on When the patient is able to remember and imagine some-
the outside of the eye-ball. The pressure of the two oblique thing perfectly, the vision is quickly improved, but if the
muscles causes lengthening of the eye-ball while the four recti same patient stares or makes an effort to see, the vision always
muscles shorten the eye-ball by their contraction. The pres- becomes worse. This suggests a cure. But the great difficulty
sure of the muscles can cause hardness of the eye-ball and in many old persons is this that they find it difficult to relax
formation of cataract also. sufficiently and they continue the habit of staring or straining

the eyes. If they can learn the simple process of blinking and Q: My both eyes have been operated upon for cataract and
palming, they will find definite improvement. I use glasses but for sometime the vision has been gradually
Some cases of cataract acquire the ability to read fine print deteriorating. .
without glasses. When such patients are recommended to read A: Sun treatment and palming and reading small print with
fine print many times a day, the cataract becomes less and the glasses will be very helpful to stop deterioration.
vision improves. These cases are greatly benefited when they
learn how to concentrate on a candle flame while counting one Q: What is the best preventive for cataract?
hundred respirations. The practice of reading fine print A: Apply Resolvent 200.
in good light and in candle light proves very helpful in the Concentrate on a candle flame.
prevention and cure of cataract. Shifting the sight on white Read small print.
lines of fine print without any effort to read is a quick method
to improve the sight in early cataract patients. Q: My right eye is quite all right but in the left a cataract
is slowly developing.
A: Better arrest the growth of the cataract by the applica-
Questions and Answers
tion of Resolvent 200 and relaxation treatment.
Q: What is cataract? Q: My early cataract has been cured by your treatment but my
A: Cataract is an opacity of the lens in the pupil, which eyes are irritated sometimes by the application of Resolvent 200.
interferes with good vision. In many cases the spasm of A: Stop Resolvent 200 but continue the rest of the treat-
external eye muscles is the cause of cataract and such cases are ment.
benefited by relaxation treatment.
Q: You have advised me operation for my cataractous eye; I
Q: I have not seen with the right eye for one year. Doctors thought you would cure it without an operation.
diagnose 'Cataract' and advise an operation. Can your treatment A: I advise according to the necessity.
help me?
A: Operation is the right treatment when the cataract is Q: I have high myopia and a cataract is developing very
matured. slowly. Can I be benefited?
. A: Apply Resolvent 200 and read fine print daily.
Q: Is cataract curable in the early stage?
A: Cataract which is due to strain is curable and the vision Q: Doctors diagnose glaucoma and cataract in my eyes but don't
is always improved by long palming and by concentration on suggest anything to prevent blindness. Can I come to your clinic
candle flame. for treatment ?

A: · Yes, your eyes will be greatly benefited, all right yet sometimes the patient !luffers much after the opera-
tion and in so~ne cases the vision is lost. However, l did not
Q: Is a great amount of floating specks an indication of cata- like the idea of an operation and in a depressed state returned
ract? When I am tired, these look like a swarm of bees crossing to Pondicherry. Next day I consulted Dr. Agarwal in his eye
my eye-balls. clinic, his reputation for curing eye troubles is prevalent in the
A: No. Your particular strain produces floating specks. A Ashram. At first he put some questions regarding my eye
different strain produces cataract. By relaxation both can be trouble and physical fitness. My eyesight had started deterio-
benefited. rating by proof reading in bright electric light and the number
of glasses was frequently increased. When I questioned why
Q: If cataract is caused by some physical ailment, will your the number of glasses was increased so often, Dr. Agarwal said
methods help? that due to strain in reading hypermetropia had developed.
A: Yes, relaxation is always a benefit, not only to the eyes, My last prescription of glasses was of + 5 for reading. Even
but to all the nerves of the body. with such a high power of glasses my vision was gradually
failing, the eyes tired quickly and the vision became hazy,
Q: My son has had cataract itl both eyes since birth. What do headache and strain increased in reading. Then after a
you advise? thorough examination in the dark room the doctor said that
A: If he is almost blind, then better get him operated upon. this kind of a cataract was due to strain hence preventable and
curable and there was nothing to worry about. If I could
Q: What is the Mother's attitude to your eye treatment? undergo his treatment faithfully for some months, the c.ataract
A: The Mother wrote to the editor of Mother India, "It is would dissolve and the vision will improve. I felt very happy
a very good treatment. You can follow it with my blessings." and consented to take the treatment. For six months I was
regularly attending the eye clinic ;md doing different eye exer-
Cataract and Eye Education cises. I enjoyed the sun treatment and palming and I played
with a tennis ball to practise football swing. In this exercise
What is cataract? The doctor said, "The eye, just like a the ball is moved forward with the foot and as it rolled forward
camera, has a transparent lens. When somehow the lens shows the ground appeared to move backward. This observation of
signs of opacity in its substance then this condition is called apparent movement greatly helped my eyes to rela.'r their
cataract." muscles. And by doing this exercise in relaxation my physical
It was a shock and a matter of great anxiety to me when the health also improved. My diet was also regulated.
doctors at Madras diagnosed early cataract in my eyes and When I looked at the candle flame while counting 100
asked me to wait till the cataract was matured for an operation. respirations I felt as if I had gone into a trance, there was
Though after the operation cataract patients usually become peace in the head and in the nerves of the body. The eyes

N. No, they will advise pilocarpine drops.

felt a sort of power in them. I knew Yogis used to concentrate
on the candle flame and they maintained good eyesight. D. Why do they suspect glaucoma?
For two months I had completely discarded glasses and
allowed my eyes to accommodate themselves in different N. They find cupping in the optic disc; otherwise the eyes
conditions oflife. Then Dr. Agarwal advised me to use glasses are quite normal.
of less power and practise with them the methods of eye
education in reading. So daily I read small print with glasses in D. Hew did your eye trouble start?
good light as well as in candle light. After six months I found
that my eyesight had become normal with glasses and all the N. Three years back, I was getting attacks of temporary
discomforts had been chased away. It became quite convenient blindness. At times there was a pricking pain also but the
to read and see proofs for hours. Now two years have passed doctors found my eyes quite all right.
and I maintain good eyesight and daily devote some time to
eye exercises because preservation of good eyesight is impossi- D. What is the trouble at present?
ble without eye education. When Dr. Agarwal re-examined
my eyes in the dark room with his instrument, he found no N. At present there is no trouble but about a month back
trace of cataract. And such a good condition of eyes I shall I was getting severe pain and headache; usually in the morning
maintain now by eye education. after sleep I felt very uncomfortable. Can you tell me what is
CHANDRADIP the cause of my trouble?

Questions and Answers D. Do ydu know that your memory is also affected?

A Minister to Government of India consults Dr. Agarwal. N. Yes, I know.

N. I want · to consult you, doctor. D. Don't you feel uncomfortable with your glasses?

D. Tell · me what is your trouble. N. Yes, they hurt my eyes but I use them as the doctors
have advised me to do so.
N. Doctors suspect glaucoma and advise me to get my eyes
examined every three months for a check-up. D. Can you read this fine print in this electric light?

D. Suppose the trouble is increased, will they be able to prevent N. I can read but don't feel comfortable.
it or cure it ?

D. How do you find reading in candle light? N. When I trouble, one doctor found the tension just
above normal, but after some days another doctor found it
N. Fine print is clear and it is soothing and comfortable to below normal.
read it in candle light.
D. The former doctor ~xamined you when you were having eye
D . The cause of your trouble is reading and working for long trouble; the eyes were under a strain. The other doctor examined
hours under a bright electric light. your eyes •when the trouble was ove1·.

N. Is it bad to read under a bright light? All along I have N. That is right. But tell me one thing frankly, "Can you
been working and reading under a bright light. prevent and cure my trouble?

D. Reading under a bright light can do much harm. I shall D . Yes, in a v.1eek's time you can be all right and the eyes will
show you tZ!'O cases who have suffered a lot by reading for long become immune to future attacks.
hours under a high power electric light.
N. Thank you very much. I will surely undergo your
N. Yes, I h;, read your articles in Mother India where you treatment.
have recommended reading fine print in dim light or candle
light at a close distance, but all these ideas are quite opposite
to the general belief.

D. Those who advise to read big print at an arm's length and

in bright light are persons who are above forty . At this age the
capacity to read fine print in dim light is lost, so they ad1Jise
thus, otherwise reading fine print in candle light is extremely
beneficial while reading large print under bright light is extremely

N. It is said that glaucoma makes the person blind.

D. Many lose their sight itz spite of all medical aid. But all
these cases are curable in the early stage by eye education and
mental relaxation. And all can be saved from blindness.
CHAPTER IX light only two lines of the Snellen Test Card, but after the
light is dimmed, the vision may become 20j10. These cases
LIMITS OF VISION are quite readily cured by the intelligent use of sun gazing.
When the patient becomes able to imagine letters in a bright
It is said that letters on the Snellen Test Card marked twenty light as well as in a dim light, the vision becomes normal.
cannot be seen at a greater distance than twenty or thirty feet,
but some persons can read even smaller letters at this distance. COLOUR BLINDNESS. All persons with imperfect
It can be demonstrated that the small letter 0 with a white sight have an imperfect perception of colours. They may see
centre can be seen perfectly at any distance when one can large letters blacker than small letters, or the white spaces
imagine the white centre perfectly white at that distance. of large letters may appear whiter than the white spaces of
When one can imagine such a letter at thirty feet, his vision will small letters. Some patients may describe the colour of large
be 30/10. The perfect imagination of the letter 0, or of other letters of the Snellen Test Card as blood-red, or they may
objects, is always associated with perfect sight of other letters see the large and small letters as grey or blue or purple, or any
or objects not known. colour. The perfect imagination of one letter or other object
is a cure for these cases of colour blindness. Even cases of
FIELD. In many cases of imperfect sight not only is central colour blindness associated with diseases of retina or of
vision lowered, but there is a loss of the ability to see object~ optic nerve are benefited by the intelligent use of the imagina-
off to one side. Perfect imagination is a cure for an imperfe~t tion.
field. In some cases of destruction of the centre of sight of the
retina, with total or partial loss of vision, it is difficult to SIZE. The size of letters of the Snellen Test Card or of
understand how the use of perfect imagination or relaxation other objects depends entirely upon the imagination. If the
has been followed by a permanent cure. imagination is perfect, one may imagine the size of known or
unknown letters at the near point or at the distance correctly,
NIGHT BLINDNESS. Some cases with imperfect sight If the imagination is imperfect, the size of letters or other
see better in a bright light than they do in a dim light, and objects will be imagined incorrectly. It is interesting to observe
some cases are so marked that they have been described as that artists who are familiar with the size of things which they
cases of night blindness. These cases are cured at first tem- draw, very seldom present a perf~ct drawing of one object. A
porarily, later more continuously by the perfect imagination portrait painted by one painter may look entirely different
of the letter 0 or some other objects as well as in a dim light from a portrait of the same person by some other artist. It is
as in a bright light. because of the variation of their imagination.

DAY BLINDNESS. Some patients may read in good TREATMENT. It can be demonstrated that we see not the

im:).ge focussed upon the retina, but our interpretation or our on one point or on one letter or an object. Such a thing is
imagination of this image. Imagination, when used properly, impossible and always causes great strain a.-1d those who prac-
is the most satisfactory, most accurate, most helpful method tise it suffer from imperfect sight and mental strain, and then
to obtain perfect sight. To improve the imagination it is first lose the power of concentration. Their memory, imagination
necessary to improve the memory; to improve the memory and sight are affected. For example, concentrate your mind
it is first necessary to improve the sight; to improve the sight and eyes on a part of a big letter of the Snellen Test Card at
it is first necessary to improve the imagination. ten feet, the gaze is fixed at one point. Within a few minutes
you will obsenre that the vision begins to blur, the strain in
HALOS. For example, persons with good sight appear to the eyes and tnind 'becomes evident.
see the white spaces between the lines of fine print to be But if by concentration you mean, doing or seeing one thing
whiter than the margin of the page. It can be demonstrated that better than anything else, and shifting the sight from one part
this is an illusion. We do not see illusions; we only imagine to another, then you may speak of concentration: it is then
them. When the white spaces between the lines appear whiter , central fixation . For example, look at a sman letter on the
than the margin of the page, we call these white spaces halos. Snellen Test Card and shift the sight from side to side, observe
Most of us believe we see them, and it is very difficult for that the letter appears to make short movements from side to
many people to realize that the halos are not seen but only side and the pru.t regarded appears best. This kind of concen-
imagined. The halos might be called the connectin.g link tration is immensely beneficial to the mind and eyes.
between imagination and sight. To see the halos is to improve Recent psychology gives a new interpretation to concentra-
the imagination, and the vision for the letters is also improved. tion. Attention underlies concentration. The state of atten-
One can improve the vision for reading not by looking at the tion which seems to be continuous is in reality intennittent;
letters, but by improvng the imagination of the halos. To the object of attention is merely a centre, the point to which
look at the letters very soon brings on a strain, with imperfect attention returns again and again. All parts of the objects,
sight. To look at the wJ:oJte spaces and to improve their white- and then the reflections inspired· by these various parts hold
ness, is a benefit to the imagination and to the vision. One our interest by turns. Even when the attention is fixed on the
cannot read fine print· unless the halos are imagined. By most trifling material object, it works in just the same fashion.
practice one becomes able to imagine or to see the halos more This is entirely according to central fixation as described by
perfectly- the better the imagination, the better the sight. Dr. Bates.
There are two aspects of concentration - voluntary and
Concentration and Relaxation ' involuntary. Voluntary concentration is an effort and cannot be
maintained without fatigue; our thought holds the · object in
What is concentration? The dictionary says concentration is focus. Whereas in involuntary concentration there is no
an effort to keep the mind fixed on a point or to fix the gaze effort, the object holds our thought without our volition as in

contemplation and meditation or in central fixation. Now do the same thing with a"letter on the test card. If the
Involuntary concentration and relaxation are the same shifting is normal, it will be noted that the letter ~an be re~ar­
thing. Relaxation of the passive kind usually ends in sleep or ded indefinitely and that it appears to have a slight motlon.
sleepiness, as experienced by many patients in palming. To demonstr~te that the attempt to concentrate spoils the
Relaxation combined with action as usually one experiences in memory, or imagination, and the vision:
swinging, central fixation and white line of fine print is also Try to think continuously of a spot on one part of an
free from effort and strain when done properly. imagined letter. The spot and the whole letter will soon
Another thing about relaxation: obstacles to relaxation may disappear. Or try to imagine the whole letter, equally black
prove sources of relaxation. An instance of which is found in and distinct at one time; this will be found to be even more
the noise that is keeping us awake when wishing to go to sleep.
difficult. .
If we sufficiently relax, if we accept the disturbance and sleep Do the same with a letter on the test card. The results wtll
in spite of it, not only is the obstacle overcome, but, because
be the same.
overcome, it in tum becomes rather pleasantly associated with
going to sleep. When again we desire to sleep, we find the Practical Suggestion
noise soothing rather than annoying, and really a source of
relaxation instead of an obstacle to it. It has been demonstrated that the continuous memory,
imagination, or vision of one thing for any length of time ~s
How to Concentrate impossible. To s~e one letter of the Snellen Test Card conti-
nuously, it is necessary to shift from one part of th~ letter to
To remember the letter 0 of fine print continuously and another. By alternately moving the eyes from one stde of the
without effort proceed as follows: letter to the other, it is possible to imagine the letter to be
Imagine a little black spot on the right-hand side of the 0 moving in the opposite the m~vement of.t~e eyes.
blacker than the rest of the letter; then imagine a similar spot This movement of the letter is called a swmg. When tt ts slow,
on the left-hand side. Shift the attention from the right-hand easy, short, about one-quarter of an inch or less, maxim~
. spot to the left, and observe that every time you think of the vision is obtained which continues as long as the swmg
left spot the 0 appears to move to the right, and every time continues.
you think of the right one it appears to move to the left. This As long as we are awake, we are thinking, remembering, or
motion, when the shifting is done properly, is very short, , imagining mental pictures, and are . co~orta~le. To go
less than the width of the letter. Later you may become able around blind requires a distinct effort which 1s a stram on all the
to imagine the 0 without conscious shifting and swinging, nerves and is always uncomfortable. The normal mind alter-
but whenever the attention is directed to the matter these nates its attention from one mental picture to another, which
things will be noticed. is a relaxation or rest. The memory, or imagination, is best

when one thing is imagined better than all other things, and When the ganglion cells are diseased or at fault, the function
this is Central Fixation, but constant shifting is necessary to of all parts 'o f the body are not normally maintained. In all
maintain Central Fixation. ·cases of imperfect sight, it has been repeatedly demonstrated
One of the best methods to improve the vision is to regard that the ganglion cells and nerves of the brain are under a
a letter of the Snellen Test Card with the eyes open, then close strain. When this strain is correctec;l by treatment, the function
the eyes and remember or imagine the letter better for about of the ganglion anc.l other cells becomes normal. The import-
ten seconds, then open the eyes for a moment. By alternately ance of mental treatment cannot be over-estimated.
regarding the letter with the eyes open and closed, the A study of the facts has demonstrated that a disease of some
imagination of the letter improves in flashes. By continuing ganglion in any part of the body occurs in a similar ganglion
to alternate the flashes improve and last longer until the in the brain.
vision becomes continuously improved. Brain tension of one or more nerves always means disease
of the nerve ganglia. Treatment of the mind with the aid
Brain Tension ·Of sight, memory and imagination has cured many cases of
imperfect sight without other treatment.
The brain has many nerves. Part of these nerves are called
ganglion cells and originate in some particular part of the brain. Diseases of the Retina
Each has a function of its own. They are connected with other
ganglion cells and with the aid of nerve fibres are connected It is a common belief that optic neuritis or optic atrophy is
with others located in various parts of the brain as well as in mostly due to syphilitic or some other infection in the system
the spinal cord, the eye, the ear, the nerve of smell, taste, and or bad teeth. The following facts are to be considered:
the nerves of touch. The function· of each ganglion cell of the 1. Many people suffer from syphilis or some other infection

brain is different from that of all others. When the ganglion but very very few suffer from optic neuritis, and those who
cells are healthy, they function in a normal manner. suffer from optic neuritis are usually not benefited by anti-
The retina of the eye contains numerous ganglion cells syphilitic treatment or anti-toxin treatment or by extraction
which regulate special things such as normal vision, normal of teeth.
memory, normal imaginatioll and they do this with a control 2. Some cases of optic neuritis do not give any indication,

more or less accurate of other ganglion cells of the whole body. by tests or otherwise, of syphilis or toxin or bad teeth.
The retina has a similar structure to parts of the brain. It is 3· Some cases of optic neuritis whether they suffer from any
connected to the brain by the optic nerve. infection or not recover partially or completely by themselves
Many nerves from the ganglion cells of the retina carry con- by rest without any specific treatment.
scious and unconscious control of other ganglion cells which How can these facts be reconciled with each other if syphilis
are connected to other parts of the body. or some other infection is the cause of optic neuritis?

A patient had developed optic neuritis in the left eye and all A: If the mind is under a strain, but if the eyes do not make
the possible tests were made to find out the source of infection an effort to see, the person will remain free from all such
but the result was negative. He could hardly see the top letter eye troubles; but if the mind is under a strain and the eye
of the chart from one foot and could not perceive colours. ·also stares, imperfect sight will be the result. The habitual
The expression of the face indicated that the eye was under a strain may cause diseases of the eye - functional as well as
great strain. By eye education and relaxation he was completely organic.
Q: Then why does anti-syphilitic or anti-toxin treatment
Facts Reconciled help considerably in certain cases, if the strain is the main cause?
A: Syphilis or any other infection might be increasing the
The primary cause of optic neuritis is eye strain and mental strain of the mind and eyes, hence anti-syphilitic treatment or
strain. If the strain already exists syphilis or any other infection anti-toxin treatment helped such cases. Or these cases might
may exaggerate the strain and consequently may cause more be recovering in a natural course of relaxation and anti-toxin
damage, but they themselves can hardly cause optic neuritis or treatment got the credit.
optic atrophy when there is proper relaxation of the mind and
eyes. That is why patients suffering from syphilis or other infec- Floating Specks
tion may remain free from optic neuritis, and anti-syphilitic or
anti-toxin treatment in positive cases may do no good. Cases When a patient stares or strains to see by looking at a light-
who recover themselves without any specific treatment or by coloured surface he may see, or imagine he sees, floating black
some specific treatment indicate that somehow the strain was specks, strings of black thread or small light-coloured globules
relieved from the eyes and mind. Treatment of strain, side by resembling tears. The floating specks may be apparently a
side, with other treatments of any infection will prove really quarter of an inch or more in size and they may be of any
beneficial; but drastic treatment should be avoided as far as shape.
possible. Many nervous people have been made very unhappy by
seeing these floating specks. The cause of floating specks is
Q: If the trouble is due to strain, then how is ii that one eye may strain or an imperfect memory of perfect sight. Persons with
be affected and 'the other remains free, as in the above case? normal vision can be taught how to imagine them by straining.
A: This is because one has two separate eyes -one may In the treatment of floating specks it is important to convince
function under a strain and the other not. the patients that they are unreal, they are only imagined and
not seen. It helps much to impress on the patient's mind that
Q: Why do not all persons suffering from mental strain suffer to see these floating specks requires a sufficient strain.
from optic neuritis or some such eye trouble? Frequent palming, long swing and central fixation exercises


are very helpful to cure the trouble of floating specks. Two and vitality but all that was in vain. At this time my uncle
more instructions are necessary: Shree Manoj Das of Sri Aurobindo Ashram wrote to my father
I. Whenever floating specks appear, ignore and shift that he had not seen until now any case who had not improved
sight to near. under the care of Dr. Agarwal. My father inr..titively felt he
2. Never experiment whether they are visible or not. , should take me to Pondicherry for treatment.
A doctor friend can see consciously at will, any time he "Doctors at Cuttuck had failed to find any cause for my eye
desires, floating specks. He notices the strain in the eyes at trouble in spite of various tests. When my father asked Dr.
that time. On taking the sight away from the floating specks Agarwal about the cause the doctor said that it was due to great
and paying no attention to them and giving the eyes some rest, strain on the eyes while reading for long hours under high
they are no longer seen. power electric light. Constant reflection from the paper had
(Details of floating specks from Secrets of Indian Medicine) affected the retina. Other factors such as constipation, poor
action of the liver had helped the trouble to increase.
Threatened Blindness and Floating Specks "Dr. Agarwal gave good hope of improvement after thorough
examination of my eyes. The first thing that he taught me to
"Most of the patients who attend the School for Perfect relieve the strain was blinking. I had developed the habit of
Eyesight at Pondicherry to consult Dr. Agarwal are usually staring while reading or seeing things at a distance. During
chronic and so-called incurable. When they do not get any treatment I was reminded by the doctor whenever I did not
relief in their eye troubles from other doctors, then they try blink or did winking instead of blinking. By correct blinking
relaxation treatment which is so successfully going on in the floating specks have almost disappeared but when I uncon-
clinical department of this School. sciously begin to stare, they appear and remind me to blink.
"I had the habit to read under powerful electric light up to the Frequently I do pahning for ten or fifteen minutes at a time and
middle of the night. Gradually some difficulties regarding my this relaxes my eyes and mind and the nerves of the whole
eyesight began to develop and created difficulty to see properly body. Reading fine print in good light and in candle light al-
when I came from light to darkness and vice versa. Later on I ternately has greatly helped me to read ordinary print without
began to see floating specks before my eyes and this became any strain. At the end of different exercises such as swinging
very annoying. My distant vision also became weak. Then my and central fixation my eyes are bandaged for half an hour with
father took me to the Cuttuck Medical College for a thorough some medicine upon them. On every Monday I take an enema.
check-up. There many doctors examined my eyes and it was . My diet has been regulated with more fruits and greens.
discovered that my retina had degenerated and it was declared "Regarding floating specks Dr. Agarwal gave two important
that there were chances of becoming blind in future. Such a instructions. One is to ignore them when they appear. The
prognosis was a shock to me and to my parents. Many injec- other is: do not experiment to see them when they are not
tions and tablets were tried to improve the blood circulation present.

"The result of all this treatment seems to me very wonder- of vision were prominent. Now the question is why was there
ful. My health and vision have considerably improved. I have no loss of vision and no night blindness when the pigments
discarded my goggles and spectacles and am no ~ore afraid of were many in the first case?
threatening blindness, I enjoy good eyesight, my mind and Vision is a process of mental interpretation of retinal
eyes are quite relaxed. It is hoped that one day Orissa also will images. Our vision mostly depends on the power of the
have such an eye clinic for the cure of imperfect eyes without mental interpretation. We found that this case had a normal
glasses." expression of the face; otherwise usually cases of retinitis
SIDDHARTHA DAS pigmentosa express a peculiar facial expression indicating great
strain on the mind and eyes. Her memory and imagination
Retinitis Pigmentosa were very good. In palming she could easily observe perfect
darkness before the eyes.
Almost every eye specialist is of opinion that there is no Almost all cases of retinitis pigmentosa show good improve-
treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa and that the patient would ment by sun treatment, palming and central fixation.
become blind in due course of time. What is retinitis pigmen- All these three lady patients improved their eyesight and
tosa? general health of their eyes. The fear of becoming blind had
In retinitis pigmentosa some black spots form on the surface fled away from their consciousness. Their gratitude was
of the retina. Patient usually complains of gradual loss of immense.
vision, night blindness and contraction of field of vision. The
disease usually occurs in females. Questions and Answers
Recently three lady patients, married, having children quite
normal, attended the School for Perfect Eyesight. On exami- Q: I told a doctor friend about your good treatment for defective
nation it was clearly revealed that they were suffering from vision and blindness but he simply ridiculed the whole thing.
Retinitis Pigmentosa. Their mind was under a great fear that Why?
they would become blind sooner or later as suggested by many A: Many doctors have still not developed the true scientific
eye specialists. Due to the fear of becoming blind they were in attitude. They follow conventional authority like a religionist
search of some one who could save them from blindness. who sticks to some particular dogmas. A true scientist is always
We observed some very important phenomena in these cases. willing to make new experiments and accept new truths.
In one case the retina was full of many pigments but the vision
was almost normal both for distance and near. In another Q: What was the trouble with Rajesh whose right eye was
case the pigments were much less yet the vision was greatly almost blind due to an injury from a tennis-ball?
affected. In the third case, a doctor's wife, there were only a A: The eye in appearance was all right but had lost its proper
few pigments but the night blindness and contraction of field functioning, so by relaxation of the eye and mind through some

exercises the eye began to function and now he can read the CHAPTER X
smallest type.
Q: What is the cause of defective ey;~ght? · .
A: .All defective vision is due to strain in some form, and 1. Normal sight can always be demonstrated in the normal
strain is relieved by relaxation. eye, but only under favourable conditions.
You can demonstrate to your satisfaction that strain lowers 2. CENTRAL FIXATION: The letter or part of the letter
the vision. When you stare, you strain. Look fixedly at one regarded is always seen best.
object for five seconds or longer. What happens? The object 3· SHIFTING: The point regarded changes rapidly and
blurs and finally disappears. Also, your eyes ate made uncom- continuously.
fortable by this experiment. When you rest your eyes for a 4· SWINGING: When the shifting is slow, the letters
few moments the vision is improved and the dis'comfort appear to move from side to side, or in other directions
relieved. with a pendulum-like motion.
5· MEMORY IS PERFECT: The colour and background
Q: I am forty-five. My eyesight for distance is quite good but of the letters or other objects seen, are remembered per-
my reading sight is failing. What should I do? fectly, instantaneously and continuously.
A: Concentrate on a candle flame for a few minutes, then do 6. IMAGINATION IS GOOD: One may even see the
palming and read some small type at any convenient distance white part of letters whiter than it really is, while the
and gradually bring the print nearer to the eyes. black is not altered by distance, illumination, size, or
form of the letters.
is perfect and can always be demonstrated.
'When one of these seven fundamentals is perfect, all
are perfect.
(For details consult Mind & Vision)

When the sight is imperfect, ·these facts are not observed

or are observed partly. If somehow they can be produced in
the defective eye, the sight would become normal and this
suggests the cure. If one is able to observe them perfectly at
3 ft. the sight is normal at 3 ft., and if one is able to note at
zo ft., the sight is normal at zo ft., and so on.

B~g Education

Proper Use of the Eyes

I 55

I. Observe what is blinking and what is winking. Then do READING-Shift the sight and blink gently and hold the
palming and recall the memory of blinking. ·Then take a book at IO or 12 inches.
mirror, shift sight from one eye to the other, blink at each 2. WRITING - Shift the sight with the movement of
shift. the pen and blink. To develop this habit:
a. Draw straight lines horizontally or vertically.
2. Hold your index fingers, one at six inches from the face, b. Draw angular lines and circular lines.
other at arm's length. Shift the sight from one finger to the c. Write letters or dictation.
other. This will give you the idea how much movement d. Cover what you write.
the lids should make in blinking. 3· CINEMA - Keep the eyes half open and blink. Staring
or intent look is harmful. Avoid seeing advertisements.
3· Take a ball, move it from side to side, 100 movements, Palm during the interval.
blink at each side. 4· SEWING - Shift the sight with the movement of the
4· Take a -ball, throw it up, about I ft. to 2 ft. high, move the
5· TRAYELLING- Train- Observe trees and poles
moving backwards while far distant objects appear to
head and not the lids, with the movement of the ball.
move forward. Keeping the sight fixed on one object
causes strain.
5· Walk, blink at each step.
6. DRIVING - Observe the side objects moving backwards
or the road gliding backwards or shift the sight from ·the
6. Shift the sight on white lines and blink at each line. road to the speedometer or flag of the car.
7· CYCLING- Observe the road and side objects moving
7· Count irregularly and blink at each count. backwards.
8. BUS- Look at the movements of the conductor or
8. Put two candles one foot apart, blink at each flame with the the objects moving backwards. Avoid reading the sign-
movement of respirations. boards or fixing the sight on some objects.
9· BOATING - observe water moving backwards and dis-
9· When typing, blink often. tant land objects moving forward or look at the move-
ments of the boatman.
10. Blink, when you inhale and exhale. 10. SHOPPING- Avoid seeing each and every shop and

signboard. Go to the required shop while blinking.

n. LIFT- Look at the operator and side things will appear Fill the basin with cold water to which salt may be added;
gliding backwards. dip the eyes and face in the water and then glance at the sun
with blinking; repeat about ten times.
Sun Treatment
Short Notes on Palming
a. In a chair, make a movement from side to side. I. a. Hands crossed, elbows on a cushion
b. In a rocking chair, make a movement forward and back- b. Palms sideways, elbows rest~g on a table
ward. c. Palming with wet palms or wet cotton in palms
c. Imagine a shifting from one knee to the other. d. One hand palming while rolling a ball with the other.
d. Take a ball, make a movement from side to side in the 2 . a. Imagine something interesting.
hands. b. Imagination of a black object, coal-tar, ink, velv~t. .
c. Imagine as if stitching a white rib.b.on on. black velvet.
2. USE OF SUNGLASS OR MAGNIFYING LENS 3· a. Imagination of a game or any f~li~r obJect or
a. On closed eyelids, a movement from side to side. b. Palming while counting 100 respuat1ons or
b. Condensing rays on the white part, the sclera, when c. Palming while hearing music or singing a song or
the patient looks downwards, ma.lte a quick movement. d. Imagination of sense of smell or touch.
3· OPEN EYE SUN TREATMENT a. Legs crosswise and uncomfortable posture.
a. Shift sight below the sun when not hot. b. Pressure on the eye-balls and light entering the eyes.
b. Stand in the sea or a river or keep feet in cold water and c. Effort to imagine black.
glance at the sun with frequent blinking. 5· EFFECTS OF SUCCESSFUL PAL~ING .
a. Improvement in eyesight and feeling of rel~xauon.
4· SUN TREATMENT FOR BABIES b. Relief of pain or any other discomfort or stram.
Sway the baby gently from side to side. c. Sense of coolness in the head.
5· SUN TREATMENT BELOW A TREE a. Perfect darkness before the eyes.
When the sun is too hot or unbearable. b. Printer's ink is the standard of black. .
c. Less black or any other colour is the sign of unsuccess-
Take the help of a 200 or 500 watt lamp. 7· HOW TO HELP IN UNSUCCESSFUL CASES

a. Develop memory equal to sight by glancing at a letter 5· SWINGING

for a second then closing the eyes for a few seconds till Put 2 candles nine inches apart, shift sight from one candle
the memory is equal to sight. to the other and observe that the candles appear to move in the
b. Practise central fixation, then palming. opposite direction.
c. Face a blank surface, recall your signature.
Alternate Eye Exercises After Palming
Candle Practices

1. CONCENTRATION r. Central fixation on the eye chart in hand or at 3 feet in

a. Concentrate on the flame while counting roo respirations. good light, and reading 3 .pages in dim light keeping
b. While concentrating keep the imagination of the flame the book at a distance from where it is difficult to
in the heart or mind. read, that is, with strain. Alternate. This is useful in
c. With both eyes and each eye- count 25 respirations. myopia.
d. Shift sight from side to side of the flame; then the 2. Read Fundamentals in good light and eye chart at IS or
flame appears to move in the opposite direction. 20 ft. The chart should be in dim light so that the eye
may feel strain to see the letters. Alternate. Useful in
2. WHITE LINE Hypermetropia or Presbyopia.
a. Shift sight on the white lines of Photo Print or Fine Print 3· Long swing roo and white line in Fine Print or Photo
with blinking in candle-light. Print with gentle blinking. Alternate. Useful in astig-
b: Shift sight on white lines in good light and candle-light matism.
alternative - 3 times. 4· Run around a chair, 5 rounds, and read the chart at 5 ft.
to IO ft. This running around a chair may be done with
3· READING IN CANDLE-LIGHT a ball so that interest is created. Instead of the chart
a. Reading of Fundamentals or Fine Print or Fundamentals may be given. Useful for children.
b. Reading of Photo print. 5· Long swing and concentration on flame, alternately:
c. Reading in good light and candle-light alternately. Concentration on flame may be with 25 or 50 or roo
d. Read and glance at the blank surface alternately. respirations. The sight is on the flame but concentration
is on respirations. Useful in hypermetropia or presbyo-
a. On Om Chart - Shift sight on the angular lines. 6. Alternate reading of Fine Print and palming, 3 times.
b. Snellen Chart - top and bottom or side to side. 7. Long swing and central fixation on chart. Alternate.
c. On Fundamentals or any reading matter ~ each word 8. Sewing 20 stitches and reading the chart at ro ft. Alter-
appearing darker.

9· Reading Fundamentals or Fine Print' in good light and 4· MUSICAL CHAIRS: One chair less than the number
candle light. Alternate. of participants. Different eye exercises are arranged by the
10. Walking with blinking at each step and reading Fine Print side of the chairs. For example::
or the chart at 10 ft. Alternate. Central Fixation on chart, reading Fundamentals, reading
11. Football swing. Sight moves with the ball, the ground Fine Print, blinking on white lines, reading in candle-light,
appears to move backwards. Read Photo Print. blinking in a mirror, blinking with the help of two index fingers,
12. Variable swing and reading Fine Print in candle light. circular swing with the help of the finger movement, reading
Alternate. the chart at a distance, writing letters of the chart, writing
Fundamentals or Fine Print matter, memory swing, etc.
Games of Eyesight Participants move around the chairs while bouncing the
balls; when the bell rings, they sit down and practise the
I. FAST PRACTICE: Different eye education exercises exercise.
are arranged, participants move from one exercise to another
as the bell rings every two minutes or every five minutes. Treatment Chart
Exercises for selection - Long swing, variable swing,
shoulder swing, palming, sewing, writing, painting, filling School For Perfect Eyesight
white centres of letters of a newspaper, filling dots in a half-
inch circle, concentration on candle flame while counting 100 Ref. No. 867 Dated 2-9-70
respirations, reading in candle-light, white lines in Fine Print,
Central Fixation on Om Chart. Name Krishna
participants move around a stool on which a candle is put,
they sing and then sit and read Fine Print or Photo Print. Take the following treatment morning and evening:
Repeat. 1. First apply the medicine Resolvent 200
3· GAME OF COM.MONEY: This game is very helpful with a rod in each eye.
to teach new terminology. Name is given to each participant, 2. Mter the application of the medicine, sit facing the sun
for example, Retina, myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, with the eyes closed for about 5 minutes. While taking
presbyopia, lens, iris, cornea, macula, pupil, eye-·balls etc. the sun treatment, move the body gently from side to !iide
The captain tells a story referring to those names. Hearing like a pendulum.
the particular name the participant stands up, makes a round 3· Mter sun treatment come to the shade an4 wash the eyes
and sits down. When COMMONEY is called, then all stand with water and Ophthalmo.
and make a round and sit down. 4· Now sit comfortably with the eyes closed and covered

with palms (palming) for about 5 minutes. the experiments in this direction, with Dr. Bates as the main
Mter palming, practise the following with both eyes and scientific path-pointer. It was opened on May 5, 1968 with
with each eye separately. the profound message of the Divine Mother:
Long swing 50 to 100 or Central Fixation on chart in
Concentration on candle flame while counting 100 respi-
rations. The School provides a course in Ophthalmic Science which
Read Fundamentals or Fine Print in good light and will not be limited to any particular system of medicine but
candle-light. will draw from all systems and even attempt a fresh inquiry
· Get the habit of blinking, avoid staring. Adopt any on new lines. The duration of this course' will normally be of
other exercise which suits you most. four years and the pre-requisite for admission to this course
Take a record of vision before starting the treatment. will be a good knowledge of English and an interest in pursuing
Read the Snellen Eye Chart before going to school. the course.
All along it has been my experience that mental relaxation
School for Perfect Eyesight is the key of success in life, in Yoga and in education. Under
the present civilised conditions man's mind is under a severe
In the course of his development, man has discovered various strain, hence preservation of good eyesight is almost impos-
means for the prevention and cure of diseases. The chief sible without eye education and mental relaxation. In this
among them are Ayurveda, Allopathy and Homeopathy. In direction Mother India has done a great service to educate the
recent times, Dr. Bates developed the knowledge of the cure mind of the public. Many enquiries have come and many
of defective eyesight. He noteq that the eye and mind were have attended the School. Often it is a surprise how quickly
under a strain in all the various types of defective eyesight the vision begins to improve by simple methods ofeye educa-
and eye troubles. He, therefore, developed methods of eye tion. One girl student, Dolia, from our Centre of Education,
education and mental relaxation. Dr. Bates has made many whose eyesight had failed both for far and near, recovered
remarkable discoveries regarding accommodation of the eye normal eyesight in about a week's time. Our Registrar Mr.
and errors of refraction. Even with regard to so-called incur- Kireet Joshi was surprised when he found that reading Fine
able cases, his methods of treatment bring quick improvement Print in dim light or candle light improved his eyesight and
in eyesight and relieve pain and discomfort. produced good relaxation.
One of the aims of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre It is hoped that our future doctors will integrate all the sys-
of Education is to promote a new synthesis of knowledge, and tems of medicine harmoniously and bring quick recovery by
in this attempt a synthesis of various systems of medicine plays their simple and harmless methods. At a later stage this School
an important part. The School for Perfect Eye Sight is one of for Perfect Eyesight may be shifted to Auroville where it will


be joined to the World University and will become a unique of the Mother's symbol -- in the centre a flower-stand, four
institution in the world, imparting medical knowledge to bring tables around it complete the circle, twelve chairs are around
perfection not only in eyesight but in the body as a whole and the tables. On the book-rack about 12 publications by Dr.
in the mind's general functions. Agarwal in English and in Indian languages indicate that much
work has been done in India on the lines of Dr. Bates.
Exhibition of Eye Education at the School In the first picture here the structural condition of the eye-
ball is shown when the eye is Hypermetropic, Normal and
It wl\s towards the end of the nineteenth century that in Myopic. In the second Qiagram is shown the construction
America Dr. W. H. Bates was born. He was a distinguished of the eye and how the eye looks from inside when examined
pioneer in Ophthalmology and developed a new system of eye by an instrument called the Ophthalmoscope. The illustra-
education. tions on Accommodation are very interesting. One of them
Some of the pictures show how the eye should be used while . proves that· focusing at a near point is brought about by the
reading, writing, sewing, spinning, in the cinema and during action of the oblique muscles of the eye and not by increased
various activities of life. In other illustrations in this group curvature of the lens. The other picture shows that the eye
Dr. Bates recommends three most important things: and the camera are alike in structure and functioning. The
· I. Reading Fine Print is a benefit to the eye while large print last painting illustrates the vision of the inner eye.
is a menace. Now we come to the practical side. The two dolls show
2. Reading in dim light or in candle light is very useful. what blinking is, how gently their lids move in blinking which
3· Reading at a closer distance is beneficial. should not be mistaken for winking. In the dark room one is
Dr. Bates admits that India has many secrets: for example, taught how to read in .dim light and in candle light. The sun-
Sun Treatment as shown in a picture. Facing the sun with lamp is meant for sun treatment when there is no sun. The
eyes closed for a few minutes gives health and vitality to the palming pillows help in Palining. In the medicine room
eyes. Palming is a sort of meditation which brings wonderful patients learn how to apply Resolvent 200 to improve eye-
relaxation to the mind and to the nerves and helps to improve sight.
the eyesight. Children respond very well and usually give
surprising results. Art of Writing
In one picture Dr. R. S. Agarwal is giving a demonstration
on eye education. Recently a teacher of the Centre of Educa- "Doctor, my eyes get tired soon in writing and it becomes
tion, whose left eye was blind from childhood, got cured. A difficUlt to finish even a page. I have not written a letter to
doll represents the blind eye case and tells people to join the my father for a long time due to the pain and headache which
one year training course in eye education. Now we enter into manifest when I start writing. Look, I have so many pairs
the classroom where the furniture has been fitted in the form of glasses though I see well, and here are so many medicines

prescribed by eminent eye specialists, but none helps to relieve See the Natural Way
my troubles. This chronic redness persists in my eyes for a
long time." This is the story of the princess, the daughter of Khorshed while on educational tour to U.S.A. was experi-
the Late Maharaja of Nepal, whom I had treated earlier for encing some difficulty in reading and writing. Her eyes quickly
high myopia. tired and became prominent as if protruding from the bony
I found her vision normal both for distance and near. Mter socket, a horrible appearance quite disfiguring to the face.
a little thought, I asked the princess to write something in my At times while reading the words appeared double and often
presence. After a few lines she stopped as the pain and heavi- she made mistakes in transcription. She had to give up the
ness had started. I understood the cause of her trouble, so I work of stitching as sewing was very uncomfortable. There
told her that she would be all right on the third day. She was was a constant feeling of dryness and heaviness in the eyes.
very happy to hear such words of assurance but questioned the Often her lady friends laughed at her inability to match the
cause of her trouble. I told her that she herself would know colours while selecting some cloth. She had developed the
during the course of her treatment. habit of staring while reading or seeing different objects. At
The fact is this, that she had adopted the wrong way of times the pain and headache became severe and she had to
writing. While writing she had the habit of reading the words rest long hours. The glare of the sun was very unpleasant and
already written. To correct this wrong habit I advised her to when she moved in an unknown place she got knocks as her
draw straight lines and shift the sight with the movement of field of vision was contracted.
the pen. As there was nothing to read she could easily draw When Khorshed put these visual difficulties before the eye
lines while shifting the sight with the movement of the pen. specialists at U.S.A. they found her eyes quite normal. They
Then she began to draw angular lines and then began to write. could not think that these visual defects could be due to mental
While writing she used a piece of blotting paper to hide the strain and wrong use of the eyes. They put her to different
written matter. Then on the third day she wrote about ten tests and the conclusion was that her eye troubles were. due to
pages without any discomfort and without the help of the Hyperthyrodism. When she returned to India, Bombay
blotting paper. To convince her that her trouble was due to doctors supported the diagnosis and treatment of U.S.A.
improper use of the eyes in writing, I told her to write a page doctors and gave thyroid orally but there was no relief to her
in the wrong way, that is, while writing trying to read the eye troubles.
already written words. Very soon she began to feel the dis- Finally Khorshed left herself at the mercy of the Divine
comfort and her handwriting became 'unsteady. Again she Grace. One morning she was on a visit to Sri Aurobindo
started writing in the right way and she could write pages Ashram and had an opportunity to visit the School for Perfect
with ease and comfort, she just shifted the sight with the move- Eyesight. She is an intelligent and charming personality hence
ment of the pen without any attempt to read the already it was necessary to tell her frankly that it was a mistake of our
written words. . specialists to collaborate the visual defects with the thyroid

disorder. Both were quite separate troubles. Hence the glare of the sun she faced the sun for a few minutes daily.
treatment of thyroid failed to give any relief. I explained to Whenever Khorshed looked intently at a letter or an object
her that the eye being a sense organ was .clo8ely associated she felt fatigue and discomfort and the object blurred or became
with . the mind in it~> functioning. The strain of the mind double. There was a feeling of tension in the eyes and head.
would immediately affect the eyesight, while the relaxation To break this habit of staring she was taught the following:
of the mind would benefit the eyes. To demonstrate this fact I. Shift consciously from one part to another of all objects
she was asked to stand before a window with vertical bars in regarded, and imagine that these objects appeared to move in
it. When she moved the body, head and eyes to the right a direction contrary to the movement of the eye.
while raising the left heel she observed that the bars of the 2. Look at the blackness of the letter for a second and close
window appeared to be moving to the left and vice versa. the eyes for half a minute while recalling the memory of black.
As soon as she practised this swing in the right way she felt When she practised successfully, the memory of blackness
greatly relaxed but when she practised the swing in the wrong increased. Then she did palming for spfficient time till she felt
way, she felt a great strain in the eyes and head. her eyes greatly relaxed.
Another great difficulty was that she did not blink. She 3· Looking towards the candle flame while counting one
did not know how necessary it was to blink gently to keep the ht1ndred respirations soothed her nerves greatly. While
eyes at rest all the time. It was difficult at first to adopt the reading Fine Print she moved her body forward and backward.
right habit of blinking but by the application of different
relaxation exercises and bandaging she could train her eye lids Go to the Movies
to blink in a normal way.
When the sight is perfect the subject is able to observe that In today's world it is ridiculous to tell the students and
all objects regarded appear to be moving. A letter seen at others not to go to the movies so that the eyes miw not be
the near or at the distance appears to move slightly in various spoiled. It is a common belief that cinematograph pictures are
directions. The pavement comes towards the person in walk- a
injurious to the eyes, and it is fact that at times they cause
ing, and the side houses appear to move in the opposite direc- much discomfort and lowering of the vision. They can, how-
tion. In reading, the page appears to move in a direction ever, be made a means of improving eyesight. When they
opposite to the movement of the eyes. If one tries to imagine hurt the eyes it is because the subject strains to see the cinema.
things stationary, the vision is lowered and the discomforts If this tendency to strain can be overcome, the vision is always
and pain may be produced. By observing the movement of lines benefited and the discomforts are relieved.
while shifting the sight on white lines in between the lines of I advise most of the eye-patients to go to the movies fre-
print, Khorshed felt a great relief and could read and write quently, become accustomed to the flickering light and the fluc-
for a long period without any discomfort. In sewing she shifted tuations of light and learn to look at the picture without strain.
the sight with the movement of the needle. To overcome the They are advised to keep the upper lids down in the position

of rest and to blink frequently. They are warned not to stare. If the children and others are taught about the proper use
If t!te picture hurts the eyes I instruct them to look away to of, the eyes, most of the eye troubles will fade away in a natural
the dark for a while, then look at a comer of the picture; and way. Preservation of good eyesight is impossible without eye
so on. In this way the patients soon become able to look direct- education.
ly at the picture without any discomfort. When this does not
help, I ask them to try palming for five minutes or longer, Questions and Answers
that is, to close the eyes and cover them with the palms avoid-
ing any pressure on the eye-balls and then recall the memory Q: When I read big print I feel a strain and discomfort but
of black colour or the episode. when I read small print I feel relaxed and comfortable. Why is
The fact is that vision under difficult conditions is a good it so?
mental training. The mind may be disturbed at first by the A: In reading big print one has to see a larger area at a time
unfavourable environment; but after it has become accustomed and this affects the sensitiveness of the eyes and gives the
to such environments, the mental control and, consequently, feeling of strain; while in reading small print one sees a smaller
the ey~sight is improved. area and this helps the eyes' sensitiveness and so one feels re-
I remember a very interesting case whose eyes were greatly laxed. When small print can be read in the right way, without
hurt whenever she went to see cinema. Each time she saw any discomfort, it becomes extremely beneficial to the eyes.
a movie her eyes had swelling and she had severe headache
'which was relieved after four hours rest. Under the instruc- Q: You say successful Palming is very effective in relieving
tions of a doctor she had stopped seeing movies but this strain and headache and in improving eyesight, but when I do
itself was a strain on her mind as she was very fond of seeing Palming I do not see perfect darkness before my eyes. What do
the movies. After a few days treatment I asked this lady you suggest ?
patient to go to the movies and see the cinema with frequent A: Look at something black or the Chart letter, then close
blinking. Formerly she used to stare at the cinematograph the eyes and recall the black colour seen. Repeat this several
pictures and did not blink at all, so she suffered. At first she times till the memory and the sight are equal. Then do palm-
was hesitant but when I encouraged her that this will prove ing. Continue palming for 15 or 20 minutes.
veo/ helpful, she went and enjoyed the picture with gentle
blinking. At the interval time she palmed her eyes and re- Q: My eyesight is all right but I cannot read comfortably,
membered the episode. I had told her not to see the advertise- the right eye suffers. What to do?
ments. After seeing the picture when she came out of the hall A: Read Fine Print in good light and in candle-light alter-
she was telling to her friends how beneficial it was to see the nately three times, with both eyes and each eye separately.
cinema in the right way. There was absolutely no headache
and no pain and no swelling in the eyes. Q: When I get up in the morning, my eyes open with difficulty,

at times there is some headache also. And I find nry memory A: Yes, most patients continue their work just the same and
becoming dull. · find time to practise palming several times a day and, during
A: Before sleep and after sleep practice palming for about all their activities, they do gentle blinking.
20 minutes.
Q: Is looking at the green grass or the blue sky helpful to the
Q: Hozv is it that on some days I can see the whole chart but eyes z1
on other days only a few l£nes? A: Yes, because there is nothing to stare at.
A: When there is no strain the vision is normal. Continuous
practice will make the sight all right on other days too. Q: Instead of palming, can I sit .in a dark room or cover my
eyes with a black cloth or bandage them ?
Q: Why is my z1ision wo1·se on a rainy or cloudy day than in A: No, it does not serve the purpose of palming.
broad daylight?
A: Because you strain to see on a dark day. Practise paL'll- Q: I am suffering from glaucoma and ear{y cataract. Can
ing more on such days. your methods help me ? . .
A: If your eyesight is defective apart from these diseases, 1t
Q: The vision in my son's eyes is failing due to Retinitis Pig- can certainly be improved in spite of them. As for these
mentosa. Doctors of India and abroad give no hope and the boy diseases, each case is individual aud we have to try out our
is supposed to become blind in due course of time. Is there any methods to see what results they may have. According to Dr.
hope by your methods ? Bates, cataract-opacity of a certain kind - one due to con-
A: Yes, your son can improve buf cannot be cured. traction of the lens- is curable by his methods of eye-relaxa-
Q: My eyesight is nomzal. What should I do to keep it sa?
A: Read an Eye-chart at a twenty-feet distance and read Q: Can you tell me the dates of birth and death of Dr. Bates?
fine print daily. A: Dr. Bates was born on December 23, 1860 and died on
July IO, 1931. It is in 1931 that I started the work on Dr.
Q: If the letters of the Eye-chart can be seen more distinctly
with the eyes partly closed or a little screwed, is it advisable to Bates lines.
read that way ?
A: No, it is not advisable. Look at the letters of the Eye-
chart with gentle

Q: Can a patient, while practising your method, carry on his

work as usual?

CHAPTER XI S· Reading in moving vehicles helps in improving the sight.

6. Reading in a lying .posture is very delightful. Anyone
EYE HYGIENE who can read lying down without discomfort is not likely to
have any difficulty in reading under ordinary conditions.
According to the accepted ideas of eye hygiene, it is important The fact is that vision under difficult conditions is a good
to protect the eyes from a great variety of influences which are ment~ training. The mind may be disturbed at first by the
often very difficult to avoid, and when people are under their unfavourable environment; but after it has become accustomed
influence,. they are thought to be ruining their eyes. Bright to such environments, the mental control and the eyesight
lights, artificial lights, dim lights, sudden fluctuations of light, are improved.
fine print, reading in moving vehicles, reading lying down,
etc., have long been considered "bad for the eyes". These Why Eyes Fall to See
ideas are diametrically opposed to the truth. When the eyes
are properly used, vision under adverse conditions becomes It is a fact that glasses have greatly helped many persons
an actual benefit, because a greater degree of relaxation is re- who cannot see well at a distance or near, but this is also true
quired to see under such conditions than under more favour- that glasses have become an added torture to increase pain and
able ones. It is true that the conditions hi question may at first suffering and loss of sight in many cases. The fast deteriora-
cause discomfort, even to persons with normal vision; but a tion in eyesight and the development of some serious compli-
careful study of the facts has demonstrated that only persons cations are not prevented by the use of glasses, injections and
with imperfect sight can seriously suffer from them, and if pills. Therefore, the number of blind people goes on increasing
such persons practise central fixation, they quickly become in spite of all possible medical aid.
accustomed to them and derive great benefit from them.
Hence persons of defective eyesight ought to be educated to WHY IS THIS SO? It is because the whole conception
use the eyes properly with ge1,1tle blinking under adverse con- about the causes of errors of refraction is based on fallacies.
ditions for a greater benefit. When the sight .begins to deteriorate, there must be some
1. Expose the eyes to the morning sun for a few minutes cause for it. And the cause is always an effort to see or strain.
daily to make the eyes strong. Glasses neutralize the effect but don't relieve the cause of
2. Go to the movies to accustom yourself to sudden fluctua- trouble. So in some cases the cause continues increasing much
tions of light. This will prove very useful. by the use of glasses, hence the sight fails and some serious
3· Reading in a bright light and dim light alternately, or complications arise.
going from a dark room to a well lighted room, and vice versa Almost all these cases of threatened blindness can be greatly
are very beneficial. benefited by eye education and mental relaxation. If the
4· Reading Fine Print daily is extremely beneficial. children and adults are taught about the proper use of eyes

and relaxation, most of the defects of eyesight will fade away taught to remember black properly with the eyes closed and
in a natural way. covered, and with a little more training anyone can learn to do
it with the eyes open. When one is suffering extreme pain,
Relief of Pain however, the control of the memory may be difficult and the
assistance of someone who understands the method may be
When black is remembered perfectly, ~elief of pain always necessary.
results. The skin may be pricked with a sharp instrument The following case-reports have been written by the students
without causing discomfort. The lobe of the ear may be of Dr. Agarwal.
pinched between the nails of the thumb and first ' finger, and
no pain will be felt. At the same time the sense of touch 1. Squint and its Cure
becomes more acute, the sense of taste, smell and hearing are
also improved while the efficiency of the mind is increased. Sometimes children suffer much due to the wrong education
The ability to distinguish different temperatures is increased received from parents or teachers who have some supers-
but one does not suffer from heat or cold. titions and thrust them upon the children under their
A student was suffering from severe pain in the head and the influence.
eyes for many days. When he could palm and remember black When Jacqueline, a lady from Germany, was young, her
he was completely relieved of pain. father forced her to sit erect without any movement of the head
In many cases of glaucoma not only the pain, but the tension or eyes while reading. She was told to keep the book at about
which is often associated with the pain, has been completely 16 or 18 inches from the eyes as reading at a nearer distance
relieved by palming. was considered harmful. And she was advised not to read in dim
A boy suffering from deafness began to hear well by the light so that the eyes might not be spoiled. The result of these
memory of black. instructions is that she has suffered much. Her eyes have lost
Why the memory of black should have such a good effect their symmetry and don't focus harinoniously. She gets double
cannot be fully explained, but it is evident that the body must vision when she reads and when she tries to look to the side
be less susceptible to disturbances of all kinds when the mind she gets a shooting pain and a severe headache. Her memory
is under control, and when the mind is under control black is so much affected that it takes her a long time to remember
can be remembered perfectly. That pain can be produced in any anything; so she has to read the same thing many a time and
part of the body by the action of the mind is not a new obser- yet she is not sure that she has learnt it.
vation; and if the mind can produce pain, it is not surprising She consulted several eye specialists in Germany. All of
that it should also be able to relieve pain and the conditions them were of the opinion that the muscle of the left eye was
which produce it. weak; they could not help her in any way to relieve her eye
With a little training, anyone with good eyesight can be troubles and her squint an~ she was thought a hopeless case.

Destiny fortunately brought her to India to v1s1t Sri doctors had concluded that the muscle of her left eye was too
Aurobindo Ashram. Her neighbour at Pare, Mr. Ram Agarwal, weak; but they could not help her in any way.
casually told her about Dr. Agarwal at the School for Perfect Mter her examination, Dr. Agarwal made a treatment chart
Eyesight where his treatment was going on. Mr. Ram has for her. She was then taught to discard all her old straining
come all the way from Bombay for his treatment and hearing habits. She was also taught to blink and use the eyes properly
all his story of threatened blindness she became curious to while reading and writing. Mter this she was taken to the
visit the School for Perfect Eyesight. window for sun treatment, followed by eyewash and palming. ·
On the 30th July 1970 Jacqueline came here for consulta- This gave her relaxation. l'hen she was told to do long swing
tion. Though she was a "hopeless case" Dr. Agarwal never before bars and to read fine print in candle-light and good
gave up hope and listened to her patiently. In a few minutes' light alternately. This stimulated her eyes. Next was a game
talk he grasped all her troubles and assured her that she would of ball; i.e., throwing _the ball from one palm to the other
be all right within a few days. keeping the sight on the ball and blinking each time the ball
She was then examined with the Ophthalmoscope and Reti- was thrown; head and eyes should move together. This .was
. noscope in the dark room. She was found absolutely normal. the last exercise in her treatment chart.
The perception of colour w~ also normal; even the field of The objective of this treatment was to relieve ~er of strain
vision was normal. She was then told to sit and read; she said and strain only. First, if the strain could be removed, then
that while moving the sight on the printed lines she got double only could she be benefited. To achieve this we gave her
vision by the time she reached the other end of the line. This exercises of relaxatiotl-.
was followed by shooting pain and headache. This was because She practised this treatment for a ~eek or so and the result
in her earlier life she was taught to keep her face straight as if is that she has improved greatly. She no more experiences
placed on the face-rest which was devised by a German doctor. shooting pain in her eyes. Her squint has completely dis-
These instructions made her unable to blink and shift the sight appeared. While reading there .is no more double vision. She
along with the head. This resulted in the development of blinks often now and thus relaxes her eyes continually. Her
strain and squint. The strain had led to all the discomforts expression of the eyes and face appears very. beautiful and her
which she was suffering. menlory too has improved.
Even the look in her eyes clearly showed that while seeing
she strained. The expression of her left eye was at times z. Night Blindness which Came of Fear
completely blank. When she looked to her right or left, keep-
ing her head stationary, one could easily see the squint in her Up till 2 years ago Srimati Sahu lived the normal life of a
eyes. While looking over her right shoulder the eye-ball of the happy housewife with her 5 children. Then one of those
left eye did not turn completely to the nasal side; similar was unfortunate events that come to some people came in the form
the case with her right eye though a little less. The German of dacoits (robbers), who attacked both her and her husband


at their home in Orissa. daytime vision slowly improved, so that after 2 months the
For the next 6 months she was unable to sleep at night, due chart could be read right through. However, the night blind-
to the thought that one night these people might return. ness still manifested itself with the onset of twilight.
Much as one is unable to sleep with a dripping tap, when one Realizing that a longer course of treatment under the direct
is constantly waiting for the next drip. supervision of Dr. Agarwal might bring more rapid and fur-
To pass away the long night hours Srimati Sahu took to their relief, another visit was payed to Pondicherry for the
reading. But so much reading under adverse conditions in April Darshan, after which she could stay for one month's
time began to tell on her, and increasing difficulty in discerning treatment.
the letters of the print was experienced. The condition dete- On testing her sight in ordinary daylight conditions we found
riorated further and further until it was impossible to read that she could see and read quite well. However, on being
even in daytime, and at night time complete blindness mani- taken into a dimly lit room there was no perception of things
fested itself after 5.30 p.m. To snatch a little bit of sleep the around her, even people standing in the room were not seen.
security of many people around her was needed, but these By examining the internal parts of the eye with an optical
were sorry times for the family. instrument one could see nothing organically wrong, and as
Relief was sought through the normal hospital methods. this showed that there must be a psychological cause the
A well-known eye specialist at Cuttack gave a 4 month course doctor said that some help could be given. Only time would
of orthodox medical treatment. As no relief was obtained it show the extent of any improvement.
seemed pointless to continue with the treatment. Another eye A course of treatment was duly begun, starting with sun
specialist of Cuttack was consulted, and a further treatment treatment, when Srimati Sahu sat facing the morning sun
of 4 months undertaken, but with similar results. with closed eyes gently swaying from side to side, so that the
At the beginning of 1970 an unseen light began to bum in healing rays of the sun came through the eyelids, and entered
the form ·of a suggestion from a friend, who said that they the eye-ball to stimulate the blood vess~is of the eye. This
should go to have the Mother's February Darshan. was followed by palming to relax the mind, long swing to relax
Bags were packed for the long trip to Pondicherry. During the body nerves and muscles, concentration on a candle flame,
their stay the light burnt a little brighter when some ne playing with a ball to eliminate habits of stari~g. At the end
suggested to them that the School fot Perfect Eyesight might she sat in a comfortable chair for one hour with ginger pads
be able to help her. At the School they found out that for any over the eyes to give the eyes a complete rest and allow them
permanent relief a one-month's course of treatment would be to rejuvenate.
needed, but, as duties at home prevented this, medicine and a After one week of this treatment there was a marked improve-
chart were taken home for home treatment. ment, as she was now sleeping for 7 to 8 hours. In daytime
At home Srimati Sahu was unable to read even the largest when taken into a dimly lit room people around her could be
letter of the chart, but with persistence of the treatment her seen, and the small letters on the chart could be read. Also

it was possible to walk along the street during twilight hours, still "continued to improve. Three weeks after commencing
but, there always was a but, with the fall of night there was the vision was in such a good state that it was possible to go to
also a fall into night blindness once again. the cinema, after which she could walk back to the guest house
This may sound strange to you, and equally it was strange along the dark streets.
to us, that she could see in a dim room during daytime, arid The light which had first been lit by the friend's suggestion
yet could not see in a well illuminated room at night time. 5 months ago was now buining with a steady flame. And
To find out the root cause of how this could be, Dr. Agarwal Srimati Sahu was able to return to her family to lead a normal
invited her and her husband to his room so that he could happy life.
observe her actions during evening hours. In early August, 2 months after having finished our treat-
Arriving at the Doctor's house at 6.15 p.m. she could still see ment we received a letter from Orissa. Srimati Sahu was still
quite normally and even walked through the dim passage-way well arid happy, there being no relapse into the troubles of
and up the stairs without any difficulty. The Doctor imme- bygone days.
diately put her to work preparing a fruit salad and doing other This case very pointedly shows that the orthodox method of
odd jobs. tablets, injections, glasses, etc., is not always the answer to
At 7 p.m. when it was dark outside and we were relying psychological problems. But rather one may show outstanding
completely on the electric light, my curiosity began to increase improvement when following natural means of treatment.
and I asked the husband, "But you have said she is unable to
see in such light." He was also now aroused, and fired ques- 3· A Case of Glaucoma
tions at her. "Can you see the milk?" he asked. Srimati
Sahu began to stare to see if she could see things. The eyes and the mind are closely associated. The strain
Once again she was under a strain with the result that the of one affects the other.. And if the mind is under a strain due
vision begai1 to fail. In less than 5 minutes we could s~e that to some physical discomfort and at that time if one makes an
the night blindness was manifested once again as she now felt effort to read or strain to see distant objects there is usually a
her way around the room. When they left the Doctor's house rapid fall in one's eyesight. The following case is a good illus-
later in the evening she bad to be led down the stairs and tration of this fact.
along the street. A case of threatened blindness, a scientist working in
The Doctor was now able to conclude that what brought Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneshwar, . had been
the blindness on was the firing of questions at her, and. so suffering from eye-trouble since February 70. He lost
instructed the husband and everyone else that this was not to much of his vision because he strained to see distant objects
be done in future. Rather she should be given something to under unfavourable conditions diagnosed as Gastritis. Further
do to occupy her mind, thus stopping any tendency to stare. when he was exanlined in Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Doctors
Under the one month course of treatment her night vision declared the that patient was suffering from low tension glau-

coma and was given 200 tablets and 36 injections but all in the conditions which had led to a distortion and imperfection
vain. Moreover, they did not give any definite hope of im- of images began to subside. In fact, mental relax~tion is the
provement by means of medicines or operation. key to curing most of the eye troubles.
He was then examined by us thoroughly. He had been The exercises of mental relaxation proved marvellously
using glasses for I2 years but for last few months even with successful. The improvement in his case is indisputable.
glasses the distant vision was blurred and the near vision begin- Symptoms of colour blindness and night blindness have al-
ning to fail. His vision was recorded IO/ Ioo without or with most faded and he can see flrlrly well at a distance. He feels
glasses, he developed colour blindness and night blindness. comfortable in moving about at night without glasses. He is
Also frequent reading was followed by shooting pain. Tension no more afraid of the threatened blindness. He enjoys nature
was normal when examined with two fingers. . and its beauty like a normal person.
Other interesting observations about him were: he took a Along with the improvement in his eyesight there has been
long time for accommodation to see at near point as well as also some remarkable improvement in his general physical
for distance. It took him more than a minute or two to read condition. His trouble of Gastritis has subsided. He feels
the big print. Lines of smaller print seemed to him like thick free from suffering, worry and anxiety. His ability to do things
black lines. Print which was not clear from a normal distance, has greatly increased. The patient takes a lot of interest in
usually caused pain when brought nearer for reading. The doing the exercises of Eye Education and Mental Relaxa-
colour, size, and form of the letters or objects regarded altered tion in the calm atmosphere of the School for Perfect Eye-
greatly for him. sight.
It is important to note this fact clearly that the vision is a
process of mental interpretation. The picture which the mind 4· A Case of High Compound Myopia
sees is not the impression on the retina but the mental inter-
pretation or the imagination of it. When the vision is imper- The fast increase in the power of glasses and the develop-
fect, the interpretation or the imagination also becomes imper- ment of some serious complications in some myopic patients
fect and the mind adds imperfections to the imperfect retinal leads them towards blindness and all the methods of treatment
images. with the orthodox medical practitioners fail to prevent this
On this basis the treatment of the patient began. It was deterioration. In this state of utter hopelessness, with his sight
firstly based on swinging and correction of the position of rapidly getting worse, Ram heard about Dr. Agarwal through
the lids, after the usual exercises of Sun treatment and Palm- a friend who is a regular reader of Mother India, a monthly
ing. He was taught to develop control over his imagination or journal of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, in which articles on
the power of interpretation by the various exercises of central eye education, written by Dr. Agarwal are regularly appear-
fixation, memory and imagination. As soon as the patient learnt ing. The unusualness of his methods and the wonderful cures
to relax the mind and imagine something according to reality achieved, were a promise to Ram and he came all the way from

Bombay to undergo a course of treatment at the School for convenient. The gloomy future due to threatened blindness
Perfect Eyesight. ' vanished from his mind for ever. It is hoped that Ram will
His was a case of high compound myopia coupled with alter- be able to go about his work once again with relaxed eyes and
nate divergent squint. In spite of the correction with glasses mind. After a short treatment he expressed his experience in
the vision was poor and his squint still persisted. He was using the following letter:
glasses of -13 with a cylinder of -3. When he was five years
old, he had started using glasses of -1. From then onwards "Prior to the treatment at the School for Perfect Eyesight
the power had increased until it had reached the present I visualised a very dark future as my eyesight then deteriorated
number. gradually. But now after I have started the School's treatment
Reading with these glasses caused such a great strain that I feel that there is hope for me and that I have all possibilities
he had to discontinue his studies, a few weeks before the. exams. of improvement. My heart is now full of hope and I anxiously
The tension of preparing for the test had increased his eye look forward to the bright future.
strain to an unbearable extent and he was facing a gloomy There has been a gradual improvement. All the headaches
future. This mental strain and eye strain is the cause of such and the strain in the eyes have disappeared. My sight too
a fast deterioration in eyesight. shows a steady progress. This is indicated by the fact that
Out in the bright sunlight Ram experienced splitting head- previously I could see the top letter C at only 5 ft. without my
aches. He just could not venture out without very dark sun glasses, but today I noticed that the same letter is now visible
glasses. When he looked up at heights he would go tempora- from 16 ft."
rily blind due to appearance of a dark cloud. Often floating
specks also appeared before his eyes. Observations showed S· A Story from the Clinic
that he found reading without glasses more comfortable.
Dr. Agarwal examined his eyes in the dark-room with the Raju was a bright and intelligent lad, always topping the
ophthalmoscope and found the condition of the retina in an class. The final exams were a l;llOnth ahead. Raju was hoping
unhealthy state but had some hope of improvement as the to get a first class and was studying hard for it.
patient had flashes of improved Vision at times. All went well until a week before the test. Raju began to
The treatment chart included blinking education, sun treat- have splitting headaches. He just could not concentrate. An
ment, palming, swinging and central fixation and reading fine hour's study would make his head and eyes pain. If one hour
print in good light . and candle light. His diet was modified was so unbearable, what about the hours of study that lay
to include more greens and fruits. At times an enema was ahead.
also given to relieve him from gas trouble. His aunt, who was on a visit with his people, heard about
After about a fortnight Ram expressed a cheerful outlook, poor Raju from his parents. She smiled and said she would
he was moving about without glasses, his reading became quite put things right. Now this wise lady had been following Dr.

Bates' system of eye care, and has maintained her sight in a A: The existence of God cannot be known by discussions,
perfect state. it can be known only by realisation. One can speak as much
She stepped into Raju's study to find her nephew swallow- in favour as against.
ing his third aspirin. She walked up to his desk. The dazzling
light of the high power table lamp fell on the open pages of a Q: What is perfection?
book. A: Do you lose your temper sometime or get depressed?
"Cause One of your headache," she said. "This light "Yes."
creates a glare which hurts your eyes. Switch off the light and It means loss of mental control, an imperfection. Perfect
read in the soft light of a candle." Her nephew did so. mental control under all conditions of life is an aspect of perfec-
"Cause Two of your discomfort," went on the aunt, "Are tion. Such a perfection is possible by Integral Yoga, by the
you an old man that you should hold your book at such a dis- realisation of God in oneself and in others.
tance? Hold it closer and your eyes will not tire.
"Cause Three. You do not rest your eyes. Blink at the end Q: Why did you leave your practice and settle here in the
of each line and you can study with ease for longer hours. Ashram?
"As a parting gift, here is a book of Fine Print which you A: Such was the call in me and this has greatly benefited
should read once every day to keep your sight in perfect order myself as well as my sons.
till a ripe old age. Now goodbye and the best of luck!"
The exams were over and the results were out. It was a Q: Is it really true that defective eyesight can be improved
proud Raju who bagged the first prize. "It's all thanks to without glasses?
aunty and her instructions", smiled the happy boy. A: Almost all the Ophthalmologists of the world believe that
there is neither prevention nor cure for the errors of refraction.
Optician and the Doctor Don't you believe then that Ophthalmic Science is yet in a very
imperfect stage?
Q: What is God? "Yes".
A: God is Perfection. Dr. W. H. Bates of America realised this very early in his
practice; so through a series of experiments and observations
Q: Dr. J. does not believe in God. he found the fallacies of the orthodox practitioners and proved
A: But he believes in perfection of man and his conception by experiments and clinical treatment that defective eyesight
is quite right within his own spheres. Everyone has a different could be improved without glasses by eye education and mental
conception of God so long as he does not realise Him in himself. relaxation.

Q: We had a long discussion about the existence of God. Q: My wife suffers from a severe headache after driving. Eye

Specialists find no fault with her general condition. It is time that some doctors should carefully study Dr.
A: Yet there is some fault other.vise why should she suffer? Bates' works and repeat his experiments if necessary. If one
discards his works without proper study, then surely the person
Q: Can you cure her ? is not a true scientist, he is like a religionist who believes in
A: Yes, in three days. particular dogmas.

Q: Can you show me some cases who been benefited by Q: One more question: can God be seen?
your methods of eye education ? A: Yes, but not with these external eyes; for that, one has
A: Here are cases of myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia to develop the inner eye or the divine eye.
and early cataract. You may talk to them and satisfy yourself.
The Divine Eye
Q: Yes, I am convinced. Is there any book on this subject?
A: Here are Mind and Vision, Better Sight, Care of Eyes. Q: What do you mean by the divine eye or divine vision?
Would you like to put these books in your optical shop. A: You see so many things in the world. How?
"No, Doctor; this will go against our profession, but I will
"By these external eyes."
bring my wife for treatment." And in dream also you see so many things, how?
Q: You recommend fine print reading, but will it not cause "Don't know."
strain? Through the mental eye. But God's Shakti is hidden in
A: Dr. Bates has made many remarkable discoveries relative everything, in stone, in plant, in animal, in man; this Shakti
to the prevention and cure of imperfect sight without the aid is visible through the divine eye. When the divine eye is deve-
of glasses. The most remarkable discovery is this: loped, the consciousness of man is changed.
Fine Print is a Benefit to the Eye. Large Print is a "Where is the seat of the divine eye?"
Menace. Between the eyebrows.
Fine print cannot be read well unless the eyes are relaxed.
Reading fine print in good light and in candle light alternately Q: Can the system of eye education help the development of
is extremely beneficial to prevent and cure all sorts of eye the divine eye or inner eye?
defects. Any one can test this truth and fact. A: Bye education means mental relaxation. When the mind
is at rest and has relaxation, then it is easy for the higher forces
Q: What is the aim of this School for Perfect Eyesight? to descend so as to develop the inner eye.
A: It trains people how to get rid of eye troubles.- It will
create doctors of new thought and new knowledge to help the Q: What relaxation exercises will be most helpful?
suffering humanity. A: Some patients have reported that while doing palming

and concentration on candle flame they had experiences of the Love for Him,
descent of Peace and Light and Joy and Force. Desire nothing,
Yoga it is.
Q: Normal vision means perfect relaxation of the mind and
The King does Yoga. He surrenders to his Guru. He concen-
eyes. Do you mean then that every person with the normal eye
trates in his heart. There he sees fire. In the heart's fire the
can develop the divine eye?
old physical consciousness is dissolved. The soul is born. Her
A: If there is a sincere aspiration for the Divine.
name is Savitri.
The consciousness of the King has changed. He experiences
Q: What do you mean by a change of consciousness which comes the presence of the Divine Mother in his heart and feels her
by the development of the divine eye ? Shakti in his works. He gets inspirations. He is full of love
A: I answer this question through a dialogue: and feels one with others. His aim of life is to bring a change
in the consciousness of the world. He sings a song in joy and
King Aswapathy and Rajguru Ananda:

Mother Divine,
King: What is a change of consciousness?
Sun of the Heaven,
Rajguru: 0 King, develop the divine eye so as to become
Sea of Ananda,
conscious of thy soul and God. You will see His presence in
I pray to Thee.
evei?'one, you will feel one with others. Ego will fade away.
King: How to develop the divine eye?
Mother Divine,
Rajguru: By Yoga.
Love of my heart,
King: What is Yoga?
Beauty of my eyes,
I offer to Thee.

United with Him, Mother Divine,

Divine within, Force of the life,
Yoga it is. Light of the mind,
I work for Thee.
Surrender to Him,
Work for Him, Savitri, the soul of King Aswapathy, is on the mountain of
Yoga it is. Truth, she meets a Sannyasi:

Sannyasi: 0 Virgin, where are you going? SYNTHESIS

Savitri: I go to meet the Supreme. One day I will return
with His Shakti and change the world. Our aim is to create new type of doctors to relieve the
Sannyasi: This is impossible. This ignorant world cannot sufferings of the humanity and to manifest health and happiness
be changed. Come with me to Nirvana. and perfect eyesight. They will be guided by their intuition
The Divine Sage Narad appears. Narayana, Narayana. and their knowledge will be based on the synthesis of all the
Narad: 0 Sannyasi, I have three mangoes, tell me their systemS of medicine.
condition. Along , with the evolution of man's intelligence, medicine
Sannyasi: This is quite unripe. has also evolved. At first the means of evolution were sense
This is about to be ripe. faculties and intuition and that discovery of medicine was called
This is perfectly ripe. Ayurveda or Indian Medicine. Then the intellect discovered·
Narad: All the three mangoes are of the same tree. The various diagnostic intruments, such as microscope, X'rays,
ripe mango was unripe at one time. Like the ripe mango the' Ophthalmqscope, etc., since the knowledge through sense
world will become ripe one day. It will be full of peace, joy perception was found insufficient .by the rational mind;
and Ananda. God's Shakti Supramental is working in it. this discovery of medicine was called Allopathy or Modem
The consciousness of the world will be changed. Medicine. Hahnemann obsel"Ved that the life-force was affec-
ted in sickness and he evolved Homeopathy. Bates noted that
the mind was under a great strain in most of the .eye troubles
How Does Savitri Bring a Change?
and physical ailments, and he developed relaxation methods.
Thus each system covers a part of the complex medicine and
Savitri is the soul, the divine flame in the heart, Savitri attempts to bring out its highest possibilities. A synthesis of
is the light in the inlnd, Savitri is the force of life, Savitri all of them largely conceived and applied will result in the
is the peace of the body. When Savitri grows up, she goes , integral system of medicine. But they are so disparate in their
to the Supreme: to bring His light, His Power, His Love tendencies that we do not easily find how we can arrive at
and Ananda. She meets Satyavan and surrenders to Him. their right union. An undiscriminating combination will
With his help she transforms the nature and the body. create confusion. The synthesis we propose must seize some
She manifests Beauty, Harmony, Love and Ananda and central principles common to all which 'will include and utilize
divine life. in the right place and proportion their particular prins:iples.
The source of life is' LIFE ENERGY which pervades in the
universe and descends from the Unknown summit. Its flow in
Note: Read this passage again and again with Central Fixation, the organ or organs of the body is. disturbed by ·strain due to
each word regarded appearing darker. any reason. In the case of visual defects the strain immediately


appears when there is an effort to see. The normal eye func- peace and healing force and his patient will be conscious of
tioning normally never makes an effort to see, it functions like him as a saviour.
other sense organs without any effort on its part. So when A lady patient aged thirty-five had developed insomnia and
there is an effort to see the nerves of the eye and mind are total nightblindness. The doctors of Orissa failed to give her
under strain. To relieve this strain a triune process is to be any relief. This patient was treated through the triune process
adopted. This process is based on three principles:~ and was completely cured in a month's time. A boy whose
1. Elimination:- Elimination of toxic matter and bad habits eyesight: had failed for distance and near gained no~al vision
and wrong use of the organ. in about two weeks' time. Almost all cases developmg defec-
2 . Stimulation:- Stimulation of the vitality of the organ by tive Vision or blindness can be greatly benefited by the integral
certain methods. system of medicine though Dr. Bates syste~ of relaxa~on
3· Relaxation of the mind and nerves by relaxation exercises. plays a very important part in the treatment. It 1s such a thmg
that should be taught to our students in the medical -institutions.
We will detail this triune process later on. It is a fact that The old rut ought to be replaced by the integral system of
every system of medicine has developed a part of this triune medicine.
process and a harmonious combination of all of them will
yield wonderful results to root out the sufferings of the hu- Perfection in Eyesight
manity and man will enjoy perfect eyesight. Hence to achieve
great success the integral knowledge of medicine is essential Our homage to Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother who
in its basic principles, but the proper sense of integration and have brought down the Supramental Power on the earth to
efficiency will develop in a physician more and more by the bring a change in the consciousness of man for the fipwering of
evolution of the Spirit in him. life. Due to the pressure of that Light man is now more open
This integral knowledge in Ophthalmic Science is being to accept new truths and ideas. There are some e~ighten_ed
taught to the students of the School for Perfect Eyesight, Sri doctors in the medical profession who are not sansfied W1th
Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry through a four year course. the old routine of treatment due to its detrimental effects and
This spiritualised doctor of the future will prove to be a feel the need to do some real good to humanity; to such per-
physician par excellence, integrating all the systems of medicine sons of goodwill the following points are exposed for consi-
harmoniously. In the diagnosis and treatment of patients he deration:
will be mainly guided by his intuition though he may also 1. It is a fact that glasses help many to relieve their discom-
make use of modem scientific instruments to express the forts of the head and eyes and enable people to see well at a
phenomena in scientific terms. His methods of treatment will distance and near, and their use in many cases is imperativ~.
be simple and harmless and will bring quick recovery, even in But this is also true that glasses do not check further deten-
many so-called hopeless cases. His very presence will radiate oration and the number of glasses goes on increasing. Often

g~ses become an added torture to increase the pain and suf- (d) By eye education and mental relaxation almost all cases
fenng and loss of eyesight. The problem of fast deterioration of defective vision can be cured partially or completely.
in eyesight and the increase of blind people amongst the educa- (e) Myopia cah be easily prevented in schools by reading
ted class has become quite serious in the present time in spite the Snellen Eye Testing Chart daily with gentle blinking and
of all possible medical aid and we shoqld feel ashamed for palming.
this helplessness. Why have the Ophthalmologists Failed to Prevent
2. Process of seeing is mostly done in the brain· our vision Visual Defects? It is because theories of about two hundred
is. mind's interpretation of the retinal images. -R~laxation of years back have been taken as facts and this has served to
mmd helps to see well while mental strain causes defective obscure the truth and to stop .further investigation. When
vision. The old writers on Ophthalmology did not consider visual defects cannot be prevented even, this .is an indication
that the mental strain could play an important part in the for- of some great imperfection in the science. However, in the
mation of e~ors of refraction and other diseases of the eye, light of truth the problem of loss of eyesight and increased
hence they Isolated the eye while determining the eause and blindness is simple and the solution is quite easy and practical.
treatment of visual defects and retinal disorders. This has led It has been proved in thousands of cases that errors of refrac-
to our failure. tion are easily preventable and curable by the methods of
3· The incurability of errors of refraction is based on the Relax and See and the cases of threatened blindness due to
theory that the eye changes its focus for vision at different glaucoma, optic atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, macular dege-
distances by altering the curvature of the lens. Dr. W. H. neration and retinitis etc., can be greatly benefited. Here I
Bates M.D., ~ Am~rican Scientist and Ophthalmologist, mention two cases as an illustration:
when found himself mcapable to prevent myopia and other Dr. R. K. Purl of Pondicherry Medical College states the
errors of refraction, felt that there must be something wrong in condition of his son. "My son, Rakesh, was complaining of
the ~resumption of this theory. So he performed many watering and fatigue in the eyes specially while reading. The
expenments to determine the facts about accommodation and doctor in charge of the eye department examined the boy un-
errors of refraction. He has made many remarkable der atropine and prescribed glasses of +x.s for the right eye
discoveries: and +2.5 for the left eye. By these glasses watering did not
(a) In accommodation the eye adjusts its focus like a camera stop and a sort of depression and irritation appeared in the
by a change in the length of the organ, and this alteration is temperament of the boy. Why such a thing happened
brought about by the action of external eye muscles called suddenly, we could not understand though the boy had impro-
Oblique muscles. ved his vision with glasses. We took the boy to the School for
(b) Myopia is not caused by reading but by a strain to see Perfect Eyesight. When the treatment started glasses were
distant objects. Strain at the near point causes hypermetropia. discarded. This itself greatly relieved the boy and he felt
(c) Reading fine print is extremely beneficial to the eyes. very happy. At the end of the treatment his sight was again



tested and it was a surprise to us that the boy was having nor- \ versity, then the Indian Ophthalmologists will. have ~ ~­
mal sight both for distance and near and all his watering and \ portant and honourable place in the world, the1r serv1ce w1ll
strain vanished in three days and we found his temperament be highly appreciated. . .
also changed for good." We aim to create a new type of doctor who will brmg per-
Another remarkable case of an American girl scholar wearing fection in eyesight. His knowledge will be based on the s"Y?-
glasses of -7.0 who learnt the art of seeing and gained almost thesis. He will be more concerned with the health than w1th
normal sight in a few days. As she puts it: "I can now read the pathology. To achieve this aim the School provides a
almost the whole chart without the lenses. I can also read a course in Ophthalmic Science.
book at one foot distance, which was not possible before."
Hints for the Prevention and Cure of Visual Defects:
1. Some ophthalmologists of goodwill may be appointed
by the Government to repeat the experiments of Dr. Bates.
For practical study they may be sent to the School for Perfect
2. When truth is discovered scientifically, it ought to be
introduced in the medical curriculum of medical colleges.
3· For successful working it will be necessary to establish
an International Institute of Ophthalmology where the teach-
ing should be based on the synthesis of all the systems of
medicine. Such a synthesis I have already explained in my
books. A diploma Course of 4 years in Ophthalmic Science
may be introduced in this institution. Students, joining this
institution need not go to complete M.B., B.S. For medical
graduates one year training will be sufficient. Students
qualifying from this institution will prove very successful in
life to relieve the sufferings of humanity.
4· The scheme to prevent visual defects may be soon started
in the schools.
5· Public may be educated about the simple methods of
Relax and See through books, pamphlets, periodicals and
If the work is sincerely adopted without prejudice and per-
I \

CHAPTER XII \ ated- so you can start your work there in October.
Self: You have given me your Blessings to start the Eye-hospit~l
(This is the opening instalment of Dr. R. S. Agarwal's at Delhi. Sometimes I get dejected owing to my poor financtal
questions and Sri Aurobindo's answers. Dr. Agarwal made condition · but at once you appear before me and, changing into
his first pilgrimage to Pondicherry on July 2, 1934. While Lord Krishna, you say, "Why do you fear about anything? I ha~e
in the Ashram he used to visit a Maharaja, a non-Ashramite, already arranged everything for you. Simply proceed a~ begt~
who was an exile from the then British India. In the the work there. It is I who am to take care and not you. Is thts
Maharaja's company he found his mind turning hostile to really an inner voice or an imagination?
the Mother. So he wanted to run away from the Ashram SRI AUROBINDO: No, it is not an imagination.
after a few days. His inner struggle was reaching a climax 8-7-1934
when he met an old sadhika, Gopiben, who tried to help_ him
see the Ashram life correctly. One day, after a talk with her, Self: The Mother might be using glasses for reading. Would
he returned to his room, fell asleep and felt a powerful light
she like to try my treatment? .
penetrating his chest. This was the beginning of a series of SRI AUROBINDO: The Mother has seen that these methods
spiritual experiences and marked a revolution in his life. All
are perfectly effective, but she cannot follow a treatment
the correspondence we are publishing was carried on during because she has no time. Her sight is variable: when she can
his short visits to the Ashram. Dr. Agarwal has been a per-
rest and concentrate a little and d() wha~ is necessary, she can
manent resident of the Ashram since 1955 and runs there
read without glasses.
the School for Perfect Eyesight. Mother India.)

On Eyesight without Glasses

Self: I propose three names to the Mother to select from for
Self: At present I have my eye-clinic at Bulandshar. I go to my Delhi hospital.
Delhi to work twice a week. I now find that there is a better field (1) Eye sanatorium
at Delhi for my profession. So I propose to move wholly over to (2) Dr. Agarwal's Eye Institute
Delhi in the month of October. But first I must know what you (3) Ram Eye Charitable Hospital.
think about it. I need your permission and protection above all. The Mother put a cross at the second proposal and wrote
For the shifting of the clinic to the capital is a matter of great below:
responsibility. "A name for Agarwal's institution"
SRI AUROBINDO: It seems to me that Delhi is clearly indi-


SRI AUROBINDO: Keep a complete trust and work. Yo~ were wrong in raising this question. But now I see the truth of that
have a sufficient openness in you in your work for the Power to side. Blinking automatically stops when one is deeply concentrated
act; but a complete faith and courage are needed. on an outer image. For one becomes almost blind to the external
Our blessings are with you. environment, I want to know if such non-blinking will cause strain
6-10-1934 and defective eyesight.
SRI AUROBINDO: It is partly true. But the Yogins who
SRI AUROBINDO: I am in receipt of two letters from you. practise trlifak put a force in the eyes which counteracts the
We are glad to hear that the opening ceremony (of the Delhi effects of the non-blinking.
hospital) passed off well. 6-4-1935
Certainly, if it is helpful for you to take students, then you
can do so. If the student from Patna comes, you can keep him Self: You wrote to me that you had kept me under your prot-
or anyone else who offers and seems to have capacity for the ection. Till recently I was unable to understand the working of the
work. protection. Now its action becomes visible in my ·hospital work.
Whatever difficulties occur, call down the help and force of I find that every patient is under its influence: it is especially
the Divine and go through. But keep in the midst of your work marked when his disease is serious or efficient treatment is not
a part of your mind turned towards them1 and open to receive offered to him by my assistantsj then it is just astonishing to
the force of the Mother. watch how the Mother makes the patient all right. When I am
28-1o-1934 much interested in a particular case, because of the complexities
of the symptoms, I invoke the Mother's help. I feel that her
Force does come down. What do you ·say about all this?
SRI AuROBINDO: We are glad to hear that the hospital work
SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it is true. That is quite the right
was successful in October. It is sure to expand, keeping the way.
Force behind you, and become more successful. That is the
condition of success always, faith, courage, openness to the
SRI AUROBINDO: We are very glad to learn of your success in
• IQ-11-1934 Nepal; it shall be a great help to you in your work. If they ask
you in May, you should certainly accept the offer • I trust that
Self: During my lectures, people ask me this question: "In now you are there the hospital work will pick up again and go
Yoga, while concentrating on a picture or idol one should not blink. on with more activity and success.
Why then do you advise us to blink always?" I used to think they Keep yourself open by steady sadhana, bhakti and self-
offering. Our blessings and protection are with you.
Uncertain reading (Editor.) 31-12-1935

About Sadhana tration or for awakening of the inner consciousness and vision.
You seem to have gone by this gazing into a kind of surface
Q: When in Pondicherry I feel your presence most of the time. (r.ot deep) trance, which is indeed one of its first results and
But when I am on ttry way back to Delhi, even on reaching Madras begun to see things probably on the vital plane. I do not know
it fades away. Why is that so? HO'{J) could I preserve it every- what were the "dteadful objects" you saw, but that dreadfulness
where. is the character of many things first seen on that plane, espe-
SR1 AUROBINDO: It is easier to feel the presence in the cially when crossing its threshold by such means. You should
atmosphere of the Ashram than outside it. But that is only an not employ them, I think, for they are quite unnecessary and,
initial difficulty which one can overcome by a steadiness in the besides, they may lead to a passive concentration in which c·:le
call and a constant opening of oneself to the influence. is open to all sorts of things and cannot choose the right ones.

Q: A gentleman from Kashmir was staying in a hotel at Madras. Q: On the 4th August, at Madras, I felt as if there was a wooden
He could read anything with the help of one of his fingers while his temple. The light was passing out thr9ugh its holes. When the
eyes were completely bandaged. I went to see him simply to gain door came in front of me, I saw Lord Krishna standing by the side
some knowledge for the treatment of the blind. He said, "All this is of a cow. Is that all from ·an inner vision?
due to improvement in the inner vision. If you want to improve SRI AuROBINDO: You say you felt- it was only an impres-
your inner vision, just try this: place a lighted candle in front and sion or you saw in a mental vision or other image? If the latter
gaze at the bright colour of the flame as long as you can. When it was the inner vision - if only l!- feeling, then the vision was
you feel any strain close the eyes and imagine as if it is quite dark deep within veiled by the mind and what you got was only an
before the eyes or imagine some interesting or pleasant object. impression of it thrown upon the mind.
This is better practised at bed-time."
I tried it for the first time at Bangalore just before going to bed. Q: On the 5th August, at Madras, while offering prayers I felt
Well, during the sleep some fearful object appeared before me. I myself sitting under the trees and offering prayers to Lord Krishna.
got frightened and remembered Lord Krishna. The object soon What does it mean? ·
vanished. After sometime anot]Jer came, and that too disappeared SRI AUROBINDO: It was a mental experience- you put
when I thought of Lord Krishna. Then I understood that all that yourself in contact with Krishna and it took that form in your
was due to my gazing on the flame. So I decided not to practise it mind.
or, if at all, only at Pondicherry.
Well, was that really due to the gazing at the flame? $hould Q: At about 5 p.m. yesterday I was taking some physical
I attempt it here ? exercise. In the course of it I experienced as if you were doing the
SRI AUROBINDO: This gazing on a flame or on a bright exercise for me! That happened only for a short while and yet
spot is the traditional means used by many Yogins for concen- seemed so delightful. But when I tried to keep up with that

imagination continuously, it vanished. I am at a loss to understand interview). The whole arrangement of her room was the same. At
what it meant. a distance from this room I noticed a temple of Goddess Durga in
SRI AUROBINDO: It was not an imagination, but an experi- which there appeared many lights before the feet of the Goddess.
ence. When such an experience occurs, the attempt to take These lights were sometimes four, sometimes one, sometimes many
hold of it mentally and continue it may on the contrary inter- in number. The single light was very very white, and in size bigger
rupt it. It is best to let it continue of itself- if it ceases, it than all the others.
is likely to recur. SRI AUROBINDO: The lights are the Mother's Powers- .
many in number. The white light is her own characteristic
Q: This morning while sitting on my terrace I was offering my power, that of the Divine Consciousness in its essence- the
prayers to God. All on a sudden I got into this vision: four are probably those of her four principal powers described
An earthen pot black in colour surged up before me. Flames in the book "The Mother."
were coming out of it. They went on increasing and with them What you see is a symbolic image of the Mother in the
some black things were coming out in large numbers. These things various actions of her Powers, one, fourfold and manifold,
assembled on a wall and seemed to be some beings. Then the
flames went on decreasing. The black things lessened. Later on all Q: I have egoistic desires and passions. I want them to be
the flames vanished and there remained no black things within removed totally from me. What should be done for that?
them. The final appearance of the flames was reddish golden SRI AuROBINDO: It is a matter of self-discipline and opening
yellow free from any impurity. Afterwards the pot burst into of the being to the Divine.
pieces and Lord Krishna and Radha appeared. The light seemed
to be very intense around them:
Q: I want to start every action of mine after knowing the Divine
My own explanation of the vision:
Will. But how to find out the Divine Will?
The earthen pot was my body. The black things the weaknesses
SRI AUROBINDO: It needs a quiet mind- in the quiet mind
and the hostile forces. The fire was the Divine's love. Lord Krishna
turned towards the Divine, the initiation comes of the Divine
represented the Divine and Radha the Mother.
Will and the right way to do it.
SRI AUROBINDO: Your explanation is fairly correct. But the
pot was not the body, it was the old physical consciousness,
and the flame was the flame of purification, Agni Pavaka. The Q: When in Pondicherry, I sometimes remember my children
reddish golden yellow colour indicates the flame of the Truth (residing in Delhi) and feel a little sorry. But I am soon awakened
in the physical. to the truth that there is nothing in the world to love except the
Divine. This struggle goes on. How to be relieved of it?
Q: After the above experience the vision changed. Now I was SRI AUROBINDO: It is as the love of the Divine grows that
talking with the Mother just as I had done yesterday (during nry the other things cease to trouble the mind.

Q: Today when I was taking my food I noticed for a moment 'ouc OJ a tJasReC .Rept zn a cupboard. Seeing the snake I got wry
that Lord Krishna was taking it with my spoon. I had a smile from frigluened, got up from the bed and went to my neighbour V enkat-
him and then the figure disappeared. raman. He at once came to my room. Then I read a book of the
SRI AUROBINDO: That is an experience sadhaks often teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. After a time, I went to sleep again,
have - that it is the Divine who is taking the meal. placing your photograph under my pillow. Then there was no
dreadful dream and I slept well.
Q: While sitting for meditation I see the figure of the Divine a! What was that nightmare due to? Kindly keep me under your
two different places. One on the forehead and 'the other somewhere protection so that such terrifying figures may not appear before me.
in the mind. It seems easier to hold the_image for sometime in the SRI AUROBINDO: it must have been merely because you
first than in the second place. talked of snakes - it created an impression in the mind which
SRI AUROBINDO: There is a centre of consciousness (chakra) came up from the subconscient in sleep. .Fear of things seen
in the forehead which is among other things the direct centre of in sleep or vision should be altogether dismissed - the attitude
inner vision - that is why it is easier to hold the image there. taken should be that the divine protectipn is with you and these
The other must be a mental image and can be held long only things cannot harm you.
if the mind is very still.
· Q: I kept the photos of the Mother and yourself in front of me
Q: Today during prayer-time I felt as zf there was a mountain and then began to meditate. Through them I prayed to you
beyond a sea. The saints were going to the mountain. They invited to grant me happiness while I was here, and also for soine experi-
me to join them. But I said, "I have been sent here (:nz the earth) ences as I could not have a~ry for a long time. Afterwards I felt the
by the Divine to perform certain duties; hence it is not the time for reflection ofyour photo in my heart. Later I felt as if there was no
me to accompany you." Then a vague image of Lord Krishna body except the head. In the place of my body there appeared a
appeared before me and approved of my statement. What does all house where Lord Krishna as a boy was playing on a flute, sitting
this indicate ? in a cradle, His mother and some other persons were moving the .
SRI AUROBINDO: It indicates probably that the possibility cradle forward and backward. I experienced happiness.
of a spiritual realisation (the mountain) beyond life (the sea) After the meditation I went to take my meal. On the way I felt
such as the Sanyasins seek was put before you. Your refusal the presence sometimes of yourself and sometimes of Lord Krishna.
saying that you had a work to do for the Divine in the world SRI AUROBINDO: All these are experiences attended by
and could not leave it and your answer was approved by the mental images. It is your aspiration that awakes these forms
Divine. and brings an answer in this kind of experiences which are
preparing your consciousness for a more lasting and profound
Q: Yesterday evening, an Ashramite and I had a talk about kind about which you yourself will not have any questioning-
snakes. The same night during my sleep I saw a big snake coming for they will be too vivid and real for that.


Your experience about the head and body would seem to true inner vision - this will help you to enter through it into
indicate that the natural centre for your sadhana is in the heart touch with the Divine; you have only to let it develop. Two
and not in the head. If it is so, it is in the heart-centre (not the other things have to develop - the feeling of the Divine
physical heart, but the cardiac centre in the middle of the chest) Presence and Power and inspiration behind your actions, and
that you must concentrate, for there will be the focus of your the inner contact with myself and with the Mother. Aspire
experiences. with faith and sincerity and these will come. I do not wish to
give any more precise instructions until I see what happens in
Q: X asks me to write you this for herself: ''I feel the Mother's you during your stay here - for although the path is common
presence in 77ry heart. I have not so much devotion that I can get to all, each man has his own way of following it.
an opportunity to see you. I pray for your blessings for the short-
comings of 77ry worldly life." Q: Last evening I had the vision that you were standing in front
SRI AUROBINDO: Convey to her our blessings. Devotion of me. I requested you, "Kindly take me to the Divine." You asked
and all else will develop if she makes the presence she feels the me to follow you; and then you escorted me to a mountain. We
centre of her life, referring and offering all to it. climbed on and on till we attained a very high peak where the
temple of Mother Durga was located. I bowed and got her blessings.
Q: During 77ry evening prayer your image surged up before me Afterwards we ascended farther on where Lord Krishna was.
and thus I talked with it: "I do not want anything except your Making 77ry pranams I received his blessings. Then I prayed to the
presence within me." Kindly explain. Lord, "Please grant me peace and wisdom." He replied, "''These
SRI AUROBINDO: It is something that took place in the mind things you can have from Sri Aurobindo." Later we returned
- it can hardly be called an experience. home.
SRI AUROBINDO: It is a mental vision, the images being
Q: Mother, I pray to you to arrange for Sri Aurobindo's supplied by the mind. ·The mountain ~ways represents the
Darshan once before I go from here. I understand it is against the ascending hill of existence with the Divine to be reached on the
rule. But I do feel that for a bhakta there is no rule. summit. In your vision you got the contact with the Divine
SRI AuROBINDO: I am afraid it is impossible. No separate and were told to seek peace and knowledge from me.
personal darshan can be given at this stage - it is not a rule, it
is a necessity for the work that Sri Aurobindo is doing. Q: Then I felt as if the Mother had been standing on the terrace
silently, with closed eyes, and all the sadhaks standing below. It
Q: I do not yet know if I am on the path of the true conscious- was evening.
ness. I pray to you for some directions that may take me easily to SRI AUROBINDO: That again is a mental vision. These
the Truth. mental visions are meant to bring in the mind the influence
SRI AUROBINDO: What has developed in you is a power of of the things they represent- here the effect of the Mother's

meditation and blessing in the evening. Some are formations of the mind- some are images that come
to the sight of themselves - some are images of real things that
show themselves and, indirectly, to the sight- others are true
Q: Is there atry probabt1ity of my encountering the hostile pictures not merely images.
forces ? If so, how to face them ?
SRI AUROBINDO: It is better not to trouble about the hostile Q: Last night I saw you and LordKrishna in my dreams, but I
forces. Keep your aspiration living llJld sincere and call in the forgot everything in the morning. When I woke up I was rather
Divine in each thing and each moment for support and all that wondering whether I was sleeping or awake and whether J was
you feel or need and keep yourself open to us. That is the meditating or seeing dreams ! What was really that state?
easiest way to the Divine. If you begin to concem yourself SRI AUROBiNDo: If I understand correctly what you write, it
with the hostile forces, you will only make the path difficult must be a state between the ordinary sleep and waking- but
and troublesome. possibly a state of inner wakefulness, such as one gets when
one goes inside in meditation.
Q: Today before taking my lunch I remembered you, but you
did not appear before me. That made me impatient. I saw the Q: How to concentrate on the heart-centre?
Mother in a vision. She spoke to me: "Do not be impatient, my SRI AUROBINDO: You can concentrate the consciousness
child, he will be coming just now." I waited for some more time. any where in any centre. You have only to think of yourself
But still you did not appear. That made me impatient all the more. as centrally there and try to fix and keep that. A strain or strong
I was on the point of weeping when the gracious Mother again effort to do so is not necessary, a quiet and steady dwelling on
consoled me. Soon a faint image of you rose up before me, and I the idea - after a time you will feel something there which you
began to take my food. What is this state? can recognise as consciousness steady and central and from
SRI AUROBlNDO: It is probably the growth of the need for there one can think, receive, originate action.
some kind of contact of which the image is the vehicle. Most people associate consciousness with the brain or head
because that is the centre for intellectual thought and mental
Q: While offering my evening prayers, again I saw different vision, but consciousness is not limited to that kind of thought
images but they were vague and faint. How then to develop these or vision, - it is everywhere in the system and there are several
images ? Are they real? centres of it. e.g., the centre for emotion is not in the brain
SRI AUROBINDO: Nothing has to be done to develop them. but in the heart - the originating centre of vital desire is
They develop of themselves by the growing practice of seeing. still lower down.
What was faint becomes clear, what was incomplete becomes The two main places where one can centre the consciousness
complete. for Yoga are in the head and in the heart- the mind centre
One cannot say in a general way that they are real or unreal. and the soul .centre.

Q: On the night of the 11th I meditated for some time before 16-9-1934
going to bed. I soon felt as if there was a very bright sun. Its rays SRI AUROBINDO: To keep the consciousness awake you must
were passing through my chest and falling on Sri Aurobindo's set apart a certain time every day for concentration and remem-
picture-image present in my heart-centre. Due to the rays the bering the Mother and keeping yourself in contact with us.
picture-image began to shine so much that the reflection was What is gained is not lost by interruption, but it goes behind
dazzling my eyes! I began to ask myself what this wa~. Soon and may take time to come out again - so the thread should
the idea came that I was having an experience. I got up, put on not be cut.
the light and, lest I should forget afterwards~ wrote down a short Your intuitions about the boy show that that faculty is awake
account. in you; but you did not go because, as events proved, it was
Now I want to ask you two questions. Was it really an ~ot necessary. The restlessness came from the vital; one
experience? Would it have developed further had I not got up should reject this reaction and act in perfect calm, keeping
abruptly to note it down? confidence in the Divine.
SRI AUROBINDO: The sun is the symbol of the concentrated What you heard from inside is partly true. That is to say,
light of Truth. The experience indicated that the light of Truth there was no harm in taking advantage of any help you could get
was entering into the heart centre and pressing for the change from the Maharaja; but there should be no eagerness; what-
of your experiences which are still in the mind to the deeper ever offers itself should be taken as coming from the Mother.
spiritual experience which can be not merely a preparation but Eagerness disturbs the working of the forces and often creates
the firm . foundation of your sadhana. obstacles.
It is possible that something more might have happened - at Our blessings and protection are with you always.
any rate an experience should be allowed its full time whether to
develop or have its full effect. It should not be interrupted Q: Sometimes I feel sleepy during meditation. Then the more I
except in case of necessity- or, of course, if it is not a good meditate the more strain I feel. Could you kindly show some
experience. means to avoid this sleep ?
SRI AUROBINDO: I do not ' think the sleep can be avoided
Q: Last evening I saw clear vzszons of Lord Krishna. This altogether. It will change by practice into a conscious inward
morning I saw Sri Aurobindo standing on a lotus. I talked and condition in which you see and experience inner things.
smiled to him. I also felt as if Lord Krishna was giving motion to
the Sudarshan Chakra. What does it all indicate? Q: What is the best time for meditation?
SRI AuROBINDO: These are the usual mental images. The SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on when one is most free.
chakta symbolises the action of Sri Krishna's force- the action
of the Divine in you is already beginning to be clear and strong, Q: When in the outside world, I have to face certain worries:
but realisation of the Divine behind it is still faint. hospital duties, the ideas of my patients, my family troubles.

How to keep free from these anxieties? SRI AUROBINDO: Whatever is needed for the individual
SRI AUROBINDO: That is very difficult at the beginning~ It sadhak and his progress.
is only by the concentration deepening until you get more and
more absorbed inside in some inner experience that these Q: During that time, what is the significance of her pressing the
things fall away. occiput of the sadhak?
SRI AUROBINDO: It is usually to get rid of any resistance or
Q: By this time you must have studied nry nature well. Would obstacle that there may be in the mind- such as habits of
you please give some directions to improve nry inner consciousness ? thought, preconceived ideas, wrong notions, mental ·obscurity,
SRI AUROBINDO: (1) Offer yourself more and more- all inertia, etc.
the consciousness, all that happens in it, all your work and
action. 6-5-1935
(2) If you have faults and weaknesses, hold them up before Q: Now I know the secret of the Pranam. When a sadhak bows
the Divine to be changed or abolished. down before the Mother, she sees in him the Mother-soul and prays
(3) Try to do what I told you, concehtrate in the heart till to her to give him love, faith or ~nything else according to the
you constantly feel the Presence there. meaning of the flower she gives to him. In this way a certain
power is developed in the sadhak unconsciously. Am I right in
6-IQ-1934 this understanding?
SRI AUROBINDO: The weeping that rises in your offering of SRI AUROBINDO: It is not quite like that. Mother puts the
prayers is a psychic movement and a form of bhakti and aspira- force into the sadhak and the power is felt by the sadhak some-
tion welling up from within. times consciously; but more often he receives it unconsciously.
Keep a complete trust and work. You have a sufficient The sooner or later development of it depends on his condition
openness in you in your work for the Power to act; but a and his response.
complete faith and courage are needed.
Our blessings are with you. SRI AUROBINDO: I had no time to write as the time about the
24th. and after was very busy. I have received your letters and
Q: During the Pranam ceremony the Mother meditates for a few am glad to s'ee that you are open to the Force and the work is
minutes on what does she meditate? proceeding well.
SRI AUROBINDO: Whatever is needed for the sadhana the The experiences you have had indicate contact with the
Mother concentrates to bring that down from the Divine. Mother Durga's force and reception of it. The red lig)::tt round
the heart is the light of that force.
Q: When the sadhak goes to her, looks at her and bows down to I think it would be better not to put the photo in the book -
her, what does she say to him in silence? let the book stand on its merit with the Force behind it.

The blessings of the Mother and mine are with you and Q: I was suffering from fever. In the night many fearful beings
yours. came before me though I was awake. I said to them, "I am under
the protection of Sri Aurobindo. SriKrishna's Sudershan Chakra
14-8-I934 will cut you in pieces." Then actually the Chakra appeared and
Q: This morning I was experiencing that Sri Aurobindo was was cutting them in pieces. At one time I saw afire on a mountain.
doing Yajna inside my body and the flames of the fire were very Later on I saw Mother Durga telling me that I was under
bright. What does # indicate? the protection of Sri Aurobindo. Then the Mother spoke to Sri
SRI AUROBINDO: It is an image of the Yoga, regarded as a Aurobindo, "I am much pleased with his bhakti, keep him under
sacrifice to the Divine. The fire is the fire of purification and your special care." Then I saw Mother Mahalaxmi and the heart
Tapasya. centre was shining and Sri Aurobindo was sitting there. What do
these visions indicate ?
Q: Sri Aurobindo was taking me towards hea·ven in a Viman SRI AUROBINDO: The. illness you had and the depressing
(like an aeroplane) along a zig-zag way. I felt myself as if divided suggestions and fearful shapes came as an adverse attack, the
into two Agarwals - one with Sri Aurobindo and the other other visions of the Powers of the Mother and the assurances
offering prayers below. First Sri Aurobindo took me to Lord you received were the answers that came through your psychic
Shiva and then to LordKrishna. Both of us bowed at the Lord's being calling the Divine. Whatever adverse things present
feet. The Lord enquired about me and Sri Aurobindo said, themselves you must meet them with courage and they will
"He is my Shishya (disciple)." disappear and the help come. Faith and courage are the true
SRI AUROBINDO: It is a mental formation trying to render attitude to keep in life and work always ap.d in the spiritual
some experience on the mental plane. The two Agarwals were experience also. It is the fire of aspiration and the fire of faith
two parts of your being. What was true experience was the and courage which you saw coming up from the mountain.
ascent of the consciousness towards higher regions of The mountain is the symbol of embodied consciousness based
consciousness. upon the earth but rising up ' towards the Divine.

Q: At the evening prayer time MotherDurga was standing and 25-4-1935

burning fire and it was all bright due to firelight. Then I saw a Q: I was sitting in a cart and busy in my prayers to the Divine.
bright light coming from above and shining on my heart like a torch Sri Aurobindo was taking the cart high up.
light. Then the heart became red and red light was inside. Its SRI AUROBINDO: The image of journeying always signifies a
shape was like a red glass-box. movement in life or a progress in sadhana.
SRI AUROBINDO: The experiences indicate contact with
the Mother Durga's force and reception of it. The red light 31-7-1936
round the heart is the light of that force. Q: A big light above my head and several other small lights were

shining in the head and the vertebral column but the source of all What is the significance of this Chakra?
of them was high above. Then I saw as if Sri Aurobindo was SRI AUROBINDO: A spiritual fire acting there.
handling a bright flame in my heart. When I was absorbed in my
meditation! was seeing some light around me. At one time a very Q: I was remembering the Divine Mother; soon a dark woman
bright light was descending and entering into my heart. Also I was wearing a hat appeared before me and said, "I am Mother". I
feeling some sweet fragrance. What do these lights indicate ? doubted and told her to go away. Then she disappeared.
SRI AUROBINDO: Lights or rays of light are always sign of SRI AUROBINDO: A power of darkness, I suppose such
the higher consciousness working in the being. powers often try to pass themselves as the Mother or as the
Divine or as one of the Godheads.
Q: I was going high up, at the top there was some light but not
very distinct. The tears were flowing. all the time. After the Q: I was seeing a silver swing on a lotus flower, on which the
meditation I found the head heavy. Divine Mother was sitting. A bright light appeared at the top of
SRI AUROBINDO: Some part of consciousness must have gone the silver and spread all around. ·
up above. SRI AuROBINDO: A lotus flower indicates the open Con-
Q: This morning during meditation I found myself sleeping.
Then suddenly a fire-place with charcoal appeared and the red 17-8-1936
bright fire was peeping through the charcoal. Q: Often I see in inner vision fire, lights, stars, light coming from
SRI AUROBINDO: It is a symbol of the condition in which the srm.Suddel#y a bright sun appeared and the rays entered the
there is the fire of aspiration below but there is tamas or dullness head and I felt great heaviness. What do these lights indicate?
on the surface. SRI AUROBINDO: Fire, lights, sun, moon are the usual
symbols and seen by most ·in the sadhana. They indicate
Q: While reading Bases of Yoga I felt as if someone from inside movement or action of inner forces -the sun means the inner
was reading the book. Was it the psychic being? truth.
SRI AUROBINDO: No- the inner mental being.
Q: Worldly thoughts were disturbing the meditation, so I
imagined a 'Chakra' (round disk) moving fast around my head and
preventing all thoughts entering into my head. Soon I found the
mind quite silent and in deep meditation and experienced an
intense light and the consciousness had a long upward journey.

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