Sponsorship Program
Sponsorship Program
Sponsorship Program
Sponsorship Rewards
Business Your company name and logo on our sponsorship page, with a short description of your company, which will link to your website. Your company name on a sponsorship plaque at the shelter. Your company name listed as a sponsor at fundraising events, if you agree. Individual Your name or dedication on our sponsorship web page. Your name or dedication on a sponsorship plaque at the shelter. Your name listed as a sponsor at fundraising events, if you agree. Business Your company name on our sponsorship web page. Your company name listed as a sponsor at fundraising events, if you agree. Individual Your name or dedication on our sponsorship web page. Your name listed as a sponsor at fundraising events, if you agree. Business or Individual Your name, company name, or dedication listed on our sponsorship web page. Your name, company name, or dedication listed on a virtual plaque on the web page of the pet of your choice. If the pet is adopted, you can move your sponsorship to another pet. Business or Individual Your name, company name, or dedication listed on our sponsorship web page.
You can choose to be a sponsor on a monthly or annual basis, beginning any month. All sponsorship levels are open to individuals and businesses. Any level of sponsorship can be made anonymously. *If you choose to be a sponsor on a monthly basis, the rewards begin after two consecutive months of support and end when support ends.