Writing Field Reports
Writing Field Reports
Writing Field Reports
a field report about the developmental stage of a child who has been
a field report about a work experience placement that forms part of the
university course
although the subject matter of all these kinds of field reports will vary
considerably, there are similarities in them as they require both
description of an observed person, place or event and an analysis of
what was observed.
your audience has not witnessed the situation, people or event you
are discussing; thus, their only knowledge of it will come from your
description. give them enough information to place the analysis that
will follow into a context. remember, do not make the mistake of
only including description.
what: describe what you are observing. note what boundaries you
imposed to limit the observations you made. what are your general
impressions of the situation you are observing; for example, as a
student teacher, what is your impression of the participation of the
class; as a student engineer, what is your impression of an
engineering installation; as a student nurse, what is your impression
of a medical procedure?
when: record factual data about day and time. it may also be
appropriate to include background information or events which impact
upon the situation you are observing.
who: note the participants in the situation. who are they in terms of
age, gender, ethnicity and any other variables relevant to your study.
record who is doing what and saying what.
you have provided the reader with a description of the situation, people or
events you observed. you also need to provide an evaluation what you
have observed and let the reader know how these events and
observations relate to theory, key concepts of your course or the broader
context of your discipline.
you should have kept in mind the theories and issues you encountered in
your course when making your observations. part of your task in analysis
is to determine which observations are worthy of comment and
evaluation, and which observations are more general in nature. it is your
theoretical framework that allows you to make these decisions. you need
to show that you are looking at the situation through the eyes of an
informed viewer, not a lay person.
appendix c contains the yoy shareholder account growth rates. the rates are
high. the increasing growth rate of accounts will significantly affect the
valuation of the company.
field reports usually do not have a specific format: you may choose
to have separate sections for the description and analysis parts of your
report or to have paragraphs that combine these two types of writing i.e.
an event is described and then its theoretical significance is analysed. how
you choose to format your report will be determined by the task that you
have been set, the observations that you make, the theoretical
perspective that is driving your analysis or your course’s particular