(Chow, Alex) Final Review - Table

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1 Alex Chow

Software App.
Pd. 7

Please- No Internet, No IPODS, No earphones

Review for Final Exam:

Recreate the following Chart: USE MS WORD

Please answer the questions below: Use Webopedia and Google to answer the
following Questions. Print and Hand in for Formative Assessment Grade.

1.) What is a LAN? A WAN? What is the difference?

 A computer network covering a small geographic area
 A computer network that covers a broad area
 LAN have higher data transfer rates, WAN have bigger geographic range, and
LAN lack a need for leased telecommunication lines
2.) List one computer input, output and storage device-
 Computer Input – mouse
 Computer Output – Printer
 Storage Device – Tape Drives
3.) What do the following terms mean?
a.) RAM - Random Access Memory
b.) ROM - Read-Only Memory
c.) CPU - Central Processing Unit
4.) What is a operating system? List at least 2 types of OS
 It is the most important program that runs on a computer.
 Monitor
2 Alex Chow
Software App.
Pd. 7
 Keyboard
5.) What is a virus program and why do you need to frequently update?
 It is a program that checks for viruses and destroy them. You should update them
frequently because some viruses could come and mess things up

6.) What is the difference between a client and a server on a network?

 Client is an application or system that accesses a remote service on another
computer system known as a server by way of a network. Server is an application,
or device that performs services for connected clients as part of a client - server

7.) Define hyperlink and what does the back button do?
 It is a reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the
same document or to another document that may be on a different website. The
back button is when you could back to a page you were previously.
8.) What is a search engine?
 It is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a
computer system.
9.) How do you verify information found on the Internet?
 Use different sites to find the same information
10.) In Windows what do the following commands do?

CTRL +X - Cut
CTRL+ C - Copy
CTRL + V - Paste

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