Lecture 9, Ch. 21

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Lecture #9 Date______

■ Chapter 21~
The Genetic Basis
of Development
From fertilized egg to
multicellular organism

■ Cell Division:
increase in cell number
■ Differentiation:
cells becoming
specialized in structure
and function
■ Morphogenesis;
physical processes
giving an organism
Morphogenesis: plants vs. animals
■ Animals:
■ movements of cells and tissues are
necessary for 3-D form of the
■ ongoing development in adults
restricted to differentiation of cells
continually replenished throughout
■ Plants:
■ morphogenesis and growth of overall
size occur throughout lifetime of
plant; apical meristems (perpetually
embryonic regions), responsible for
plant’s continual growth
Embryonic development

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Differential gene expression
■ Differences between cells come from
differences in gene expression (genes
turned on or off), not from differing
■ Evidence:
■ 1- Genomic equivalence: all the cells
of an organism have the same genes
■ 2- Totipotency: cells that can retain
the zygote’s potential to form all parts
of the mature organism (plant cells;
■ 3- Determination: restriction of
developmental potential causing the
possible fate of each cell to become
more limited as the embryo develops;
noted by the appearance of mRNA
■ Determination: as the embryo
develops the possible fate of
each cell becomes more limited
■ Differentiation: specialization of
cells dependent on the control of
gene expression
■ Induction: the ability of one
group of embryonic cells to
influence the development of
another; cytoplasmic
determinants that regulate gene
■ Homeotic genes: genes that
control the overall body plan of
animals by controlling the
developmental fate of groups of
Genetic cell death
■ Apoptosis programmed
cell death (“suicide genes”)
■ 1. Programmed cell death is as
needed for proper development as
mitosis is.
■ Ex: Reabsorption of the tadpole
tail; formation of the fingers and
toes of the fetus requires the
removal of the tissue between them;
sloughing off of the endometrium at
the start of menstruation; formation
of the proper connections
(synapses) between neurons in the
brain requires that surplus cells be
Apoptosis, Pt. II
■ 2. Programmed cell death is needed to destroy cells
that represent a threat to the integrity of the
■ Ex: Cells infected with viruses; waning cells of the
immune system; cells with DNA damage; cancer cells

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